19th CKY issue

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ISSUE 19 June 2021<br />


Chinese Radio Competition<br />

PAGE 2<br />

HK Translation Competition<br />

PAGE 4<br />

Hubro Championship<br />

PAGE 6<br />

Every Child is good at something<br />

PAGE 7<br />

Special Interest and Skills<br />

PAGE 9<br />

Chinese Debate & Writing Competition<br />

PAGE 13<br />

<strong>CKY</strong> Solar Garden<br />

PAGE 15<br />

Hour of Code Workshop<br />

PAGE 21<br />

What’s Next<br />

PAGE 24<br />

Science Symposium<br />

PAGE 27<br />

also features Primary Events, Alumni news, and much<br />


Principal’s Words<br />

校 ⻑ 的 話<br />

Unique Talents<br />

Celebrating with Y12 on their last day before study leave<br />

<strong>CKY</strong>’s school motto ‘Every child is good at something’ reflects our vision of recognising and nurturing<br />

the special interests and strengths of each individual student. We provide a holistic education where<br />

opportunities abound for each student to discover a rich array of interests, and to pursue those that<br />

they particularly enjoy and can do well in. Not only do our students do well, the depth to which they<br />

have developed their capabilities and interests allows them to excel in a variety of fields from arts and<br />

music, to sporting activities and a wide range of academic pursuits. As a school community, we<br />

celebrate the diversity of both our students and staff. We treat each student as an individual who can<br />

make a unique contribution to our school and the wider communities where <strong>CKY</strong> makes a positive<br />

impact.<br />

The <strong>19th</strong> edition of the <strong>CKY</strong> Newsletter is<br />

aptly themed Unique Talents in recognition<br />

of this fundamental principle which our<br />

whole school strategy rests on: that every<br />

child has unlocked potential that can be<br />

discovered and fulfilled with the right<br />

nurturing and care. The <strong>19th</strong> edition<br />

highlights some of the ways we seek to<br />

foster students’ interests and talents in<br />

various activities, including bilingual<br />

broadcasting, enterprise simulations and<br />

the performing arts.<br />

Our Year 12 graduates at the Po Leung Kuk Speech Day

The Art Exhibition at HK Cultural Centre<br />

Our parents and primary students have also shared how a well-rounded education and various<br />

hobbies and pastimes have allowed them to experience some endeavours that are extraordinarily<br />

interesting… what a colourful assortment of characters we have in our student community!<br />

As usual, the Newsletter includes an update on current school news and events across our<br />

community, including in this edition: coding workshops where young computer programmers are<br />

becoming fluent in the language of code; exciting developments in our solar panel garden situated<br />

on the rooftop and our drive towards an increasingly sustainable campus; as well as our annual Art<br />

Exhibition at the HK Cultural Centre which, despite being unable to host an opening ceremony, was<br />

pleasingly well attended and appreciated by proud parents, visitors and students alike. Our<br />

Department Heads have also looked forward and shared ‘what’s next’ for their subject in terms of<br />

any new or exciting initiatives being planned for the near future. Finally, two of our alumni from the<br />

Class of 2017 share their experiences of higher education and what the future holds for them now.<br />

Their sharing is wonderfully insightful and especially helpful for our current and future IB Diploma<br />

students.<br />

After another unpredictable and turbulent term, we look forward to 2021/2022 next year with<br />

renewed hope and optimism for brighter days ahead. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you<br />

and your family good health and happiness, and a most enjoyable summer holiday.<br />

Dr. LAU, Siu-Ling<br />

Head Principal

第 ⼀ 次 參 加 廣 播 劇 ⽐ 賽<br />

今 年 , 我 們 學 校 參 加 了 《⼩ 嘴 巴 . 說 ⼤ 道 理 —— 普 通 話 電 台 四 ⼤ 名 著 廣 播 劇 ⽐ 賽 》, 此 活 動 ⿎ 勵 學 ⽣ 多 讀 中<br />

國 古 典 ⽂ 學 作 品 , 參 賽 隊 伍 須 從 四 ⼤ 名 著 ( 即 《⻄ 遊 記 》、《 紅 樓 夢 》、《 三 國 演 義 》 及 《⽔ 滸 傳 》) 中 選 取 ⼀ 個<br />

⽚ 段 或 故 事 , 並 改 編 成 廣 播 劇 。 這 個 活 動 不 但 營 造 了 趣 味 盎 然 的 語 ⽂ 學 習 環 境 , 令 學 ⽣ 認 識 中 國 古 典 名 著 中 豐 富 的<br />

⽂ 化 內 涵 。 值 得 慶 賀 的 是 我 們 有 兩 個 隊 伍 ⼊ 圍 了 , 其 作 品 亦 在 新 城 知 訊 台 FM99.7《 世 界 隨 意 ⾨》 節 ⽬ 中 播 出 。<br />

初 次 參 加 廣 播 劇 ⽐ 賽 , 參 賽 同 學 在 疫 情 期 間 , 秉 持 着 積 極 主 動 、 熱 情 投 ⼊ 的 態 度 參 與 其 中 。 改 編 劇 本 、 線 上<br />

講 座 和 培 訓 、 線 下 配 ⾳ 合 演 , 甚 ⾄ 到 新 城 知 訊 台 進 ⾏ 錄 ⾳。 這 些 經 歷 對 師 ⽣⽽⾔, 無 疑 都 是 ⼀ 種 新 奇 的 體 驗 。 由<br />

此 , 我 們 邀 請 了 學 ⽣ 分 享 她 們 的 參 賽 感 想 。<br />

《 三 國 演 義 》 之 〈 曹 操 敗 ⾛ 華 容 道 〉<br />

6C<br />

梁 珈 晴<br />

Kylie Leung<br />

6C<br />

張 穎 雅<br />

Jasmine Cheung<br />

「⼀ 分 耕 耘 ,⼀ 分 收 穫 。」 經 過 ⼤ 家 ⿑⼼ 努 ⼒ 的 籌 備 ⾄ 完 成 ⽐ 賽 , 我 終 於 明 ⽩ 到 這 個 道 理 。⾸ 先 , 預 備<br />

⽐ 賽 的 第 ⼀ 個 步 驟 就 是 要 挑 選 故 事 情 節 , 因 為 《 三 國 演 義 》 實 在 有 許 多 章 節 。 最 初 , 究 竟 該 選 哪 ⼀ 個 情 節 ? 我<br />

們 摸 不 著 頭 腦 ,⼀ 直 猶 豫 不 決 。 幸 好 宜 霏 和 宜 霖 本 身 對 《 三 國 演 義 》⽐ 較 熟 悉 , 經 過 她 倆 建 議 之 後 , 我 們 最 終<br />

下 了 決 定 。 此 外 , 在 錄 ⾳ 過 程 中 , 我 們 四 位 組 員 顯 得 特 別 有 默 契 ,⼤ 家 說 話 流 暢 , 各 ⼈ 在 語 句 之 間 的 連 接 恰<br />

當 , 最 終 才 能 順 利 地 完 成 整 個 錄 ⾳。 之 後 我 們 隊 伍 更 被 甄 選 ⼊ 圍 , 真 令 我 們 喜 出 望 外 ! 經 過 這 次 ⽐ 賽 , 讓 我 明<br />

⽩ 到 付 出 多 少 努 ⼒ 就 會 有 多 少 回 報 , 這 真 是 ⼀ 次 難 忘 的 經 驗 呢 !<br />

在 改 編 劇 本 時 , 我 們 遇 到 了 重 重 的 困 難 , 譬 如 說 : 有 些 隊 員 不 同 意 題 ⽬、 不 知 道 應 該 從 哪 裡 找 資 料 , 整<br />

個 過 程 有 點 紊 亂 。 幸 好 , 珈 晴 同 學 不 斷 啟 發 、⿎ 勵 了 我 們 , 點 燃 了 我 們 對 ⽐ 賽 的 ⾾ 志 , 激 發 了 我 們 的 ⾃ 信 ⼼。<br />

隨 後 , 我 們 ⼤ 家 也 加 倍 努 ⼒, 終 於 「 皇 天 不 負 有 ⼼⼈」, 我 們 的 作 品 竟 然 能 ⼊ 決 賽 ! 這 個 令 ⼈⼜ 驚 ⼜ 喜 的 消<br />

息 , 讓 我 體 會 到 團 隊 合 作 的 重 要 , 以 及 ⾃⼰ 的 努 ⼒ 是 成 功 道 路 上 的 重 要 關 鍵 。 現 在 回 想 起 來 , 我 也 會 為 ⾃⼰ 和<br />

隊 友 感 到 ⾃ 豪 呢 !<br />

6C<br />

李 宜 霏<br />

Rose Li<br />

6F<br />

李 宜 霖<br />

Lily Li<br />

令 我 印 象 最 深 刻 的 是 我 們 在 珈 晴 家 錄 製 廣 播 劇 的 時 候 : 有 時 有 ⼈ 讀 錯 字 , 有 時 有 ⼈ 忍 不 住 發 笑 , 有 時 聲<br />

效 ⼜ 出 了 差 錯 , 反 反 覆 覆 錄 了 ⼀ 遍 ⼜⼀ 遍 。 最 後 , 我 們 終 於 ⿑⼼ 協 ⼒ 錄 製 完 成 ,⼤ 家 都 不 禁 歡 呼 了 起 來 。 古 ⼈<br />

云 :「‘ 天 下 無 難 事 , 只 怕 有 ⼼⼈。」 只 要 我 們 付 出 了 努 ⼒ 和 汗 ⽔, 就 ⼀ 定 有 收 穫 。<br />

經 過 這 次 廣 播 劇 ⽐ 賽 , 我 感 慨 :「 精 讀 書 本 對 我 們 的 表 演 有 多 麼 ⼤ 的 幫 助 !」 讀 五 年 級 時 ,⽼ 師 帶 領 我<br />

