Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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What does your Zodiac sign say about you?

Aries 21 st March -19 th April

Image matters to you. How you present yourself and people's first reactions makes a huge

difference to your relationships at every level. In the build-up to both the Sun and Venus'

arrival in your sign by next weekend, thinking about presentation could be all-consuming.

It appears that you have much to offer on the professional stage but need to find a way to

deliver your thoughts and your creativity and to show just how good a team player you

can be.

Taurus 20 th April- 20 th May

You will not be the only sign giving thought to appearance and presentation now. What

might matter to you between Tuesday and next Saturday is making clear that you have

your finger on a financial pulse. You need to show that you can ‘balance the books’ and

work with others, especially after the Moon arrives in your sign on Tuesday and before it

leaves on Friday, as there is potential for you to have tremendous impact at many levels.

From the positioning of a large item, to the way in which accounts are presented, your

input will likely be considered invaluable.

Gemini 21 st May- 20 th June

There is very real danger that you could over-talk. True, you might also overthink. It's the

talking though that could get you into trouble - particularly if you are in negotiations. The

fact is that Mars is now moving through your sign and the temptation to play with words

will likely be considerable. On the positive side, you could find exactly the right wording

for an advert or job application.

Cancer 21 st June- 22 nd July

Like a performer waiting to come on stage, it seems you're full of anticipation looking for

support from a stage manager and wholly aware of audience expectations. Your entrance

should come next weekend, after both the Sun and Venus arrive at the apex of your solar

chart. Of course, the Sun passes here at this time every year. 2021 is different.

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