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A prophet is a man separated from other people with a special

anointing to tell the counsels of God and His ordinances. A prophet can

then be called the mouth piece of God through which He speaks to


According to Cambridge dictionary, a prophet "is a person who is

believed to have a special power that allows them to say what a god

wishes to tell people, especially about things that will happen in the

future." This is the case in the old testament, that when men want to

hear God talk they have to wait on the prophet to speak to them and

show them what the Lord is saying about them.

This means God could not have said a thing to you without

communicating it through His prophet. This is the work of the old

testament prophets, they speak the counsels of God directly. In-fact

God needed a prophet to communicate to the People because this

anointing is only available for a selected few and even with such an

anointing they do not hear God all the time only when they are inspired.

Coming to the new testament prophets, this is a different ball game

because God does no speak to His people through the prophets again,

He ceased talking to the people through the prophets but by His son:

Hebrews 2:1-2

1. On many past occasions and in many different ways, God spoke to

our fathers through the prophets.

2. But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He

appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe.

Now God speaks to all the believers through His son and not through

His prophets. The moment Jesus paid the price and was glorified the

order changed and whole administration of God’s people was handed

over to Jesus the Christ. At this point the prophets could have been

ruled out and we wouldn’t have heard of such a thing again but the

book of Ephesians 4: 8 -11 said..

8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity

captive, and gave gifts unto men.

9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first

into the lower parts of the earth?

10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all

heavens, that he might fill all things.)

11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,

evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

It was Jesus Christ who gave the 5 fold ministry as we know it to the

Church as a gift. The prophets happens to be part of this gift of Jesus to

the Church, the question remains if God doesn’t speak through the

prophets again to his people, why then do we have prophets as a gift?

Ephesians 4: 12-15

12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the

edifying of the body of Christ:

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the

Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the

fullness of Christ:

14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and

carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and

cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things,

which is the head, even Christ:

Compared to the old testament, the new testament prophets have a

serious responsibility of making sure Christ is formed in the people and

the discipline to know “not just what is happening but what God is

saying” at the moment.

The Bible is making us understand that the 5 fold ministry are given as

gifts for the maturation of His people, there is no maturation without


Seeing the structure and the nature of the church to be a prophetic one,

we still need this anointing not necessarily to tell us what God is saying

but to guide us as to how to go about these things that God has spoken.

The new testament prophets still give words of prophecy, and personal

words of knowledge and wisdom. This is not wrong at all just that this is

not their primary place of assignment. Anyone can give accurate word

of wisdom and knowledge but the place of the assignment of the new

testament prophet is to help us navigate the seasons in which the

Church is currently in and what the church ought to do in this particular


The new testament prophet is sent to the church not to be a

soothsayer but as a guide of the whole system and help the church

mature by means of accurate guidance and inspired timely teaching of

the word of God.


In 2016 I was Given a vision by the Lord in regards to the prophetic

realm that made me understand better what this realm is like.

Sometimes in 2016 I was taken in a vision while worshiping and I saw a

door to a house, on this door was written “THE PROPHETICS”. The door

was opened by a Prophet inside the house and I was ushered in.

Inside the house, by the door was an angel standing who gave me two

things; the first is a map to the house and the second is a compass. The

angel told me this realm is too dangerous to walk without your map

and your compass, when I entered, the house was full of treasures and

a lot of valuable things and this house is very big and this was the end

of the vision.


Now there are 3 main things to take note and pay serious attention to

in this vision and those 3 things are

1. The House;

2. The Map and

3. The compass

THE HOUSE: A house is a building for human habitation, i.e it's a place

where man can feel free about himself to do whatever he wants. It’s a

place of rest. A house is a place where a man can be the king of his own

kingdom without anyone’s help or involvement.

The house in this vision signifies divine enablement, “an anointing” that

makes you flow in places of treasure and rest. This anointing lets an

ordinary man do extraordinary things. This anointing let’s a man be

above his peers and make others behold him like a “superman."

Although all of these things are there, there is a strong limitation to this,

because the house is so big you are going to be needing the Map to

track where you are. Many people that find themselves in these

category are often frustrated because they know there is more to them

and what they can do but it’s just sad, because without the map, it will

be like trying to fly a plane without even at least reading the manual.

THE MAP: A map is a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or

sea showing physical features, cities, roads. The map, the Angel further

told me, is the word of God. The house becomes more enjoyable in a

way that you can reach anything you want.

Many people that are in this House with the Map are the ones people

really run to in this generation. The anointing is present and they have

the map, they know exactly what to do to get what result.

Many of these people become so full of themselves because they never

receive any direction from anybody. They literally lord it over and

exploit people because they know what can impress them. They are not

ignorant of what the “HOUSE” contains and they know exactly how to

get certain result.

