17.10.2022 Aufrufe

[EPUB] If I Were a Tiger: A Picture Book

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/0593235541 ===========================*=========================== A whimsical and playful rhyming picture book about a young boy who imagines himself as a tiger to overcome his fears&#8212only to realize that he can trust in God.Meet Tim Bone. He has a big imagination, and when it roams wild, he&#8217s afraid of a lot of things. He's scared of the moon and the wailing typhoon, and he won't wear his sneakers because he fears hidden creatures. Tim's n

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/0593235541

A whimsical and playful rhyming picture book about a young boy who imagines himself as a tiger to overcome his fears&#8212only to realize that he can trust in God.Meet Tim Bone. He has a big imagination, and when it roams wild, he&#8217s afraid of a lot of things. He's scared of the moon and the wailing typhoon, and he won't wear his sneakers because he fears hidden creatures. Tim's n

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