Split Gourmet Expo kuharica-cookbook

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Split Menu2018




s gastro izložbe

Split Gourmet Expo 2018




from the gastro exhibition

Split Gourmet Expo 2018


Split Menu 2018 - izdavač / publisher

Šefovi kuhinja mediteranskih i europskih regija (ŠKMER)

Association of chefs from mediterranean and european regions (ACMER)

Marina Getaldića 20 a

Jobova 2

21000 split

e-mail: info@skmer.hr

mob. +385 99 319 89 61


predsjednik / president ŠKMER-a: Željko Neven Bremec

urednica / editor: Alma Harašić Bremec

autor teksta / author of text: Mak Jovanović (www.gastrobajter.com)

grafčka realizacija / graphical realization: Nives Delić, dipl. ing.

autor fotografija / photo author: Bruno Dubravec

fotografije restorana / restaurant photos:

Wine and food Zinfandel

Zrno soli



La Grotta

Diocletian’s Wine House

Da’Mar restaurant (marvie hotel)

SC Catering Studentski centar

konoba Korta

Napomena: zabranjeno kopiranje tekstova i fotografja iz ove publikacije bez pismenog

odobrenja udruge ŠKMER.

Note: It is prohibited to copy texts and photographers from this publication without the

written consent of the Association.

natjecateljska gastro izložba splitskih restorana

gastro exhibition of the city Split restaurants

Dragi čitatelji,

ono što se pamti kao jednostavna težačka i ribarska spiza stanovnika nekadašnjih splitskih

predgrađa, današnjih četvrti Lučac, Manuš, Dobri i Veli Varoš, kao i jela gospodskih te

svečarskih trpeza starog Splita prošlih stoljeća, prigrlila je generacija novih splitskih

kuhara, koju opisujemo u ovom izdanju. Danas je reinterpretiraju, poslužuju u novom i

modernom ruhu gostima svijeta kako bi grad prometnuli u cjelogodišnju i prepoznatljivu

gastro destinaciju. Priča je to koju je prije 15-ak godina oživio splitski chef Miro Bogdanović

(1954.-2017.) sa svojim prijateljima i braćom po kuhači, kroz udrugu Dalmatinski kuhar,

a iz koje je izraslo danas međunarodno udruženje Šefovi kuhinja mediteranskih i

europskih regija (ŠKMER) s 400-ak članova iz preko 20 zemalja. Bogdanović i ekipa

krenuli su sustavno obučavati generacije mladih kuhara koji danas vladaju kuhinjama

novih splitskih restorana, a ŠKMER je kroz dva dosadašnja Split Gourmet Expoa, uzeo

sebi za zadatak da tom natjecateljskom izložbom potiče i prikaže njihovu izvrsnost.

Kroz izložbu jela na 30-metarskom stolu na Rivi Split Gourmetom Expom 2018. ove je godine

označen početak turističke sezone, a pokazalo se da je splitska gastro scena dobrano

iskoračila iz prosječnosti u kojoj je bila zarobljena desetljećima. U natjecateljskom dijelu Food

and wine bar Zinfandel osvojio je prvo 1. mjesto u ukupnom poretku, u trima kategorijama

(predjelo, glavno jelo, desert), po ocjeni ŠKMER-ova žirija, a iza njih drugoplasirani je bio

tim Zrna Soli. Na trećem mjestu našao se Mazzgoon Food, a štošta zanimljivo pokazali su

Dioclecian’s Wine house, Konoba Korta, Da’Mar restoran Marvie hotela, Mediterraneo, La

Grotta i Catering tim Studentskog centra Sveučilišta u Splitu. Sudionici su spremali po tri

slijeda i zorno predstavili kako treba izgledati moderna, kvalitetna i maštovita mediteranska

gastronomija Splita, danas vodećeg hrvatskog turističkog odredišta.