Many of these folks are Prophets, Pastors , our leaders, they know too

much about the “anointing” or “the ability of God” upon their lives,

while this is not bad but they have so much focused on it that they

want to build an empire because of this graces on them. These are the

prophets who give “accurate prophecies” even when the Lord has not

said a thing! These are the pastors who preach “powerful” messages

without the Holy spirit saying anything that relates to that.

Those found in this house with only the map are confused people. They

have no idea where they are going but people are drawn to them

because they are in the house and know where the treasures are?

Because these people are so confused they end up manipulating people.

How can you lead when you do not have a destination? They are lost in

themselves. They do not really care about what God wants, why should

they? They can do all things, little do they know that there are things

more valuable and more costly than what the house provides.

THE COMPASS: A Compass is an instrument for finding direction, with a

needle that always points to the North.

The angel told me the compass is the Holy Spirit, now you understand

why the earlier set of people have really missed it. The have mastered

the house without the Holy spirit so they have become a confused

people because a moment they are here and the next moment they are

there. They do not have stamina, though they prophesy with serious

accuracy, they cannot tell what God is doing at the moment. They

cannot tell because they do not have the compass. They cannot tell

which direction their assignment is. They do not know the north from

the south, they don’t know the west from the east and these are the

people we call leaders. People that are not led, people that are full of


Without the compass you will be very busy doing nothing, the first

reason why God put you in the House is to perform a specific

assignment. A very specific assignment that only the compass can help

you navigate not even the Map (even though it is very needed). The

compass gives directions and instructions that have the ability of

leading you to your place of assignment and it’s fulfillment.

Also while walking and navigating with the compass you are in the

same frequency with God.

MATTHEW 7:22-23

22. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in

Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many


23. Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you

workers of lawlessness

These people in Matthew are examples of guys that walked without the

compass and Jesus said he will tell them He never knew them! Jesus did

not lie, He actually never knew them! They worked their lives building

empires for themselves. They took advantage of everything and

neglected their place of assignment.

LUKE 10:20

20. Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but

rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

Another word from Jesus in the book of Luke. Jesus said they should

not be happy because they are in this house! Don’t be joyous because

of the anointing! Rejoice because you have directions and instructions!

Rejoice for you name is written in the book of life!

It’s not about the activities! Yes, It's all about the compass! It's all about

the Holy Spirit! It's all about knowing what to do!

Imagine if I hired a gatekeeper for my house and he will walk round my

compound everyday just to keep them clean and this person will always

keep my gates opened. I ask you today, should I pay him for a job well

done? I want to believe you also said No, because at the end of the day

only things commanded will be rewarded.

Friends in all you find yourself doing make sure you always have your

compass in hand. You don't have to do it because you can do it, instead

do it because you are directed to do it. We are limited by time on earth

and the quality of your time will be used to reward your works. I tell

you again, always walk with your compass.


Reading from the book of Luke chapter 2 verses 36 through 38, we can

see the prophetess here, I intentionally want to share from this

particular chapter of the new testament because it was not really

emphasized, a little was said about her but it is weighty.

Luke 2:36-38 (NIV)

36. There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe

of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years

after her marriage,

37. and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the

temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.

38. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God

and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the

redemption of Jerusalem.

This woman got married and became a widow after 7 years of marriage,

one naturally would have expected her to remarry considering she's

very young but Scripture says she never left the temple, her duties

there were simply worship and praying.

Studies have shown that this prophetess was in the temple all her life

interceding for the coming of the Christ. One of the first things we must

understand is that nothing happens by coincidence in the physical

realm, if God needs to achieve something, He needs people to pray and

intercede, likewise the devil, he needs people too, this is because the

realm we live in is the realm of man.

Psalms 115:16(KJV)

16. The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath

he given to the children of men.

This verse means if any spirit wants to have an activity on Earth, it

needs the permission of a man! In this case God needed an expression

on Earth and He needed a vessel to stand in the gap. I'm showing us

this so you can understand one of the very important responsibilities of

a prophet.

It's a ministry that requires your mind to be suspended because often

times you will be picking up things that are extremely spiritual. The

Prophetic ministry is a ministry of Trust and God will ask you to put all

your weight on it. It will also come with a burden attached, this is the

marking of true prophetic ministry. It will be marked by burdens for

people and the body of Christ. This Burdens may be Greater in a case

where you're a Prophetic intercessor.

An average Believer may have a glimpse of what the new season is and

may even try to share, such audacity is given only to the utterance of

people that bear the Prophetic Mantle. Prophets undergo these Burden

in order to bring forth the New seasons in the realm of the Spirit and

announce it to the church or the world as the case may be.

A prophet is that person that stands in the gap until the manifestation

of the will of God is done, that is why the nature of this calling is

different, these set of people are usually very jealous about the things

of God and His laws, their emotions can be easily stirred in that aspect

and this is because there is a great responsibility attached to their office

which is calls burdens.

