Naomh Pol News Issue 5

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<strong>Naomh</strong> Pól <strong>News</strong><br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 5

Contents<br />

Page 1.<br />

Page 2.<br />

Page 3-10.<br />

Page 11.<br />

Page 12.<br />

Page 13-14<br />

Page 15-16<br />

Page 17<br />

Page 18<br />

Page 19-20<br />

Page 21<br />

Page 22<br />

Page 23-24<br />

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Page 26<br />

Page 27<br />

Page 28<br />

Page 29-30<br />

Page 31-32<br />

Page 33<br />

Page 34<br />

Page 35-36<br />

Page 37-39<br />

Page 40-41<br />

Page 42-44<br />

Page 45<br />

Page 46<br />

Page 47-48<br />

Page 49-52<br />

Page 53-54<br />

Page 55<br />

Page 56-59<br />

Page 60-62<br />

Contents.<br />

Mr Burns and Mrs McCartan say hello.<br />

Meet our Student Leadership Team.<br />

Yummy Christmas Recipe: Cookies.<br />

Meet our new teacher, Mrs Grant.<br />

Shared Education <strong>News</strong>.<br />

Showcasing our talented Art students.<br />

Sports <strong>News</strong>. Girls GAA.<br />

Leon Boswell Summer Adventures.<br />

Behind the scenes of our school musical, Chicago.<br />

Taking care of us all. Interview with our caretaker, Mr Colm Traynor<br />

Teacher’s Pet. Are you their favourite?<br />

Year 8 have been baking some Christmas goodies!<br />

Another delicious Christmas recipe: Shortbread.<br />

Our Trad musicians brought Irish music to Spain.<br />

Did you know we have a 5 Star Breakfast Club?<br />

Our Netball heroes, Rebecca and Maebh have great news.<br />

All the fun at the Formal.<br />

The Art Department and their Roman Holiday.<br />

What’s it like to be a triplet? The Devlin Sisters tell us all.<br />

Another Christmas recipe? Ah, go on! Chocolate Orange Loaf Cake.<br />

Nuacht na Gaeilge.<br />

Enriching Year 13 Lives. An Interview with Mr McKinley.<br />

Anti-bullying Week in St. Paul’s.<br />

Year 14 Gradam <strong>Naomh</strong> Pól Winners.<br />

Amazing the Space!<br />

St. Paul’s International Projects.<br />

Meet our Library Reading Ambassador, Ava!<br />

Literacy <strong>News</strong>.<br />

It has been a busy term in the Library.<br />

The DEN’s Day Out.<br />

Full marks for Art GCSE!<br />

Sports <strong>News</strong>.<br />

(Cover: Casey McQuillan)<br />


Mr Burns<br />

I am delighted to be given a chance to write a few words for our<br />

Christmas version of the magazine and it’s been an absolutely hectic<br />

year so far.<br />

Following hot on the heels of the best set of GCSE results we’ve<br />

ever had in the school’s history, we had our first school show in<br />

three years and it was certainly worth waiting for! Chicago was a<br />

sold out hit and the standard of singing, dancing and acting was as<br />

good as we’ve ever seen. Thanks so much to the cast, crew and to<br />

all the staff who made it happen.We’re also continuing to excel in<br />

the sporting field and our teams deserve so much credit for the work<br />

they do in representing the school so well, training after school and giving it their all on<br />

match day. I thank all our sports staff for giving our pupils this opportunity to wear our<br />

jersey and perform at a level of competition that will build their character and teach them so<br />

many life skills.This magazine is an excellent illustration of the talent that exists within our<br />

school and the willingness of our students to showcase all that is positive and life affirming<br />

about being in St. Paul’s. There is a place for everyone in our school. Our pupils love<br />

wearing our famous maroon colours and are proud to say they are from St. Paul’s. I was<br />

delighted to have been able to visit all our feeder schools this month and it was so uplifting to<br />

see the younger brothers and sisters of our pupils, and some for whom, St. Paul’s will be a<br />

totally new experience for their family, all of them getting ready to make the leap forward to<br />

becoming part of the St. Paul’s community. Finally, as we approach Christmas and the season<br />

of goodwill, I want to wish all of you, your families and friends, a very Happy Christmas and<br />

joyous 2024. A big year in so many ways for so many of us. Mrs McCartan, Dr Larkin and<br />

their team have worked so hard to ensure you do so in the company of what is probably our<br />

best magazine to date.<br />

Bainigí sult as a bheith ag léamh an irisleabhair seo. Tá sé lán de scéalta suimiúla, altanna<br />

iontacha agus griangrafanna gleoite.<br />

Mrs McCartan<br />

Welcome to our Christmas edition of <strong>Naomh</strong> <strong>Pol</strong> <strong>News</strong>, designed<br />

and produced by our Year 14 Student Leadership Team. As you all<br />

know, there is a lot more to St Paul’s than the teaching in the<br />

classroom and this edition of the e-magazine aims to show you a<br />

snapshot of the many activities and events taking place on a daily<br />

basis. It includes news bulletins, sports reports, interviews,<br />

jokes…there is something for everyone to enjoy! The variety, creativity, fun and warmth<br />

within these pages represent what being part of the St Paul’s family is all about.<br />

I would like to say a massive thank you to Dr Larkin for co-ordinating the production and<br />

editing of the magazine and for each and every pupil who contributed in any way.<br />

We are also extremely grateful to Mr Ryan Freeburn for his technical support and help in<br />

publishing the e-magazine. Enjoy your read and have a lovely Christmas!<br />


Say Hello to The Student Leadership Team!<br />

Aoidín Reel<br />

Hello, my name is Aoidín Reel. I am the Head Girl in St<br />

Paul’s and a past pupil of St. Brigid’s Primary School,<br />

Drumilly. I am currently studying A-Level Health and<br />

Social Care, Religion and Nutrition and Food Science. St.<br />

Paul’s has given me countless opportunities to create happy<br />

memories that will last a lifetime. My favourite memory<br />

throughout my seven years in the school has to be the<br />

choir’s trip to Rome in 2020. I have many fond memories<br />

from this trip such as forming friendships, having fun and<br />

seeing amazing sights. Singing with the choir in Rome is an<br />

experience I will never forget. The music department always has so much to offer – whether<br />

it’s the school musicals, travelling to Rome or staying in after school for rehearsals for choir,<br />

drums orchestra…the list goes on. A piece of advice I would give to younger students is to<br />

always be yourself and do what you love, no matter what anybody thinks! Take on every<br />

opportunity that faces you and work hard. Learn how to balance school with life and enjoy<br />

every minute of it.<br />

Jack McCann<br />

My name is Jack McCann and I am a past pupil of St.<br />

Joseph’s Primary School, Bessbrook. The subjects I am<br />

currently studying for A-Level are Digital Technology,<br />

Business Studies and Digital Technology. I am really<br />

enjoying the content I’m covering this year. My<br />

favourite memory of my past 7 years at St. Paul’s has to<br />

be the trip to Barcelona at the end of Year 10. We visited<br />

many famous landmarks around the city and visited a<br />

very famous theme park called Port Aventura World.<br />

The flight was then cancelled and we got to stay two<br />

extra nights in a fancy hotel! Can you believe it? I have also enjoyed playing football for my<br />

school for the past seven years. Advice I would give to my younger self or any of the younger<br />

students is involve yourself in as many things as possible as you will find you can enjoy a lot<br />

more. I would also advise younger students to keep on top of their schoolwork as it can be<br />

very overwhelming when you have lots to do at once in a very short period of time.<br />


Rose Boden<br />

My name is Rose Boden and I am one of the Head Girls<br />

here in St. Paul’s High School. I am a past pupil of<br />

Dromintee Primary School and I am currently studying<br />

Irish, Spanish and Btec Sport. I hope to study Sport and<br />

Exercise Science at John Moore’s University, Liverpool in<br />

September 2023. I have so many wonderful memories from<br />

St. Paul’s, but my favourite must be my President’s Award<br />

experience. We spent three days hiking and although it<br />

sounds dreadful, it was the most amazing experience ever. I<br />

was surrounded by great people and we had such a laugh<br />

when Antoin Magill’s legs got stuck in a massive bog. I would recommend all students to<br />

take part in the Award. I am heading to New York and Salamanca with the school in the next<br />

few months and I am really looking forward to these trips!<br />

My advice for younger students is to have confidence and be yourself! Believing in yourself<br />

is the key to success, alongside hard work and determination. I fully believe that if you set<br />

your mind to do something, you can achieve great things. My parents always told me to<br />

believe in myself - both on and off the pitch - and it has truly been the best piece of advice<br />

I’ve received. Be a leader and stand up for what you believe in! Enjoy your time here in St.<br />

