Naomh Pol News Issue 2

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What famous musicians do you look up to?

“I look up to so many musicians.

Freddie Mercury, David Bowie and

Elton John are all huge inspirations

for me, they were so

unapologetically themselves. But I

also love bands like Sir Chloe, Pixies,

The The and Nirvana. I could go on

forever but those are a few of who I

look up to the most.

What do you enjoy most about creating music? “Creating music is an amazing way to just

get whatever you're feeling out and into a song. The song doesn't even have to make sense

but it's therapeutic in a way. I love creating music because I always get a huge sense of

accomplishment when I finish a song. It's like ‘Wow’, this is unique and it's something that I

need. It's kind of surreal!”

What’s next for you and your career?

“Well, whenever places start opening up again, I'll definitely be out there gigging! I'm always

working on new material. As of now, I've got so many cool things in the works for this year

so I guess you will just have to wait and see!”

Have you got any advice for other musicians within the school community?

“My advice would be to just do whatever makes you happy?! If you're thinking of pursuing a

career in music at the minute, then I think you should just go for it!

Surround yourself with those who actually care about you and care

about what it is that you're doing, and you can't go too far wrong. Also

don't listen to people who doubt you or say that you won't make it

because no one needs that kind of negativity in their lives!”

Where can the readers listen to your new song and your music?

“Angel eyes, along with all my other songs are on all streaming

services! Including Spotify, iTunes, Apple music and YouTube!”

By Shane Malone, Year 13

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