A burden is a weight that is on your heart, it sometimes cannot be

explained verbally and it is so strong that it can make you stay until it is

lifted, an example is the prophetess Anna, burdens reconfigures you.

God can give you a burden because of a person which would see you

fast for the person and the person does not even know, it can be for

states or even nations or any sector or even about things you don't


Sometimes ago, the Lord told me that the journey was a lonely journey,

this does not mean you would not have friends or get married or

someone close to you, what it means is that you might not have the

luxury that others enjoy such as being close with everybody or getting

attached with everything or total commitment into another thing this is

because at any point burdens can come on you and the people around

might not even understand.

Prophets are usually people that are alone, in this regard it is not a bad

thing, there would be seasons where the Lord will require that you be

alone and in those seasons are seasons of revelation.

Amos 3:7

7. Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto

his servants the prophets.

The first set of people that pick a new season in God are prophetic

people, they usually have a drawing to the secret place and most often

than not, the discussions are not even personal.

Most of your dealings will not be about yourself but about the church

of God because you were appointed for the church, the prophetic grace

is about the church, it is for other believers, it is for other people God is

sending your way, if you do not understand these things, the people

God has sent you to may have limitations in their walk because you

have not understood what God has given to you.

In my walk in this office, I have understood that giving someone a word

of wisdom or knowledge can fast track the person's journey. Prophecy

edified, gives comfort but the problem is that many people coming up

in this grace and anointing do not yet trust the voice coming, they have

not yet learnt to trust the vision they are seeing


The first step is knowing that these things are wired into you, it's not

like you are trying to get something, the same way you're breathing

without effort is the same you can prophesy without effort, it is in the


The things that matter is that you need to grow in your level of


The second is that you need to pray those stuffs out, you cannot

maximize the prophetic grace except being a man or woman of prayer.

You need to pray a lot because when the grace starts growing and you

start getting visions and dreams and words, it is accompanied with a

lot of doubts. Prayers would help you sieve the words/visions/dreams

you receive, this is also what scriptures help you do, but one cannot go

without the other.

Everything done in the Kingdom of God is done by faith, you must be a

person of faith. When you do all of these things, you would discover

that many of the things you have been receiving all of these are true

but you were afraid. You have to take that step! Many times the

entirety of the word or vision will not come until you start talking to the


Another question that begs for answer is that, will you be accurate

eveytime you speak? No! As a prophet you should be humble, you need

a lot of humility because the calling is a very bouyant one, people will

be very vulnerable to you and would want to honour and respect you.

Another reason why you need to be humble is because you can be

wrong, sometimes it is not that you're wrong, it is just that maybe

what you're talking about is not ripe yet at the moment.

When talking to a believer you can tell them to also pray about it

because the Spirit of God speaks to every believer, if why your saying is

true and accurate, the Spirit of God in them will confirm


1 Corinthians 12:1-11

[1] Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you


[2] Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols,

even as ye were led.

[3] Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the

Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus

is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

[4] Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

[5] And there are differences of administrations, to every man to profit


[8] For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the

word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

[9] To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by

the same Spirit;

[10] To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to

another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to

another the interpretation of tongues:

From verse 8, the first gift mentioned by the Apostle is what we call the

Word of Wisdom, then the second is Word of Knowledge, then Apostle

Paul mentioned the Gift of Faith.

We must understand that out of these 9 gifts there are gifts called

prophetic gift and part of them are the Word of wisdom, word of

knowledge, distinguishing (discerning) between spirit, the gift of

prophecy, different kinds of tongues as well and the interpretation of

tongues ; these are the gifts we refer to as prophetic gifts.

Word of knowledge is when you begin to see someone telling you the

things you already know and you're wondering how they know or the

manifestation of calling people out by their names etc.

Word of wisdom is when someone begins to foretell you the things that

are ahead of you and giving you the counsels oof God about the

decisions you have to make. The word of wisdom and the word of

knowledge are connected, a person might start out with the word of

knowledge and manouvre into the word of wisdom.

Word of knowledge deals with the past and and at most presently while

word of wisdom moves from present to the future accompanied with

the counsels of God concerning it.

Distinguishing between Spirit or discernment of spirits as put by many

translations, this is the ability to see the thin line that many people are

not seeing, this was evident when Paul the apostle rebuked a girl on

one of his missionary journeys, from this passage, c we see the girl

proclaiming what we would have called the gospel but Apostle Paul

picked it and rebuked the spirit, that is a clear picture of discerning

between spirit. People with this enablement sometimes have visions,

they might see what people celebrate and they would see that the

source is wrong.

Prophecy, is the gift that speaks the mind of God.

Pardon me to digress, that you have these gifts does not mean that you

are matured in the things of God because gifts is different from

maturity and from character. Maturity and character are what the word

of God will chisel in you.