們 精 讀 《 三 國 演 義 》, 並 分 析 曹 操 、 關 ⽻ 等 ⼈ 物 形 象 後 , 我 深 深 地 理 解 到 描 寫 ⼈ 物 動 作 、 語 ⾔ 和 ⼼ 理 是 刻 畫 ⼈<br />

物 性 格 的 關 鍵 。 四 ⼤ 名 著 將 ⼈ 物 塑 造 得 栩 栩 如 ⽣, 活 靈 活 現 , 令 我 們 表 演 起 來 也 更 容 易 把 握 ⼈ 物 的 特 ⾊ 呢 !<br />

Page 2

《⻄ 遊 記 》 之 〈⼥ 兒 國 〉<br />

這 是 我 第 ⼀ 次 參 加 這 種 ⼤ 型 的 中 ⽂⽐ 賽 , 在 改<br />

編 劇 本 的 時 候 , 卻 是 遇 上 了 很 多 困 難 , 因 為 我 要 把 整<br />

個 原 本 都 是 ⽂⾔⽂ 的 故 事 改 編 成 ⽩ 話 ⽂。 回 想 起 來 ,<br />

還 真 是 挺 難 的 ! 我 需 要 理 解 原 著 當 時 的 劇 情 與 ⼈ 物 的<br />

性 格 特 點 , 還 要 明 ⽩ 吳 承 恩 先 ⽣ 對 述 寫 故 事 的 特 ⾊。<br />

但 , 完 成 了 以 後 , 我 真 的 很 欣 慰 , 我 在 這 個 過 程 獲 益<br />

良 多 。 我 不 僅 更 深 層 地 明 ⽩ 了 《⻄ 遊 記 》 這 個 故 事 ,<br />

也 不 得 不 向 古 ⼈ 的 智 慧 表 示 萬 分 敬 佩 。 在 錄 ⾳ 過 程<br />

中 , 雖 然 我 們 有 時 候 也 會 發 ⽣ 爭 執 , 但 是 我 們 也 在 這<br />

個 「 爭 論 」 的 過 程 中 成 ⻑ 了 很 多 。 欣 喜 的 是 : 我 不 但<br />

與 朋 友 的 交 情 更 深 了 , 也 對 「 團 隊 合 作 」 更 有 體 會 。<br />

與 ⼤ 家 ⼀ 起 練 習 、 錄 ⾳ 的 過 程 ⾮ 常 有 趣 , 還 有 在 新 城<br />

電 台 也 學 到 許 多 ! 謝 謝 王 主 任 的 幫 助 與 教 導 , 讓 我 們<br />

完 成 了 ⼀ 份 還 算 出 ⾊ 的 作 品 , 還 有 感 謝 新 城 電 台 的 ⼯<br />

作 ⼈ 員 為 我 們 錄 ⾳。 這 是 ⼀ 場 很 有 趣 的 體 驗 !<br />

7D⾼ 睿 捷 Alicia Ko<br />

這 ⼀ 次 ⽐ 賽 , 讓 我 接 觸 到 了 之 前 從 未 接 觸 過 的 配 ⾳ 機 會 。 我 ⾮ 常 享 受 ⽤⾃⼰ 飽 含 感 情 的 聲 ⾳ 說 出 平 平 無 奇 的 對 ⽩,<br />

這 就 像 我 賦 予 了 它 ⽣ 命 ⼀ 樣 。 和 朋 友 ⼀ 起 進 錄 ⾳ 棚 裡 錄 ⾳, 更 是 ⼀ 個 ⾮ 常 新 奇 的 體 驗 。 我 還 記 得 , 那 ⼀ 次 真 正 錄 ⾳ 的 時 候 ,<br />

我 ⼿⼼ 冒 汗 , 很 怕 ⾃⼰ 會 在 中 途 說 錯 詞 或 者 有 任 何 失 誤 。 不 過 , 到 了 正 式 錄 的 時 候 , 我 們 做 ⾜ 準 備 , 沒 有 任 何 失 誤 。 於 是 錄<br />

完 ⾳ 後 , 真 的 是 ⼤⼤ 地 鬆 了 ⼀⼝ 氣 !<br />

7E 蘇 靖 珺 Ina So<br />

在 參 與 ⽐ 賽 的 過 程 中 , 我 不 僅 僅 學 到 了 怎 麽 ⽤ 聲 ⾳ 去 把 ⼀ 位 ⻆⾊ 繪 聲 繪 ⾊ 地 表 達 出 來 , 還 接 觸 到 了 專 業 錄 ⾳ 棚 及 專 業 的<br />

錄 ⾳ 設 備 。 我 學 到 了 聲 ⾳ 的 各 種 ⽤ 法 , 還 在 學 習 的 過 程 中 找 到 了 語 ⾔ 的 樂 趣 。 雖 然 在 錄 ⾳ 的 過 程 中 , 我 也 有 不 ⼩⼼ 說 錯 ⼀ 兩 個<br />

字 , 但 , 幸 虧 很 快 地 及 時 糾 正 , 避 免 了 中 間 有 可 能 會 有 點 卡 殼 。 在 練 習 的 過 程 中 , 我 和 兩 位 組 員 也 藉 此 發 現 了 學 習 的 樂 趣 , 找<br />

到 了 共 同 的 話 題 , 建 ⽴ 了 更 深 的 友 誼 , 還 有 默 契 。 在 錄 ⾳ 的 時 候 , 我 們 不 再 害 怕 説 錯 , 我 的 校 園 ⽣ 活 中 也 變 得 更 加 的 有 趣 !<br />

7E 陳 穎 浠 Winnie Chan<br />

Page 3

Hong Kong<br />

<br />

Competition<br />

Language has always been our main way of<br />

communicating with each other. We began to<br />

develop our language skills during infancy, learning<br />

intuitively from our parents and surroundings.<br />

Luckily for us, our school- <strong>CKY</strong> has always strived<br />

for every student to be bilingual, or even<br />

multilingual. Since primary, our kind teachers have<br />

spent all their effort in nurturing our bilingualism. In<br />

order for us students to challenge ourselves,<br />

especially in the most common languages--English<br />

and Chinese--students from years six to nine were<br />

recently given the opportunity to translate two<br />

different extracts. One from Chinese to English and<br />

the other vice versa.<br />

Throughout the week, I tested myself to translate<br />

both extracts without translating every word<br />

directly. I focused on the major points and used the<br />

general meaning of each sentence to reconstruct<br />

the piece in Chinese or English.<br />

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this<br />

experience as I felt like an inspiring author writing a<br />

novel full of surprises. Although the translation<br />

wasn’t original, writing a story from a concept in my<br />

own words allowed me to use my imagination to<br />

develop the plot and find the hidden meanings<br />

behind ambiguous words.<br />

Overall, I would like to thank our school for giving<br />

everyone the opportunity to exhibit their fluency in<br />

both English and Chinese. As well as believing that<br />

all of us can succeed in this competition.<br />

7A Sylvia Lee<br />

When our school entered a translation competition in April, as a passionate writer, I was ever so pleased to hear the<br />

news. Some of the class were taken aback, others looked excited. One thing was sure: this would inevitably be a<br />

challenging task.<br />

When we received our translation texts, my estimations were confirmed. However interesting, there were quite a few<br />

obstacles on my journey of translation.<br />

With little to no experience with translating passages, I conquered a few difficulties with translating the specific terms<br />

and names like “ 魯 迅 ” and “ 廈 ⾨⼤ 學 ” into English.<br />

The real trouble, however, was to keep the original style and tone of writing while achieving the primary meanings of<br />

the passage the writer conveyed. This was fundamental as the writer was very genuine with their story, so I did not<br />

want to destroy their efforts.<br />

It was a long process dedicated to trial and error- experimenting with different words to see which fits best; using<br />

different sentence structures to determine the perfect layout; finally getting a satisfactory result.<br />

The translation process was enlightening- it taught me how to think from different perspectives for the best results. It<br />

also introduced me to a new book- The Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne.<br />

7A Carrinna Tong<br />

Page 4

Growing up in Hong Kong, we are exposed to English and Chinese at a young age. Being bilingual<br />

seems like an easy thing, but it’s different when it comes to translating. Reading and writing at the<br />

same time is demanding, considering the grammar for English and Chinese are structured differently.<br />

Usually, we think and speak in one language at a time. Combining both languages is like a workout<br />

for my brain, as it requires twice as much effort as normal writing. Having an opportunity to translate<br />

a piece of text for the translation competition was a new experience for me, and I took up the<br />

challenge. It was like a musician interpreting a piece of music.<br />

Playing the wrong note would make the piece sound out of place, so you must understand the time<br />

signature and key of the music. The most crucial essence of translation for me would be to<br />

understand what the true purpose of the piece was supposed to be. Translating a text without<br />

understanding the idea being presented would be the same as running the text through a computer<br />

translator. The words might have the same meaning, but the text doesn’t feel alive. Just like music,<br />

you need to add in suitable emotion and your own playing style. The author has only layered a base<br />

for you to build on and pass through time. Each musician plays Mozart’s 20th concerto in a new way,<br />

building on what Mozart originally had in mind.<br />

After the attempt, I realized that it wasn’t as easy. Like any well-known musician, they have been<br />

mastering their instrument for years. Having little to no experience in translating before this<br />

competition was a struggle. I wasn’t too sure of how to approach the task, but after visualizing it as<br />

playing a new piece on the violin, I got the grasp of translation and ensued a well-written orchestral<br />

solo.<br />

7A Charlotte Poon<br />

Page 5

Three students from 9C, Kai Wang, Peter Nui and Ingrid Chan, competed in the Hubro<br />

Championship Business Simulation. The online competition had over 1,000 students<br />

participating from more than 25 countries around the world! They successfully achieved<br />

first-runner-up for creating a business plan for their product range of jetpacks. Below,<br />

Peter reflects on the team’s experience and the entrepreneurial skills they gained.<br />