Paul’s. Your school days really are the best days of your life. I can’t believe how quickly<br />

these seven years have flown by. If I could, I would go back to first year and relive it all<br />

again!<br />

Turlough O’Hagan<br />

Hi everyone, my name is Turlough O’Hagan and I am one of the Head Boys in St. Paul’s. I<br />

am a past pupil of St. Mary’s Primary School, Mullaghbawn. Currently I am studying Maths,<br />

Geography and Biology for A-Level. Next year I am hoping to study Biological Sciences at<br />

Queen's University, Belfast.<br />

I would have to say that my best memory of my time at St. Paul’s<br />

is performing in Dublin with the Choir last year and winning Féis<br />

Ceoil. I have been a member of the choir since I came to St.<br />

Paul’s and I have made so many memories. It has been one of my<br />

favourite aspects about school life. This year in February the<br />

Choir is travelling to Rome to perform and I cannot wait.<br />

One piece of advice that I would give to younger students is to<br />

take every opportunity that is offered to you and enjoy your time<br />

here. We’re so fortunate with the number of opportunities the<br />

school has given us throughout our time here. Your time in school<br />

will fly by. It feels like no time at all since my first day at St. Paul’s. So, take every<br />

opportunity you can, make as many memories as possible and I can guarantee that you won’t<br />

regret it.<br />


Alana Grant<br />

Hello, my name is Alana Grant and I am a past pupil of St<br />

Mary’s Primary School, Mullaghbawn. The subjects I am<br />

currently studying for A-Level are Professional Business<br />

Studies, Nutrition and Food Science and Health and Social<br />

Care. I have had the privilege of becoming a member of the<br />

Student Leadership Team this year, which has allowed me to<br />

become more involved with activities throughout the<br />

school. I have made many fond memories over the past seven<br />

years here at St. Paul’s. However, my favourite memory was<br />

getting the opportunity to go to the Gaeltacht in<br />

3 rd year, which is an experience I would recommend to anyone who gets the opportunity as the<br />

Gaeltacht allowed me to make new friends with people from all different counties, who I am<br />

still friends with to this day! If I had a piece of advice to give to any younger students, it would<br />

be to just take life as it comes and don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.<br />

Antoin Magill<br />

Hello, my name is Antoin and I am a past pupil of Dromintee<br />

Primary School. Throughout my time at St. Paul’s I have studied<br />

many subjects. However, my favourite subjects have always<br />

been those of a creative nature. For my GCSE’s I chose to study<br />

Art, Technology and Drama and this is a decision that I will never<br />

regret. I loved each of these subjects as I was able to be artistic<br />

and creative. For my A-levels I chose to study Sociology which<br />

has taught me all about the different types of subcultures and<br />

norms throughout many societies. I also chose Performance Arts<br />

which has helped me come out of my shell more, both on and off<br />

stage. It has also allowed me to express myself in ways I never<br />

thought I could. Lastly, I chose Business Studies as this is a<br />

subject I would like to study at university after my time here is done. My best memory from St.<br />

Paul’s will always be participating in the President’s award where we explored the Mourne<br />

Mountains and learned about the local flora and fauna. My advice for younger students would be to<br />

be yourself. I spent so many years pretending to be someone I wasn’t, and it wasn’t until I behaved<br />

like myself that I made the best friends I could ask for.<br />


Aoife Byrne<br />

Hello, my name is Aoife Byrne, and I am a past pupil of St.<br />

Malachy’s Primary School, Camlough. I am currently<br />

studying for my A-Levels and the subjects I am studying are<br />

Maths, Health and Social Care and Nutrition and Food<br />

Science. These are the subjects I enjoy most and hopefully<br />

my grades will allow me to attend university next year. I<br />

have lots of favourite memories from my time in St. Paul’s<br />

but my favourite was going to Rome with the choir. This<br />

was an amazing trip and one that I won’t forget. I also<br />

enjoyed the opportunity to go to the Gaeltacht for the<br />

summer in Year 9 and Year 10, where I made lots of new friends and got to improve my<br />

Irish. I am a very keen sports person and St. Paul’s offers many activities. I took part in the<br />

camogie, football and the netball team. My advice for the younger students would be to take<br />

every opportunity that comes their way, always work hard, try your best and you will<br />

succeed!<br />

Daniel Shields<br />

Hi everyone, my name is Danny Shields and I attended St.<br />

Malachy’s Primary School, Carnaget and enjoyed my time<br />

there thoroughly. I then attended St. Joseph’s Boy’s High<br />

School in Newry for 5 years and after completing my GCSE<br />

exams there, I moved here to St. Paul’s. I study three A-<br />

Level subjects : Construction, Business studies and Health<br />

and Social Care. I have many great memories from my life in<br />

St. Paul’s so far and really struggle to choose just one<br />

memory that stands out as I make new memories everyday<br />

with my friends and I am visiting New York soon with the<br />

Business Studies Department, so I am sure there are plenty more memories to be made there.<br />

If I could offer any advice to other students, it would be to be confident in everything you do<br />

such as things like school work, group activities and extracurricular activities. I would also<br />

say to enjoy every second of your time here as you don’t realise how fast it will go by.<br />


Kate McCrink<br />

Hello everyone. My name is Kate McCrink and I am a<br />

member of the Student Leadership Team. I am a past pupil<br />

of Dromintee Primary School and my A-Level subjects are<br />

Maths, Digital Technology, and Health and Social Care. I<br />

have so many great memories of my time here, but one of<br />

my favourite memories of St. Paul’s would have to be<br />

getting the opportunity to go to London in 2019 with the<br />

dance team. We attended a workshop and a dance class at<br />

Pineapple Dance Studios, we went sightseeing, we went<br />

shopping and we even got to see a West End show. This trip<br />

was such a great experience and it’s something that I will always remember about my time<br />

here. One piece of advice I have for younger students is to make the most of your time at St.<br />

Paul’s! Take full advantage of every opportunity you are given whether it be a club, sport,<br />

activity, or a trip and don’t waste any of these opportunities. I can guarantee it will make your<br />

time at St. Paul’s so much more enjoyable and very worthwhile!<br />

Emma Boylan<br />

Hello! My name is Emma Boylan and I am a past pupil of<br />

St Joseph’s Primary School in Meigh. For my A-Levels I<br />

study Religion, Health and Social Care and Children’s Play,<br />

Learning and Development, all of which I enjoy. My<br />

favourite subject is Religion because the topics that we<br />

study are interesting and varied.<br />

My favourite memory from my time in St. Paul’s is the day<br />

trip we took with the music department to Alton Towers in<br />

3rd year. We flew into Manchester very early in the<br />

morning, which was an exciting experience for us all. We<br />

spent the day at Alton Towers and it was very enjoyable.<br />

My advice for younger students would be to take every opportunity that comes your way and<br />

don’t worry about what others think of you. You can achieve anything you want when you<br />

put your mind to it.<br />


Kirsty McCann<br />

Hello, my name is Kirsty McCann, and I am a past pupil of St<br />

Malachy’s Primary School, Camlough. As a year 14, I am<br />

currently studying Nutrition and Food Science, Health and<br />

Social Care and Religion, which I enjoy thoroughly. I have many<br />

significant memories through my time in St. Paul’s, but one<br />

which stands out would be the trip to Rome. In year 11 I was<br />

given the opportunity to visit Rome with the Senior Girls’ Choir.<br />

Everything about this trip was phenomenal but I particularly<br />

enjoyed singing in the Vatican and being able to visit all the<br />

popular landmarks around the capital, even singing at a few of<br />

them. I have enjoyed every minute of my time in St. Paul’s and<br />

I would advise younger students to live in the present and<br />

appreciate every moment. Before entering secondary education, my parents would always tell<br />

me how fast it goes by, and I refused to believe them. Coming from someone in their final<br />

year, my time in St. Paul’s has flown by and I would do anything to be back in first year and<br />

relive it all. I would also tell them to push themselves past their comfort zone and allow<br />

themselves to learn new things by getting involved in as much as possible.<br />

Leon Boswell<br />

Bonjour, my name is Leon Boswell and I am so excited to be writing<br />

this for the first edition of the school magazine this year!! I am a<br />

proud past pupil of St. Peter’s Primary School, Cloughreagh and am<br />

currently studying A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Religion (I also<br />

studied AS French if you couldn't tell!). Reminiscing back on my time<br />

so far in St. Paul’s I can happily say I have a lot of joyful memories<br />

but I would have to say my favourite would be attending the Feis<br />

Ceoil Gala Concert in Dublin's RDS Concert Hall last year with the<br />

Senior Mixed Choir. It is truly an incredible experience I will always<br />

appreciate and never forget. I know there will be a lot of younger<br />

students reading this magazine and the one piece of advice I can<br />

give is to try get involved in as many different things as you can<br />

during your time in St. Paul’s, whether that's the choir, our sports team or debate clubs. Try it out! It<br />

is a brilliant way to meet new people and form lasting friendships with both your year group and<br />

others too!<br />

Oisín McDonald<br />

Hi! I’m 18 and I went to Cloghogue Primary School. I’m<br />

studying English Literature, Spanish and Music at A-Level.<br />

You might see me helping Dr Larkin in the Breakfast Club in<br />

the mornings, hanging out in the Music Department, or<br />

sometimes helping out in the DEN. During my time in Junior<br />

School, I made sure to join all the clubs I was interested in<br />

(like the choir and the drama club) because it helped me to<br />

make loads of friends with people that I didn’t share any<br />

classes with. In 2018, I took part in the school production of<br />

‘Beauty and the Beast’ and this year I played the role of Amos<br />

in the school’s production of Chicago, (which is probably the<br />

highlight of my time in St. Paul’s). Some of the best advice I<br />

could give to my younger self and any other younger students would be to join any extracurricular<br />

clubs you think might be interesting, even if you don’t know anyone else there.<br />


