Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Hi everyone, my name is Hannah Brennan. My pronouns are she/her and I’m a year 13

student. I want to tell you a bit about gender expression so everyone is more aware!

Many people today express themselves through gender identities. Here are a few of them,

but not all, because gender is a wide spectrum.

Someone who identifies as transgender identifies as the opposite gender that they were

assigned at birth. A cis-gender person is someone who identifies as the original gender they

were given at birth. Someone who is non-binary or gender fluid is someone that sits outside,

within, across or between the labels ‘male’ and ‘female’.

Now, there are several ways a person can express their identity but the main one is

pronouns! Pronouns are the terms you use to refer to someone, for example, she/her,

he/him, they/them etc. Many people are used to using she/her or he/him pronouns but a

lot of people feel more comfortable using pronouns such as she/they and he/them. It is

really important that if someone is using she/they or he/they pronouns, that you respect

that person’s pronouns because they are just as valid as yours or anyone elses!

Sam Smith identifies as they/them

Elliot Page (Formerly Ellen Page)

identifies as he/him, they/them

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