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SOORYA NAMAASKAR MANTRA Dhyeyah Sadaasavitru Mandala Madhya Varti Naaraayanah Sarasijaasana Saniivishtah Keyuravaan Makara Kundala Vaan Keereeti Haree Hiranmaya Vapur Dhrita Shankha Chakrah Aaditasya Namaskaaraan Ye Kurvanti Dinedine Dirghamaayur Balam Veeryam Tejasteshaan Cha Jaayate Akaala Mrityu Haranam Sarva Vyaadhi Vinaashanam Soorya Padodakam Teertham Jathare Dhaarayamyham Hiranmayena Paatrena Satyasya Pihitam Mukham Tattwam Pooshan Apaavrunu Satya Dharmaya Dristaye Meaning I meditate always upon Narayana who is shining in the middle of the Sun along with Brahma; the creator and who is adorned with Keyur (ornaments of the upper arms), Makar Kundal (ornaments of the ear), a crown, garlands Shankha (conch), Chakra (discus) and who shines like pure gold. Those who do prostrations to the Sun every day, will be blessed with long life, strength, capacity and brilliance. The Tirtham (water) touched by the feet (rays) of the Sun protects from untimely death and destroys all kinds of diseases. I drink that Teetham. The face of the Truth is covered by a lid made of gold. Oh Pushan (Surya), remove that lid so that I may find out the Satya Dharma. Om Mitraaya Namah Salutions to the friend of all Om Ravaye Namah Salutions to the shining one Om Suryaaya Namah Salutions to the one who induces activity Om Bhaanave namah Salutions to the one who illuminates Om Khagaaya Namah Salutions to the one who moves quickly in the sky Om Pooshne Namah Salutions to the giver of strength Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namah Salutions to the Golden Cosmic Self Om Mareechaye Namah Salutions to the Lord of dawn Om Aadityaaya Namah Salutions to the son of Aditi Om Savitre Namah Salutions to the benevolent mother Om Arkaaya Namah Salutions to the one who is praiseworthy Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah Salutions to the who leads to enlightenment Om Shri Savitrasuryanaaraayanaaya Namah Salutions to the Sun god. xii

AAJ HIMAALAY KEE CHOTEE SE Aaj Himaalay Kee Chotee Se (Dhwaj Bhagawaa Laharaayegaa) x 2 Jaag Uthaa Hai Hindu Phir Se, Bhaarat Swarg Banaayegaa Is Jhande Kee Mahimaa Dekho, Rangat Ajab Niraalee Hai Is Par To Eeshvar Ne Daalee, Sooryoday Kee Laalee Hai Ye Agni Hai, Is Men Shatru, (Swaahaa Hee Hojaayegaa) x 2 …….Jaag Uthaa Is Jhande Ko Chandragupt Ne, Hindu Kush Par Laharaayaa Marhatto Ne Mughal Takht Ko, Choor Choor Kar Dikhalaayaa Mittee Men Mil Jaayegaa, (Jo Is Ko Akad Dikhaayegaa) x 2 …….Jaag Uthaa Is Jhande Kee Khaatir Dekho Praan Diye Raanee Jhaansee Ham Ko Bhee Ye Vrat Lenaa Hai, Sulee Ho Yaa Ho Phaansee Bachchaa Bachchaa Veer Banegaa, (Apnaa Rakt Bahaayegaa) x 2 …….Jaag Uthaa AAJ MANAAYEN RAKSHAA BANDHAN Aaj Manaayen Rakshaa Bandhan Ateet Se Nav Sphoortee Lekar Vartamaan Men Drudh Udyam Kar Bhavishya Men Drudh Nishthaa Rakh Kar Karma Sheel Ham Rahen Nirantar Balidaanon Kee Paramparaa Se Swaraajya Hai Yaha Paavan Jin Se Vandan Un Ko Krutagnyataa Se Dhyeya Bhhav Kaa Karen Jaagaran Swaarth Dwesh Ko Aaj Tyaag Kar Aham Bhaav Kaa Paash Kaat Kar Apanaa Sab Vyaktitva Bhulaa Kar Viraat Kaa Ham Karate Darshan Arun Ketu Ko Saakshee Rakh Kar Nishchay Vaanee Aaj Garaj Kar Shubh Kruti Kaa Yaha Mangal Avasar Nishthaa Man Men Rahe Chirantan 1


Dhyeyah Sadaasavitru Mandala Madhya Varti<br />

Naaraayanah Sarasijaasana Saniivishtah<br />

Keyuravaan Makara Kundala Vaan Keereeti<br />

Haree Hiranmaya Vapur Dhrita Shankha Chakrah<br />

Aaditasya Namaskaaraan Ye Kurvanti Dinedine<br />

Dirghamaayur Balam Veeryam Tejasteshaan Cha Jaayate<br />

Akaala Mrityu Haranam Sarva Vyaadhi Vinaashanam<br />

Soorya Padodakam Teertham Jathare Dhaarayamyham<br />

Hiranmayena Paatrena Satyasya Pihitam Mukham<br />

Tattwam Pooshan Apaavrunu Satya Dharmaya Dristaye<br />

Meaning<br />

I meditate always upon Narayana who is shining in the middle of the Sun along with<br />

Brahma; the creator and who is adorned with Keyur (ornaments of the upper arms),<br />

Makar Kundal (ornaments of the ear), a crown, garlands Shankha (conch), Chakra<br />

(discus) and who shines like pure gold.<br />

Those who do prostrations to the Sun every day, will be blessed with long life, strength,<br />

capacity and brilliance.<br />

The Tirtham (water) touched by the feet (rays) of the Sun protects from untimely death<br />

and destroys all kinds of diseases. I drink that Teetham.<br />

The face of the Truth is covered by a lid made of gold. Oh Pushan (Surya), remove that<br />

lid so that I may find out the Satya Dharma.<br />

Om Mitraaya Namah Salutions to the friend of all<br />

Om Ravaye Namah Salutions to the shining one<br />

Om Suryaaya Namah Salutions to the one who induces activity<br />

Om Bhaanave namah Salutions to the one who illuminates<br />

Om Khagaaya Namah Salutions to the one who moves quickly in the sky<br />

Om Pooshne Namah Salutions to the giver of strength<br />

Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namah Salutions to the Golden Cosmic Self<br />

Om Mareechaye Namah Salutions to the Lord of dawn<br />

Om Aadityaaya Namah Salutions to the son of Aditi<br />

Om Savitre Namah Salutions to the benevolent mother<br />

Om Arkaaya Namah Salutions to the one who is praiseworthy<br />

Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah Salutions to the who leads to enlightenment<br />

Om Shri Savitrasuryanaaraayanaaya Namah Salutions to the Sun god.<br />


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