There are hundreds of people in your year group and you’re only going to get the opportunity<br />

to meet a couple dozen throughout your time in Junior School - why not spend time taking<br />

part in activities you enjoy, while having the opportunity to make friends with someone you<br />

might share a class with a couple of years down the line at GCSE or A-Level?<br />

Rachel McCabe<br />

Hello, my name is Rachel McCabe and I am a past pupil of<br />

St. Joseph’s Primary School in Bessbrook. I am a Year 14<br />

student and currently study Sport, Health and Social Care,<br />

and Professional Business Services for my A-Levels. I really<br />

enjoy these subjects and hope to achieve high grades this<br />

year to allow me to attend University next September to<br />

pursue a career in either Sport or Business. I am part of the<br />

Student Leadership team in St. Paul’s where I assist in<br />

making sure all pupils feel welcome and supported in<br />

school. Over the past seven years, I have experienced a lot<br />

of fantastic memories which I will never forget! One memory that stands out for me was<br />

going to Barcelona in third year. It was an amazing trip as I was able to explore another<br />

country with a lot of my school friends. I am a very keen sports person and have been<br />

fortunate enough to experience many great opportunities in the school. I was part of the<br />

winning team for netball in second year where we won the double (the only team to have ever<br />

done this in St. Paul’s!). I have reached an Ulster Final with the school Gaelic team and have<br />

attended football All-Stars events. My advice for the younger students would be to always<br />

believe in yourself, dream big and always push out of your comfort zones to make<br />

unforgettable memories! Always believe that you can achieve anything you set out to do<br />

providing you give 100% effort and commitment! It’s very true what they say – “you get out<br />

what you put in!” I encourage everyone to make the most of your time in school and try to<br />

seek out as many new experiences as possible!<br />

Rachel McNamee<br />

My name is Rachel McNamee and I am one of the student<br />

leaders here at St. Paul’s. I am a past pupil of Killean<br />

Primary School. For A-Levels I study Maths, Biology and<br />

Chemistry and I also studied Physics for AS. My favourite<br />

subject is maths and I hope to become a vet in the future. In<br />

school I am also involved in the music department<br />

participating in both the choir and orchestra. One of my<br />

favourite memories of St. Paul’s was taking part in Feis<br />

Ceoil in 2019. Everyone in the senior girls and the mixed<br />

choir got on the bus and went up to Dublin. The mixed<br />

choir got through to the finals and we all stayed in Dublin, got pizza and watched them<br />

perform. If I was to give advice to the younger pupils of St Paul’s it would be to enjoy your<br />

time in St Paul’s. Try and join as many extracurriculars as it is a great way to make new<br />

friends and get exciting opportunities.<br />


Róisín Dowdall<br />

Dia daoibh a chairde, my name is Róisín Dowdall, and I am<br />

a past pupil of Killean Primary School. As a Year 14<br />

student I am currently studying Irish, Religion and Health<br />

and Social Care. I enjoy all my subjects, but if I had to pick<br />

a favourite, it would be Irish! My best memory of St. Paul’s<br />

would be travelling to the Gaeltacht with my friends in the<br />

summer and attending Feis Ceoil in Dublin with our music<br />

Department. My advice for a younger St. Paul’s student is<br />

to grab every opportunity that comes your way. St. Paul’s is<br />

the perfect place to try new things, and this will help you<br />

gain new skills and meet new people. Just remember, have confidence and you can do<br />

anything you set your mind to do!<br />

Skye McClenaghan<br />

Hello, my name is Skye McClenaghan and I am a past pupil<br />

of St. Teresa’s Primary School in Tullyherron. When I<br />

attended St. Teresa’s Primary School, my favourite subjects<br />

were without a doubt Music, Drama and English. This most<br />

definitely stayed with me throughout my time in St. Paul’s<br />

and are the subjects I am currently studying at A level. I<br />

have attended St. Paul’s High School for the past 7 years of<br />

my life, making so many wonderful memories that I will<br />

never forget. A standout memory, however, for me would<br />

have to be the 2020 Rome trip with our sensational school<br />

choir. We had the most amazing time seeing the sights of Rome, spending time with our<br />

friends and even getting the honour and privilege of singing as part of a mass in the Vatican.<br />

The choir is returning to Rome in February of 2023 which I am most excited to attend. It will<br />

be a great final trip. Throughout my time at St. Paul’s, I’ve learnt so many valuable skills and<br />

have made countless friends. One thing I will say to any of our younger students is that you<br />

should enjoy every second of your time here. Never be afraid to put yourself out there, try<br />

new things and always show as much kindness and empathy as you can towards others. The<br />

positivity that you put out into the St. Paul's community will always be recognised and will<br />

stay with you through your remaining school years!<br />


Christmas Baking<br />

Chocolate Chip Cookies<br />

Ingredients<br />

100g margarine<br />

125g caster sugar<br />

Equipment<br />

Wooden spoon<br />

Mixing bowl<br />

1 egg Small glass bowl<br />

200g flour<br />

fork<br />

1 teaspoon baking powder baking tray<br />

100 chocolate chips baking sheet<br />

• Cream the butter and sugar together with a wooden spoon in a<br />

mixing bowl.<br />

• Beat the egg in a small bowl<br />

• Pour the egg mixture into the butter and sugar and mix to combine<br />

• Add the flour and chocolate chips and mix until you get a stiff<br />

dough<br />

• Divide the mixture into balls.<br />

• Space out evenly on the baking sheets, leaving enough space<br />

between each to allow for spreading.<br />

• Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, until golden brown. Enjoy!<br />

Danny Shields<br />


We welcome one of our new<br />

teachers, Mrs Grant<br />

What school did you teach in before joining St.<br />

Paul’s?<br />

I am very proud that I have joined St. Paul’s in my<br />

25 th year of teaching, a job that I love to do. I have<br />

been teaching all boys for the last 24 years and my<br />

previous schools were St. Patrick’s Grammar<br />

School and St. Brigid’s High in Armagh City.<br />

What subject did you teach?<br />

GCSE/A-Level Business Studies, ICT, Prince’s<br />

Trust and Careers,<br />

What do you think of St. Paul’s so far? Are you enjoying it?<br />

I absolutely love working in St. Paul’s as it feels like home to me. I only live 10 minutes<br />

down the road and I have the pleasure of taking my two daughters to school with me every<br />

day. St. Paul’s has a really warm, friendly atmosphere and all the students and staff are a<br />

pleasure to work with. It is great to get the opportunity to teach both boys and girls and I<br />

love being surrounded with the South Armagh accent and the craic is brilliant among pupils<br />

and staff.<br />

What advice would you give to students?<br />

Cherish your time in St. Paul’s, make memories with your classmates, make life-long friends<br />

and you will always look back fondly at your school days as the “best days of your life”. In<br />

20 years’ time, you will reminisce about your time here as a “St Paul’s student” and tell<br />

funny stories about your time at school.<br />

My advice is to:<br />

“Always do your best, go the extra mile and believe in yourself. It is important to have<br />

fun……spend time with your family/friends and try be a teenager with integrity”.<br />

Go raibh maith agat!<br />

(Interview. Aoife Byrne)<br />


Shared Education <strong>News</strong><br />

In the last few years, Shared Education has been reduced to online contact with no<br />

opportunity for meeting face-to-face, but we are delighted that full activities have returned<br />

this year.<br />

We started this year's programmes with a very successful TBUC (Together Building United<br />

Communities) Camp for our Year 10 students who had never had the opportunity to meet the<br />

students from our partner schools: Newry High, St. Joseph's Crossmaglen. and<br />

Newtownhamilton High School. More than 70 Year 10/11s from our partnership participated<br />

in this programme which involved dealing with issues surrounding reconciliation, team<br />

building activities in Carlingford Adventure Centre and designing a project which would<br />

contribute positively to our community. The students decided that they would organise a<br />

colour run and raise funds for the very worthy charity, Pips Hope and Support. Students<br />

raised more than £1500 and the sponsorship was presented to a representative from Pips<br />

