Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Hi everyone! My name is Shane Malone and I am the Year 8 mentor for

8/62. I am currently studying Health and Social Care, Business Studies and

Digital Technology. I have really enjoyed my time so far as a Year 8 mentor

and I am looking forward to the next few months we have together. My

favourite part has been seeing the Year 8s on their first day versus now!

Everyone has really settled into their new environment. My one piece of

advice I would give to the Year 8s is to always be yourself and to not let what

others think of you get you down! Although it is easier said than done, I strongly believe that

if you be yourself and believe in yourself, you will enjoy every minute of the next 7 years!

My name is Ciaran Conachy and I’m one of the Year 8 mentors this year.

I’m currently studying Maths, Spanish and Chemistry. The thing I like the

most about being a mentor is just having the craic with my class and

seeing what’s happening with them each week. A bit of advice I’d give the

Year 8s is just to enjoy themselves as much as possible and take advantage

of all the opportunities that they have in school.

Hi, my name is Shane O’Keefe. I am a year 13 student mentor at St Paul’s.

I am currently studying A-Levels in Music, Maths and Digital Technology.

Being a mentor is a great honour to me as I love helping other people,

especially when I have been in their shoes and can use my own

experiences as a guide to help younger students transition into our

school. One thing I have learned throughout my years at St Paul’s is that it

is extremely important to be productive in your life. Productivity to me, is

driven through a positive mental outlook. It is very important to have a clear mind and a

driving force towards a goal. It’s surprising how much a simple walk and a breath of fresh air

can do when your lacking in motivation.

Hi everyone, my name is Cara Hoey and I am the Year 8 mentor for the class

08/62, along with Shane Malone. For A-Levels I am studying Irish, Spanish,

Maths and Health and Social Care. My advice for the Year 8s is to get as

involved as you can in everything throughout the school. Some of my best

memories have been from trips through the music department. I enjoy being a

year 8 mentor because it reminds me of how fun my time was in Year 8, and of

all the new friends you make that last a lifetime.

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