We had a productive team experience<br />

throughout this competition. Overall we worked<br />

cohesively as a group and that was a driving force<br />

towards our achievements. During the competition<br />

period, we were committed to meet at seven every<br />

evening and discuss our strategies. With the goal to<br />

maximize our shareholder equity, we put great focus<br />

on, for example, the future trend of products based on<br />

the economic data given, and the equity performance<br />

of our competitors. This helped us to be better<br />

strategic thinkers and to make more rational decisions<br />

for our product choice.<br />

In the preliminary quarter round, although<br />

our opinions seemed to agree at times, there were<br />

multiple instances in which we debated over different<br />

perspectives towards our business strategies. For<br />

example, on the last day of the first round, we were<br />

trailing 1st place by a considerable margin. We<br />

argued ferociously on whether or not we should “go all<br />

out” or to play safe. We exchanged our different views<br />

over other teams’ statistics for almost 2 hours. Finally,<br />

we decided to be bold and take risks. It paid off as we<br />

won the 1st round with a narrow margin of about<br />

5,000 dollars.<br />

In the final round, we definitely felt very<br />

excited and energetic with vivid ideas and discussion.<br />

For example, we were very anxious towards making<br />

one simple decision of how much to produce due to<br />

lack of intel shown by other groups. Throughout the<br />

process in the finals, our team collaboration and<br />

communication skills were enhanced with great team<br />

bonding and no form of resentment even if we<br />

disagreed. Finally, we obtained the first-runner up,<br />

although missing out from the champion by a tiny<br />

margin. We are still satisfied with our results.<br />

Looking back, there are multiple skills that we<br />

have improved in this learning experience and<br />

application for what we have learnt during our<br />

Economics lessons. First of all, we learned to analyse<br />

data given by the simulation and hence predict the<br />

intentions of other competitors. For example, we can<br />

employ data to predict what jetpacks they are going to<br />

produce and make our decisions strategically to<br />

monopolize the products that we would like to<br />

produce. We also learnt to control our production<br />

levels by observing data from the demand curve of<br />

our potential consumers to lower the risk of loss.<br />

Furthermore, we also learnt to employ our resources<br />

effectively such as the use of factories in the<br />

simulation in order to maximise production efficiency<br />

and hence increase equity. Lastly, we also learned<br />

effective communication amongst groupmates, which<br />

is very essential towards building a successful<br />

business as different members have to work together<br />

effectively and cohesively in order to thrive.<br />

Overall it has been a very pleasant<br />

experience with the multiple entrepreneurial skills that<br />

equip us with better views of the commercial world.<br />

We strongly recommend year 8s and 9s to join next<br />

year in this fun competition!<br />

9C Peter Nui<br />

Page 6

In this School,<br />

Every child is good<br />

at something<br />

家 ⾧: 林 ⼩ 紅 Renee Lam<br />

( 5F 張 天 悅 Abbie Cheung、3D 張 ⼼ 悅 Sophie Cheung<br />

媽 媽 問 :「 她 的 年 紀 ⽐ 同 級 ⼩ 朋 友 ⼩, 在 學 習 上 會 不 會 跟 不<br />

上 ?」<br />

⽼ 師 答 :「 她 能 做 到 的 , 媽 媽 不 ⽤ 擔 ⼼, 給 她 多 點 信 ⼼<br />

吧 !」<br />

媽 媽 問 :「 她 的 分 數 要 不 要 再 提 升 ⼀ 點 ? 我 們 需 要 替 她 找 補<br />

習 ⽼ 師 來 提 升 成 績 嗎 ?」<br />

⽼ 師 答 :「 不 ⽤ 了 , 讓 她 ⾃ 然 發 展 , 不 ⽤ 催 ⾕ 她 。」<br />

媽 媽 問 :「 為 甚 麼 ⽼ 師 揀 選 你 上 台 表 演 ? 班 裏 有 很 多 同 學 的<br />

普 通 話 ⽐ 你 說 得 更 流 利 啊 !」<br />

⼥ 兒 答 :「⽼ 師 說 每 ⼀ 位 ⼩ 朋 友 都 應 該 有 上 台 表 演 的 機<br />

會 。」<br />

蔡 繼 有 學 校 就 是 這 樣 的 ⼀ 所 學 校 ! 我 們 ⼀ 直 以 為 ⼥ 兒 的 年 紀<br />

⽐ 較 ⼩, 學 習 會 ⽐ 不 上 其 他 同 學 , 但 是 多 年 來 , 班 主 任 不 斷<br />

給 予 她 機 會 和 ⿎ 勵 , 更 讓 她 成 為 班 ⾧ 和 ⾵ 紀 , 這 份 肯 定 不 只<br />

是 給 予 ⼩ 朋 友 的 , 更 是 ⿎ 勵 了 我 , 讓 我 明 ⽩ 到 每 ⼀ 位 ⼩ 朋 友<br />

都 有 ⾃⼰ 的 天 賦 。<br />

五 年 前 , 我 在 學 校 的 ⼗ 五 週 年 特 刊 撰 稿 , 並 寫 了 幾 句 「 家 ⾧<br />

感 ⾔」; 五 年 後 , 我 仍 然 會 如 此 說 ......<br />

在 這 裏 , 孩 ⼦ 的 表 現 不 是 ⽤ 分 數 來 評 定 的 。<br />

在 這 裏 , 孩 ⼦ 的 能 ⼒ 與 才 華 得 到 肯 定 。<br />

在 這 裏 , 孩 ⼦ 的 潛 能 得 以 盡 情 發 揮 。<br />

在 這 裏 , 每 ⼀ 位 孩 ⼦ 都 能 找 到 令 他 感 到 ⾃ 豪 的 地 ⽅。<br />

這 是 哪 ⼀ 所 學 校 ? 這 就 是 保 良 局 蔡 繼 有 學 校 。<br />

Page 7

IB 學 習 , 滿 滿 的 感 恩 之 旅<br />

家 ⾧ 秦 榮 (12 A ⿆ 天 諾 Telia Mak)<br />

美 好 ⽽ 緊 張 的 IB<br />

之 旅 即 將 結 束 , 這 趟<br />

旅 程 不 僅 給 孩 ⼦ 還 是<br />

給 做 家 ⾧ 的 , 都 留 下<br />

了 很 多 美 好 的 印 象 。<br />

回 ⾸ 兩 年 的 IB 學<br />

習 之 路 , 滿 滿 的 感<br />

恩 。 感 謝 學 校 提 供 這<br />

樣 的 機 會 , 正 是 因 為<br />

⾮ 常 欣 賞 學 校 所 宣 導<br />

的 「 全 ⼈ 教 育 」 的 理<br />

念 和 「At this school,<br />

each child is good at<br />

something」 的 ⽂ 化 ,<br />

所 以 在 眾 多 學 校 中 ,<br />

毅 然 選 擇 了 蔡 繼 有 學<br />

校 , 並 以 成 為 學 校 的<br />

⼀ 份 ⼦⽽ 驕 傲 。 進 ⼊<br />

學 校 後 , 我 們 也 深 深<br />

地 感 受 到 學 校 對 每 位<br />

孩 ⼦ 個 體 的 尊 重 , 同<br />

時 又 耐 ⼼ 地 引 導 他 們<br />

不 斷 地 去 探 索 和 發 掘<br />

各 ⾃ 的 潛 能 , 使 得 每<br />

個 孩 ⼦ 在 這 裡 都 遇 到<br />

了 更 好 的 ⾃⼰。 尤 其<br />

是 ,IB 的 課 程 設 計 ,<br />

不 僅 引 領 學 ⽣ 專 注 在<br />

知 識 的 獲 取 上 , 更 重<br />

要 的 是 對 學 ⽣ 綜 合 素<br />

質 的 培 養 , 從 ⽽ 為 他<br />

們 步 ⼊ 社 會 奠 定 了 良<br />

好 的 基 礎 。 可 以 看<br />

到 , 透 過 不 同 的 項 ⽬<br />

活 動 , 孩 ⼦⾃ 由 地 組<br />

合 團 隊 , 在 團 隊 中 學<br />

習 尊 重 不 同 聲 ⾳, 並<br />

坦 誠 表 達 的 溝 通 , 建<br />

⽴ 了 ⾃ 信 。 作 為 家<br />

⾧, 我 們 甚 感 欣 慰 。<br />

最 近 幾 年 ,⾹<br />

港 經 歷 了 很 多 , 對 學<br />