Hope and Support at our celebration event in October.<br />

Class 831 will be participating in our Year 8 LLW Shared Education programme this year.<br />

They have already had two different days full of activities where they participated in icebreaker<br />

activities, team-building activities and important discussions around flags and<br />

symbols. This class will continue on this programme this year with several more workshops<br />

planned.<br />


We are delighted to relaunch the <strong>Pol</strong>itics in Action programme in the post-covid era. Five of<br />

our Year 11 students, accompanied by Mrs Ann O'Hare, will participate in this programme.<br />

The students involved are Cashel McKay, Caoimhe Quinn, Bailey O'Donoghue, Niall<br />

O'Hagan, Sean Óg Flanagan and Conall Larkin. These students will work with other year 11s<br />

from our partner schools throughout this programme. We also hope that they will have the<br />

opportunity to attend a celebration event marking 25 years since the Good Friday Agreement<br />

next year.<br />

Shared Education is embedded across a number of subjects in St. Paul's. A selection of Year<br />

13 students is involved in a cross-border Eco project. Students in our DEN will also be<br />

participating in a bespoke programme and Art have developed an exciting GCSE programme<br />

in collaboration with 'Amazing the Space'. GCSE Art students visited he Ulster Museum and<br />

got to meet Simon McWilliams who spoke about one of his paintings in the exhibition and<br />

Maggi Bowen who took time to talk about some of the pieces on show.<br />

We are delighted that Shared Education in the Newry and South Armagh partnership<br />

continues to thrive and we look forward to hearing about the friendships developed and the<br />

educational benefits of these programmes.<br />

(Mrs C. McCoy)<br />

What do you call<br />

Santa Clause when<br />

he stops moving?<br />

14<br />

Santa Pause

ART<br />

Ciara Fearon Yr 12 Leah Walsh Yr 12<br />

Faolan Toal 13/89<br />

Sophie Hollywood 13/82<br />


Molly McKevitt Yr 13 Clodagh Doran 13/32<br />

Aimee Craven Yr 11<br />

Carla Locke Yr 11<br />

Casey McQuillan 14/50<br />



U14 Ulster Champions 2022<br />

The U14 Girl’s became Ulster Champions this year, beating<br />

St. Ronan’s from Lurgan on a score line of 4.04 to 1.08. The<br />

team was led by Captain Eden McArdle. There were girls<br />

from across a variety of Armagh clubs, from Shane O’Neill’s,<br />

Killeavy GAA, Whitecross, Carrickcruppen, Dromintee, and<br />

Bosco GAA.<br />


Leon Boswell’s Summer Adventures<br />

Bonjour à tous! This past summer I had the privilege of attending the University of Oxford as<br />

part of their UNIQ French Summer School and it was truly an experience I will never forget.<br />

As I arrived at Oxford Station, I was met by my guide Alex, a first-year student studying<br />

French and Modern Greek. As Oxford is a collegiate system (essentially a university made up<br />

of many different colleges!) I was assigned to Worcester College and this is where I met my<br />

fellow French students, who I can now call friends, from<br />

all over the UK such as London, Liverpool, and<br />

Edinburgh. As I was the only person from Ireland<br />

studying on the French course, I was a bit nervous to<br />

meet everyone, but I realised a lot of other people were<br />

in the same position and I quickly felt right at home. The<br />

first day was pretty casual. I was given my timetable for<br />

the week, took part in ice breakers and explored Oxford<br />

and it was not until the second day we dove into<br />

studying French. Each day we delved into different<br />

aspects of the French language: the first day of classes I<br />

remember delving into Voltaire’s Candide, an 18 th<br />

Century French Novella and whilst I found it<br />

challenging at first I found it exhilarating as I was<br />

quickly able to interpret the text! We also learned about French history and how poems such<br />

as Ballade de celui qui chanta dans les supplices were used as a form of resistance during<br />

periods of war. It was all quite interesting! I have to say my favourite part of learning didn’t<br />

come until day 3 & 4 when I got to learn Russian and Italian. Whilst it was difficult at the<br />

start, by the end of the summer school I found myself being able to form and understand<br />

simple sentences after only two days! Whilst UNIQ was an academic summer school, it was<br />

not all work! Me and my new friends had time each evening to explore Oxford and meet up<br />

with other students studying on different courses and it’s these friends I am still in contact<br />

with today. Despite not applying for French at University, this summer school was one of the<br />

best decisions I made and so I urge you, if UNIQ offers a subject you’re interested in, to take<br />

full advantage of the opportunity.<br />

18<br />

(Leon Boswell)

Chicago<br />

Our School Musical<br />

In rehearsals<br />

Chicago is a 1975 musical with music by John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb. The 1996<br />

Broadway production holds the record as the longest-running musical revival and the longestrunning<br />

American musical in Broadway history. The West End revival became the longestrunning<br />

American musical in West End history. Chicago is based on a 1926 play of the same<br />

title by reporter Maurine Dallas Watkins, about actual criminals and the crimes on which she<br />

reported. It is set in the 1920s and, in the real-world Chicago was infamous during this time<br />

for murders, usually involving women killing their husbands. The story is a satire on<br />

corruption in the administration of criminal justice and the concept of the "celebrity<br />

criminal". The plot tells the story of Roxie Hart, a woman who is imprisoned for murdering<br />

her lover, unbeknownst to her husband, Amos. In order to be released from jail, she needs the<br />

help of the legendary lawyer Billy Flynn and keeper of the prison Matron ‘Mama’ Morton.<br />

She competes with her fellow prisoner, Velma Kelly, to become the perfect “celebrity<br />

criminal” in Chicago, in order to gain the public’s sympathy and become a free woman. The<br />

character of Roxie Hart is based on the suspected murderer, Beulah Annan. Chicago is most<br />

famous for numbers such as Cell Block Tango, sung by the ‘Merry Murderesses’, Mr<br />

Cellophane, sung by Amos after his wife’s neglect and All That Jazz, the opening number<br />

sang by Velma Kelly, where we see Roxie’s murder of Fred Casely.<br />

(Oisín McDonald)<br />


For our recently concluded and very successful production of Chicago, we began our<br />

rehearsals for the production in August, in order to ensure we were fully prepared for the<br />

performance. With the expert directing and musical direction of Mrs Lynch and Mr J Murphy<br />

our rehearsals ran smoothly and swiftly. The amount of time and effort that was put into this<br />

magnificent production behind the scenes by the cast, crew and production team was simply<br />

superb. We all took our roles incredibly seriously making sure everything was done to a high<br />

standard so that the show could reach its full potential. We rehearsed tirelessly during school,<br />

after school and some evenings and it most definitely paid off in the end. When it finally<br />

came to the big night, tensions were high and you could feel the nervous, exciting energy<br />

backstage. When the curtain finally went up, the entire cast came to life and performed to the<br />

highest standard. The reviews were amazing, with many people leaving at the end of the<br />

night thoroughly satisfied and invigorated by such a splendid show. When closing night<br />

came, the show was just as splendid as it was each night before. The entirety of the Chicago<br />

team was saddened to see such a magnificent musical come to an end, but we most certainly<br />

will hold it in our memories for many years to come as a strong highlight of our St. Paul’s<br />

experience.<br />

(Skye McClenaghan)<br />

Why does Santa always<br />

enter through the chimney?<br />

Because it soots him.<br />


Taking care of us all.<br />

Our caretaker, Colm Traynor<br />

Name: Colm Traynor<br />

Occupation: Building Supervisor<br />

Where are you from? Silverbridge<br />

What are your main responsibilities as a caretaker?<br />

My main responsibilities are the opening and closing of the school, along with carrying out<br />

maintenance work and camera surveillance.<br />

What is a typical day like for you?<br />

My day starts at 7am with the opening of the school. I then get the halls ready for assembly or exams.<br />

Most maintenance work is carried out after school, so I would tidy outside the school and perform<br />

gate duties until that time.<br />

What is the best thing about your job?<br />

The best thing about my job is the variety of work. My day is never the same, so I never get bored.<br />

Did you have any aspirations to work in a different sector when you were younger?<br />

