Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Meet the Year 8 Student Mentors!

Hi everyone, my name is Ellen Kissward. I am currently studying Religion,

Business Studies and Health and Social Care. I am really enjoying my time

as a mentor and I have loved getting to know my Year 8 form class. I

would advise the Year 8s to always try your best. I think if you always try

your best and give 100% in your school work and extracurricular

activities, it will be rewarding in the end- in terms of achievement and

memories. As well as that, I would say always try to have fun and be kind!

Hi, my name is Sophia Sloan and I am the Year 8 mentor for 8/23. I am

currently studying English Literature, History and Biology at AS evel. I love

being a mentor because it’s really nice to see the future students of our

school, how their different personalities shine through and the affect it

has on the dynamic of the class. I would advise the Year 8s that even

though it’s tough for everyone right now: you can’t see your friends, your

grandparents and you can’t have that holiday abroad just yet, remember

that you’re still young. The end is in sight, and you can have all the hugs, the special dinners

made by your grandmother and the football games and chats with your best mates you’ve

dreamed about this past year very soon. And most importantly, remember that the people

in your house right now that you get to see every day: your pets, siblings and parents are

still there for you and you should make sure you appreciate them. Go show them some love.

Hello, my name is Tanisha Thompson and I’m a Year 8 mentor. I’m

currently studying History, Religion and Sociology- all subjects I truly

enjoy. Being a mentor has made me realise the impact that we, as post 16

pupils, can have on the younger students; they idolise us and I’m grateful

to be a role model for my class. The enjoyment of seeing them flourish

throughout the school year has been both rewarding and heart-warming.

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