Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ...

Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ... Sborník 2009 díl 2. - Fakulta informatiky a managementu - Univerzita ...


Karel Lacina MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES IMPLEMENTATION IN CONTEMPORARY BRITISH PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION process in the policy execution. Its essence is represented at first by the fact that a greater number of officials are working in the autonomous managerial agencies not having the civil servants status. Such a system is typical predominantly for the British public administration. The „Compulsory Competitive Tenderring Act“ (C.C.T. Act) adopted by the House of Commons of the British Parliament in the end of the 1970s opened the indicated orientation in the United Kingdom .The privatisation of services provided to citizens has begun.not only in the United Kingdom but also in some other European countries.Those services started to be contracted by towns and districts with the private firms, first of all with the small and medium - sized enterprices. In l988 the “Next Steps Initiative"programme developing some ideas stressed in C.C.C. Act was launced in the United Kingdom. Three priorities of changes were underlined in the mentioned document: - the orientation of all activities in the state administration and in the local government predominantly to the implementation of the most important goals determined on the basis of principles of strategic planning practical utilization, - permanent improvement of the professional qualification of the staff as one of prerequisities for effective and efficient tasks implementation; such an appoach is considered to be of the greatest importance from the point of view of effective public administration execution , - permanent orientation to the Total Quality Management principle implementation in all activities of state administration as well as local government authorities and offices . „New Steps Initiative“ document was followed by another document approved by the British Parliament in year 1991 that was called "The Citizen´s Charter".That document underlined the significance of the Total Quality Management principles implementation.The orientation towards raising all public services standards (with the aim to answer better to their clients wishes and requirements ) represents the main stream of this Charter implementation.The key principles of The Citizen ´s Charter are : - standards of services determination, - maximum information provided to citizens as services clients, - openness of authorities in their relationship to citizens, - redinness to make consultations for citizens, - maximum polite behavior of civil servants and clerks in their contects with citizens, - rediness of authorities to give the assistance to citizens. "The Citizen´s Charter" was accompanied by the document called "Competing for Quality" oriented mainly to the market - testing. In year 1999 it was supplemented by the document called "White Paper on Modernising Government".The orientation towards clients in services providing the achievement of the highest possible quality of all services and the maximum utilization of information technologies in public 24

Karel Lacina MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES IMPLEMENTATION IN CONTEMPORARY BRITISH PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION administration were underlined here as the most important tasks of the British public administration in the 21 st century. Citizens are considered to be significant clients of services. Another typical feature of the public administration is the transfer of competencies to semi-autonomous regulatory bodies. This process is often called in the United Kingdom as the “agencification“. It was begun on the basis of the mentioned “Next Steps Initiative". The British approaches could be compared with an important programme of management principles implementation called "Schlanker Staat" worked out in the Federal Republic of Germany .The main pillars of the "Schlanker Staat" programme are: - the reduction of a number of various directions and other legal standards, - the reduction of central state administration authorities staff number, - privatization of state enterprices (first of all railways,post office services,control of aviation ,cosmic research,etc.) , - rationalization of statistics services, - improvement of human resource management, - utilization of information systems for public administration and their further improvement, - continuation of steps leading to the privatization of services both in the state administration and in the local government. Conclusions At first, the significant feature not only of British but also of other European public administration have been the reduce of size, resources and scope of the central administration in the relationship towards its economy, efficency and effectivenes and the quality of all provided services became the typical..The number of civil servants has either been reduced especially in the United Kingdom, the Scandinavian countries and partly also in France. Such an general approach was and is often characterized as the "cutback“ policies . At second a growing number of governments (not only in the United Kingdom) have attempted to enact the so-called “de-bureaucratisation” programmes. These atempts were designed, first of all, to cancel regulations that are either obsolete or which hinder efficiency. The third major strand of the administrative reform programmes was and is represented by the attempt to improve the monitoring and evaluation capacities by modifying budgetary, planning and evaluation procedures. Auditing and evaluation according to the criteria of the “three Es“ have penetrated practically all levels of the public service.Contractual agreements involved predominantly in the United Kingdom represent a relatively new phenomenum. Concluding it is possible to underline the fact that the contemporary public administration in the United Kingdom as well as in other EU member states has to 25



process in the policy execution. Its essence is represented at first by the fact that a<br />

greater number of officials are working in the autonomous managerial agencies not<br />

having the civil servants status. Such a system is typical predominantly for the British<br />

public administration.<br />

The „Compulsory Competitive Tenderring Act“ (C.C.T. Act) adopted by the House of<br />

Commons of the British Parliament in the end of the 1970s opened the indicated<br />

orientation in the United Kingdom .The privatisation of services provided to citizens<br />

has begun.not only in the United Kingdom but also in some other European<br />

countries.Those services started to be contracted by towns and districts with the private<br />

firms, first of all with the small and medium - sized enterprices.<br />

In l988 the “Next Steps Initiative"programme developing some ideas stressed in C.C.C.<br />

Act was launced in the United Kingdom. Three priorities of changes were underlined<br />

in the mentioned document:<br />

- the orientation of all activities in the state administration and in the local<br />

government predominantly to the implementation of the most important goals<br />

determined on the basis of principles of strategic planning practical utilization,<br />

- permanent improvement of the professional qualification of the staff as one of<br />

prerequisities for effective and efficient tasks implementation; such an appoach<br />

is considered to be of the greatest importance from the point of view of effective<br />

public administration execution ,<br />

- permanent orientation to the Total Quality Management principle<br />

implementation in all activities of state administration as well as local<br />

government authorities and offices .<br />

„New Steps Initiative“ document was followed by another document approved by the<br />

British Parliament in year 1991 that was called "The Citizen´s Charter".That document<br />

underlined the significance of the Total Quality Management principles<br />

implementation.The orientation towards raising all public services standards (with the<br />

aim to answer better to their clients wishes and requirements ) represents the main<br />

stream of this Charter implementation.The key principles of The Citizen ´s Charter are :<br />

- standards of services determination,<br />

- maximum information provided to citizens as services clients,<br />

- openness of authorities in their relationship to citizens,<br />

- redinness to make consultations for citizens,<br />

- maximum polite behavior of civil servants and clerks in their contects with<br />

citizens,<br />

- rediness of authorities to give the assistance to citizens.<br />

"The Citizen´s Charter" was accompanied by the document called "Competing for<br />

Quality" oriented mainly to the market - testing. In year 1999 it was supplemented by<br />

the document called "White Paper on Modernising Government".The orientation<br />

towards clients in services providing the achievement of the highest possible quality of<br />

all services and the maximum utilization of information technologies in public<br />


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