Yes, I always wanted to work as a joiner, a job I had until 9 years ago. I loved my role, but sometimes<br />

a career change is good. I decided to switch roles and work in St. Paul’s.<br />

What is your fondest memory whilst working in St. Paul’s?<br />

I got the chance to go to New York with the Business Studies Department in 2017. Great memories to<br />

keep forever.<br />

(Rose Boden)<br />


Teacher’s Pet<br />

Mrs Hughes and Molly<br />

Ms Maguire and Chester<br />

Mr McKinley and Max<br />

Mrs Byrne and Buzz<br />

What’s every elf’s<br />

favourite type of<br />

music?<br />

Wrap<br />

Mrs Grant and Archie<br />

(Kirsty McCann)<br />


Year 8 Christmas Baking Club<br />

Week 1: Chocolate Chip Cookies<br />

Week 2: Stained glass window biscuit<br />

Week 3: Lemon drizzle cake<br />

Week 4: Chocolate orange loaf cake<br />

Our Year 8s were busy baking with Mrs Byrne!<br />


Year 8 Christmas Baking Club<br />


Christmas Baking<br />

Shortbread<br />

Ingredients<br />

150g flour<br />

120g margarine<br />

50g castor sugar<br />

1 dessertspoon of cornflour<br />

Equipment<br />

Mixing bowl<br />

Sieve<br />

2 foil dishes<br />

Wooden spoon<br />

Method<br />

Cream margarine and sugar in large bowl using a wooden spoon<br />

Slowly add in sieved flour and cornflour<br />

Gather together with hands and place in foil container<br />

Press down mixture into foil container<br />

Bake in oven at 170˚C/Gas 3 for 10-15 minutes until the<br />

mixture becomes pale in colour<br />

Allow to cool, then cut into triangles<br />

(Danny Shields)<br />

What is it called when a<br />

snowman has a temper<br />

tantrum?<br />

A meltdown<br />


Our Trad Musicians go to Spain<br />

During Halloween mid-term, many of our pupils who are members of Traditional Arts<br />

Partnership (South Armagh and the St Paul’s Trad Group) travelled to the Creative<br />

Connections Festival in Sitges in the Catalonian Region, Spain. The weather was beautiful<br />

and a great time was had by all.<br />

Year 12 Catherine Cunningham<br />

Year 13 Caoimhe Treanor<br />

Year 14 Mark McDonnell<br />

Year 14 Ellie Quinn<br />

Year 14 Roisin Dowdall<br />

Year 14 Aoidin Reel (Head Girl) all travelled along with 30 others to perform at this<br />

annual festival.<br />

Why do reindeer like<br />

Beyoncé so much?<br />

Because she sleighs!<br />

26<br />

(Aoidín Reel)

Our Breakfast Club wins Five Stars<br />

Environmental Health have awarded our Breakfast Club 5 Stars!!<br />

Oisín McDonald tells us a bit more about the Club.<br />

St Paul’s Breakfast Club is run in the Study Hall every morning before registration begins. It<br />

is a club where KS3 pupils can meet up with their friends and get food and drink before class.<br />

At the club you can find up to 80 students a day eating, drinking, or even just playing with their<br />

friends on the computers that the study provides. The club serves free pancakes, cereal, juice,<br />

tea and more.<br />

However, the club wouldn’t be possible without Dr Georgina Larkin! During the school day,<br />

she supervises and runs the study. However, every morning she goes out of her way to dedicate<br />

her time to ensure the Breakfast Club is running perfectly. Due to the vast amount of people<br />

that come to the Breakfast Club on a day-to-day basis, Dr Larkin has volunteers from Years<br />

12, 13 and 14 to help make sure things run smoothly. Every week a rota is issued by Dr Larkin<br />

deciding which people are on duty each day. These volunteers usually come in from about<br />

8.30am and help in any way they can: serving food and drink, washing dishes or simply just<br />

talking to the younger pupils. As well as the Breakfast Club volunteers, here you will find the<br />

Homework Helpers. Similarly, these are older pupils assigned by Dr Larkin and as their name<br />

suggests, they help the Breakfast Club goers with any outstanding homework which they find<br />

difficult.<br />

The Breakfast Club plays a vital role in our school and is a communal area where people from<br />

both the younger and older ranges of the school can come together with their friends to start<br />

their day. However, the club wouldn’t be possible without Dr Larkin and the continued support<br />

of both pupils and staff alike.<br />


Sports <strong>News</strong><br />

Netball<br />

Well done Rebecca and Meabh<br />

Year 13 pupils Rebecca Cunningham and Meabh Greene recently<br />

attended Netball NI U17 National Trials and were successful. Good<br />

luck girls in the upcoming training for the U17 European<br />

Championships, which will be held in February 2023 in Newcastle,<br />

UK.<br />

Rebecca and Meabh with Mrs O’Hare Armstrong<br />

What do elves learn in<br />

school?<br />

The elf-abet<br />

28<br />

(Rachel McCabe)

Year 14 Formal<br />


30<br />

(Turlough O'Hagan)

The Art Students in Rome<br />

During the Halloween midterm break, the A-level art students went on a trip to Rome. On the<br />

4th of October, they had to be at the school at 1:30 am to drive to the airport and catch the flight<br />

at 6:50. They then flew into the Leonardo Da Vinci airport and got a bus with a wonderful<br />

guide named Maria. They drove through the beautiful towns and countryside of Rome and to<br />

their hotel, Hotel Noto. Once at the hotel, they left their bags and went to get some lunch. After<br />

lunch, they went to the subway station and got a train to visit the Spanish steps. They spent<br />

some time shopping and sightseeing before heading back to the hotel and get ready for dinner.<br />

For dinner, they had pasta, chips and cheesecake. After dinner, they went back to the hotel and<br />

went to sleep as they had an early start the next day.<br />

On day 2 they woke up and got a lovely continental breakfast before heading again to the<br />

subway and going to the Trevi fountain for a few hours. After that, they met up with the guide<br />

for a guided tour of the Vatican. They walked through some amazing museums before they<br />

entered the Sistine Chapel where they weren't allowed to talk or take photos. It was beautiful.<br />

The ceiling was painted as the 7 days of creation painted by Micheal Angelo. It was some of<br />

the most amazing artwork they had seen. Once they left the chapel, they entered St Peter’s<br />

Basilica. It was massive and had many chapels within it. There was so much amazing<br />

architecture and artwork. It was beautiful. Then they had some free time to shop before getting<br />

the subway back home just in time for dinner.<br />


On day 3 they got the subway again to Pizzale Flamino, where they had a lot of free time to<br />

shop and explore. They then went to Galleria Nazionale D’arte Moderna e Comtemporanea. It<br />

was a beautiful gallery with amazing art. There were so many beautiful paintings and statues.<br />

Once they were done with that gallery, they then went to another one called MARCO Museo<br />

d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma. This gallery was a completely different style than any they<br />

were used to. There were some very interesting pieces with very beautiful meanings. Once they<br />

finished with that gallery they went again to the Trevi Fountain to see it at night and it was<br />

spectacular. The fountain was lit up and it gracefully showed the beauty and complexity of the<br />

statues. Later that night they went for their final dinner to the Hard Rock Cafe. The food was<br />

amazing and seeing all the instruments and music was so interesting and fun. It was an amazing<br />

final dinner.<br />

On the final day they had another early start as they had to be packed up and ready for their<br />

next destination which was the Colosseum. They got the subway again and met up with the<br />

guide. He then took them on a guided tour of the Colosseum and the gardens around it. It was<br />

stunning and so interesting, especially learning about the history of all the fights that took place.<br />

The tour continued to Orti Farbesiani which had gorgeous views of the city of Rome. As it was<br />

the last day, they got a lot of free time, so they went back to Pizzale Flamino, where they<br />

explored the Gardens of the Villa Borghese and Campo Marzio. Then they all went on their<br />

final subway trip back to the hotel to pick our bags up to then get a bus to the airport. They<br />

made it back to the school very late at about 2 am. It was an amazing trip! They all had so much<br />

fun and saw the most amazing artwork.<br />

What reindeer game do<br />

reindeer play at<br />

sleepovers?<br />

Truth or deer<br />

32<br />

(Rachel McNamee)

Meet The Devlin Triplets<br />

We got the opportunity to sit down and have a chat with St. Paul’s very own triplets! Paula, Eve and<br />

Kate Devlin are identical triplets in Year 11, and they came to St. Paul’s from St. Malachy’s Primary<br />

School.<br />

What subjects have you chosen for your GCSEs? Are they all similar subjects?<br />

Paula: “I’ve picked Child Development, Health and Social Care and ICT.’<br />

Eve: “I’ve picked Technology, ICT and Business Studies.”<br />

Kate: “I’ve picked Construction, Business Studies and History.”<br />

Paula: “We didn’t pick the same subjects for our GCSE choices, but there are a few similarities. None<br />

of us want to stay on in school after GCSEs. We would like to go to Greenmount, but we don’t want<br />

to go to school together either! No way!”<br />

Do you have any other siblings?<br />

Eve: “We have two older siblings, one brother and one sister.”<br />

Do you all have the same interests and hobbies? If so, what are they?<br />

Paula: “Some people would say we are all quite similar in some ways. We don’t play any instruments<br />

or any sports, but we all love farming. We have a farm at our nanny’s house. Our other two siblings<br />

like to farm as well.”<br />

You’re all in different classes in St. Paul’s. Would you rather be in the same class or do you like<br />

being in different classes?<br />

All: “We all like being separated.”<br />

Eve: “We’ve always been in different classes in St. Paul’s. In our primary school there was 18 of us in<br />

our Primary 6 and 7 class.”<br />

Do you all have the same circle of friends, or do you each have different friends?<br />

