M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati

M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati


концентрацијата на вкупниот холестерол во серумот на пациентите со ДМ е значајно зголемена во однос на контролната група; триглицеридите во серумот на пациентите со ДМ се значајно зголемени во однос на контролната група; нивото на LDL холестеролот во крвта кај пациентите со ДМ е значајно повисоко во однос на контролата; нивото на HDL, независно од тоа дали се работи за заболени со ДМ или за контролна група луѓе,покажува полова разлика,при што истото е повисоко кај жените во однос на мажите. ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. Safeer RS, Cornell MO. The emerging role of HDL cholesterol. Postgraduate Medicine, 2000; 108 (7): 87-98. 2. Castelli WP, Garrison RJ, Wilson PW. et al. Incidence of coronary heart disease andlipoprotein cholesterol levels: Framingham Study. JAMA, 1986; 256(20): 2835-8. 3. Blake GH, Triplett LC. Menagement of Hypercholesterolemia. American Family Physicians, 1995; 4: 1157-66. 4. Ordovas JM. HDL Genetics: Candidate Genes, Genome Wide Scans and Gene- Environment Interactions. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, 2002; 16 (4): 273-81. 5. Berkow R, Fletcher A, Chir B. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 7th ed. Rahway, New Jork: Merck Research Laboratories, 1999: 409-12. 6. Garrison RJ, Kannel WB, Feinleib M, Castelli WP, McNamara PM, Padget SJ. Cigarette smoking and HDL cholesterol: the Framingham Offspring Study. Atherosclerosis, 1978; 30 (1): 17-25. 7. Gorroll AH, May LA, Mulley AG. Primary Care Medicine. 3th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincot-Raven Company, 1995; 72- 76; 139-58. 8. Anon. National Institute of Health. National Cholesterol Education Program. The Third report of the Expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (ATP III), 2001. 9. Schuitemaker GE, Dinant GJ, van der Pol GA, van Werch JW. Relation between smoking habits and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, high-density lipoproteincholesterol and triglycerides in a hypercholesterolemic adult cohort, in relation to gender and age. Clin Exp Med, 2002; 2 (2): 83-8. 10. Hata Y, Nakajima K. Life-style and serum lipids and lipoproteins. J Atheroscler Thromb, 2000; 7(4): 177-97. SUMMARY SOME OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE LIPID METABOLISM WITH PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM DIABETES MELLITUS IN BITOLA Tatjana Blazeska 1 , Valentina Talevska 2 , Biljana Bogdanova-Popov 3 1 Primary school Dr. Trifun Panovski –Bitola

2 Psyhiatric hospital of Demir Hisar 3 Universty st. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola Goals: To definite the effect of Diabetes mellitus to some parameters which are illustrated the basal metabolism. Matherial and methods: In our investigation as a material we used full blood and serum from 20 patients with diabetes mellitus, we used 10 patients from the both sex. As a control group we used 20 healthy people from the both sex. Resulsts and discussion: The level of total lipids in blood in patients with diabetes mellitus was significant high about the control group. The concentration of total cholesterol in patients serum with diabetes mellitus is significant high about the control group. The triglycerides in patients serum with diabetes mellitus is significant high about the control group. The level of LDH cholesterol in patients blood with diabetes mellitus is significant high about the control group. The level of HDL in examined and in control group denote the significant difference in both sex (its is high in female than in men). Key words: Diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PUNIM BURIMOR SHKENCOR / ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER SHËNDETËSI PUBLIKE MEDICUS OBESZITETI DHE ZAKONET E TË NGRËNIT TEK STUDENTËT E UNIVERSITETIT TË VLORËS NË RRETHIN E VLORËS, SHQIPËRI Yllka Bilushi 1 , Loreta Kuneshka 2 , Llukan Rrumbullaku 2 , Aurela Saliaj 1 1 Departamenti i Shëndetit Publik, Universiteti i Vlorës, Shqipëri 2 Qendra Spitalore Universitare ‗Nënë Tereza‘, Tirana. Yllka Bilushi, Master ne Shendetin Publik Lagjia Pavaresia, rruga Pelivan Leskaj, Vlorë +355693939478

2 Psyhiatric hospital of Demir Hisar<br />

3 Universty st. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola<br />

Goals: To definite the effect of Diabetes mellitus to some parameters which are<br />

illustrated the basal metabolism. Matherial and methods: In our investigation as a<br />

material we used full blood and serum from 20 patients with diabetes mellitus, we used<br />

10 patients from the both sex. As a control group we used 20 healthy people from the<br />

both sex. Resulsts and discussion: The level of total lipids in blood in patients with<br />

diabetes mellitus was significant high about the control group. The concentration of total<br />

cholesterol in patients serum with diabetes mellitus is significant high about the control<br />

group. The triglycerides in patients serum with diabetes mellitus is significant high about<br />

the control group. The level of LDH cholesterol in patients blood with diabetes mellitus<br />

is significant high about the control group. The level of HDL in examined and in control<br />

group denote the significant difference in both sex (its is high in female than in men).<br />

Key words: Diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism<br />

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Yllka Bilushi 1 , Loreta Kuneshka 2 , Llukan Rrumbullaku 2 , Aurela Saliaj 1<br />

1 Departamenti i Shëndetit Publik, Universiteti i Vlorës, Shqipëri<br />

2 Qendra Spitalore Universitare ‗Nënë Tereza‘, Tirana.<br />

Yllka Bilushi, Master ne Shendetin Publik<br />

Lagjia Pavaresia, rruga Pelivan Leskaj, Vlorë<br />


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