Prophecy is speaking the mind of God, it is when the inspiration of God

dawns upon a person and he begins to speak the mind of God,

sometimes it is as though every fiber of this person is controlled by

another spirit. Prophecy is the spirit of God speaking through a person.

It can come as words, some people carry this out by writing.

Speaking in different kind of tongues and interpretation of tongues, this

is different from the normal prayer tongues, it comes with


Every of these gifts are like a chain tht connects to one another. Having

these gifts do not transcend you to being called into a prophet, these

gifts are not a testament to being called into the office.



Ephesians 4:9-13

[9](Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first

into the lower parts of the earth?

[10] He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all

heavens, that he might fill all things.)

[11] And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,

evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

[12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the

edifying of the body of Christ:

[13] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of

the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of

the fulness of Christ:

These are offices, privileges accompany these offices, taking away these

privileges do not make him less of being in the office. Spiritual gifts are

the privileges attached to the office. Offices are as a result of a divine

calling and a divine appointment.

Calling a person a prophet because of the manifestation gifts is an error,

we cannot judge a calling by gifts. Accuracy in these giftings do not also

make you called although the person called into the office might not

be as accurate. The responsibility of a prophet is more than the

operation of gifts.

Prophets are known for terrible utterances, bearing burdens and

announcing seasons. They come to announce new seasons, they come

sometimes with the judgement of God, essentially they come to deliver

the mind of God.

We must also understand that it is not every time that God speaks just

like seasons do not change every time. This is the differences between

the calling and an office.


Previously we spoke about Prophets being burden bearers. Anything

that will inform the Church about what God is saying holistically to a

sector or a group in the church will be done by the Office of the

Prophet. You must understand also that the prophets are like the

nerves of the Body to the Church.

Let us Consider Habakkuk

Habakkuk 2:1-2 (KJV)

1. “I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will

watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I

am reproved.

2. And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it

plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

See the Message translation

Habakkuk 2:1-3 (MSG)

1. “What’s God going to say to my questions? I’m braced for the worst.

I’ll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon. I’ll wait to see what

God says, how he’ll answer my complaint.

2. And then God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it

out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run.

3. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches

for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in

coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”

The Prophet knows how to handle his office well, you can know this by

how the message version puts it; "I'll climb to the lookout tower and

scan the horizon." Can prophets scan in the spirit? Yes they can, Elisha

said to his servant concerning the woman that her child died.

2 Kings 4:27

Surely this woman is griefed and the Lord has hidden it from me.

Let me call your attention to something, sometimes a prophet can be

very sharp that it will take God to hide some things from him. Prophets

can scan in the place of prayer and gain access to many things and

information but they may not be permitted to say many things,

because in this Kingdom, If it does not edify, It should not come out of

your mouth.

There was a day, I was walking on the road and a lady walked past me, I

picked it up in the spirit that she was a witch but she doesn't even know

yet because her time of activation has not come and there also there is

no leading to pursue that route, what did I do? I minded my business

because it is not everything your eyes sees that your mouth should

dance about

As a Prophet you're going to know a lot about many things when it all

opens up, someone may ask, is it only concerning bad things? No!

There was a day a pregnant woman walked past me and i knew in the

spirit thwt she was carrying a Prophet in her womb. Did I tell her? No! I

minded my business because God did not send me to tell her.

You can not be a Prophet and you love gossip and gisting about

everything because sometimes those words are not for the outside ears,

sometimes those words are not yet ripe for the physical world, so you

must be a good prophetic person and seal it.

You will see things when this grace is activated and comes to full

capacity, you will feel things, you will dream things, also people will tell

you things, which will be secrets, only the leading of the Spirit can

preserve you not your prophetic ministry.

Remember if it is not going to edify, do not let it come out of your

mouth. You must be sure that it is not to prove a point or to show that

you see also. You have to grow up so God can trust you with bigger


I believe personally one of the Life training God makes Prophets go

through is the training of humility, there will be times in your life when

You will go through things that may look like they diminish your status

before friends and family and God would not interfere because

prophets need that training.

He's training you to become someone tens, hundreds and thousands of

people will trust for His counsel. I don't know if you have seen where a

true prophet is worshiping? They are as broken as sand, they cannot be

proud because it is dangerous. You have to be a broken vessel and it's

more easier for them to be proud.

Please learn to see People how God sees them and learn to be humble,

I keep emphasising on the people in a church setting, If you happen to

have a pastor that does not understand what is happening to you, you

may be termed proud and rebellious very quickly.

In the spirit there is an order, irrespective of how the anointing is

pushing you do not just go about giving people messages in a church

without the approval of the pastor in charge too. It's a common mistake

you're likely to make. These are stuffs we have to learn, I have made

mistakes, done things wrongly because I thought I was been led, I

seriously confused the grace in operation to the leading of the spirit.