⽣ 和 家 ⾧ 來 講 都 是 挑<br />

戰 , 特 別 是 最 近 ⼀ 年<br />

多 來 的 新 冠 疫 情 , 對<br />

於 需 要 準 備 IB 考 試 的<br />

學 ⽣ 來 講 更 是 艱 難 。<br />

但 是 我 們 欣 慰 地 看<br />

到 , 孩 ⼦ 依 然 全 ⼒ 參<br />

與 CAS( 創 意 、 活 動<br />

和 服 務 ), 靈 活 應 變<br />

並 順 利 完 成 ; 同 時 ,<br />

上 網 課 也 給 他 們 帶 來<br />

不 ⼀ 樣 的 體 驗 , 雖 然<br />

師 ⽣ 間 無 法 ⾯ 對 ⾯ 的<br />

溝 通 , 但 是 依 然 可 以<br />

感 受 到 ⽼ 師 們 對 孩 ⼦<br />

⼀ 如 既 往 的 關 注 , 以<br />

及 學 ⽣ 對 獲 取 知 識 的<br />

渴 望 。 我 為 他 們 有 這<br />

樣 的 獨 特 經 歷 ⽽ 驕 傲<br />

( 雖 然 希 望 不 要 有 太<br />

多 這 麼 獨 特 的 經<br />

歷 ), 並 相 信 他 們 從<br />

中 定 會 學 習 和 成 ⾧ 更<br />

多 。 作 為 IB 學 ⽣ 的 家<br />

⾧, 我 覺 得 相 信 孩 ⼦<br />

並 引 導 孩 ⼦ 是 對 孩 ⼦<br />

最 好 的 ⽀ 持 。 其 實 ⼈<br />

⽣ 路 很 漫 ⾧ 也 很 豐<br />

富 , 不 僅 僅 只 有 ⼀ 個<br />

IB 的 成 績 和 錄 取 ⼤ 學<br />

的 結 果 , 但 是 在 沒 有<br />

結 果 前 ⼀ 定 要 全 ⼒ 以<br />

赴 。 加 油 !<br />

Page 8

Primary Section<br />

Special<br />

<br />

and interests<br />

I started my own YouTube channel because I always<br />

watch YouTube and I thought how about I start a<br />

YouTube channel. I started filming myself cooking<br />

and I hope to share how to make delicious recipes<br />

with my followers. Now I have even started an<br />

Instagram account, my dad has a lot of followers and<br />

he is famous so I want to be just like him!<br />

3B Ashley Wong<br />

I am often shy but when it comes to drama I<br />

cannot stop showing off. I go to drama every<br />

Saturday. Every day I just keep thinking<br />

about drama and all the new games I can<br />

play. Now I am working on a play called<br />

Oliver Twist. I often get good comments from<br />

the director. I am very proud of myself. I often<br />

feel that drama class is too short but luckily<br />

there is always next week!<br />

2A Jade Sin<br />

Page 9

1C Honoria Chan<br />

4A Charley Yip<br />

2A Lois Yip<br />

<br />

Hi I am Honoria! I have been<br />

learning gymnastics since the age<br />

of 4. I can do the splits and many<br />

different stretches. My stretches<br />

can be used in my jazz and K-pop<br />

routines. I go to lessons with my<br />

best friend.<br />

I am Charley Yip and I love<br />

Latin dance. I have won more<br />

than 20 Gold Medals in Dance<br />

Sports Competitions, but<br />

certainly I have also lost many<br />

more. Whether I win or not, I<br />

remain fully committed to this<br />

great passion.<br />

Latin dance is one of Lois’<br />

hobbies. Lois was the Hong Kong<br />

Dance sport Association under<br />

Six Latin Dance champion for<br />

2019. She likes dancing because<br />

it is fun and she enjoys having a<br />

great time with her sister, Charley,<br />

and friends.<br />

I am Janis Chim of Class 3A. I have been playing the harp<br />

for 5 years. When I was five, I started playing the harp as<br />

my fingers were a bit short for the piano keyboard.<br />

My first public performance was conducted at the age of 5<br />

for Yan Chai Hospital and I have enjoyed playing in public<br />

since then. I was honored to have the opportunity to<br />

perform in Osaka, Japan in 2018 and Calgary, Canada in<br />

2019.<br />

Playing the harp is never easy. I find it most challenging to<br />

read the music scores and plucking the strings at the same<br />

time. My fingers have to be strong and flexible.<br />

3A Janice Chim<br />

Page 10

Hello, I am Marcus Leung. I have been<br />

greatly interested in performing magic tricks<br />

since I was at kindergarten. I think magic<br />

tricks can help to build intimate connections<br />

between family and friends. Also, it creates<br />

entertainment and amazement for the<br />

audience.<br />

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided<br />

to set up my YouTube channel - Marcus'<br />

Magic Channel to spread the joy and<br />

wonder of the magic tricks. There are<br />

different types of magic tricks like object<br />

multiplication and restoration. Personally, I<br />

love vanish and transposition the most.<br />

3B Marcus Leung<br />

My dad taught me how to solve a<br />

Rubik's cube 2 weeks ago. I fell in<br />

love with it immediately. I have<br />

been practicing everyday and my<br />

best record so far is 2 minutes 21<br />

seconds. I am working very hard on<br />

improving my speed (when I do not<br />

have to prepare for assessment). I<br />

hope I will be fast enough to join a<br />

Speedcubing competition in the<br />

near future.<br />

2C Sean Kam<br />

I like snowboarding very much,<br />

especially in Japan. I started<br />

to snowboard when I was two<br />

years old. Now, I can snowboard<br />

from the top to the bottom of the<br />

mountain by myself and use "S"<br />

tricks. I must wear thick clothes or<br />

I will be very cold.<br />

1C Rosabelle Ma<br />

My name is Natalie Chang from<br />

1A. I have been learning<br />

Taekwondo for 2 years. I love it<br />

because it makes me strong. I<br />

need to break wooden boards<br />

and complete belt tests to move<br />

up to higher levels!<br />

1A Natalie Chang<br />

Page 11

Special Interest and Skills<br />

In the Secondary Section<br />

⾜ 球 與 我<br />

我 喜 愛 ⾜ 球 , 雖 然 我 不 是 專 業 的 ⾜ 球 運 動 員 , 但 我 從 就 喜 歡 ⾜ 球 , 很 ⼩ 的 時 候 就 很 喜 歡 看 ⾜ 球<br />

⽐ 賽 , 曼 城 是 我 最 喜 愛 的 球 隊 , 他 們 的 拼 搏 精 神 讓 我 敬 佩 。 因 為 喜 歡 看 球 沒 所 以 我 也 嘗 試 踢 球 , 只<br />

是 純 粹 的 喜 歡 這 項 運 動 , 它 讓 我 感 受 到 ⾃ 由 與 熱 情 , 拼 搏 與 汗 ⽔, 我 愛 ⾜ 球 !<br />

6E Conwill Lui 雷 康 楠<br />

我 熱 愛 唱 歌<br />

我 從 4 歲 開 始 就 喜 愛 唱 歌 , 唱 歌 讓 我 仿 佛 置 身 在 ⾃ 由 的 國 度 , 帶 給 我 很 多 不 可 ⾔ 喻 的 快<br />

樂 , 也 讓 我 更 加 ⾃ 信 。 平 時 親 戚 朋 友 會 讓 我 唱 歌 給 他 們 聽 , 我 也 很 享 受 這 種 平 凡 但 珍 貴 的 表<br />

