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Stewardship Ministry Presentation Sunday, November 20, 2022, Angela Shermanopoulos Dear brothers and sisters, I want to share some words with you today from a sermon I heard a while ago that had an impact on me. In today’s Gospel, the foolish man had cultivated so many crops that he didn’t have where to store it and he reasoned that he should build a bigger barn to store it. God called him foolish, for today was his last day alive and who will then own his crop? (1st Corinthians - chapter 4 verse 7) God says - “What do you have that you did not receive?” NOTH- ING! Then why are you bragging as if it came from you? Why are you saving it as if it’s all yours? God has ownership of ALL of creation. We all know this. So, if God owns everything, you and I, own nothing. You own nothing, including your own life because that too can be taken from you. Everything we have is given to us by God - AND He has given us full freedom to manage it how we choose. He gives us the choice every day. Your life is yours to manage, not yours to own. Most people think they own what they don’t own, just because they have it. What God has established is a management company to manage what He owns. He created us to manage the wellbeing of His property, this kingdom. God has tasked us to protect & expand what He has given each of us. God created this Kingdom that we live in, with the property that He has asked us to protect and expand but we have misunderstood our role because we think we own what He has only given us to manage. And whenever ownership and management aren’t on the same page, there’s going to be conflict. Whenever a manager doesn’t do what the Owner has requested, there are going to be issues. God made us stewards of His kingdom and equipped us with everything we need to do so effectively. He made Man in His own image. An image is just a mirror. So, God made us in His image so we can mirror Him, be like Him. God is expecting His people to expand what He gave them. Think about that. We all know about Adam & Eve… In Genesis, Chapter 2, verse 15, the bible reads - “The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The LORD God gave the man this order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die.” So, God told Adam, I will give you a house in My home and we’ll call it Eden. In that verse, God tells Adam to cultivate and care for his home (Eden) - to unlock its potential. When a farmer cultivates the soil, he’s doing it to plant seeds, and the seeds will produce new things. In other words, God asked Adam to bring out of the land its full potential. Therefore, it is a sin not to maximize our potential. It is wrong not to maximize, under God, the potential of what He’s placed in our responsibility as His manager. God told Adam, eat freely. In other words, I want you to get everything out of creation, that creation has the potential to provide you. But then HE says, do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Now, why would God put a tree you can’t eat from, that could kill you, in the middle of all these other incredible trees in the garden? Because he wants to remind Adam that he doesn’t own anything. That tree was God’s and He wanted Adam to be reminded that he was not the owner of the garden, but merely the manager. God didn’t want Adam to eat from the tree of Knowledge of good & evil, I want you to think of this tree as our Internet, the source of knowledge that is good and evil. But why wouldn’t Adam eat from this tree when it has so much information on it? 8

Because God does not want the basis of our knowledge to come from just any source, God wants our knowledge to come from what He reveals to us through the Gospels, in church, from our bible. He wants us, as His managers/stewards, to cultivate and grow what He has given us based on the knowledge He is trying to teach us, not information that we get from the internet. But nowadays we spend most of our days on the internet, and very little, if at all, learning from God. Our world is in chaos today because people are living their lives based on the internet, rather than the revealed will of God. So as a manager of God’s kingdom, you are free to mess up the garden, or mess up your life or mess up your family or mess up the world, and just because you were created by God doesn’t mean you don't have the freedom to be a bad manager. It is close to impossible to cultivate and grow what you have been given if you don’t mirror God. God has given us this church, this community, our family - to cultivate it, grow it, to bring out its full potential. A lot of us have good motives but are making bad decisions because it's not coming from our steward relationship, it's because we think we have the right to make decisions without the input of the owner, our God. We are the caretakers of God's property. Our time, our talents, our treasures - it’s all God’s. How well have you managed your time? Your talents? A year ago, I had a very full life- a new home, new job, new baby, newly married - all these changes took up a lot of my attention. It was around that time that Father Anthony asked me if I would consider being on the parish council, and at first, all I had were excuses. Excuses are easy to find. There is no time; I’ll do it next year; It’s going to take away from my family. But instead of allowing these excuses to determine our answers, pray to God and listen to what He is telling you. Personally, I realized God called me to give of my time and of my blessings. He has given me so much to manage and in return, he merely asked that I perform a service for the church. I thought it would be an added burden to serve the church, but since being on the parish council, it’s strengthened my relationship to God and to our community and it’s helped me realize how listening to God and what He calls me to do rewards me in ways I couldn’t have realized. God says, if you want the full expression of me, working in your life, give up ownership - let go of the excuses. So, the question is, will you give up ownership in terms of God, become a manager and find out what God wants in every area that is under your responsibility? Give Him permission to use all that He’s given you to unleash the potential of all you are, all you have, and all that you are responsible for. Because if you are, then watch what He does in your life, in your world, for your good. Και στα Ελληνικά... Αγαπητοί αδελφοί και αδελφές, θέλω να μοιραστώ μερικά λόγια μαζί σας σήμερα από ένα κήρυγμα που άκουσα πριν από λίγο καιρό που με επηρέασε πάρα πολύ. Στο σημερινό Ευαγγέλιο, ο ανόητος άνθρωπος είχε καλλιεργήσει τόσες πολλές καλλιέργειες που δεν είχε πού να τις αποθηκεύσει και σκέφτηκε ότι έπρεπε να χτύσει έναν μεγαλύτερο αχυρώνα για να τις αποθηκεύσει. Ο Θεός τον αποκάλεσε ανόητο, γιατί σήμερα ήταν η τελευταία μέρα στη ζωή και σε ποιον θα ανήκει τότε η σοδειά του; (Α' Κορινθίους - κεφάλαιο 4 εδάφιο 7) Ο Θεός λέει - "Τι έχεις που δεν έλαβες;" ΤΙΠΟΤΑ! Τότε γιατί καυχιέσαι σαν να ήρθε από σένα; Γιατί το αποθηκεύεις σαν να είναι όλο δικό σου; Ο Θεός έχει την ιδιοκτησία ΟΛΗΣ της δημιουργίας. Το ξέρουμε όλοι αυτό. Έτσι, αν ο Θεός κατέχει τα πάντα, εσείς και εγώ δεν έχουμε τίποτα. 9