This is why it is vital to learn how to distinguish the Voice of the Spirit or

simply put distinguish when he wants you to speak and how he wants

you to speak, they are different.


Some of you don't understand you are feelers, You suddenly enter into

a place and you're like oh my God, there are so many angels here,

people ask you, how do you know? Your answer is simply can feel them

or when you pray for people you can literally feel what they are feeling

in their life.

Feeling is a serious dimension of the Prophetic, you are praying and you

are feeling joyous or angry or feeling bitter and the Lord will not permit

this feeling to go until you pray to a certain point, you are a Prophetic

intercessor that operates by feelings

Talking In the dimension of Prophetic Feelers, there are sometimes

when you will feel things physically. Some operate very well on this

plane while some will experience it once a while, a long time ago I was

with my friends and we were praying, after the prayer, one of my

friends approached me and told me that in the cause of the prayer,

somebody tapped his shoulder, he was like at first he didn't open his

eyes and the person tapped him again and he opened his eyes, he was

a little bit scared to find out that there was nobody behind him. It's a

prophetic dimension.

In my own case, I have been woken up from my sleep at least twice by

physical taps of angels. That is the supernatural relating physically, you

are literally feeling physically the activities in the spirit. A hand on their

back, someone holding them physically, some can feel anointing oil

running on their head. Sensations of literal heat and cold on their body.

One Day I was ministering somewhere, this was when I was still in

Ukraine (quite a cold season around -4 or colder), after this ministration

I discovered that my head started becoming hot, my ears were

becoming very hot, I initially thought it's just normal, until I could not

handle the heat and I had to rush out inside the cold without jacket. I

had to literally stay outside for about five minutes for my body to settle


These things are angelic ministrations, some are uncontrollable

vibrations, hot hands and feet. So sometimes prophetic messages can

come with physical or bodily manifestations, not only in the spirit.

Sometimes you will feel them physically but beyond the experience,

you must enquire what these things or visitations means


You hear, some even hear the thought of people, like a voice

whispering it to your mind. Informations are passed to you through

hearing this is a serious dimension of the Prophetic.


As the name implies, Seers see, they have dreams, they have visions

and trances.

In Visions, Your mind is still aware of your surroundings when you have

a picture information in your mind transferred from your spirit while In

a trance, it is as though you yourself are taken to a place where this

information is going on wnd your mind is not aware of your bodily

environment.. (in this case users might have to hold you for quite a


There are 3 types of Visions;

The first vision is what you can call Spiritual vision. This is actually the

most common of all (and of course mostly neglected) what happens

here is that a vision is given to you by the Holy Spirit that manifest in

your mind. This will come to you and you will be so tempted to think

that it's just your thoughts, how you will know it's not your thought is

that you never even know or thought about what you just saw that is

how you will know this is a vision from the Holy Spirit.

That's the first type of Vision, don't forget also as a prophet you are

expected to be operating on a crazy faith because You will see things

that your own intellect will question. Some have seen angels this way,

seen demons this way and a whole lot of things. Let me add this, Vsions

come irrespective of what you're doing, The first time I had an open

vision, I was in the toilet as God showed me what was to happen later

in the day, I was not praying!

The second type of vision is what is called the Open Vision. Here your

physical eyes will see a vision, you will see it like you're seeing your

phone right now but at the same time you will be aware of your


Asides vision of course, we have dreams, which is another powerful

kind of vision, just that you have them when you are sleeping.

The third type of vision is what we call a trance. A trance is like being in

an enhanced open vision but you will not be aware of your current


What I want to draw out of this is that no vision is superior to the other.

The spirit of God can choose to speak or communicate to you in any of

these ways. We need to understand that everything about us is very

spiritual and can have interactions

I believe you know sometimes a vision that could be translated to 7

pages could just be seen in 5 seconds this is because there's no time in

the spirit.


Prophets pick up important data in the spirit so that the church will act

on them according to the season that we are.

Another way to illustrate this is by understanding how a house and a

watch tower works, think of it this way, the church occupies the house

but the office of the prophet is that watch tower.

Watch towers are constructed with the intention to be very tall so has

to see the things or people that are afar off from the destination you

are. As a Prophet .... This construct is part of you. This means eventually

you'll know what is on the mind of God before it comes into

manifestation, God makes the prophetic office to pick many things

before time so that they the body of Christ will be able to prepare and

act accordingly.

Another advantage of this watch tower is that when you speak from

there, your voice will have little resistance, a lot will be able to hear you

clearly. This speaks of the utterance given to the prophets in

announcing prophetic things.

As a prophet it is important to have the heart of God, it is not the desire

of God to let evil things happen so do not make it your desire to see

every bad vision you see coming to pass, it shows you're bad at your

work there's no pride in that.