演 機 會 , 在 學 校 我 也 在 和 ⽼ 師 學 習 唱 歌 , 希 望 能 夠 學 習 到 更 多 專 業 的 唱 歌 技 巧 。<br />

6E Sharlotte Leung 梁 嘉 晴<br />

我 愛 畫 畫<br />

7B Venus Yip 葉 嘉 倩<br />

我 喜 歡 在 電 腦 上 創 作 圖 畫 , 每 當 進 ⼊ 畫 畫 的 世 界 , 我 就 會 從 內 ⼼ 感 受 到 ⼀<br />

種 寧 靜 ,⽽ 畫 畫 世 界 的 ⾃ 由 也 是 我 很 珍 惜 的 , 它 們 讓 我 更 有 ⾃ 信 , 也 成 為 了 我<br />

傾 吐 的 對 象 , 我 愛 畫 畫 。<br />

感 謝 摺 紙<br />

8E Saad Nadeem ⽥ 澤<br />

我 從 8 歲 開 始 學 習 摺 紙 , 還 記 得 第 ⼀<br />

次 看 到 別 ⼈ 的 摺 紙 作 品 , 我 就 完 全 被 折 服<br />

了 。⼀ 張 簡 單 的 紙 可 以 折 出 ⼀ 個 精 彩 的 世<br />

界 , 讓 我 覺 得 神 奇 , 不 可 思 議 。 我 從 那 ⼀<br />

刻 就 深 深 愛 上 了 折 紙 。<br />

折 紙 帶 給 我 很 多 快 樂 , 讓 我 也 更 專<br />

注 更 勤 於 思 考 , 我 也 慢 慢 地 變 得 更 ⾃ 信 ,<br />

因 為 我 也 可 以 ⽤ 雙 ⼿ 創 造 世 界 。<br />

疫 情 前 , 我 會 在 ⼀ 些 ⼯ 作 坊 教 ⼩ 朋<br />

友 折 紙 , 我 很 享 受 分 享 的 感 覺 。 疫 情 期<br />

間 , 我 有 幸 可 以 在 網 絡 平 台 和 世 界 各 地 的<br />

折 紙 愛 好 ⼈⼠ 交 流 經 驗 ⼼ 得 , 也 深 深 地 感<br />

受 到 在 折 紙 的 路 上 , 我 還 需 繼 續 努 ⼒。 我<br />

愛 折 紙 , 感 謝 折 紙 帶 給 我 的 ⼀ 切 。<br />

8E Bobby Lui 呂 呈<br />

挑 戰 極 限<br />

我 6 歲 開 始 學 單 ⾞,⾮ 常 喜 歡 騎 單<br />

⾞ 帶 給 我 的 速 度 感 , 讓 我 可 以 每 天 都 感<br />

覺 到 ⾃⼰ 在 進 步 , 這 是 很 充 實 的 體 驗 。<br />

騎 單 ⾞ 也 不 斷 增 強 ⾃ 信 ⼼, 因 為 無 論 遇<br />

到 什 麼 困 難 , 我 都 相 信 衹 要 堅 持 下 去 ,<br />

就 可 以 攻 破 。 疫 情 之 前 , 我 是 明 ⽇ 之 星<br />

⻘ 少 年 組 的 ⼀ 名 隊 員 , 我 在 團 隊 中 學 到<br />

了 很 多 , 也 交 到 了 很 多 好 友 , 雖 然 因 為<br />

疫 情 活 動 暫 停 了 , 但 我 相 信 我 會 ⼀ 直 喜<br />

愛 騎 單 ⾞, 並 不 斷 挑 戰 極 限 。<br />

Page 12

Primary Section<br />

ChiNEse DEbaTE coMpETitIoN<br />

中 ⽂ 辯 論 ⽐ 賽 感 受 分 享<br />

辯 論 是 兩 隊 同 學 就 某 個 主 題 進 ⾏ 爭 論 , 最 終<br />

由 評 判 分 出 勝 負 的 活 動 。 儘 管 我 進 ⼊ 了 辯 論 隊 短<br />

短 數 ⽉, 我 已 經 深 深 地 愛 上 了 這 個 有 趣 的 活 動 。<br />

在 辯 論 隊 裏 ,⼤ 家 都 積 極 發 表 意 ⾒, 加 上 ⿈⽼<br />

師 的 耐 ⼼ 教 導 , 我 們 第 ⼀ 場 ⽐ 賽 就 ⼤ 獲 全 勝 。 我<br />

印 象 最 深 刻 的 是 當 我 們 的 ⼀ 位 辯 論 隊 員 講 到 了 關<br />

鍵 之 處 時 , 對 ⽅ 啞 ⼜ 無 ⾔ 的 情 景 。 其 實 辯 論 不 僅<br />

僅 是 在 ⽐ 賽 上 唇 槍 ⾆ 劍 , 它 還 可 以 訓 練 ⼜ 才 、 分<br />

析 能 ⼒ 和 專 注 能 ⼒。⽽ 且 我 們 需 要 在 ⽐ 賽 前 認 真<br />

練 習 和 準 備 , 真 正 體 現 了 「 台 上 ⼀ 分 鐘 , 台 下 ⼗<br />

年 功 」 的 道 理 , 所 以 我 ⾮ 常 喜 歡 辯 論 課 !<br />

4E Kevin Liao Tsz Kwan 廖 梓 鈞<br />

Page 13

Chinese Writing Competition<br />

我 熱 愛 寫 作<br />

—— 參 加 「⽂ 學 新 秀 」 有 感<br />

寫 作 之 於 我<br />

—— 參 加 「⽂ 學 新 秀 」 有 感<br />

寫 作 , 其 實 是 與 靈 魂 溝 通 的 ⼀ 件 事 。 寫<br />

作 是 ⼼ 聲 的 幻 境 ,⼀ 個 ⼈ 和 與 思 想 的 連 接 點 ,<br />

⼀ 些 在 現 實 和 夢 幻 中 徘 徊 的 ⽂ 字 。<br />

寫 作 是 ⼀ 種 ⽂ 化 , 它 多 姿 多 彩 。 在 議 論 ⽂<br />

裡 , 能 感 受 到 作 者 堅 持 強 烈 的 ⼼ 聲 , 和 明 ⽩ 到<br />

從 歷 史 以 來 ⼈⽣ 的 道 理 。 在 描 寫 ⽂ 裡 , 你 會 彷<br />

彿 能 騙 到 在 作 者 的 ⻆ 度 裡 觀 察 和 經 歷 作 者 所 發<br />

⽣ 的 描 寫 的 那 件 事 或 ⼈。 在 抒 情 ⽂ 章 裡 , 你 會<br />

能 感 受 到 句 ⼦ 的 美 麗 ,⽂ 字 的 芳 ⾹ 和 濃 厚 的 感<br />

情 。 在 故 事 裡 , 你 會 欣 賞 到 故 事 裡 的 驚 險 和 情<br />

節 , 喜 悅 和 感 動 。<br />

我 喜 歡 寫 ⽂ 章 。 我 覺 得 寫 ⽂ 章 是 ⼀ 種 把 是<br />

普 通 通 的 ⽂ 字 做 成 詞 語 ,⽤ 詞 語 造 成 ⼀ 條 能 抒<br />

發 感 情 的 句 ⼦, 之 後 為 這 些 句 ⼦ 加 上 修 飾 融 合<br />

寫 成 ⼀ 篇 ⽂ 章 。 是 ⼀ 個 能 與 世 ⼈ 表 達 ⾃⼰ 的 ⼀<br />

種 語 ⾔。<br />

參 加 “⽂ 學 新 秀 ” 時 , 我 希 望 能 寫 ⼀ 篇 打 動 到<br />

⼈⼼ 的 ⽂ 章 , 我 嘗 試 在 主 題 《 總 有 ⼀ 種 美 麗 屬<br />

於 你 》 包 括 ⼈⽣ 每 ⼀ 滴 每 ⼀ 點 的 真 美 麗 。⽽ 當<br />

我 有 榮 幸 拿 到 獎 時 , 我 很 欣 慰 因 為 這 個 獎 項 是<br />

⼀ 個 認 可 , 是 啊 能 讓 別 ⼈ 看 懂 我 的 機 會 。<br />

不 同 的 ⽂ 章 能 表 達 著 不 同 的 思 維 維 意 思 。<br />

⼀ 篇 好 ⽂ 章 能 流 靈 著 作 者 的 ⼼⾎, 讓 ⼈ 感 覺 是<br />

在 讀 ⼀ 篇 ⼈⽣。<br />

寫 作 , 不 單 單 是 「 寫 」 和<br />

「 作 」,⽽ 是 以 ⽂ 字 的 點 綴 將 ⾃⼰⼼<br />

底 的 聲 ⾳ 表 現 出 來 , 以 ⽂ 字 搭 成 ⼀ 座<br />

連 接 ⼈ 與 ⼈ 的 橋 樑 。<br />

⽂ 章 , 不 但 把 ⾃⼰ 與 眾 不 同 的 想<br />

法 呈 現 出 來 , 它 還 給 予 你 機 會 找 知 ⾳<br />

⼈ 和 感 化 其 他 與 你 有 不 同 意 ⾒ 的 ⼈。<br />

⽂ 章 裡 簡 單 的 ⼀ 詞 ⼀ 句 , 透 過 作 者 巧<br />

妙 的 ⽂ 筆 和 修 飾 , 將 虛 幻 的 事 情 變 得<br />

真 實 。<br />

我 喜 歡 作 ⽂, 喜 歡 別 ⼈ 被 我 寫 的<br />

⽂ 章 觸 動 , 喜 歡 別 ⼈ 能 和 我 的 ⽂ 章 引<br />

起 共 鳴 , 喜 歡 別 ⼈ 從 我 的 ⽂ 章 中 領 悟<br />

到 ⼀ 些 道 理 。<br />

當 初 參 加 「⽂ 學 新 秀 」 時 , 我 希<br />

望 寫 出 ⼀ 篇 能 引 起 共 鳴 的 ⽂ 章 , 然 ⽽<br />

時 下 許 多 ⼈ 都 容 易 受 別 ⼈ 的 眼 光 動<br />

搖 , 因 此 我 選 擇 了 以 《 我 就 是 我 , 顏<br />

⾊ 不 ⼀ 樣 的 煙 ⽕》 為 題 , 希 望 能 告 訴<br />

讀 者 : 不 要 為 了 迎 合 別 ⼈ 的 眼 光 ⽽ 改<br />

變 ⾃⼰, 因 為 每 個 ⼈ 也 有 ⾃⼰ 的 誘 ⼈<br />

之 處 。<br />

7E 陳 嘉 茵 Jennifer Chan<br />

8E 韓 晫 瑩 Scarlet Hun<br />

Page 14

<strong>CKY</strong> Solar Garden Roof<br />

Two students in 9C, Kai Wang and Ingrid Chan, recently interviewed Mr. Kenji<br />

Chan (<strong>CKY</strong> Campus Manager) and Mr. Louis Wong (Head of Secondary STEM) to<br />

find out more about the exciting solar panel developments on the rooftop of our<br />

campus.<br />

Introduction<br />

Nowadays, renewable energy is playing an increasingly large role in our lives as the world<br />

slowly realises the importance of sustainable energy, and the significance of protecting the earth.<br />

Changes, though not easily noticeable, are gradually taking place - a sporadic scatter of proof that the<br />

society is finally starting to care. One of these changes is happening right here at our school. If you<br />

have paid attention to assembly, you may be aware that there is a set of solar panels on the rooftop of<br />

our school. We are going to be briefly looking at the origins of the solar panels and what they are for.<br />

emsd support<br />

The school installed the solar panels due to its participation in a program organised by the<br />

EMSD (otherwise known as Electrical and Mechanical Services Department), which was created for all<br />

schools in Hong Kong as well as NGOs. EMSD would provide advice, consultancy as well as the<br />

mechanical experts for the installation of the solar panels, while the premises would be provided by the<br />

schools or the NGO’s. Since Head Principal Lau was interested in this program, along with the fact that<br />

there is always sufficient sunlight on our school rooftop, our school applied for the program. It is<br />

estimated that the total funding provided by the EMSD is around $100,000. EMSD also provides us with<br />

1 year warranty for the repair or maintenance costs of the solar panels, lest there be any malfunctions.<br />

Page 15

Technical details<br />

Through the implementation of solar panels and the aid provided by EMSD, our school is<br />

capable of generating 1,000-1,200 kWh of electrical energy per month, which is equivalent to HK$5K to<br />

6K per month, where 1 kWh is equivalent to $5. Nevertheless, the electricity generated will firstly go<br />

through the meter of the CLP (for measuring the electricity produced), prioritising our school power load<br />

first, if the electricity produced is more than the load of our school at that moment, then the excess<br />

electricity generated would go outside school. Furthermore, as the school participates in the Feed-in<br />

Tariff (FiT) Scheme, the CLP meter connected to our solar panels would then calculate the total amount<br />

of electricity bills deducted according to the electricity generated.<br />

Repair and Maintenance<br />

The efficiency of solar panels is largely affected by the amount of light which reaches the solar cells.<br />

Since there are dust particles in the air which would accumulate on the panels overtime, the solar panels<br />

need to be cleaned regularly. The school arranges janitors to clean the solar panels on a regular basis,<br />

using warm water and a clean cloth to clean them. If they are not cleaned properly, up to 5-10% of its<br />

efficiency will be reduced. In addition to that, regular maintenance needs to be conducted. As mentioned<br />

above, EMSD provides 1 year warranty for the maintenance of the solar panels. These include regular<br />

inspections by electricians. However, after 1 year, the school would be responsible for the regular<br />

maintenance of the solar panels.<br />

Page 16

Science behind the operation<br />

According to internet research and sources such as the HK government official site, solar panels are<br />

made of an abundant semi-conductive material--crystalline silicon. This is due to the qualities such as being<br />

able to conduct electricity, while maintaining an electrical imbalance needed to create an electric field.<br />

