Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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and ready to go. They had the choice of doing a food fast or a digital detox where they

would give up their phone for a day – needless to say the majority of them opted for food!

The fasting was very tough, I stopped eating at 4.30pm the previous evening so that I would

only have to go to 4.30pm on the current day. If anyone knows the RE store they will know

the struggle was real as there are always an endless supply of buns and bars sitting about. I

was also very grateful to some of my RE colleagues for taking part in the fast with me.

The fast this year was a massive success with the pupils raising over £750 to donate to

Concern, something which they should be extremely proud of as this money will go a long

way to helping families in need.

I hope that the Concern Student Ambassador programme is something which we can

continue into future years in St Paul’s and continue to make it a success.

I decided to become a Concern Ambassador as we are currently going through a worldwide

pandemic and it made me realise how things can change so quickly and how we cannot do

certain things. However, I could help raise money for this charity as some children in

different countries are experiencing this as well and are also in the midst of a humanitarian

crisis, which is hard enough, and no one should be left hungry.

I decided to fast for 24 hours which became quite hard after a while. It changed my

perspective as it made me realise how lucky we are to have access to food all the time

whilst these other children and adults struggle each day with hunger.

The experience showed me that we can help make a change with a small donation.

By Katherine Babe 13/66

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