From this tower you can see enemies days away and warn the church

ahead, will people doubt you and your calling? Yes! Not everyone will

believe you and when they start believing you, not everyone will

believe you're of God. You must always remind yourself that your

ministry is not to impress any man, your Faithfulness is to God.

The prophetic ministry in it's truest form is very needed in the direction

of the churchurch, if the church did not need it, Jesus would not give

prophets as gifts to the church.

It is also important that a prophet knows that prayer is his best friend

because of the nature of this ministry. Prophets are spiritually tough

people, they can live without the many luxury others in body depend


A prophet speaks as led not as he wishes knowing the will of God is

one, once you enter an alternative stream, you may be giving voice to

satanic spirit, a false prophet is one who has deviated from the streams

of the Holy Spirit.


The reason why many of us are yet to manifest fully in our potentials is

because of a lack of knowledge, even Jesus said you shall know the

truth and the truth shall set you free. Understanding of light has a way

to set freedom to one's mind

Every man has the spirit nature, the soul, and the body. Some say we

are spirit, soul and body. Others say we are spirit that has a soul and

lives in a body.

Every believer must understand this, the Holy Spirit is inside your spirit,

your spirit is fully possessed. Then you have your soul which comprises

of your mind, intellect and your will. Finally, you have your body.

You must Understand something, Scriptures says when you pray in

tongues, your spirit prays but your "Mind" (soul) is unfruitful. This is

what happens in the normal speaking in tongues, this is why you can be

praying in tongues and be reading chemistry or praying and watching

movies, because it's possible they both are doing two different things.


One important thing I also love to share about prophets or prophetic

person (which could be peculiar to each prophet) is how environment

stirs the anointing.You must by the reason of journeying know the

secrets that stir your anointing.

I will start with the popular ones sounds and music.

2 Kings 3:14-15 (MSG)

14. “Elisha said, “As God-of-the-Angel-Armies lives, and before whom I

stand ready to serve, if it weren’t for the respect I have for Jehoshaphat

king of Judah, I wouldn’t give you the time of day. 15. But considering—

bring me a minstrel.” (When a minstrel played, the power of God came

on Elisha.)”

I want you to notice something here, notice that prior to this time he

was angry with King Joram the King of Israel, but he knows that in a

moment of time, he can stir his prophetic anointing. Prophet Elisha

understands the kind of environment that can stir his Prophetic Grace,

all he needed was an anointed minstrel and the Bible said as the

minstrel played, the hand of God came upon him. What did that

minstrel play? Sounds.

If you ask me why this is so, I honestly have no response for you but if

you ask me if this is true, my response will be a big yes! It's just a

peculiar secret you might have to find out about what stirs your


For some it is some quiet, no sound, no noise, just keep quiet. For

another it is noise when he ministers, he wants to hear noise, It

provokes his anointing. I know a prophet that operates this way, it stirs

it up. You must understand what stirs yours up, what is it you can do

that will put you in that atmosphere in less than three minutes? What is

your quick switch? Some need to pray in tongues in capital letters for

about 5 minutes.

There may be days you do not feel like ministering but you know in

your spirit you have to, you would need to put yourself in the mood like

Prophet Elisha.

What ever your stir is you must know it because it will help you.

You need to also know God might ask you to say what is bigger than

your mouth. You must understand that prophets are most times sent

the dirty Job, this is the aspect that prophets are termed rebellious,

proud and ill mannered.

This is why God had to encourage Prophet Jerimiah too

Jeremiah 1:7-8 (NIV)

7. “But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go

to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.

8. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,”

declares the Lord.”

Do not say I am too Young! When God speaks through you, God is the

main man not you so don't fear any man God sends you too rather fear

God! I have because of fear refused to deliver messages to people

because I was afraid what they would say or how they may take it and

years later everytime I see them or think about it I wish I delivered the


Bishop David Oyedepo once said PROPHETS ARE SPIRITUAL



Do not be afraid of their hostile faces! The amplified translation of the

bible puts it better;

Jeremiah 1:8 (AMP)

“Do not be afraid of them [or their hostile faces], For I am with you

[always] to protect you and deliver you,” says the Lord.”

This is why you must completely let God have His way! God's Word that

is given to you is strong enough to deliver generations in Nations,

Please believe it!

God is still saying, deliver the message anyway!


First I will love to mention that don't go about seeking with all your

effort and attention to know if you're a prophet or not, my advice is just

go ahead and love God and journey with him the way you know how as

you learn His words more, if you are called to be a prophet, your

journey will begin to reveal it in you.

What I mean by that is, time in the school of the spirit will reveal who

you are in Christ including your destiny on Earth.

The first signs and knowings you will feel will be personal, then with the

confirmations of others, you will be sure, because it takes the witness

of two or three to make a matter established.

So first is personal convictions then confirmations from Spirit led and

inspired people.


