M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati

M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati


Difference DISCUSSION -1.23% 0.39% -1.6% 3.05% 8.01% 11.40% The presented study is the first of our knowledge in the region. The results of this study confirmed the efficacy of Tamsulosin at patients with BPH. The significant decrease of IPSS score for 3.5 (25.6%) respectively 5.01 (36.5%) is very important in our opinion. This finding was clinically and statistically significant at the difference more than 25% (p

9. Roehrborn CG, Siami P, Barkin J et al. Influence of Baseline Parameters on Changes in International Prostate Symptom Score with Dutasteride, Tamsulosin, and Combination Therapy among Men with Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and an Enlarged Prostate: 2-Year Data from the CombAT Study. Eur Urol. 2009; 55(2):461-471. 10. Djoko R, Doddy MS, Suwandi S et al. Efficacy and safety of tamsulosin hydrochloriode compared to doxazosin in the treatment of Indonesian patients with lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Urol 2006; 13:1405-1409. 11. Milani S, Djavan B. Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia: latest update on alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonsists. BJU Int. 2005; 95:29-36. 12. Lepor H. Alpha blockers for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Rev Urol. 2007; 9(4):181-90. 13. Kosugi S, Ikemoto I, Furuta A et al. A comparative study assessing clinical effects of naftopidil and tamsulosin hydrochloride on benign prostatic hyperplasia with overactive bladder. Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi. 2007; 98(5):691-9. REZYME EFEKTET E TAMSULOSINËS NË TRAJTIMIN E HIPERPLASIONIT BENINJ TË PROSTATËS Skender Saidi 1 , Astrit Saidi 2, Faredin Xhelili 3, Arjeta Raufi 3, Selvije Demiri 4, Beti Stojovska 5 1 Klinika Univerzitare e Urologjisё, Shkup, R e Maqedonisё 2 Spitali klinik, Tetovё, R. e Maqedonisё 3 OPSH ―Vitalis-AS‖, Tetovё, R e Maqedonisё 4 OPSH ‖Dr. Selvije‖, Tetovё, R e Maqedonisё 5 Klinika Univerzitare e Radiologjisё, Shkup, R e Maqedonisё Qёllimi i studimit: Tё evaluojё pengesat e kolektimit dhe tё urinimit te pacientёt me hiperplazion beninj tё prostatёs pas trajtimit njё dhe tre mujor me njё kapsulё 0.4 mg Tamsulosinё. Materiali dhe metodat: Nё periudhёn Janar 2006 - Qershor 2007 janё evaluuar 102 pacientё. Nё grupin e studiuar janё 80 pacientё që janë trajtuar me Tamsulosinё, kurse në grupin e kontrollit 22 pacientё me placebo. Parametrat e evaluuar janё: pyetёsori ndёrkombёtar (IPSS), ekzaminimi digjitorektal, tPSA, ultrasonografia transabdominale apo transrektale dhe elementet e urofloumetrisё si curili maksimal dhe mesatar. Rezultatet: Nё grupin e studjuar ёshtё vёrejtur zvogёlim i sasisё sё urinёs reziduale pёr 12 ml (16.43%), ndërsa ёshtё vёrejtur rritje e curilit maksimal pёr 2,1 ml/sec (27%), curilit mesatar 1.03 ml/sec (21.5%) dhe pёrmirёsim tё IPSS ‗‘Scor‘‘–it pёr 3.53 pikё (16.43%). Nё grupin e kontrollit u vёrejtёn tendenca tё kundёrta, rritje tё sasisё sё urinёs reziduale pёr 0.4 ml (1.44%). Gjersa curili mesatar dhe IPSS kanё treguar tendenca tё zvogёlimit 0.1 ml/sec (1.65%) respektivisht 0.18 pikё(1.65). Konkludim:

Difference<br />


-1.23% 0.39% -1.6% 3.05% 8.01% 11.40%<br />

The presented study is the first of our knowledge in the region. The results of this<br />

study confirmed the efficacy of Tamsulosin at patients with BPH. The significant<br />

decrease of IPSS score for 3.5 (25.6%) respectively 5.01 (36.5%) is very important in our<br />

opinion. This finding was clinically and statistically significant at the difference more<br />

than 25% (p

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