Hence, the solar PV panels are constructed of multiple small photovoltaic cells, meaning that they can<br />

convert solar energy to electrical energy. Nevertheless, this process is conducted with the aid of the electron<br />

difference between P-type and N-type type solar cells. A P-type cell usually dopes its silicon wafer with<br />

boron, which has one less electron than silicon (making the cell positively charged), whilst a N-type cell is<br />

doped with phosphorus, which has one more electron than silicon (making the cell negatively charged). This<br />

hence results in a circulatory flow of electrons from one cell to the other through the wiring at the end of the<br />

cell, powering the designated electrical equipment, or in this case, generating electricity for CLP.<br />

Link to video<br />

For those of you who are eager for more information, feel free to check out the video below, which<br />

explores more about why the solar panels were installed in our school as well as the background of the<br />

program funded by EMSD.<br />

https://www.news.gov.hk/videodownload/eng/2021/05/20210506/20210506_113355_562/videos/<br />

20210507165823426.mp4<br />

References:<br />

(www.gov.hk), GovHK. “GovHK: Installation of Renewable Energy Systems.” GovHK ⾹ 港 政 府 ⼀ 站 通 , 29 Apr. 2021, www.gov.hk/<br />

en/residents/environment/renewable/installation.htm.<br />

Page 17



"Find Imagination Everywhere" is not only the theme of this year's student art exhibition of<br />

Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, but can also be said to be the core value for Art. Under<br />

such a vibrant learning atmosphere, students' creativity and artistic talents can be fully<br />

realized. For many years, the school’s art exhibitions have been the students’ stage of artistic<br />

expression, creating beautiful memories one after another.<br />

Joanna Cham<br />

Vice Principal (Acting)<br />

Secondary Art Department Head<br />

HKCC Art Exhibition 2021 - with art teachers, Principal Lau and Ms. Cham<br />

1E Rondic Tse<br />

1A Isaac Chan<br />

Happy Leaves<br />

The idea of “Happy Leaves” is all<br />

about life. We need to show our<br />

happy life like a leaf to grow their own<br />

shape.<br />

I was curious about different things in the<br />

art exhibition. For example, I saw the Year<br />

5 Woodblock artworks and I wondered<br />

what tools were used and how the marks<br />

were created. I also noticed some of the<br />

artworks from the secondary students<br />

were photographs and I learnt that, other<br />

than drawing and painting, photography is<br />

also a form of art.<br />

Page 17

3F Kyros Lau<br />

I think all the artworks were really cool! It was<br />

my first time to have my artwork in the<br />

exhibition and it was very exciting. I chose to<br />

make the crab dish because my mum likes to<br />

eat crab. It was easy and fun to make.<br />

2C Morgan Leung<br />

I have visited the HKCC Art Exhibition for<br />

three years. I think many students really like<br />

art as I can see their efforts in their nice<br />

paintings. My favourite pictures were the Y3<br />

Mythical Creatures. This picture next to me is<br />

named “COVID-19”. The virus looks so scary<br />

and realistic! I hope the virus will be gone<br />

soon.<br />

Chinese Crab Dish<br />

3E Audrey Chan<br />

I am honored and happy to be among the many talented <strong>CKY</strong> artists to share our<br />

artwork in this meaningful exhibition. My mythical creature is Kitty's Couch. It<br />

portrays a kitten resting on a live, upside-down jellyfish. The kitten is leaning<br />

against a seashell with a pair of special cat ears. One ear plays nature music,<br />

while the other plays relaxing music for sleep. When dangerous animals come<br />

near, the jellyfish protects the kitten by opening its glow-in-the-dark eyes to scare<br />

away predators.<br />

4D Teddie Chan<br />

Kitty's Couch Mythical Creature<br />

Teddy’s Adventures<br />

The artwork at the Hong Kong<br />

Cultural Centre was amazing! I<br />

never knew that <strong>CKY</strong> students<br />

were so talented! This year, I<br />

was very happy that my artwork<br />

was displayed. I hope you all<br />

liked it.<br />

5E Rachel Hung<br />

Woodblock carving<br />

I chose St. Basil's Cathedral as it is one of a kind<br />

and unique. There are amazing colours and<br />

designs, and at the top, I love its dome shape.<br />

It’s like the icing on top of a cake. Carving the<br />

woodblock was fun to create although the<br />

curves and edges were a bit challenging. It also<br />

reminds me of the castle in Disneyland.<br />

5B Cassy Chea<br />

I love how colour pencils were used<br />

to make a gradient effect on the<br />

famous buildings of France. The<br />

fine black marker really made the<br />

buildings stand out. I think this<br />

artwork really resembles the beauty<br />

of France, being the fourth most<br />

beautiful country in Europe. Overall,<br />

it was a wonderful experience<br />

visiting this art exhibition.<br />

8A Meredith Chung<br />

Through creating this wire portrait, I have learnt how to simplify designs because the<br />

entire face has to be done in one line. I am very proud and happy about my artwork<br />

being selected in the exhibit, because more people can see what I created and I am<br />

happy to share what I'm proud of as well. I enjoy visiting the school's art exhibition<br />

and I go almost every year with my mom, and we spend about half an hour looking at<br />

artworks from different year levels. We like to see what projects I might be doing in<br />

the next few years, and just appreciate the art created by the students of our school.<br />

Thank you for exhibiting my work!<br />

Page 18

1A Lucy Zhang 張 敏 慧<br />

2B Callum Cheng 鄭 凱 霖<br />

3C Summer Chu 朱 梓 菲<br />

trilingual Poetry Recitation Competition<br />


當 ⽼ 師 在 課 堂 上 宣 佈 有 「 兩 ⽂ 三 語 朗 誦 ⽐ 賽 」 時 , 我 的 ⼼ 情 有 點 忐 忑 —— 復 活 節 豈 不 是 再 多 ⼀ 份 功 課 ? 酒 店 之 旅<br />

會 否 因 未 完 成 功 課 ⽽ 改 期 ?<br />

後 來 , 我 發 現 ⾃⼰ 太 杞 ⼈ 憂 天 了 ! 假 期 的 第 ⼀ 天 早 上 , 我 不 消 ⼀⼩ 時 , 已 順 利 背 誦 和 錄 製 三 ⾸ 詩 歌 了 , 速 度 不 遜<br />

於 獵 豹 。 我 ⼼ 想 :⼀ 定 是 平 ⽇ 在 校 常 常 朗 讀 不 同 類 型 的 詩 歌 ,⽇⼦ 有 功 , 因 ⽽ 駕 輕 就 熟 了 。」 所 以 我 們 千 萬 不 要 ⼩<br />

看 ⾃⼰ 的 潛 能 啊 !<br />

4D Whitney Lam 林 佩 瑜<br />

5A Macus Lam 林 兆 璋<br />

Page 19

trilingual Poetry Recitation Competition<br />

English<br />

<br />

I practiced for a week.<br />

Every day I read it five<br />

times to memorize the<br />

poems. The challenges<br />

are memorizing the<br />

words. I feel happy.<br />

1D Jayden Chan<br />

I was in shock after my class teacher announced that I<br />

have been selected to represent <strong>CKY</strong> in the Hong Kong<br />

Children Speech Competition. I never thought I would<br />

make it and it is such a big honour. I felt like a star in the<br />

family when I dramatically shared this piece of good<br />

news with them. Best of all, my twin brother, Callum<br />

from 2B was also chosen to represent school in the<br />

competition! My lovely family was just stunned and<br />

thrilled! I keep wondering these days, “Will I win or will I<br />

lose?” No matter what the results are, I will try my best<br />

and won’t have any regrets. Finally, I want to thank my<br />

family for supporting me. I also want to thank the class<br />

teachers for choosing me.<br />

2D Chloe Cheng<br />

When I first started reciting<br />

this poem, I had mispronounced<br />

some of the words, my sound wasn’t<br />

smooth and I struggled a little to<br />

memorise the poem. But after a few<br />

days of trying, I fixed my mistakes<br />

and could recite the poem with<br />

expression and pronounce the words<br />

correctly. When I first read the poem,<br />

I found out that it is about some<br />

aliens who have landed on earth like<br />

a meteor and they are teachers<br />

working in our school.<br />

3E Mischa Lan<br />

It describes how the aliens look and smell, which I think is<br />

very special. After I read this poem, I would really want to meet the<br />

aliens, so I could help them take a shower and remove the bad smell of<br />

dead sardines. It would be fun to go to school with these aliens as<br />

teachers! Because I want to ride the flying saucer to tour around the<br />

Earth.<br />

The poem reminds me of an incident at home. I remember there<br />

was a time that mum forgot to put her uncooked sardines in the fridge.<br />

Then the next morning, our home was filled with the smell of dead<br />

sardines, it was horrible!<br />

5F Ashley Cheung<br />

This is the first time <strong>CKY</strong> had a<br />

trilingual poetry competition! Everyone<br />

was required to recite three poems in<br />

English, Cantonese and Putonghua. In<br />

the beginning, I thought it was not<br />

easy to memorise everything, but later<br />

it turns out to be quite enjoyable.<br />

Between the lines of the Chinese<br />

poem, I can sense the author’s<br />

nostalgic feeling in memory of her<br />

mother; where in the Cantonese<br />

poem, I was moved by the author’s<br />

positive attitude when facing<br />

challenges; then came the selfdeprecating<br />

sense of humour in the<br />

English poem that brought a smile on<br />

my face. I really hope that there will be<br />

another poetry competition next year!<br />

4F Kaylee Ho<br />

I was enthusiastic when I found out that<br />

we would have an in school speech<br />

competition! Since we studied the<br />

Tudors’ history in the first term, I already<br />

have vivid pictures on how I would<br />

present my speech. My English speech<br />

turned out to be superb! My secret is to<br />

keep practising! This competition is<br />

called “Trilingual Competition” which<br />

means speaking in three different<br />

languages fluently. Even for Cantonese<br />

and Putonghua speech, all I did was<br />

practice, practice and practice. The more<br />

I practiced, the more I became good at it.<br />

As people always say, “Practice makes<br />

perfect.”<br />

Page 20


“Hour of Code Hong Kong” is an organisation that offers free one hour coding workshops to everyone, to<br />

prove that coding is not as challenging as it may seem. It aims to expose the complicated field of computer<br />

science to a broader range of people in a relatively fun way, allowing them to realise how fascinating it can<br />

be to code, encouraging them to think outside of the box as opposed to the traditional way of teaching<br />

step-by-step. Through the lessons, students would also be able to take away important coding concepts so<br />

they can apply them to their daily lives in the future. Since last year, our school has partnered with Hour of<br />

