Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Eddie Izzard identifies as she/her

A simple and easy example of using they/them pronouns are “They have the coolest hair,

make sure to tell them I said Hi!’ It’s okay to be confused about pronouns, just make sure

you are respectful of someone no matter what they identify as.

How to help and be an Ally!

An ally is a non-member of the LGBTQ+ community who supports members of the

community regardless. You can support them by always listening, you might not know what

words to use but by listening you are reminding them that they are supported and valid. It is

also important to not just educate yourself, but others around you like friends and family, to

increase the awareness about gender identity and pronouns.

The most important thing you can do is treat everyone in the LGBTQ+ community with love

and respect. Treat them no different because they are exactly the same as you and I. We’re

all human!

Never be afraid to be who you are,

be yourself and be loud about it!!

By Hannah Brennan, Year 13

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