Because God does not want the basis of our knowledge to come from just any source, God wants our knowledge<br />

to come from what He reveals to us through the Gospels, in church, from our bible. He wants us, as His managers/stewards,<br />

to cultivate and grow what He has given us based on the knowledge He is trying to teach us, not<br />

information that we get from the internet. But nowadays we spend most of our days on the internet, and very little,<br />

if at all, learning from God.<br />

Our world is in chaos today because people are living their lives based on the internet, rather than the revealed<br />

will of God. So as a manager of God’s kingdom, you are free to mess up the garden, or mess up your life<br />

or mess up your family or mess up the world, and just because you were created by God doesn’t mean you don't<br />

have the freedom to be a bad manager.<br />

It is close to impossible to cultivate and grow what you have been given if you don’t mirror God. God has<br />

given us this church, this community, our family - to cultivate it, grow it, to bring out its full potential. A lot of us<br />

have good motives but are making bad decisions because it's not coming from our steward relationship, it's because<br />

we think we have the right to make decisions without the input of the owner, our God.<br />

We are the caretakers of God's property. Our time, our talents, our treasures - it’s all God’s. How well<br />

have you managed your time? Your talents? A year ago, I had a very full life- a new home, new job, new baby,<br />

newly married - all these changes took up a lot of my attention. It was around that time that Father Anthony<br />

asked me if I would consider being on the parish council, and at first, all I had were excuses. Excuses are easy to<br />

find. There is no time; I’ll do it next year; It’s going to take away from my family.<br />

But instead of allowing these excuses to determine our answers, pray to God and listen to what He is telling<br />

you. Personally, I realized God called me to give of my time and of my blessings. He has given me so much<br />

to manage and in return, he merely asked that I perform a service for the church. I thought it would be an added<br />

burden to serve the church, but since being on the parish council, it’s strengthened my relationship to God and to<br />

our community and it’s helped me realize how listening to God and what He calls me to do rewards me in ways I<br />

couldn’t have realized.<br />

God says, if you want the full expression of me, working in your life, give up ownership - let go of the<br />

excuses.<br />

So, the question is, will you give up ownership in terms of God, become a manager and find out what<br />

God wants in every area that is under your responsibility? Give Him permission to use all that He’s given you to<br />

unleash the potential of all you are, all you have, and all that you are responsible for.<br />

Because if you are, then watch what He does in your life, in your world, for your good.<br />

Και στα Ελληνικά...<br />

Αγαπητοί αδελφοί και αδελφές, θέλω να μοιραστώ μερικά λόγια μαζί σας σήμερα από ένα κήρυγμα που<br />

άκουσα πριν από λίγο καιρό που με επηρέασε πάρα πολύ. Στο σημερινό Ευαγγέλιο, ο ανόητος άνθρωπος είχε<br />

καλλιεργήσει τόσες πολλές καλλιέργειες που δεν είχε πού να τις αποθηκεύσει και σκέφτηκε ότι έπρεπε να χτύσει<br />

έναν μεγαλύτερο αχυρώνα για να τις αποθηκεύσει. Ο Θεός τον αποκάλεσε ανόητο, γιατί σήμερα ήταν η<br />

τελευταία μέρα στη ζωή και σε ποιον θα ανήκει τότε η σοδειά του;<br />

(Α' Κορινθίους - κεφάλαιο 4 εδάφιο 7) Ο Θεός λέει - "Τι έχεις που δεν έλαβες;" ΤΙΠΟΤΑ! Τότε γιατί<br />

καυχιέσαι σαν να ήρθε από σένα; Γιατί το αποθηκεύεις σαν να είναι όλο δικό σου;<br />

Ο Θεός έχει την ιδιοκτησία ΟΛΗΣ της δημιουργίας. Το ξέρουμε όλοι αυτό.<br />

Έτσι, αν ο Θεός κατέχει τα πάντα, εσείς και εγώ δεν έχουμε τίποτα.<br />


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