Code, City University of Hong Kong to arrange scratch workshops for <strong>CKY</strong> Year 4-5 students, aiming to<br />

popularise STEM education in our school.<br />

I have attended 2 of the <strong>CKY</strong> Hour of Code Workshops and watched one of the<br />

workshop videos. The most rewarding part of the workshop was creating the<br />

games and playing them in the end. The workshops made me learn about various<br />

problem solving skills and the spirit of never giving up when you fail. I like learning<br />

from the IB students from <strong>CKY</strong>. They presented different concepts clearly and I<br />

also enjoyed the games we made during the workshops. I never knew that you<br />

could make and create so many different games with Scratch! I would like to study<br />

more about coding in the future, as it is fun, useful, enjoyable and educational. I<br />

really liked the game designs used in the workshops, as they were intriguing and<br />

intuitive to make at the same time. I also liked how there was an extra Google<br />

Meet session for individual help in case you didn’t understand something. Overall,<br />

it was a very rewarding experience and I hope to join more coding classes in the<br />

future.<br />

5D Haruka Hung<br />

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!<br />

5F Julian Chang<br />

The <strong>CKY</strong> “Hour of Code” workshop is Fantastic!<br />

I have attended all three <strong>CKY</strong> “ Hour of Code ” workshops.<br />

I learned different skills every workshop, like how to set the player’s score, or decrease<br />

the score whenever the player was damaged. The most rewarding experience was<br />

from the first workshop, where the IB senior students taught me how to add sound<br />

effects in my projects. It was a totally new thing to me. So very thank you to all the<br />

senior <strong>CKY</strong> students in the workshop for teaching me. A lot of people have asked me<br />

how the workshop affects me, and I believe that it sharply improves my coding skills<br />

and it’s mostly fun. The way I feel like learning from the <strong>CKY</strong> senior students is just<br />

COOL, because they have far more knowledge about coding and we younger kids can<br />

be sure to learn more from them. I would definitely like to study more about coding in<br />

the future because I could create more fun games for others. I could also spend some<br />

time playing or create games while I’m having my freetime, so I can relax for a little<br />

after school time. By the way, I must recommend the projects of my good friend and<br />

classmate Kevin to everybody. His username is Keiwanchan. He joined Scratch for far<br />

longer than me. And I have to say, his coding skills are far beyond mine. I especially<br />

enjoy his Pong (with AI) game. The game is just about bouncing the ball on two sides,<br />

but on the computer. My username is danielsese on Scratch. There is a remix of Star<br />

Wars and Plants vs Zombies. I also have some other games like Dr zomboss and<br />

more. Once again a great big thank you to the IB senior students for teaching me.<br />

Page 21



This year many students joined “The 7 th Children’s Asian Painting Exhibition”. The theme was<br />

Health, Friendship, and Great Harmony. We would like to share just a few of the many colourful<br />

and wonderful entries we received. Enjoy!<br />

1H Camael Lee ( 李 樂 熙 ) My School Life After<br />

2F Suki Chan ( 陳 巧 森 ). Love _ Peace Over the World<br />

3F Clovis Cheng ( 鄭 汶 昊 ) A Whole Different World<br />

1F Leo Cheung ( 張 清 景 ) Rainbow Friends<br />

Page 22

4B Clarice Lee ( 李 炫 廷 ) Living in A Harmony<br />

4C Venara Chim ( 詹 晞 彤 ) Mahābhūtas<br />

5B Cassy Chea (⾞ 爾 晴 ) Universe-Peace _ Love<br />

5F Claire Fong (⽅ 樂 澄 ) The Puzzle of Happy Life<br />

Page 23

As we move forward at <strong>CKY</strong> and look to the future, we asked some of our Department Heads to<br />

write a few lines for the Newsletter about what's in store for their department and subject. The<br />

Department Heads have shared with us some of the new and exciting initiatives that their<br />

department is planning in the near future. At <strong>CKY</strong> we rarely stand still, and are continuously<br />

searching for new ways to innovate, adapt and grow!<br />

Kelvin Ling<br />

Secondary Geography<br />

We are planning to make use of our<br />

school’s budding STEM program and<br />

facilities to integrate novel GIS<br />

technology into our lessons. Students<br />

will be able to examine geographical<br />

phenomena in their local environment<br />

and how it integrates into the wider<br />

world. This will help create a new<br />

generation able to manage the everchanging<br />

challenges in the 21st<br />

Century!<br />

English will continue to review<br />

and adapt the variety of texts<br />

that students experience from<br />

Years 6 to 12 to ensure that<br />

they are diverse, absorbing and<br />

inspiring in some way.<br />

Chris Jordan<br />

Secondary English<br />

近 兩 年 ,IGCSE 和 IB 的 語 ⽂ 課 程 改 變 了 ⽅ 向 , 更 趨 向 於 「 概 念 式 學 習 」, 也 趨 向 於<br />

「 探 究 式 問 題 」 的 學 習 模 式 。 這 需 要 學 ⽣ 更 靈 活 地 、 批 判 地 思 考 語 ⾔ 和 ⽂ 字 。 其 ⼀, 我 們 在<br />

每 個 單 元 設 ⽴ 了 「 探 究 問 題 」, 希 望 學 ⽣ 可 以 從 課 內 的 學 習 材 料 中 掌 握 ⽅ 法 , 再 延 伸 ⾄ 對 課<br />

外 材 料 的 ⾃ 主 探 究 ; 其 ⼆, 我 們 在 每 個 單 元 設 ⽴ 了 「 閱 讀 視 野 」, 希 望 學 ⽣ 可 以 接 觸 不 同 ⽂<br />

體 、 不 同 話 題 的 ⽂ 本 , 除 了 開 拓 閱 讀 視 野 , 還 能 保 持 閱 讀 書 本 、 新 聞 和 雜 誌 等 習 慣 , 把 語 ⽂<br />

學 習 和 ⽣ 活 應 ⽤ 相 連 結 。<br />

Christine Wong<br />

Secondary Chinese<br />

Page 24

Sedat Ozkan<br />

Mathematics<br />

We’re continuing to develop our<br />

mathematics curriculum with the aim<br />

of improving students’ ability to think<br />

critically and creatively while solving<br />

problems in daily life as well as<br />

in mathematical contexts and other<br />

disciplines. Mathematics emphasises<br />

the importance of nurturing students’<br />

competence in applying information<br />

technology (IT) while learning maths.<br />

We’ll also focus on strengthening<br />

students’ ability to integrate and<br />

apply mathematics knowledge and<br />

skills through STEM education.<br />

From basic human behaviour to<br />

s o m e t h i n g a s c o m p l e x a s<br />

international government affairs,<br />

there are never black-and-white<br />

<strong>issue</strong>s in the field of Economics.<br />

We are planning to provide more<br />

opportunities for students to<br />

express their insightful criticisms<br />

and opinions on such economic<br />

<strong>issue</strong>s by introducing analytical<br />

and debating competitions.<br />

Students will be more aware of<br />

both local and international<br />

economic topics and learn to<br />

become a critical thinker.<br />

Lorn Sun<br />

Economics<br />

<strong>CKY</strong> Science will be adapting the newly installed solar panels (more precisely, the<br />

photo-voltaic cells) on the rooftop to our curriculum in the next academic year. We<br />

feel ecstatic to see the development of green energy in <strong>CKY</strong>. Nothing is better than<br />

collecting and analysing first-hand data when studying in science!<br />

The History department will be incorporating more elements about social history and<br />

gender equality into our curriculum. We look forward to teaching students about how<br />

societies have progressed throughout the course of history, such as important<br />

reforms in social structures that shape our world today.<br />

James Kuan<br />

Science and History<br />

The time has come! After years of preparing our students, our department will<br />

welcome our first cohort of students on to the IGCSE Computer Science course.<br />

This will run parallel with the existing IGCSE ICT course and reflects our<br />

continued mission to educate our students as to the evolving importance of data<br />

in our data driven society and the increased interaction between humans and<br />

computers in society today.<br />

Warwick Wu<br />

ICT/Computer Science<br />

After a long time of limited interaction with others, as well as "hiding” behind a<br />

mask, the Drama department will focus on the mental well-being of the<br />

students. Our curriculum will evolve around building confidence, expressing<br />

themselves and showing themselves. We aim to achieve this through<br />

interactive drama games, presentations, performances and most of all a<br />

growth mindset that will help to bring out the best in each of them.<br />

Femke van der Heijden<br />

Drama<br />

Page 25

This year, we have changed the TOK curriculum to make it<br />

more exciting and closely connected with real-world context.<br />

We added some new topics, such as technology, to the new<br />

curriculum. The new topics allow teachers and students to<br />

explore different controversial <strong>issue</strong>s, making the learning<br />

process more enjoyable. Besides, we will hold a TOK<br />

exhibition every year to provide students with an opportunity<br />

to show how TOK can be applied in the real world.<br />

DT is planning to start a new Instagram<br />

account where we can share some of the<br />

amazing work done by our students in<br />

both RM and Food Tech. Details to follow<br />

shortly!<br />

Timothy Tsoi<br />

TOK<br />

Dion Houghton<br />

Design Technology<br />

The STEM curriculum was carefully refined this year to facilitate learning diversity<br />

during the online lessons. We are excited to witness the continued improvement in<br />

the quality of the projects, especially the digital piano and basketball arcade<br />

machine. Next year, we look forward to broadening the project topic to “<strong>CKY</strong> open<br />

day booth game” instead. Hopefully the outstanding projects can be practically<br />

applied and showcased to everyone at the 20th school anniversary!<br />

Louis Wong<br />

STEM<br />

⼩ 學 階 段 的 學 習 應 該 是 無 憂 無 慮 的 , 但 同 時 也 是 播 種 的 季 節 。 來 年 我 們 將 致 ⼒<br />

於 培 養 學 ⽣ 學 習 中 ⽂ 的 興 趣 , 為 學 ⽣ 創 設 更 有 趣 的 學 習 話 題 和 活 動 , 讓 他 們 從 中 得 到<br />

學 習 中 ⽂ 的 成 就 感 , 希 望 藉 此 改 變 學 ⽣ 對 中 ⽂ 的 刻 板 觀 感 , 引 領 他 們 感 悟 中 ⽂ 的 有 趣<br />

之 處 。<br />

Bonnie Chau<br />

Primary Chinese<br />

STEM in <strong>CKY</strong> Primary was only officially introduced in the last two years and it's<br />

been exciting to see how much the students challenge themselves to innovate<br />

and create. Moving forward, <strong>CKY</strong> will continue to add more exciting design and<br />

innovation activities for students to enjoy.<br />

Clement Chan<br />

Primary STEM<br />

Page 26

Science Symposium<br />

<br />

The science symposium has finally come to an end this year after a long journey of 6<br />

months! Despite the influence of pandemic, our event successfully took place online.<br />

