Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ...

Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ...

Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ...


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regions for which innovation aggregate measure value INPUT type was better than the<br />

median, while for OUTPUT type innovation the measure value was lower than the median<br />

set for analyzed regions, there is listed just one Czech region of Praha. The other Czech<br />

regions (7 regions), Slovak ones (3 regions) and all Polish ones (with the capital region of<br />

Mazowieckie) were included to the fourth class, due to the values of innovation aggregate<br />

measure INPUT and OUTPUT type lower than the median.<br />

The results of the European regional space classification at NUTS 2 level show that the<br />

degree of advancement regarding innovation processes in Polish, Slovak and Czech<br />

regions is very low. The capital regions of Bratislavský kraj and Praha occupy an<br />

honorable place among European regions with regard to INPUT and OUTPUT<br />

innovation type illustrated by only 6 attributes, which open the opportunity for them to<br />

exert an effective influence on other regions. The presence, in the fourth classification<br />

group, the regions representing EU countries of the, so called, old EU 15 proves that the<br />

task of creating innovation is not an easy one and requires not just financial resources,<br />

but also social openness and readiness for changes which bring about impulses for<br />

development. Innovation strategies of Polish, Czech and Slovak regions should, in their<br />

strategic goals, be focused on defining task directed towards constructing human<br />

resources capital which will meet the challenges of the Lisbon Strategy and will<br />

mitigate the distance from highly developed regions.<br />

Conclusions<br />

The conducted research, having applied positional classification, allowed for assigning<br />

EU NUTS 2 level regions to classes representing different levels of INPUT and<br />

OUTPUT innovation type, as well as the evaluation of the position represented by<br />

Czech, Polish and Slovak regions, at the background of the European regional space.<br />

Unfortunately the research results point to the fact that apart from the Czech capital<br />

region of Praha and the Slovak one of Bratislavský kraj, the other Czech and Slovak<br />

regions, and also all Polish ones are characterized by relatively low both “outlays” and<br />

“effects of innovation processes.<br />

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