M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati

M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati M E D I C U S - Shoqata e Mjekëve Shqiptarë të Maqedonisë-Hipokrati


4. Keramit~ieva R. (1996) – „Psihologija vo obrazovanieto i vospitanieto” Skopje: Prosvetno delo 5. Sokolovska-Taka{manova T. (1998) – „Kognitivniot razvoj i slikata za sebe vo periodot na adolescencijata” Skopje: Grafohartija 6.. Чadlovski G. , Filipovska A. , Belevska D. ( 2004 ) - Medicinska Psihologija - Skopje : Prosvetno delo 7 Чadlovski G. i sor. ( 2004 ) - Psihijatriski tom 1 - Skopje : Prosvetno delo 8. American Psychiatric Press, inc. Waschington, DC , London, 1995 9. WHO.Action for adolescent helth : Recommendation from WHO / UNFPA / UNICEF Joint Study Group. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2004. 10. WHO. Departmen of Child and Adolescent Helth and Development. Broadening the horizon : Balancing protection and risk for adolescent. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2002. 11. Eu Teach. European Training in Effective Adolescent Care and Health. University losanne, Summer School. Training Kit, 2006. SUMMARY THE INFLUENCE OF THE FAMILY ON THE APPEARANCE OF ADOLESCENT CRISES AMONG STUDENTS IN THE SECONDARY TECHNICAL SCHOOL “NIKOLA KAREV” – STRUMICA Ani Ristevska 1 , Vasil Tunev 2 , Zorica Hristomanova 2 1 Health Protection service of children and youth as a part of the Public Health Institution "Health Centre" Strumica 2 Unit of psychiatry as a part of the Public Health Institution "General Hospital" Strumica Adolescence is the period of life between childhood and adulthood which covers about ten years of biological, psychological and social growth.From a biological point of view, adolescence starts with the development of reproductive capabilities, and ends with the detainment of physical development.From a psychological point of view, the adolescent is an individual in a transitional period between a child and an adult, whereas from a socijal point of view this is a period of vocational orientation and choice of the future profession, education for a certain profession, as well as a period of increased independense from parents.The adolescen‘t dealing with authorities inevitably creates conflicts with parents and teachers. Aim: The aim of this research is to determine the influence of family on the appearance of adolescent crises among students in the Secondary Technical School ―Nikola Karev‖ in Strumica within the period 2005 – 2007. Material and methods : A total number of 280 subjects at the age of 15 from both sexes were included in the research and were monitored for three years.A specially created questionnaire for self – notifying was used in the research after the conducted systematic medical check – ups.This questionnaire was carried out twice, in the firts and in the third year of the students‘ education.After the analysis of the results from questionnaire, a sample of 30 adolescents in adolescent crisis was selected out of 90 students coming from

families which have certain problems.Due to the specific characteristics of the adolescents in adolescent crisis , such as seclusion, anxiety, confrontation etc. We used descriptive methods with statistical data processing such as observation, unstructured interview and free associations. Results: Out of the total number of adolescents in adolescent crisis, 16(53.3%) are male, whereas 14(46.7%) are female.The confrontational family relations are the reason for appearance of the adolescent crisis found in 17(56.7%) subjects, parents‘ illness is the reason found in 8(26.6%) of the subjects, and family change is the reason found in 5(16.7%)subjects. Conclusion: The degree of appearance of adolescent crises in our area is considerabile and requires mobilization of all the potentials of the social community with the help of experts who will contribute preventively and educationally to the proper treatment of adolescent crises.It has been confirmed that family considerably influences the development changes of adolescents as well as the appearance of adolescent crises. Key words: adolescent crisis, family ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MEDICUS PUNIM PROFESIONAL / PROFESIONAL PAPER MJEKËSI PUBLIKE ДОБРОВОЛНОТО ЗДРАВСТВЕНО ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ – ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЕН ЛОСТ ЗА ПОДОБРУВАЊЕ НА КВАЛИТЕТОТ НА ЗДРАВСТВЕНИТЕ УСЛУГИ Методије Трајановски 1 1 Факултет за јавно здравје Медицински универзитет, Софија Методија Трајановски, лекар, асистент Факултет за јавно здравје Медицински Универзитет, Софија тел. 02/3125-310 моб. 075/223-224

families which have certain problems.Due to the specific characteristics of the<br />

adolescents in adolescent crisis , such as seclusion, anxiety, confrontation etc. We used<br />

descriptive methods with statistical data processing such as observation, unstructured<br />

interview and free associations. Results: Out of the total number of adolescents in<br />

adolescent crisis, 16(53.3%) are male, whereas 14(46.7%) are female.The<br />

confrontational family relations are the reason for appearance of the adolescent crisis<br />

found in 17(56.7%) subjects, parents‘ illness is the reason found in 8(26.6%) of the<br />

subjects, and family change is the reason found in 5(16.7%)subjects. Conclusion: The<br />

degree of appearance of adolescent crises in our area is considerabile and requires<br />

mobilization of all the potentials of the social community with the help of experts who<br />

will contribute preventively and educationally to the proper treatment of adolescent<br />

crises.It has been confirmed that family considerably influences the development changes<br />

of adolescents as well as the appearance of adolescent crises.<br />

Key words: adolescent crisis, family<br />

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Методије Трајановски 1<br />

1 Факултет за јавно здравје<br />

Медицински универзитет, Софија<br />

Методија Трајановски, лекар, асистент<br />

Факултет за јавно здравје<br />

Медицински Универзитет, Софија<br />

тел. 02/3125-310 моб. 075/223-224

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