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Acta Oncologica Turcica 2022



The manuscripts regarding with hematological malignancies and oncology, written in

English will be accepted to the Acta Oncologica Turcica, which is the scientific journal of

Ankara Hematology Oncology Association.

The abbreviation of the Acta OncologicaTurcica is “Acta Oncol Tur.”.

Manuscripts that are not compatible with the journal format are sent back to the

corresponding author without reviewer assignment.

During submission, all manuscripts should be checked primarily for plagiarism rate and

grammatical rules. Except for the references section, the plagiarism rate should be below

20%. The author is responsible for obtaining the plagiarism report and the accuracy of the

report obtained.

The scientific and the legal responsibilities belong to the authors. The copyrights of the

publications belong to the Acta Oncologica Turcica. The authors are responsible for the

content of the papers and for the accuracy of the references.

The authors must submit 'Copyright Transfer Form' during the submission of manuscript. By

signing the 'Copyright Transfer Form' the authors guarantee the fact that the article has not

been published nor under consideration for publication in whole or in part, elsewhere. The

authors attest to the fact that they all have read the manuscript, attest to the validity and

legitimacy of the data and its interpretation, and agree to its submission to the Acta

Oncologica Turcica.

All research articles should be conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration(revised

in 2013) and manuscripts should include a statement that the research protocol was

approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee or equivalent. Both the 'Informed

Consent' and approval from ethical committee should be described in the 'Materials and

Methods' section of the manuscript.

For peer-review process, a blind manuscript should be prepared by the author and submitted

to the system as a separate file.

For the experimental animal studies, the authors must include a statement that they protect the

animal rights according to the "Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals"

( http://oacu.od.nih.gov/regs/guide/guide.pdf) and must obtain approval from Institutional

Ethical Committee.

All sources of funds supporting the work and a statement of financial interest, if any, must be

included, along with a list of all products, devices, drugs, etc., used in the manuscript. Each

author must disclose at the time of submission any commercial associations or financial

disclosures that might pose or create a conflict of interest. Such associations include

consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interests, and payments for conducting a study

described in the manuscript. Authors must disclose any funding received for the work from

any organizations within the cover letter to the editor. The statement of conflict of interest


Copyright©Ankara Onkoloji Hastanesi

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