Paula: “We all have our own friends, and all our friends get on well with each other.”<br />

Do you like being a triplet?<br />

All: “No! It’s annoying sometimes, and I’d like to be more of my own person.”<br />

What is the best and worst thing about being a triplet?<br />

Kate: “The worst thing about being a triplet is getting called Paula all the time! Walking in the<br />

hallways I always hear ‘Well Paula’. Being called the wrong names would probably be one of the<br />

worst things. The best thing about having a triplet is you’re not by yourself all the time. You always<br />

have someone to go somewhere or do something with. I would say we do get on quite well generally.<br />

(Kate McCrink)<br />


Christmas Baking<br />

Chocolate Orange Loaf Cake<br />

Equipment<br />

Ingredients<br />

1 large mixing bowl 150g golden castor sugar<br />

1 small glass bowl 150g margarine<br />

1 wooden spoon 3 large eggs<br />

1 fork 150g plain flour<br />

1 sieve 1 tsp. baking powder<br />

2 loaf liners 2 tbsp. cocoa powder<br />

2 loaf tins ½ tsp. vanilla extract<br />

1 skewer 2 tbsp. milk<br />

Cooling tray<br />

Zest of 1 orange<br />

Method<br />

• Preheat oven to 190ºC.<br />

• In a large bowl, cream the margarine and golden castor sugar.<br />

• Gradually add beaten egg and remaining sieved dry ingredients.<br />

• Add milk, vanilla extract and orange zest and mix to a smooth batter.<br />

• Divide the mixture between two loaf tins.<br />

• Bake for 20 minutes (test the centre with a skewer).<br />

• Cool on a cooling rack.<br />


Gaeilgeoir na Míosa<br />

Gaeilgeoirí na Míosa for<br />

September/October were<br />

presented with their<br />

certificates and their new bags<br />

full of Irish goodies!<br />

Each of the recipients in Year 8, 9<br />

and 10 were chosen by their Irish<br />

teacher for their commitment to<br />

Irish and the outstanding effort they<br />

made learning and speaking Irish<br />

from September. Comhghairdeas<br />

libh a chairde, maith sibh!<br />

Year 8 / Bliain 8:<br />

Cara Duffy (0808)<br />

Clodagh Rafferty (0814)<br />

Thomas Murphy (0823)<br />

Shane Caherty (0831)<br />

Year 9 / Bliain 9:<br />

Johnny Mooney (0952)<br />

Oisín McCrink (0981)<br />

Katie Mathers (0953)<br />

Smilte Osarova (0969)<br />

Year 10 / Bliain 10:<br />

Suzie Quinn 1068<br />

Emily McArdle 1028<br />

Gráinne McKeever 1094<br />

Shauna Savage 1003<br />


After-School GCSE Classes<br />

At the start of the new term, we welcomed 8 new pupils to our after school GCSE class for pupils<br />

from an Irish medium background. Together with their Year 9 and 10 peers, they continue to show<br />

their commitment to the Irish language by attending their after school lesson every Tuesday from<br />

15:30-17:00. Tá muid chomh brodúil asaibh a chairde, maith sibh uilig ar fad!<br />

Niamh Ní Eachaidh, Káelin Mac Uaid, Caoimhe Ní hAmhráin, Orlaith Ní Sheanáin, Callum<br />

Ó Breaslain, Éabha Nic Cathmhaoil, Cianna Nic Cathmhaoil, Lughan Mac Cathmhaoil,<br />

Eimear Ní hAmhráin, Tiernán Ó Seanáin, Conor Mac Rann. Missing from photo; Séadna<br />

Mac Giolla Eoghain.<br />

Club na Gaeilge<br />

Our subject ambassadors, Tiernán Breslin and Eimer Cromie are spending their lunch time<br />

every Friday running our Club na Gaeilge for Year 8 pupils. Join us every Friday in M4 for<br />

cluichí (games,) cairdeas (friendship) and craic! Bígí linn!<br />


Interview about Enrichment with Mr McKinley<br />

1. What is Enrichment in St. Paul’s?<br />

Enrichment is an opportunity to broaden the horizons of each and every one<br />

of our students, helping them to achieve at the highest level both<br />

academically and in their talents outside the classroom. Enrichment can be<br />

defined as the action of improving or enhancing the quality or value of<br />

something.<br />

2. Who does enrichment help and what benefits does it have for<br />

students in St Paul’s?<br />

An effective enrichment programme helps all students who participate in it.<br />

Currently Year 13 students are the main focus for enrichment at St Paul’s,<br />

with the aim of helping students with the transition from studying up to ten<br />

subjects in Year 12 to three for A-level in Year 13. Year 13 students are<br />

afforded study periods within their timetable and during these times they<br />

can partake in an activity/course which our staff from St Paul’s very kindly<br />

offer as well as outside agencies. These activities/courses are opportunities<br />

for students to develop their individual skills and qualities and pursue their<br />

interests beyond the curriculum which will strengthen their character and<br />


equip them for future employment opportunities, trips abroad, university life<br />

and becoming a valuable 21st century citizen.<br />

3. What enrichments are available in St. Paul’s?<br />

There are a very wide range of enrichment programmes as you can see<br />

from the list below. This is my first year as coordinator of enrichment<br />

and to make it beneficial I based the current programme on student<br />

choice. Future programmes will yet again be driven by student choice.<br />

So, if you feel that there is a programme which should be included in the<br />

future, let me know by email.<br />

Enrichment activities/course currently on offer:<br />

• Sign Language<br />

• Young Enterprise<br />

• Careers Workshops<br />

• Coding and Games Development<br />

• First Aid<br />

• Fitness classes<br />

• Cookery Survival<br />

• Public Speaking Training<br />

• Mentoring – DEN<br />

• Pilates<br />

• Touch Typing Masterclass<br />

• Money Matters Workshop<br />

• Time Management Workshop<br />

• Literacy Support – DEN<br />

• Year 9 Lunchtime Club<br />

• Cookery Supervision<br />

• Couch to 5K<br />

• Charity Fundraising<br />

• Guitar Lessons<br />


4. Would you advise younger students to do enrichment?<br />

I would advise younger students who plan to stay at St Paul’s for post 16<br />

study to embrace the enrichment opportunities on offer and to attempt an<br />

activity/course which may be considered outside their comfort zone<br />

which may reveal hidden talents, develop confidence, and learn new<br />

skills which could lead to a career path they never envisaged<br />

5. Lastly, what advice have you for students completing enrichment?<br />

The most important advice I have for students currently taking part in an<br />

enrichment activity/course is to firstly enjoy it and secondly to actively<br />

participate in it. I would advise students to complete the whole<br />

programme for maximum benefit and then to look for opportunities inside<br />

and outside of school to develop further the skills which they have<br />

obtained from the activity/course they are completing and to implement<br />

these where possible in their future endeavours.<br />

As Dr Seuss said “the more that you read, the more things you will<br />

know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”<br />

(Interview: Katie O’Rourke)<br />


Anti-Bullying Week in St. Paul’s<br />

At St Paul’s, bullying is a topic we take very seriously because we know it is, unfortunately,<br />

something that can affect everyone. That is why we all make our best efforts to make every<br />

pupil in the school feel important and heard in our community.<br />

Anti-bullying week began on the 14 th November.<br />

The student leadership delivered a wonderful<br />

presentation to all year groups at assemblies on antibullying<br />

and important topics surrounding it, and we<br />

also had an odd sock day for a great start off to this<br />

week! All pupils and staff were encouraged to wear<br />

odd socks to symbolise that we are all different and<br />

that children should be themselves, accepting of one<br />

another and celebrate difference. It was brilliant to<br />

see so many staff and pupils take part and enjoy this<br />

event!<br />

Our Student Leadership Team also<br />

created a Friendship Calendar that was<br />

displayed during registration every<br />

morning, listing small, simple tasks that<br />

could make a difference to someone’s<br />

day.<br />

Year 8 attended a ‘Hip Psychology’ workshop, played ‘People Bingo’ at lunchtime during<br />

‘Friendship Friday’ and had an extended assembly where some students talked about the<br />

friendships they had made since September.<br />


Year 13 and 14 then received a presentation from<br />

Trisha, Annalivia and Laura from ‘I am Digital’<br />

group (16 th November) on the importance of what<br />

they post on social media and how it can affect<br />

them and others, an important topic for our pupils<br />

to learn as they grow more independent.<br />

On the same day our year 10s also received an informative and engaging workshop on ‘Healthy<br />

Relationships’. Lots of group work was done and the pupils thoroughly enjoyed debating ideas.<br />

