Business News ONAM August 2021

FIRENIB Media Pvt. Ltd, a Conglomerate, with diversified interest in current and upcoming business activities, is spreading its wings in Kerala, all important cities in the country and also abroad. Its sister concern BUSINESS NEWS is a popular much sought after business journal which has created much goodwill among the business community of Kerala. BUSINESS NEWS which started in 2000 from Palakkad has a wide circulation. It possess RNI Registration and MSME Registration. Business News covers a wide spectrum of business areas like management, entrepreneurship, Education, Insurance, share market, retailing, distribution marketing, new trends in advertising and the like. The journal has secured high ranking in the media list by I & PR dept. of Government of Kerala.

FIRENIB Media Pvt. Ltd, a Conglomerate, with diversified interest in current and upcoming business activities, is spreading its wings in Kerala, all important cities in the country and also abroad. Its sister concern BUSINESS NEWS is a popular much sought after business journal which has created much goodwill among the business community of Kerala. BUSINESS NEWS which started in 2000 from Palakkad has a wide circulation. It possess RNI Registration and MSME Registration. Business News covers a wide spectrum of business areas like management, entrepreneurship, Education, Insurance, share market, retailing, distribution marketing, new trends in advertising and the like. The journal has secured high ranking in the media list by I & PR dept. of Government of Kerala.


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{_mân kp-e-`w. B-i-bw H-nÂ-am-{Xw tI-{µo-

I-cn-¨-Xn-\m _m-e³ {]-Xn-k-Ôn-bn ]-I-¨p.

F-m AÂ-¸w am-dn-¨n-´n-¨-bmÄ hn-P-b-¯nsâ

]-S-hp-IÄ I-b-dp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp.

D-ev-]m-Z-I-sâ Nn-´ F-t¸m-gpw B-ib-§-fn-eq-n-bm-h-Ww.


D-]-t`m-àm-¡-sf B-IÀ-jn-¡m-sa-p Nn-´n-

¡p--h-cm-Wv \-Ã _n-kn-\-kp-Im-c-s\--Xv

]-g-b-kn-²m-´w. F-´m-Wv D-]-t`m-àm-hn-\m-hiy-sa-p

Xn-cn-¨-dn-ªv D-ev-]m-Zn-¸n-¡p-I-bm-Wv

C--s¯ B-h-iyw.

_nkn\kv \yqkv 18 August 2021

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