Dear readers,

what is remembered as a simple fishing and fishermen spiza inhabitants of the former split

suburbs, today’s districts Lučac, Manuš, good and Veli Varoš, as well as the food of the

Lord and the festive table of the old split past centuries, embraced the generation of new

of split chefs, which we describe in this edition. Today it is reinterpreted, served in new and

modern cuisine to the guests of the world so that the city can be crowded into a year-long

and recognizable gastronomic destination. It is a story that was brought to life 15 years ago

by the chef Miro Bogdanović (1954.0 – 2017) with his friends and brothers by the Cook,

through the Association of Dalmatian chefs, and from which the International Association

of Chefs of the cuisine of Mediterranean and European regions grew today (ŠKMER) with

400-odd members from over 20 countries. Bogdanović and the team went to systematically

train generations of young chefs who today rule the kitchens of new restaurants in Split,

and Škmer, through the two Split Gourmet Expo, has taken on the task of promoting and

displaying their excellence.

Through the exhibition of dishes at a 30-foot long table on the waterfront Split Gourmet

Expo 2018. this year it was marked the beginning of the tourist season, and it was shown

that Splitska gastro scene has well stepped out of the mediocrity in which it has been

trapped for decades. In the competition part of the exbition the Food and wine Bar Zinfandel

won the first 1. place in the overall ranking, in three categories (appetizer, main course,

dessert), by the evaluation of the ŠKMER jury, and behind them runner-up was a team of

Zrno Soli. In the third place took the Mazzgoon Food, also many interesting things were

showed by Dioclecian’s Wine house, tavern Korta, Da‘Mar restaurant of the Marvie Hotel,

Mediterraneo, La Grotta and Catering team of the Student center of the University of city

Split. The participants prepared three courses and clearly presented how it should look

modern, quality and imaginative Mediterranean gastronomy of city Split, today the leading

Croatian tourist destination.































IPriča ovog restorana se veže uz povijest Zinfandela, glasovitog grožđa kojeg su proslavili

kalifornijski vinogradi, a vuče izravne korijene sa sortom koje se uzgaja samo par

kilometara od lokala. Ugodan i opušten prostor za 60 ljudi, smješten je u srcu gradske

jezgre Splita. À la carte meni fokusiran je na najkvalitetnije lokalne namirnice, od kojih

kuhari Zinfandela pripremaju dalmatinske klasike na moderni način. Bar nudi selekciju od

preko 100 etiketa buteljiranih vina i širok izbor od preko 30 etiketa vina točenih na čašu.

Uz educirano i profesionalno osoblje doznat ćete podrijetlo i priču svakog vina, naučiti više o

hrvatskim vinima, njihovoj povijesti i utjecaju na stvaranje današnje vinske svjetske scene.

1 | SPLIT MENU2018


IThe story of this restaurant is connected to the history of Zinfandel, the famous grapes

which were celebrated in California vineyards. A wonderful and relaxed place for 60

people, it is situated in the heart of Split in Diocletian’s palace. À la carte menu focuses

on the highest quality, locally sourced ingredients, from which Zinfandel chefs prepare

Dalmatian classics with a modern twist. Bar menu offers a selection of over 100 labels of

bottled wines and a wide variety of over 30 wine labels by the glass. Zinfandel give you

the opportunity to learn about Croatia’s wine heritage and its influence on today’s wine world.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 2

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Najmaštovitije priče u kuhinji ovog restorana posljednjih godina ispisuje

Nikolina Peričić. Ova šefice Zinfandelovog tima prošla je kuhinje velikih

hotela, restorana, učila od najboljih ovdašnjih chefova i sa svojom ekipom

odnijela pobjedu na Split Gourmet Expou 2018.

“Ovom poslu me je najviše privukla kreativnost, da svako jelo mora imati

odličan spoj okusa i tekstura, a prezentacijski izgledati savršeno. Stoga

želim da svaki gost koji naruči nešto što dolazi iz moje kuhinje bude

zadovoljan, da ga pamti kao nešto novo, nešto drugačije, nešto čemu će

se rado vratiti” - ispričala je Nikolina.

Obožava adrenalin i šušur u kuhinji, a još kad je iza nje uigrani tim kakav

predvodi u Zinfandelu, inspiracije joj ne fali za nova i originalna jela bazirana

na lokalnim namirnicama. Smatra da odnos chefa i njegove ekipe mora biti

istovremeno profesionalan i prepun obostranog razumijevanja, iskrenosti

i tolerancije. Isto tako, ističe Peričić, takav odnos treba biti između chefa i

vlasnika lokala, pa uspjeh, uz ono što se nudi na jelovniku i pomno birane

vinske karte, neće izostati.