They were given information on what qualities a healthy relationship should have, the signs of<br />

an unhealthy one and the associated dangers with social media. It was a fantastic way to finish<br />

off the week for our pupils!<br />

(Casey McQuillan)<br />


Gradam <strong>Naomh</strong> Pól Award Winners<br />

Fiachra Ó’Dúill<br />

The Gradam <strong>Naomh</strong> Pól Award is given to students who distinguish<br />

themselves in activities outside of school. Our Year 14 award winners tell<br />

us a bit about themselves.<br />


I’ve been playing handball all my life, my father played it, he really was the driving force<br />

behind my handballing career. I entered my first tournament when I was 5 years old, it was<br />

an u11 competition, making me the youngest member ever.<br />


I like the fact that all the pressure is on me and I have no one to blame but myself if I lose the<br />

game.<br />


I definitely have to train hard to be at the top level of handball. This would consist of 3-4<br />

handball sessions a week plus countless hours of running and stretching to be at peak<br />

performance. I also play football and a bit of hurling and soccer, which is also part of my<br />

training.<br />


To play in the Ulster’s you must win your county championship, the person I was to play in<br />

the county picked up an injury and could not fulfil the fixture. Then on to Ulster’s with 2<br />

rounds and then a final against the best handballer out of every county in Ireland. I defeated a<br />

boy from Monaghan in the final. In the All-Ireland semi final I played a former All-Ireland<br />

champion. I knew myself that I had to be in top form, which thankfully I was, this ultimately<br />

led me to win in a comfortable fashion.<br />


In the final I faced a player I’ve never played before from Cork. I adapted well tohis style of<br />

play ultimately dominating the final with a comfortable win.<br />

42<br />

(Emma Boylan)

Gradam <strong>Naomh</strong> Pól Winner<br />

Dominik Szablonski<br />

I interviewed year 14 student Dominik Szablonski, on completing his second Sentinus<br />

Research Academy Project in the Young Innovators 2022.<br />

We started our interview by Dominik telling me what Young Innovators is? ‘Young<br />

innovators are one of the largest events of its kind in the UK and provides a showcase for<br />

students to show the wealth of creativity and innovation which exists in schools and colleges,<br />

basically like a big Science fair.' Dominik explained that one of the top prizes was a trip to<br />

Texas, USA to attend the International young innovators competition.<br />

Dominik’s project was on ‘heart disease prediction focusing on Logistic Regression.’<br />

I asked Dominik what had sparked his interest or inspired him to study this topic?<br />

Dominik said his interest in this research project was sparked when he was placed with a<br />

company called SENO that inspired him to use bioinformatics, and this is the application of<br />

tools of computation and analysis to the capture and interpretation of biological data.<br />

Dominik also used logistic regression which is a statistical learning model that generates the<br />

probability of certain events happening and in Dominik’s research project of ‘predicting heart<br />

disease’ logistic regression was used to determine the probability of heart disease<br />

occurring.Dominik presented his research project at Queen’s University Belfast to his peers<br />

in the young innovators. Some of which were doing their research projects on Astro physics<br />

and engineering. Dominik presented his project to a judging panel in Queen’s University, and<br />

they assessed how effective Dominik’s research was.<br />

Dominik’s advice for future students looking into research projects is to be on the lookout for<br />

any work experience in your chosen field. Dominik explained it does not have to be science<br />

related like his project it can be anything you feel passionate about, and it will go well.<br />

Dominik said the research project really helped him with his thinking skills in school because<br />

it helped him to think more critically about his schoolwork.<br />

(Roisín Dowdall)<br />


Gradam <strong>Naomh</strong> Pól Winner<br />

Mark McDonnell<br />

When did you start playing?<br />

I started playing the banjo when I was 8 years old<br />

Who/what influenced you to start playing the banjo?<br />

I was encouraged to start playing Irish traditional<br />

music as I grew up with music on both sides of my<br />

family. Many of my friends from a young age<br />

started along with me encouraging me to attend<br />

classes every Thursday night and play along as a<br />

group, later forming our Scór group.<br />

What awards have you received from playing the<br />

banjo?<br />

Every year I participate in different feis’, winning a<br />

variety of awards through solo playing and awards<br />

in all underage group levels. I have taken part and<br />

received awards in the Armagh and Ulster Fleadh.<br />

This year I placed 3 rd in the ulster fleadh u18 solo<br />

banjo competition. Through playing as part of the<br />

Scór group for my football club Mullaghbawn we have become Ulster and all Ireland<br />

champions in the Ceol Uirlse competition.<br />

How many rounds did it take to reach the All Ireland Scór Final?<br />

We played in 4 stages to reach the all Ireland final, starting at Armagh scór where we<br />

competed against our local clubs, we then played in the ulster semi-final leading onto the<br />

Ulster final were we became ulster champions. On the 12 th of November we travelled to<br />

Mayo to compete against groups from all over Ireland were we placed 1 st .<br />

What is your favourite thing about playing the banjo?<br />

I love playing along with my friends and attending group practice every week. I love the<br />

sessions and the craic involved.<br />

Who is your biggest influence?<br />

Some of my favourite banjo players are Aislinn Fegan, Miceal Mullen and George McAdam.<br />

(Aoidín Reel)<br />


Amazing the Space programme<br />

Amazing the Space is a youth and education programme run by Co-operation Ireland which brings<br />

together students from neighbouring schools to work on a joint good relations project. Since 2016<br />

Amazing the Space has involved over 10,000 students in youth-led initiatives that provide young<br />

people with a voice in peace and friendship-building across Northern Ireland.<br />

Yr11 Art & design students have linked up with students from Newtownhamilton High School and<br />

Newry High School. The initial part of this programme involved a visit to the RUA exhibition with<br />

Newtownhamilton High School. The group enjoyed very interesting and informative guided tour by<br />

Maggi Bowen and were delighted to meet artist Simon McWilliams and to listen to him talk about one<br />

of his pieces that is currently on show in the exhibition.<br />

The students are now preparing for and looking forward to two workshops in the early Spring which<br />

will be led by local artists Lauren Scott and Julie Scott.<br />


The staff and students of St Paul’s High School are fully committed to promoting<br />

and developing the school’s outreach agenda. The school anticipates and promotes<br />

educational and charitable relationships, which ensure that pupils have opportunities<br />

to make a positive contribution to the local and wider community, including the<br />

global community.<br />

Would you like to shape future St Paul’s International Projects? Have your say by<br />

joining the St Paul’s International Projects Google Classroom using the QR code<br />

below.<br />


Introducing Reading Ambassador, Ava Hughes from 08/67, our new Year 8<br />

Student Librarian.<br />

Ava has been in her role for the past few months, and she volunteers in the library before<br />

school and at lunchtime. She is a wonderful addition to the library staff and is learning new<br />

skills every day. Perhaps a future Mrs Morgan!<br />

Q. How are you enjoying your first term in St Paul’s?<br />

A. It is amazing! I am enjoying all my new subjects, and everyone is so kind.<br />

Q. What are your favourite subjects?<br />

A. I love English, especially when we go to the library. I also love to cook so Home<br />

Economics is another favourite subject.<br />

Q. Why did you want to be a Student Librarian?<br />

A. I have always loved reading since I was very young and as I go to the school library<br />

every day, so why not?<br />

Q. What does the role entail?<br />

A I can issue and return library books using the Eclipse System. I answer the phone if<br />

Mrs Morgan is busy. I also help out with Library events such as Open Day and this year I<br />

will be dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I am looking forward to World Book<br />

Day and volunteering at the Book Fair in March.<br />


Q. If you could take 3 books to a desert island, what 3 would you choose?<br />

1. Grandpa’s Great Escape (I might get some ideas to escape!)<br />

2.Private Peaceful as it is a moving story about the First World War<br />

3. Any one of the “My Story” Series that give you an idea of what it was like to live in<br />

a certain period of history through the eyes of a teenager.<br />

Q. What do you love about reading for pleasure?<br />

A. I love to find a really good book and immerse myself in the story to escape reality and<br />

memorise the story so I can think about it in detail<br />

Q. Do you have any pets?<br />

A. I have one dog at home called Alfie and he is a Scottish Terrier Mix<br />

Q. If you could go anywhere in the world, what county would you visit?<br />

A. I would love to visit Finland as my dream is to go skiing!<br />

Q. What advice would you give to encourage our pupils to read? Reading always opens<br />

your mind to new things. You don’t even have to buy a new book – just go up to the library as<br />

all the books are free. Mrs Morgan will help you find the right book and you will never look<br />

back!<br />


Literacy <strong>News</strong>!<br />

Celebrating Literacy Week 3 rd -7 th October 2022<br />

Literacy is always central to everything we do in St. Paul’s. We feel it is vitally important to<br />

raise awareness; to highlight the value of reading and promote the importance of making<br />

reading part of our daily routine. We welcome and greatly appreciate the annual celebration<br />

of author’s, illustrators, and books to help inspire and encourage reading for pleasure<br />

amongst our pupils.<br />

Throughout Literacy Week we were fortunate to have lots of exciting and special events<br />

organised. We had Literacy Doors, Word of the Day, daily DEAR Time for our KS3 pupils, Word<br />

