Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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Lockdown has been a complete and utter roller coaster for us all. However, it is

important for us to remember that we may all be on the same boat, but we are

not all on the same journey. I’m sure for each and every one of you reading this,

lockdown has been full of ups and downs, some days may be harder than the

next. Therefore, now more than ever, it is important for us all to have our own

personal self-care tool box. During this past year there has been such a huge

emphasis on tending to our own well-being. However, some of us may not know

what exactly that entails; self-care looks different for every single person and

what works for one may not work for another. In these uncertain times, it is

important that our self-care tool box is filled with various tools that will divert

our attention away from distressing thoughts or even just simply a way for us to

look after and improve our physical and mental health on a daily basis. It’s not

just through lockdown, even though it’s a lot tougher than what we are used to,

its everyday life that we all struggle with … but you need to believe that you

have the ability to thrive no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.

You need to feel that you are able to set meaningful goals that match your

values and be able to feel a sense of purpose and direction because life is like

we have been giving a car with no steering wheel and asked to steer it in the

right direction… it seems impossible, am I right?? But… that’s why having a selfcare

toolbox is so important, it is our steering wheel because it is filled with

actionable coping skills that will help us strive to be the best version of

ourselves that we can possibly be, even in an unfortunate situation. A favourite

quote of mine is ‘In Pain and Struggle, I will find strength’ and I feel like that is

something that each and every one of us can relate to, it is about being

optimistic even in hard times. So, let’s find our strength, lets create our

steering wheel, let’s be the best version of ourselves together.

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