“Restoran u kojem radim prvenstveno se bazira na lokalnim namirnicama,tj

spoju dalmatinske i moderne kuhinje. Stalno se trudimo da kvalitetu do

koje smo došli i održimo. Istaknula bih da su posebnosti naše kuhinje

jela u kojima gosti prepoznaju kvalitetu i trud, a to su, između ostalog,

domaće tjestenine kao što su ravioli punjeni kravljom i kozjom skutom

sa zapečenim đemom od smokve, agnolotte od špinata, špagete s

karameliziranim maslacem, tartufima i pinjolima” - navela je Peričić.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 4

Chef Nikolina Peričić is the author of the creative story that has developed in Zinfandel’s

kitchen over the last few years. As the chef of Zinfandel, she went through the kitchens of large

hotels and restaurants, to build a team comprised of the best of the local chefs. With this team,

they won the Split Gourmet Expo in 2018.

“This job has brought out my creativity; every dish has an excellent blend of tastes and textures,

which is presented to look perfect. I want every guest who orders something coming from my

kitchen to remember it as something new, something different, something to be happy about.”

Nikolina explained.

She strives for adrenaline and arousal in the kitchen, especially when there is a great team behind

her in Zinfandel.

Inspiration for her new and original dishes based on local foods. She believes that the relationship

between the chef and the team must be both professional and full of mutual understanding,

honesty and tolerance. Similarly, says Pericic, such a relationship should be between the chef

and the owner. The success, along with what is offered on the menu and carefully selected wines,

will not be missed.

“The restaurant in which I work is primarily based on local foods, that is, a mixture of Dalmatian

and modern cuisine. We are constantly striving to maintain the highest quality and to constantly

be pushing ourselves. I would point out that the specialties of our kitchen dishes that guests

recognize the quality and the effort. A few examples are, among other things, homemade ravioli

with cow and goat’s cheese and fig jam, spinach agnolotte, spaghetti with caramelized butter,

truffles and pine nuts.” said Peričić.

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400 g kozica

sok od 2 limuna

sok od 1 naranče

1 žličica meda

100 ml maslinovog ulja

70 g matovilca

70 g rikole

12 kom fileta naranče

10 g pinjola

sol, papar

fermentirani češnjak

Priprema: Kozice marinirajte 2-3 sata u soku

od jednog limuna i naranče. Zatim napraviti

dresing od drugog limuna, meda, maslinovog

ulja, soli i papra. Na zagrijanoj tavi tostirajte


Dresingom začinite matovilac i rikolu, servirajte

na tanjur te dodajte marinirane kozice,

filete naranče, pa pospite po svemu tostirane

pinjole i malo fermentiranog češnjaka. Posolite

i popaprite po želji.


400 g shrimp

juice from 2 lemons

juice from 1 orange

1 tsp honey

100 ml olive oil

70 g lambs lettuce

70 g rucola

12 pieces orange filets

10 g pine nuts

salt, pepper

fermented garlic

Preparation: Marinate the shrimp for 2-3 hours

in the juice of 1 lemon and the orange.Then

make a dressing from the other lemon, honey,

olive oil, salt and pepper. On the grill, toast the

pine nuts.

Dress the lettuce and the rucola, and serve it

on a plate with the marinated shrimps, filets

oranges, with the toasted pine nuts and a little

fermented garlic. Add salt and pepper.

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4 janjeća filea (ispeći na grillu)


Tekući krumpir


400 g krumpira

150 ml vrhnja (35 % m.m.)

češnjak, sol, papar

Priprema:Krumpir ogulite, skuhajte u slanoj vodi

pa ga izraditi s vrhnjem i dvije jušne žlice confita

od češnjaka, te začinite sa solju i paprom.

Confit od češnjaka: Očišćeni češnjak stavite u

maslinovo ulje, pa ga zagrijavajte dok temperatura

ulja ne dođe do 93°C. Zatim ga maknite

s vatre i ohladite.

