Журнал "Почки" том 10, №1

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Îðèã³íàëüí³ ñòàòò³ / Original Articles

22. Chesnaye N., Bonthuis M., Schaefer F. et al. Demogra phics

of paediatric renal replacement therapy in Europe: A report of the

ESPN/ERA-EDTA registry. Pediatr. Nephrol. 2014. 29. 2403-2410.

23. Патент № 95526U, МПК G 01 N 33/48. Спосіб діагностики

дисплазій сполучної тканини. Добрик О.О., Няньковський

С.Л., Іськів М.Ю.; заявник і патентовласник

Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила

Галицького. № u 2014 07921; заявл. 14.07.2014; опубл.

25.12.2014; Бюл. № 24.

24. Алгоритм діагностики та медико-генетичного консультування

екологічно детермінованої патології у дітей,

що постійно проживають в умовах підвищених концентрацій

солей важких металів та фтору: методичні рекомендації.

Лук’яненко Н.С., Гнатейко О.З., Кеч Н.Р. та ін. МОЗ України,

Нац. акад. мед. наук України, Укр. центр наук. мед. інформації і

патентно-ліцензійної роботи. К., 2012. 34 с.

25. Наказ МОЗ України № 627 від 03.11.2008 р. «Про затвердження

протоколу лікування дітей з інфекціями сечової

системи і тубулоінтерстиціальним нефритом».

26. Лук’яненко Н.С., Кенс К.А., Петріца Н.А., Короляк О.Я.

Природжені вади розвитку сечовидільної системи в дітей раннього

віку та синдром недиференційованої дисплазії сполучної

тканини. Почки. 2015. № 1. С. 12-17.

27. Топчий И.И., Кириенко А.Н., Щенявская Е.Н. и др. Процессы

перекисного окисления липидов у больных хронической болезнью

почек в динамике лечения ингибиторами АПФ и блокаторами

АРА. Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного

университета. 2012. № 10(129). С. 24-28.

Отримано/Received 20.12.2020

Рецензовано/Revised 08.01.2021

Прийнято до друку/Accepted 12.01.2021

Information about authors

Nataliia S. Lukyanenko, MD, PhD in Medicine, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of clinical genetics, State Institution “Institute of hereditary pathology of the National Academy of Medical

Sciences of Ukraine”, Lviv, Ukraine; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4847-1488

Konstantin A. Kens, PhD in Medicine, Assistant at the Department of Pediatric surgery, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine;

Olha A. Dobryk, PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics 2, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5445-6837

N.S. Lukyanenko 1, 2 , K.A. Kens 2 , O.A. Dobrik 2


State Institution “Institute of Hereditary Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Lviv, Ukraine


Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine

The role of metabolic therapy in the treatment of renal parenchymal hypoxia in children ith pyelonephritis associated

with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

Abstract. Purpose of the work: to substantiate the choice and evaluate

the effectiveness of the use of a metabolic therapeutic complex

(vitamin E and L-carnitine) aimed at reducing tissue hypoxia and

improving metabolic processes in the renal parenchyma du ring the

treatment of acute pyelonephritis against the background of vesicoureteral

reflux (VUR) as visceral manifestation of undifferentiated

connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) in young children. Materials

and methods. Sixty-seven children aged 3 months to 3 years with

pyelonephritis and VUR associated with UCTD were examined.

The control group consisted of 65 young children with acute pyelonephritis,

who after examination did not reveal VUR and signs of

UCTD. The second control group included 40 somatically healthy

children of the same age. In order to diagnose the presence of

undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, all children with remission

of the inflammatory process underwent a hydroxyproline

urine test. Markers of renal parenchymal hypoxia were determined

using a test for anticrystallization function of urine and daily urinary

salt excretion according to the method of Yu.Ye. Veltyshchev

and Ye.O. Yurieva. The markers of the morphofunctional state of

the renal epithelial cytomembranes were studied by means of a test

for calcification — the presence of polar lipids in urine, and a test

for the presence of lipid peroxidation products (LPР) in urine. For

young children with pyelonephritis, VUR and UCTD in whose

urine a high excretion of hydroxyproline was detected, in addition

to protocol treatment in the period of remission of the inflammatory

process, it was recommended to take for a month medications

that have antihypoxant properties and are able to improve metabolic

processes in the renal parenchyma — vitamin E and L-carnitine

in age-related doses. Results. The high frequency of detection of

phenotypic signs of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia and

significant urinary excretion of hydroxyproline (86.6 %) in children

with pyelonephritis against the background of vesicoureteral reflux

reliably indicate the presence of undifferentiated connective tissue

dysplasia as a result of fibrillogenesis disorders. In young children

with pyelonephritis against the background of vesicoureteral reflux,

the presence of renal parenchymal hypoxia and nephrothelial

membrane destruction was revealed, as indicated by a decrease in

the anticrystallization function of urine, daily excretion of phosphates

and a high excretion of lipid peroxidation products from

urine and polar lipids. In children in whom the association of the

pathological process with UCTD was detected, these changes were

more significant. This is indicated by a more pronounce decrease,

compared to children in whom no association with UCTD was

found, in the anticrystallization function of urine, an increase in

the oxalate excretion and a decrease in the daily urinary excretion

of phosphates and urates, which was accompanied by a significant

intensification of lipid peroxidation processes and the appearance

of polar lipids in daily urine. After metabolic therapy with antihypoxant

and membrane-protective action, the exa mined children

showed a significant positive dyna mics of the studied markers of

tissue hypoxia and membrane destruction of the renal parenchyma.

Conclusions. A positive effect of a metabolic complex (vitamin E

and L-carnitine) during remission of the inflammatory process in

the kidneys was revealed, which was expressed in a decrease in the

degree of tissue hypoxia and membrane destruction, which confirms

the possibility of reducing tissue hypoxia in children with pyelonephritis

and vesicoureteral reflux associated with undifferentiated

dysplasia connective tissue using vitamin E and L-carnitine

in age-related doses for a month and allows you to recommend

metabolite therapy to these children.

Keywords: young children; vesicoureteral reflux; metabolic therapy;

undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

24 Íèðêè, ISSN 2307-1257 (print), ISSN 2307-1265 (online) Òîì 10, ¹ 1, 2021

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