zastosowania elektromagnetyzmu w nowoczesnych ... - PTZE

zastosowania elektromagnetyzmu w nowoczesnych ... - PTZE zastosowania elektromagnetyzmu w nowoczesnych ... - PTZE


20 XVIII Sympozjum PTZE, Zamość 2008 W przypadku ściany płaskiej w obu przypadkach pole rozproszone jest identyczne a w przypadku istnienia naroża występują istotne różnice. W obu przypadkach rozwiązanie równań Maxwella dla zespolonych amplitud pola rozproszenia poszukiwane są w postaci całek Fouriera: , Zakładając, że funkcje i są ciągłe na liniach x=0, y≥0 oraz x≥0 i y=0 oraz, że składowe styczne pola elektrycznego znikają na powierzchni metalowej, możemy obliczyć funkcje podcałkowe . Ich obliczenie wymaga rozwiązania równania całkowego typu: Funkcje są różne dla obu typu przedstawionych fal.

Abstract XVIII Sympozjum PTZE, Zamość 2008 PLASMA WAVE MODIFICATIONS IN THE PRESENCE OF DUST Barbara Atamaniuk (1) , Andrzej J. Turski (1) Alexander S. Volokitin (2) (1) Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAS, Warsaw, Poland (2) Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Moscow, Russia The study of waves and instabilities has always been important in plasma physics. Physics of dusty plasmas is recently studied intensively because of its importance for a number of applications in space plasmas, earth’s environment as well as in the laboratory. Dusty plasma consists of charged dust grain embedded in ambient plasma. Depending on their concentrations, one has isolated screened dust grains (dust-in-plasma) or real collective dusty plasmas where the charged dust participated in Debye screening. We shall mainly discuss space dusty plasmas although many of the conclusions are valid for the laboratory plasmas as well. We call ''dusty plasma'' when number of grains in Debye sphere is greater than one and ''dust in a plasma'' when number density of grains is less than one. The presence of dust in astrophysical environments has been known for a long time, from different types of remote observations, as for the dust around and between stars. There are beautiful examples of dust, like the molecular clouds seen in the Orion, Coalsack, Horsehead and Eagle nebulae. We observe these because of the attenuation and extinction of the light coming from more distant stars. There is also plenty of dust in the heliosphere, associated with planetary rings, cometary comae and tails, meteoric impacts... The simplest way, theoretically, dust effects have been investigated by extending the usual two component treatment of plasmas with the addition of third component – the dust. In dusty plasma, a large fraction of the negative charge ids bound to the particles. The depletion of electrons by absorption on the dust particle affects all kinds of plasma wave mode. Due to the unusually low charge-to-mass ratio of the dust, the characteristic dust frequencies are well below those typical for typical plasma. Small characteristic frequencies will give rise to new low-frequency eigenmodes of the combined plasma, clearly separated from the usual plasma modes. One striking aspect of these dust waves is that they can be imaged by video camera recording scattered light. In this presentation we make some review and we give some particular examples of waves in dusty plasmas. This research is supported by KBN grant 0TOOA01429 21

Abstract<br />

XVIII Sympozjum <strong>PTZE</strong>, Zamość 2008<br />



Barbara Atamaniuk (1) , Andrzej J. Turski (1) Alexander S. Volokitin (2)<br />

(1) Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAS,<br />

Warsaw, Poland<br />

(2) Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation,<br />

Moscow, Russia<br />

The study of waves and instabilities has always been important in plasma physics. Physics of<br />

dusty plasmas is recently studied intensively because of its importance for a number of<br />

applications in space plasmas, earth’s environment as well as in the laboratory. Dusty plasma<br />

consists of charged dust grain embedded in ambient plasma. Depending on their concentrations,<br />

one has isolated screened dust grains (dust-in-plasma) or real collective dusty plasmas where the<br />

charged dust participated in Debye screening. We shall mainly discuss space dusty plasmas<br />

although many of the conclusions are valid for the laboratory plasmas as well. We call ''dusty<br />

plasma'' when number of grains in Debye sphere is greater than one and ''dust in a plasma'' when<br />

number density of grains is less than one.<br />

The presence of dust in astrophysical environments has been known for a long time, from<br />

different types of remote observations, as for the dust around and between stars. There are<br />

beautiful examples of dust, like the molecular clouds seen in the Orion, Coalsack, Horsehead and<br />

Eagle nebulae. We observe these because of the attenuation and extinction of the light coming<br />

from more distant stars.<br />

There is also plenty of dust in the heliosphere, associated with planetary rings, cometary comae<br />

and tails, meteoric impacts...<br />

The simplest way, theoretically, dust effects have been investigated by extending the usual two<br />

component treatment of plasmas with the addition of third component – the dust. In dusty plasma,<br />

a large fraction of the negative charge ids bound to the particles. The depletion of electrons by<br />

absorption on the dust particle affects all kinds of plasma wave mode.<br />

Due to the unusually low charge-to-mass ratio of the dust, the characteristic dust frequencies are<br />

well below those typical for typical plasma. Small characteristic frequencies will give rise to new<br />

low-frequency eigenmodes of the combined plasma, clearly separated from the usual plasma<br />

modes.<br />

One striking aspect of these dust waves is that they can be imaged by video camera recording<br />

scattered light.<br />

In this presentation we make some review and we give some particular examples of waves in<br />

dusty plasmas.<br />

This research is supported by KBN grant 0TOOA01429<br />


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