Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Aidan Sands (1025): Our Twist on a Tale Winner!

At the beginning of the first lockdown our English Department offered

all Year 10 pupils the opportunity to enter a national writing

competition Twist on a Tale. The topic for 2020 was ‘Everyday

Heroes’, clearly influenced by an extraordinary year of disruption due

to the pandemic. This offered the opportunity to write about those

people who had made a difference to you during this strange and

unfamiliar time.

Over 1200 children and young people entered the competition with winning stories being picked

across 15 categories including Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 5 and all regions in the UK. From

medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic to supermarket delivery staff, parents, grandparents,

pets, community members and guide dogs, the everyday heroes came in all shapes and sizes!

Aidan Sands was awarded first prize in the Northern Ireland category after being selected from 1000+

entries! This was an absolutely amazing achievement! Aidan’s winning story champions the work of a

Tesco delivery driver and has been published in a brand new book, My Twist on a Tale: Everyday

Heroes Winning Stories. The book was released to celebrate World Book Day and is available to

download on Pearson’s website. In addition to his own hard copy, Aidan was awarded a certificate

and £250 book tokens.

Aidan’s wonderful story focuses on the work of his local Tesco delivery driver named Paul, who, while

seeming like an ordinary man on the outside, has in fact ‘done as much as anyone at a time when

everyone was suffering.’ Aidan describes how Paul not only saves he and his family by delivering food

to their house, but brings food to their vulnerable 93-year-old neighbour.

In an uplifting finish, Aidan explains why he sees Paul as a local superhero. He is a man ‘who rescued

countless members of my community when we were trapped in our homes… His warm heart lights up

people’s days, just like the headlights of his van.’

Katy Lewis, Head of English, Drama and Languages at Pearson said: “Aidan should be extremely proud

of the story he has written. His writing skills are outstanding. It was an incredibly difficult decision

choosing from the 1000+ stories we received, as they were all fascinating to read, but Aidan’s piece

really stood out and deserves its place alongside the other 13 winners who have built a collection of

short stories that celebrate a diverse and modern-day Britain.”

“Following an extraordinary year of disruption, we wanted to give children the opportunity to write

their own tales of people who have made a difference to them. It is so important that children and

young people feel represented in the literature they read and the stories they write and so in writing

their entries, whether that be a story about a hero in their local community, a key worker making a

difference during the COVID-19 pandemic, a campaigner, a family member or friend that inspires them

or even a hero from their imagination, we wanted children and young people to get creative and

reflect their own personality, location and experiences as they bought their local crusader to life. The

results were fascinating. Everyone who entered should be extremely proud of their hard work and

creative flair.”

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