Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Leo 23 rd July- 22 nd August

Any tendency to overdramatise could surface - and not endear you to some! In fact, you

could experience considerable resistance between Tuesday and Thursday. You may not

like some of the designs or ideas presented and make clear your displeasure. And yet, it's

likely that within these proposals there are seeds of genius. Perhaps they just require a

little of your input? The fabulous aspect between Venus and Mars occurs just ahead of the

Equinox (Friday) and is followed by an equally good aspect between Jupiter and Neptune.

Virgo 23 rd July-22 nd September

For much of this week, there is planetary attention in your opposite sign of Pisces. True, at

one level you could feel that others are unfocused and pulling you this way and that.

Remember, yours is a sign that likes things to run smoothly and perfectly: your risk

management antennae system works well. Yet imperfection can lead to a break-through.

Libra 23rd September- 22nd October

Design and presentation matter. You know that. You also know what it's like to be

overwhelmed by possibilities. Anchoring a theme and focusing is essential and is this

week's big theme. Determining what is practical and realistic will likely require assistance

from someone who has known ability for staying the course. Remember, yours is one of

the Air signs of the Zodiac. You're good at thinking up plans but do require others to put

necessary systems in place.

Scorpio 23rd October-21st November

Don't underestimate your creativity. Your input in meetings concerning design, social

media etc should prove invaluable. The presence of so many planets in another of the

Water signs, Pisces - and coming so soon after this weekend's New Moon, should result in

you being in tune and hypersensitive to prevailing trends. By the Equinox on Saturday you

should be so, so on top of your game. If there is a snag, it's that others may well be

holding on to your coattails and allowing you to do their work.

Sagittarius 22nd November-21st December

This weekend's Piscean New Moon is followed by a grouping of planets in that sign at the

very base of your solar chart. This is the time to think legacy and your footprint on the

Earth. At one level this is about asset management: at another, it is about philanthropy

and generosity. By the time that the Sun arrives in another of the Fire signs and marks the

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