The prophetic ministry as we have already discussed is endowed with

peophetic gifts, we have earlier established that the fact that you walk

in all or one of the prophetic gift does not make you a prophet but

similarly we should talk about these gifts.

There is a way to be constant in maintaining these gifts, you must first

know and understand that God gave us these gifts so we can use them

well, of course, you have to use them as directed and led by the spirit

of God.

Once again I will explain that the fact that you operate in a gift does not

mean you are doing God's will, God is a purposeful being, He has a

purpose for everything, you must even understand that before God

created you, your purpose preceeds you that iswhy the scripture says

"it is the glory of God to conceal a thing and it is the honour of Kings to

search it out."

You have a major assignment of searching and seeking to find out what

is it the Lord has in mind (this will also build communion and fellowship

with God). God gave you those prophetic gifts because it is connected

to your purpose, the question is how do you operate in them? How do

you grow in them?

1 Timothy 4:14

4. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given you through

the prophecy spoken over you at the laying on of the hands of the


Here we find Apostle Paul telling Timothy not to neglect the gift that is

in him, Can a gift be neglected? Yes! Can you choose not to walk in

some of your giftings? Yes! This is exactly why Apostle Paul is telling

Timothy, do not neglect these gifts that was given to you, in this case

through laying on of hands.

You can contact gifts by laying on of hands and gifts can be activated

through prophecy but office cannot be transferred by laying of hands,

you are born into an office! If you are a prophet you were born a

prophet, if you are an envangelist, you were born an evangelist and for

other offices likewise.

The office is not impacted or transferred, this is the pattern in the old

testament, the sons of Levi are born priests, in the new testament,

Jesus picks as He wills "And it was He who gave some to be apostles,

some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors

and teachers". So it is an error to assume that because the father of a

child is occupying a certain office that the children will have the same

function unless God reveals and wills it.

Rule number one to walking in prophetic gifts is do not neglect the

gift.How do you not neglect it? It means you should use it as the Spirit

leads you and grant you peace.

Rule number two is do not overlook the little things! You know some

people have this attitude of "It's just something little," people have had

what you call "little" messages and refused to deliver them. For

instance you are having a nudge to tell someone not to go out

tomorrow, and sincerely you do not know why you are feeling that way,

still you have to obey.

We have spoken about how the prophetic ministry or ministrations will

actually require you to suspend your mind. God does not think like you

and it will/may actually take some time before God begins to trust you

with people's secret and His secrets.

How can one suspend his or her mind? You have to learn how to follow

the basics, using your Spirit to insist on trusting God over what your

mind is sugesting

Rule number 2 again is that the little things matter alot!

To walk in prophetic gifts or any gifts at all, you will need to walk by

faith. You have to choose to take that leap of faith, you already have

the gift and you must come to terms with it! I have the gift of healing, I

have the prophetic gifts, I have the word of wisdom etc if your mind is

asking you how you know, your reply is because God told me and i

have confirmations in my spirit!

When the lord was beginning to open me up to the prophetic

dimension, I would see a picture or have a word for a particular person

and I would feel a great push to go talk to this person, I would think

sometimes but i do not even have the full picture or know what I am to

say fully but remember every gift needs faith in God, you have to

believe God more than your mind.

I started to realize everytime I obeyed and go to talk to these people, it

is at that very point the remaining words come in everytime! It

happened repeatedly more pictures, more words sometimes it would

come so strong the person I am speaking with will burst in tears or fall

down for the accuracy they would never believe that the person

speaking to them was clueless three minutes ago. You have to have

faith in God and in what He has given you.

Rule number three is you must be very humble when you are wrong,

sometimes you may not even be wrong, the truth is this, the prophetic

realm is very wide, there are many stuffs that will take time for you to

understand, I am still learning, in fact recently I still bought a book on

the prophetic ministry, if you are speaking to someone and you sound

off especially in specifics and this person is not relating with what you

are saying brothers and sisters apologise and move on. Learn to be

humble not force words, it will help you to even grow faster.

I tell people to sieve everything I have said by the Spirit, You don't have

to follow what I have said if it is not resonating with the Holy Spirit in

you this is why sometimes you might actually be delivering a message

that is not yet ripe, sometimes you are not wrong but the Spirit of God

is not yet saying that. May God give us understanding.

You have to know this Jesus already gave the Holy Spirit to his church, a

prophetic voice can be a voice of instruction but it MUST be secondary

always to the Holy Spirit, any man that seeks to control another man

outside the jurisdiction of the Holy Spirit is operating the spirit of

witchcraft irrespective of the office they may occupy


On the aspect of growth, You have to be faithful with the little things.

Luke 16:10 (NIV)

10. “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with

much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest

with much.”

By now you must understand that anything that pertains to God is

growth related as much as God can't wait to endow us with all the

fullness of a particular gift, there's also a part in God that is very loving,

The Father in God will not make you jump processes.

