M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati

M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati


ehabilitimit, derisa në kohëzgjatjen e rehabilitimit nuk pan influencë konsiderueshme. LITERATURA 1. Muminagic S. War Amputation. Sahin Pasic, Sarajevo, 1997. 2. Horvatin B, Uloga psihickih odbrambenih mehanizama u rehabilitaciji amputiranih, Protetika donjih ekstremiteta, Savetovanje Bled, 1972, 189-191. 3. Mandic V. Medicinski aspekti rehabilitacije kod amputacije donjih ekstermiteta, Protetika donjih ekstremiteta, Savetovanje Bled, 1972, 7 - 16. 4. Ostojic L, Ostojic Z, Rupcic E, Punda-Basic M. Intermediate rehabilitation outcome in below-knee amputations:descriptive study comparing war-related with other cases of amputation. Croat Med J 2001 Oct: 42(5):535-8. 5. Neuman Z. Amputacije donjh ekstremiteta – psihosocijalni i drustveni aspekat, Protetika donjih ekstremiteta, Savetovanje Bled, 1972, 181 – 187. 6. Horvatin B, Uloga psihickih odbrambenih mehanizama u rehabilitaciji amputiranih, Protetika donjih ekstremiteta, Savetovanje Bled, 1972, 189-191. 7. Gerhards F, Florin I, Knapp Th. The impact of medical, reeducational, and psychological variables on rehabilitation outcome in amputees, Int. J. Rehab. Research, 1984, 7 (4),379-388. 8. Pernot HF, de Wite LP, Lindeman E, Cluitmans J. Daily functioning of the lower extremity amputee: an overview of the literature, Clin Rehabil 1997 May; 11(2): 93-106. 9. Pohjolainen T, Alaranta H. Predictive factors ability after lower-limb amputation, Ann Chir Gynaecol 1991;80(1):36-9. 10. Muecke L,Shekar S, Dwyer D, Israel E, Flynn JPG, Functional screening of lower-limb amputees: a role in predicting rehabilitation outcome, Arch Phy Med Rehabil Vol 73, September 1992:851-58. 11. Johnson VJ, Kondziela S, Gottschalk F. Pre and post-amputation mobility, of trans-tibial amputee:correlation to medical problems, age and mortality, Prosthet Orthot Int, 1995 Dec, 19(3): 159-64. SUMMARY THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION AND COMORBIDITY ON OUTCOME OF REHABILITATION IN TRAUMATIC LOWER LIMB AMPUTATIONS Teuta Osmani-Vllasolli 1 , Hajrije Hundozi 1 , Ardiana Murtezani 1 , Ariana Kalaveshi 2 , Sanije Gashi 2 1 UCCK, Clinic of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Prishtina National OrthoProtetic Center, Prishtina 2 Public Health Institute, Prishtina

Amputation is not only a loss of a body part, but it has a great impact on a patient psychology, no matter of age. Medical rehabilitation is different for the amputees who had undergone the amputation because of the trauma, with amputees who had undergone the amputation because of the morbidity. The aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of motivation and comorbidity, on duration of rehabilitation and outcome of rehabilitation. Methods: In this study we use the retrospective and analytic methods, case – study type, where are included 101 patients with traumatic lower limb amputation, which have been treated in ―NOPC‖, in Prishtina, in a period of time: July 1999 – June 2001. Results:The motivation and the cooperation of the patient showed as the important factor with the great influence on the duration of rehabilitation p=0.0004 and on the outcome of rehabilitation(x 2 =12.89, p

Amputation is not only a loss of a body part, but it has a great impact on a patient<br />

psychology, no matter of age. Medical rehabilitation is different for the amputees who<br />

had undergone the amputation because of the trauma, with amputees who had undergone<br />

the amputation because of the morbidity. The aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the<br />

influence of motivation and comorbidity, on duration of rehabilitation and outcome of<br />

rehabilitation. Methods: In this study we use the retrospective and analytic methods, case<br />

– study type, where are included 101 patients with traumatic lower limb amputation,<br />

which have been treated in ―NOPC‖, in Prishtina, in a period of time: July 1999 – June<br />

2001. Results:The motivation and the cooperation of the patient showed as the important<br />

factor with the great influence on the duration of rehabilitation p=0.0004 and on the<br />

outcome of rehabilitation(x 2 =12.89, p

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