Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ...

Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ... Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ...


Marian Maciejuk PUBLIC AID FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN POLAND IN THE PERIOD OF 2004-2006 of favouring some entrepreneurs, or their production and services, distorts competition by exerting negative influence on trade contacts between the member countries [9]. Legal regulations regarding public aid in the European Union, which are in force also in Poland, are as follows: − Articles 87 and 88 of the European Community Treaty referring to public aid for small and medium enterprises, − The Directive by the EC Commission No. 69/2001 dated 12 th January 2001on the application of Art. 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty for aid purposes based on de minimis [7] principle, − The Directive by the EC Commission No. 70/2001 dated 12 th January 2001on the application of Art. 87 and 88 of the Treaty establishing EC and referring to public aid for SME. After Polish accession to the European Union Polish legal acts were adjusted to the EU legal standards, also including the problem of public aid. This resulted in the new Act dated 30 th April 2004 on procedures in cases referring to public aid [10]. With respect to the new Act the Board of Ministers, or Minsters responsible for particular Ministry Departments, issued 53 executive directives regulating different matters referring to public assistance provided to enterprises by different entities [1]. In line with the Act on procedures referring to public aid, the entities granting it are either public administration bodies or represent another entity entitled to provide public aid, including a public entrepreneur. The beneficiary of such aid, in view of the quoted Act, may become any legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and the way of financing, which obtained public aid. The value of public aid The introduction of new laws referring to granting public aid to entrepreneurs in Poland consisted in the application of more rigorous requirement to be met by the beneficiaries. This referred to both formal requirements, as well as to meeting specific conditions depending on the aid programme. Table 1 presents the value of public aid granted to Polish entrepreneurs in the period of 2004-2006. TAB. 1: The value of public aid granted to entrepreneurs in Poland in the period of 2004-2006 Specification 2004 2005 2006 Total aid value (in million PLN) 16 400,6 4 795,1 5 875,6 Aid value excluding transport (in million PLN) 8 809,3 3 646,2 4 468,4 Share of aid value in GDP (in %) 1,9 0,5 0,6 Share of aid value in GDP excluding transport (in %) Source: Author’s compilation based on: [7] 1,0 0,4 0,4 28

Marian Maciejuk PUBLIC AID FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN POLAND IN THE PERIOD OF 2004-2006 In the analyzed period of 2004-2006 the total value of public aid granted to Polish entrepreneurs decreased by 64,2%, and excluding assistance for transport sector, by almost a half. This may prove, on the one hand, that the condition of Polish enterprises keeps improving, which is the result of good prosperity in Polish economy. On the other hand, however, this may result from entrepreneurs’ concerns about taking advantage of such aid owing to changed and difficult formal procedures, as well as the conducted monitoring of public aid and the need to return the amount of obtained aid if the due requirements have not been met, eg. maintaining new work positions for the period defined in the aid programme. The value of aid granted in 2006, excluding assistance in transport (1 407,2 million PLN) amounted to 4 468,4 million PLN, which made up 0,4% of GDP. Forms of public aid The forms of public aid for entrepreneurs, following the European Commission directives, result from the given aid means origin. They come directly from the state budget, or a local self-government unit, or take the form of costs deducted from budget revenues. Data included in table 2 illustrate the structure of public aid forms. TAB. 2: The structure of public aid (excluding transport) divided into aid forms in the period of 2004-2006 Specification 2004 2005 2006 Total public aid including: 100,0 100,0 100,0 − grants and tax exemptions 74,9 94,9 97,5 − capital-investment subsidies 15,8 0,0 0,2 − preferential loans and deferred payments 3,5 3,1 2,3 − endorsements and credit guarantees 5,8 2,0 - Source: Author’s compilation based on: as in tab. 1 The most frequently applied instrument of support for entrepreneurs are grants and tax exemptions, which have been showing a significantly increasing tendency from 74,9% in 2004, up to 97,5% in 2006. The subsidies of capital-investment nature are mostly disappearing in the studied period, which consist in, among others, bringing capital into the business or converting receivables into stocks or shares from 15,5% to 0,2%. Endorsements and credit guarantees disappeared completely. Allocation of public aid Public aid granted to beneficiaries becomes most frequently allocated to horizontal, sector oriented and regional aid. Changes in this respect are presented in table 3. 29


In the analyzed period of 2004-2006 the total value of public aid granted to Polish<br />

entrepreneurs decreased by 64,2%, and excluding assistance for transport sector, by<br />

almost a half. This may prove, on the one hand, that the condition of Polish enterprises<br />

keeps improving, which is the result of good prosperity in Polish economy. On the other<br />

hand, however, this may result from entrepreneurs’ concerns about taking advantage of<br />

such aid owing to changed and difficult formal procedures, as well as the conducted<br />

monitoring of public aid and the need to return the amount of obtained aid if the due<br />

requirements have not been met, eg. maintaining new work positions for the period<br />

defined in the aid programme.<br />

The value of aid granted in 2006, excluding assistance in transport (1 407,2 million<br />

PLN) amounted to 4 468,4 million PLN, which made up 0,4% of GDP.<br />

Forms of public aid<br />

The forms of public aid for entrepreneurs, following the European Commission<br />

directives, result from the given aid means origin. They come directly from the state<br />

budget, or a local self-government unit, or take the form of costs deducted from budget<br />

revenues. Data included in table 2 illustrate the structure of public aid forms.<br />

TAB. 2: The structure of public aid (excluding transport) divided into aid forms<br />

in the period of 2004-2006<br />

Specification 2004 2005 2006<br />

Total public aid including: 100,0 100,0 100,0<br />

− grants and tax exemptions 74,9 94,9 97,5<br />

− capital-investment subsidies 15,8 0,0 0,2<br />

− preferential loans and deferred<br />

payments<br />

3,5 3,1 2,3<br />

− endorsements and credit<br />

guarantees<br />

5,8 2,0 -<br />

Source: Author’s compilation based on: as in tab. 1<br />

The most frequently applied instrument of support for entrepreneurs are grants and tax<br />

exemptions, which have been showing a significantly increasing tendency from 74,9%<br />

in 2004, up to 97,5% in 2006. The subsidies of capital-investment nature are mostly<br />

disappearing in the studied period, which consist in, among others, bringing capital into<br />

the business or converting receivables into stocks or shares from 15,5% to 0,2%.<br />

Endorsements and credit guarantees disappeared completely.<br />

Allocation of public aid<br />

Public aid granted to beneficiaries becomes most frequently allocated to horizontal,<br />

sector oriented and regional aid. Changes in this respect are presented in table 3.<br />


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