Like every other thing, God will start with you on a little scale and He

will watch your faithfulness. Faithfulness is doing it God's way only

irrespective of pressures and suggestions from outside. God told you

about a person's secret, are you able to tame your lips irrespective of

how tempting it is to spill? Even when the person is offending you?

Little things.

I share once in a while with people close to me how that secrets fall in

my hands a lot, it is either it is revealed to me by revelation or I'm told

or the persons hemselves come to me and start talking, It took me a

while to understand those are angelic activities too. If you see them as

coincidence you will never master the spirituality behind it, because my

calling is very attracted to spiritual things books, movies, talks, It's as if

these things call to me so talk about messages on angels, books on

angels etc Count me in! I'm interested!

Can God trust you with secrets? Can God tell you a secret all because

He wants you to pray about it? Can God tell you like John to seal a

revelation and He will be sure actually no man will hear of it till it is

time. faithfulness in little things will make God to elevate you, increase

your gift and cause you to walk in higher realms.

Second rule to growth;

2 Peter 1:2 (NIV)

2. “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of

God and of Jesus our Lord.”

Apostle Peter is praying here and also showing us that grace and peace

multiplies through knowledge. Knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.

The grace of God in your life can multiply or be in abundance through

the knowledge of God!

Imagine as a Prophetic person you have been having sensations on your

hand for years, you never researched, you never asked, you never read

concerning it, you know nothing! You just know that you have

experiences, those experiences will stop there making no impact

because you have decided not to seek knowledge.

Hosea 4:6 (NIV)

6. “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you

have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you

have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.”

God despises those who intentionally have decided to be ignorant

because if you do not want to stay ignorant you have to grow, if you

hate growth that means God cannot use you.

I was ministering alongside a Prophet, he's a seer, very detailed and

specific and I was paying attention to his ministration, he picked up

something very detailed it takes accuracy to pick what he picked and he

said, "actually to pick something like this and paint it so clearly you

must first know of it's existence." Knowledge helps the prophetic gift to


If you're called to be a prophet or you have the prophetic gift, what will

help you more is to know what this office means, it's possibilities, the

activities in it, read andWatch messages around this area meditate

around it, it will help you.

I do not struggle with visions the way I do in the time past, that is

growth and it is God's will for us all.

Lastly, your experience. A prophet cannot be separated from his

experiences. If God has called you to be a prophet your experiences will

work along your ministry and this will produce growth.

This is the toughest of it all, God will make it that you become your

message, no matter how tough headed you are, in this message will be

humility, prayer? Giving? Repentance? Name them, you will be your

own message, this may take years but it will happen in full eventually.

Experiences such tough times, abuses, isolation, burdens, persecution

will bring out the prophet in you.


1 Corinthians 13:8-9 (KJV)

8. “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall

fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be

knowledge, it shall vanish away.

9. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.”

I know probably a lot of us have heard and read this and took notice of

it, verse 9 of this scripture says "we know in part and we prophecy in

part." Knowledge is divided the same way prophecy is divided. The

same way a man cannot know all things that's the same way prophecy

works. No matter who you are or how sharp you are, you must always

remember that prophecy is divided.

The best you can achieve is to be the best or to capture the full scope of

the part God has given you to capture, you must have this mindset

always so it will build in you a humbling and receptive spirit. You must

be eager after you have delivered to welcome other part from people

yet to deliver.

1 Corinthians 14;29(KJV)

29. Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh

carefully what is said.

You must remember you are not the only prophet alive or you are not

the only one with a prophetic gift, therefore give ears to listen to God

from others because that is another part, they may even continue from

where you have stopped.

God has done this so that we can remember that we are still men, we

don't have everything.

Another reason for this is so that we can also fellowship with one


1 John 1:3(KJV)

3. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also

may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and

with his Son, Jesus Christ.

You should know that when you fellowship with others in Christ you are

in fellowship with the Father and Son. God made it so, enjoy it, be

eager to be blessed by others, learn to be a good receiver and never

allow pride set in, the best you can capture is the part that is given to

you, always remember you are not God!

We know in part, we see in part, we dream in part, we prophecy in part.

The last thing I will love to share here is that if you have a spiritual

father stay connected and committed to him/her, It will help you so

much. Let me quickly clear this, if God has placed someone over you as

a spiritual authority, do you think God didn't know what he was doing?

Also I must add, I am not talking about a spiritual Father that you found

for yourself or the person you started following because you felt he/she

is cool and good for you, I am talking about the person God actually

told you to follow, God that created you and knows your destination

and your dealings took you and placed you under a spiritual authority.

God already knows you will have questions, He knows you will have

challenges, He knows you will need explanations and believe me where

He has placed you will help you achieve that.

So if God has placed a spiritual authority over you, you must stay

connected and committed to that authority, this way you'll be

accountable, corrected and helped to achieve more of God's potentials

in You

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