Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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A Student Teacher in a Pandemic

My name is Emma Ruddy. I am a third-year student teacher currently studying at St Mary’s

University College, Belfast. I have been honoured to be placed here in St Paul’s, for my third

of four placements. My subject areas are Religious Studies and English and it has been an

absolute joy to be a part of both of these departments in St Paul’s.

This experience of teaching remotely has been a huge

learning curve for me, both personally and

professionally. Despite the overwhelming

consequences of this pandemic, teaching and learning

has progressed at a much-accelerated rate. The shift to

remote learning has resulted in many of us having to

adjust quickly and effectively. I have made adaptations

to my own style of teaching and I can now fully

appreciate the benefits of using technology to improve

learning for pupils. I have been so impressed with the

pupils in St Paul’s as they have proven their resilience

and endless capabilities throughout this pandemic, as

they are excelling at taking part and interacting with

online teaching. I am so grateful to each and every

pupil who I have taught for exactly this, as they have

made my experience here so enjoyable. It has been my privilege to be given the opportunity

to play a small part in their education, over the last 8 weeks of online learning.

Throughout the inevitable challenges faced when teaching online, I have been comforted by

the fact that St Paul’s have such a supportive and caring staff. I have been able to

communicate with staff in both the English and Religion departments almost

instantaneously as they were always ready and willing to respond, as quickly as though we

were in a classroom. The online platforms used here in St Paul’s are extremely efficient as

they allow for communication to flow so easily and at such a fast pace. Each member of staff

who I have worked with have been so helpful, nothing was ever too big an ask.

With this combination of hard-working pupils and a dedicated staff, not even a global

pandemic could get in this school’s way! I can honestly say I have loved every minute of

being a part of the English and Religion departments and of the entire school community

here in St Paul’s. I have been made to feel like a part of the school family from the outset

and I will be truly sad to go.

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