Year 6s are to design and build a balloon-powered car that<br />

can move in the straight direction as far as possible. The<br />

students will investigate the relationship between the size of<br />

the balloon and the car’s performance. They will test the<br />

performance of the car by measuring the distance that it<br />

travels with the help of an inflated balloon.<br />

Winner: 6A Rosaline Chong<br />

Year 7s are to design and build a sound blocking container that can<br />

reduce the transmission of sound that is generated outside the<br />

container to be transmitted into the container. To measure the<br />

decrease in sound intensity due to sound blocking, the students will<br />

use the Arduino Science Journal app. Importantly, they will choose<br />

one of the following three independent variables and investigate<br />

how it affects sound blocking: 1) type of material; 2) thickness of<br />

material; or 3) geometric shape of<br />

Winner: 7A Shannon Lau<br />

Year 8s are expected to come up with an investigation based on<br />

the background study regarding at least one of the elements among<br />

“Energy, Engineering and Environment”. The research question has<br />

to be scientifically and socially meaningful and approved by the<br />

supervisors. The experiments shall be done with the app called<br />

"Arduino Science Journal" which provides data-logging function, or<br />

other digital data-logging devices such as smart watches.<br />

Check out the replay of the final presentations as<br />

well as the posters at our website!<br />

https://bit.ly/ckysymposium2021<br />

Winner: 8E Olivia Lau, Suzette Tjang, Annette Young<br />

Page 27

5A 5B 5C<br />

Y5 Geometrocity<br />

Y5 students created a city that uses 2D and 3D, practicing both plane and solid geometry. This project<br />

allows them to practice and apply learned skills in geometry while problem solving and making decisions<br />

based on their own knowledge, creativity and imagination. They have utilised many types of geometric<br />

concepts such as nets to create buildings and structures, designing parts of a city with shapes, lines,<br />

angles and incorporating multiple skills at the same time to reach their objectives.<br />

5E<br />

5F<br />

5D<br />

Page 28

Alumni News<br />

Jasmine Kwok<br />

(<strong>CKY</strong> Class of 2017)<br />

Hello, fellow <strong>CKY</strong>-ers! This is Jasmine from the<br />

Class of 2017. I have just graduated from King’s<br />

College London studying a BA degree in<br />

Geography. By July 2021, I will be working in<br />

London as a Management Associate in Citigroup.<br />

Having been in <strong>CKY</strong> for 12 years, from 2005-2017,<br />

I remember feeling disoriented when I first attended<br />

university. Looking back, it has been amazing in the<br />

past four years, and I can’t believe how fast time<br />

flies, and now I’m heading into adulthood.<br />

<strong>CKY</strong> friendship bonds that are made to last<br />

It might be easy for some to fit into the new<br />

university culture, find your group of friends<br />

quickly, and pick up on academics with ease.<br />

However, I recall feeling disconnected, thinking I<br />

did not fit in anywhere at the university. It was a<br />

combination of homesickness and fear for the<br />

future, which I soon overcame in a couple<br />

months. I cannot stress enough that you must<br />

make the most out of your university life, meet<br />

as many friends as possible, upskill yourself and<br />

try out all sorts of activities. Meeting new friends<br />

may be intimidating for introverts but easy for<br />

extroverts that are social butterflies. It is<br />

ultimately your choice in choosing whether to<br />

stay within your comfort circle or broaden your<br />

circle. From my personal experience, I have met<br />

people who have impacted me into a better<br />

person and made the university experience a lot<br />

more enjoyable.<br />

With fellow <strong>CKY</strong> alumni Gwyneth and Flora<br />

I have met many lovely coursemates who are<br />

helpful and supportive all along — the late<br />

nights we spent on finishing assignments, café<br />

hopping journeys to catch up on lectures. And<br />

surely, the language and socialising skills <strong>CKY</strong><br />

equipped me with were useful when I joined a<br />

KCL committee. I adapted to different working<br />

cultures with students from all around the globe<br />

— India, Singapore, Pakistan, Jamaica, Taiwan,<br />

Lithuania. My study abroad experience at KCL<br />

took me out of the cosy bubble. Still, I had no<br />

<strong>issue</strong> integrating into other cultures.<br />

Page 29

Making new acquaintances in cosmopolitan London<br />

Additionally, remember that opportunities will not come knocking on your door if you stay in your<br />

bedroom all day. It might be frightening to meet new people, scroll through social media and see your<br />

classmates blending in perfectly fine. However, it is a truism that social media is a façade. People will<br />

always post things that show off their seemingly fantastic life. Making friends will come naturally after<br />

you settle in for a few months at your own pace.<br />

University is a great chance to build up connections for your career — Indeed, you may find new<br />

people less genuine than <strong>CKY</strong>-ers you have known for more than 10 years. And that is true! In<br />

university, you will find yourself missing your high-school life, people who grew up with you who<br />

understand you in the best way. You will meet many acquaintances and hi-bye friends but aren’t<br />

forming meaningful relationships; some of them might be approaching just for certain intentions.<br />

However, remember that quality matters more than quantity — filter out toxic people and keep in touch<br />

with the genuine and important people who truly matter to you.<br />

Lastly, in the age of a pandemic, finding a job is even more difficult in the competitive market. I have<br />

been in a helpless situation where I felt lost about the future, facing numerous rejections for my job<br />

applications. I would recommend identifying your goal as early as possible and prepare materials to<br />

work towards it. It is not ideal to panic-apply in your final year, finding yourself adrift in messy thoughts.<br />

Remember that the <strong>CKY</strong> alumni network will always be there for you. Take initiative and don’t hesitate<br />

to grasp any opportunities.<br />

Page 30

Bevis Ng 伍 展 博<br />

(Class of 2017)<br />

我 的 ⾳ 樂 之 旅<br />

不 知 不 覺 間 , 已 經 從 蔡 繼<br />

有 學 校 畢 業 接 近 四 年 了 , 我 在 演<br />

藝 學 院 的 旅 程 亦 差 不 多 結 束 , 準<br />

備 邁 向 加 拿 ⼤ 多 倫 多 ⼤ 學 進 修 ⾳<br />

樂 碩 ⼠。 這 四 年 間 , 藉 着 不 同 的<br />

演 出 及 ⼯ 作 機 會 , 讓 我 意 識 到 表<br />

演 就 是 我 的 ⽣ 命 。 接 近 ⼀ 年 半 的<br />

疫 情 , 場 地 不 定 時 的 封 鎖 , 令 到<br />

我 們 表 演 者 無 法 預 測 下 ⼀ 次 的 表<br />

演 會 是 何 時 , 所 以 , 對 我 們 ⽽<br />

⾔, 每 ⼀ 個 在 舞 台 上 的 機 會 都 是<br />

奢 侈 的 。 如 此 , 我 格 外 感 恩 及 珍<br />

惜 每 個 在 台 上 表 演 的 機 會 。<br />

去 年 ⼋⽉, 我 舉 辦 了 ⼀ 場<br />

網 上 直 播 的 ⾳ 樂 會 。 原 本 , 這 是<br />

⼀ 場 在 六 ⽉ 的 現 場 獨 奏 會 , 可 是<br />

因 為 疫 情 的 關 係 ⽽ 被 取 消 。 迫 於<br />

無 奈 之 下 , 唯 有 將 它 變 成 網 上 直<br />

播 ⾳ 樂 會 。 讓 我 ⾼ 興 的 是 , 收 穫<br />

的 是 有 很 多 意 想 不 到 的 正 ⾯ 迴<br />

響 。 我 相 信 , 觀 眾 是 會 被 注 ⼊ 靈<br />

魂 及 充 滿 熱 誠 的 表 演 ⽽ 帶 動 的 。<br />

尤 其 是 在 這 社 會 氣 氛 低 迷 的 時<br />

代 , 這 ⼀ 點 的 能 量 能 令 觀 眾 們 抽<br />

離 現 實 , 投 ⼊ 在 其 中 。<br />

在 即 將 來 臨 的 六 ⽉, 我 將<br />

會 在 演 藝 學 院 舉 辦 我 的 畢 業 獨 奏<br />

會 。 希 望 屆 時 的 疫 情 不 會 惡 化 ,<br />

始 終 現 場 的 表 演 是 不 能 網 上 直 播<br />

能 ⽐ 擬 的 。 對 於 將 在 加 拿 ⼤ 進 修<br />

的 ⼀ 事 , 我 感 到 ⼗ 分 期 待 的 同<br />

時 , 亦 有 ⼀ 絲 的 不 安 。 環 境 轉 變<br />

是 我 需 要 ⾯ 對 的 ⼀ 個 課 題 , 但 我<br />

相 信 : 只 要 我 保 持 對 表 演 的 熱<br />

誠 , 便 能 ⾯ 對 任 何 的 挑 戰 。<br />

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