Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Living in lockdown and isolating from our family and friends

is tough and lonely for us all at times. But let’s take a minute

to think about the elderly people in our community who

have been shielding since March 2020! It is now over a year

since they began to shield, with many elderly people not

leaving their house for fear of catching the coronavirus.

They all miss going to the shops, attending mass, or meeting

their friends. Elderly people rely on visits from their family

and friends in order to keep them content and happy. Can

you imagine how lonely it must be for some of the elderly

members of our community? St Paul’s teamed up with

Mpower which is sponsored by the Southern Area Trust.

Mpower facilitated a Pen Pal project which allowed pupils in

years 13&14 to write letters to vulnerable members of our

local area. Our year 13 and 14s grabbed the opportunity and

we posted over 40 pen pal letter and cards! This brought

immense joy to the recipients of these letters, as well as the

students, in the run up to Christmas and brought a smile to

their faces during these tough times.

By Shane Malone 13/34

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