Conundrums and Riddle Competitions, to name but a few.<br />

Literacy Week Celebrations:<br />

Monday 3rd October<br />

This saw the English Department, Literacy Support staff, Mrs Hughes,<br />

and Mrs McKenna together with our school librarian, Ms Morgan,<br />

colour their classroom doors with powerful synonyms so to highlight<br />

the vast array of language that we have at our fingertips. This also<br />

introduced our daily ‘Word of the Day’ that always generates such<br />

great conversations during Form class registration, in addition to the<br />

promotion of our daily year group and staff competitions in the form<br />

of conundrums and riddles. Thank you, as always for your<br />

contributions and for always embracing these events.<br />


Tuesday 4 th October:<br />

We had Red Day to promote the message to our pupils that it is important to ‘Be Well Read’.<br />

This was a very exciting day as Years 8 and 9 dressed themselves in their choice of red attire<br />

to advertise the importance of reading for their growth and development. We always<br />

embrace the idea that there’s nothing better than losing yourself in a good book! Making time<br />

to escape, if only for one second, transporting yourself to another world. I believe we also<br />

managed to send this very powerful message to our wider community as we shared on social<br />

media, the sea of red, chanting “Be well read!”<br />

Wednesday 5 th October:<br />

This marked our Promotion of our annual Year 10 Twist on A Tale Competition. This year the<br />

theme was ‘Represent’ where we had an array of many wonderful entries from pupils writing<br />

about who they believe were under-represented in literature today. Very well done to all<br />

involved! We look forward to the results and to receiving our certificates from Pearson UK.<br />


Family Reading Night<br />

We offered the opportunity and encouraged families to<br />

take the time to read together. This was organised for<br />

our KS3 pupils resulting in many lovely photographs<br />

being sent in via Google Classroom. We had some lovely<br />

and even ‘interesting’ photographs…we even had family<br />

pets getting involved! We hope that this instilled and<br />

fostered a love of reading in your household. In addition<br />

to inspiring you, we hoped to inspire you to read<br />

together, to encourage growth and development.<br />

Thursday 6 th October:<br />

On the 6 th October we celebrated National Poetry Day! In our English classrooms, pupils<br />

completed lots of exciting activities that focused on a love and appreciation of poetry. We<br />

always value our annual celebration of wonderful works of poetry.<br />

Thursday also saw the annual launch of our Halloween Poetry Competition by Ms Morgan,<br />

our wonderful school librarian. This is an incredible event that offers our Year 8 pupils the<br />

opportunity to show off their creative and imaginative skills. As a result, many exceptional<br />

poems were produced, and fantastic prizes were won!<br />


Friday 7 th October:<br />

Our final day of celebrating our love for reading! We asked you to wear your choice of hat to<br />

school and what fantastic arrangements we did see! “Hats Off to Reading!” resounded along<br />

our corridors. This proved to be a very exciting day for all pupils in Years 8 and 9 as Ms Morgan<br />

also organised the fabulous Book Buzz event, which enabled every pupil in Year 8 to receive<br />

a brand-new book of their choosing. Both these events certainly reinforced a very powerful<br />

and strong message: reading is a vital part of our development, and we should always value<br />

the opportunity to read a good book.<br />

Here at St. Paul’s, we are a ‘Reading’ school, and we choose to embrace and promote our love<br />

of reading at every given opportunity. We look forward to celebrating with you all again next<br />

year!<br />


It has been a busy term in the Library!<br />

Roald Dahl Day<br />

Book Buzz<br />

Halloween Poetry<br />

BBC 100 Years Roadshow<br />




By Oisin Ager & Daniel McParland 10/71<br />

On Friday 25th November, the students from the DEN attended an exhibition hockey match<br />

in the SSE Arena.<br />

I cannot describe in words how good the whole day was, but I will try. This was the first<br />

time many of us had been to a Hockey match.<br />

We got to see an amazing and competitive game between the Quinnipiac Bobcats vs<br />

Dartmouth Big Green. The players were pushing each other, the tackles were ferocious, and<br />

the scores were so exciting to see.<br />

The atmosphere was so intense. There was very popular music playing and between the 2nd<br />

and 3rd quarter someone brought a cannon that shot out subway sandwiches.<br />

The drive there may be a bit long, but it was worth it. The best bit about the day was that the<br />

Bobcats won the match. This was the team we were supporting. I give this hockey game a 10<br />

out of 10.<br />


Full Marks at GCCE Summer 2022<br />

Congratulations to Ines Martin on achieving full marks in Art & Design. Ines is studying Art<br />

at AS level and we look forward to more exciting work from her as the year progresses.<br />


Full Marks at GCCE Summer 2022<br />

Congratulations to Sophie Hollywood on achieving<br />

full marks in Art & Design. Sophie is studying Art at<br />

AS level and we look forward to more exciting work<br />

from her as the year progresses.<br />


Full Marks at A level Summer 2022<br />

Congratulations to Rachel McKeown on attaining full marks in A-level Art & Design. Rachel is<br />

continuing to study Art at the University of Ulster. We know she will excel there and look forward to<br />

her end of year exhibition<br />


Full Marks at A level Summer 2022<br />

Congratulations to Shaun on attaining full marks in A-level Art & Design. Shaun is currently<br />

completing his A2 Physics and Design and Technology and we are delighted that he continues to visit<br />

the Art Department regularly and is enjoying Art in his free time through producing amazing wood<br />

carvings.<br />


Boys Gaelic Football<br />

In St. Paul’s, we are very passionate about Gaelic Football and it is a key sport throughout<br />

our school. Our school has been very successful in competitions over the years and has won<br />

many trophies and competitions. Recently our U19 have started their McLarnon campaign<br />

and play their 2 nd group game on Wednesday 30 th November against Magherafelt.<br />

Our 5 th years have had an amazing run so far and have reached the semi-final of the Danske<br />

Bank Ulster Schools Rannafast competition. The boys played St. Patrick’s College Maghera in<br />

the quarter final beating them with a score line of 1-9 to 1-6 and will now play the winners<br />

of either St Colman’s College.<br />

Rannafast Team and<br />

Coaches<br />


KS3 Soccer<br />

Year 9 Soccer Champions 2022!<br />

The St. Paul’s Year 9 soccer team are the new Northern Ireland Schools mixed 9-a-side<br />

champions of 2022 after Zach Campbell scored the winning goal in the final against<br />

Glengormely High. The team of both boys and girls travelled to Mallusk playing fields in<br />

Belfast to take part in this prestigious tournament. In all their 8 games the St. Paul’s team<br />

played in, they didn't concede a single goal. Players involved in this fantastic team were<br />

goalkeeper Connor Trainor, defenders Danielle McParland, Jack Wallace, Alfie Brown, and<br />

Niamh Muckian. Midfields including Shane Toner, Charlotte Havern, Emma Toale, Eoin<br />

Mallon, and Sophie Rock, whilst the attacking line consisted of players Joe McCabe, Cadhla<br />

Falloon and Zach Campbell.<br />

Our winning team and coaches<br />

Mr McKinley and Mr Caldwell<br />


Our Year 8 soccer team also claimed victory when they were crowned champions of the<br />

South Down Schools 8-a-side blitz at Cheney Park Bandbridge. The squad have now<br />

successfully qualified for the ‘Finals Day’ tournament which will take place in the New Year.<br />

On the day the St. Paul’s Boys performed brilliantly and credit must go to the defenders of<br />

the team, Oisin Cribbin, Tom Stanfield, Harley Bann, Cian Kelly and goalkeeper Finn<br />

McKeown who only conceded 1 goal in the entire tournament. There were excellent<br />

performances by the midfielders Darragh Rigley and Cathal Hughes. The goal scorers of the<br />

tournament included, Callum Keenan, Sean Óg Quinn, Malachy Noade, Ruairi Collins and<br />

Brian Caldwell, with Brian grabbing the winner in the final against Kilkeel High.<br />

Year 8 Soccer team<br />

(Jack McCann)<br />


<strong>Naomh</strong> Pól <strong>News</strong><br />


Oh glorious St Paul, by your prayers and example, enable me to<br />

become a better person. More considerate towards others, more<br />

honest with myself, more faithful to God.<br />

Give me the courage to accept the pains and problems of this day,<br />

always rejoicing in the Lord.<br />

Through my prayers may I be ‘rooted in love’, always loving God in<br />

fidelity to Sunday mass and daily prayer; always loving my neighbour,<br />

especially my family and friends.<br />

Make me patient and kind, never jealous or rude. Give me the<br />

strength to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.<br />

May I always know in my heart what you taught so well; that there<br />

are only three things that last – faith, hope and love and the<br />

greatest of these is love.<br />


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