Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Home and garden

‣ Mow the lawn

‣ Clean the car

‣ Do some gardening

‣ Declutter your room

‣ Wash the dog

‣ Re arrange the furniture

‣ Cooking


‣ Brush the path

Being creative

‣ Take up a new hobby

‣ Learn another language

‣ Write a letter or an article

‣ Learn to meditate

‣ Write a short story or poem

‣ Bake

‣ Take up a musical instrument

‣ Decorate a room or piece of


‣ Take photographs

‣ Make a scrapbook

‣ Sort out photos

‣ Paint, draw

‣ Dance, sing

Getting out

‣ Join a leisure centre

‣ Go for a walk or jog

‣ Exercise

‣ Practise your

preferred sport

‣ Go for a drive

By Ellen Moley, Year 13


‣ Watch a movie

‣ Play computer


‣ Surf the internet

‣ Read a book

‣ Do a crossword

‣ Colour in

Positive self-talk

‣ I can get through this

‣ One day at a time

‣ I am strong

‣ I am determined

‣ I am calm and relaxed

‣ My life’s purpose can be

whatever I choose it to be

‣ I am in control

‣ I am confident

‣ My life has meaning and



‣ Have an early night

‣ Eat something you haven’t tried

‣ Listen to music

‣ Have a bath or shower

‣ Write out goals and

achievements for the future

‣ Mediate, relax, yoga

‣ Make a list of things your

thankful for

‣ Write a letter to yourself to look

back on when you feel down or


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