Souffle od bijele čokolade i tartufa


125 ml mlijeka

25 g brašna

35 g maslaca

30 g sira grana padano

žlica maslinovog ulja s tartufom

jaja 2 kom (odvojiti bjelanjak od žumanjka)

muškatni oraščić

40 g fino izribane bijele čokolade

Priprema: Maslac otopiti u manjem loncu,

dodati brašno, mlijeko, muškatni oraščić.

Kad se zgusne dodati naribani sir, ohladiti i u

hladno dodati ulje od tartufa, ribanu čokoladu,

2 žumanjka i na kraju snijeg od bjelanjaka. I

na kraju peći u pećnici 180 0 C cca 15 minuta.


4 lamb fillets (grilled)


Cooked potatoes


400 g potatoes

150 ml cream (35% m.f.)

garlic, salt, pepper

Preparation: Peel the potatoes, boil in salty

water and make into a cream. Take two tablespoons

of garlic. Season with salt and pepper.

Garlic confit: Place the cleaned garlic in olive

oil and heat it until the oil temperature reaches

93º C, then remove from heat and allow to cool.

White chocolate and truffle soufflé


125 ml milk

25 g flour

35 g butter

30 g grana Padano cheese

spoonful of olive oil with truffles

2 egg yolks (separate the yolks from the

whites, keep both)


4 dg fine white chocolate

Preparation: Melt the butter in a small pot,

add flour, milk, and nutmeg. When it is thick,

add the grated cheese, cool and then add truffle

oil, chopped chocolate, 2 egg yolks, and at

the end add the egg whites. And finally bake in

an oven 180 0 C approx 15 minutes.

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110 g kondenziranog mlijeka

80 g maslaca

30 g smeđeg šećera

2 žumanjka

50 g pirea od kruške

32,5 g glatkog brašna

par kapi ekstrakta vanilije

100 g bijela čokolada

50 g sjeckanih badema

25 karmeliziranih kokica

4 žličnjaka kiselog vrhnja

prstohvat cimeta

Priprema: Maslac otopite u mikrovalnoj pećnici

i pomiješajte s kondenziranim mlijekom. Istucite

žumanjce i šećer, dodajte pire od kruške, pa

skupa promiješajte i uspite glatko brašno. Pecite

10-12 min na temperaturi od 200°C.

Topli biskvit servirajte uz fino isjeckanu bijelu

čokoladu, prepržene nasjeckane bademe,

kokice koje ste karamelizirali sa šećerom, uz

dodatak kiselog vrhnja s prstohvatom cimeta.


110 gr condensed milk

80 g butter

30 g brown sugar

2 egg yolks

50 g pear puree

32.5 g soft flour

2 drops of vanilla extract

100 g white chocolate

50 g sliced almonds

25 pcs caramelized popcorn

4 spoons Crème fraîche

pinch of cinnamon

Preparation: Heat the butter in the microwave

until melted and then mix with condensed milk.

Add the egg yolks, sugar, pear puree, then

mix thoroughly. Bake 10-12 minutes at 200C.

Serve the hot biscuits with fine chopped white

chocolate, fried and chopped almonds, popcorn

which has been caramelized with sugar,

then add the crème fraiche and a pinch of


SPLIT MENU2018 | 8


IOvaj restoran kreativne mediteranske kuhinje otvoren je 2011. godine i brzo se dohvatio

samog vrha hrvatskog ugostiteljstva. Gosti su se u krakom roku uvjerili da iznimnu pažnju

poklanjaju hrani (poslovično svježa riba, uvijek neka novina) te vrhunskoj usluzi. Drže se

one da namirnica uvijek mora biti svježa, lokalna i obrađena tako da sve blagodati ostanu

u njoj. Već prve godine, novinari su ih prozvali “restoranom s pogledom od milijun dolara”,

zbog predivne splitske vizure koja se pred Zrnom Soli otvara na grad Split, star 1700 godina.

Od početne ideje do danas, kad je Zrno Soli upisano u Michelinov vodič, cilj im u potpunosti

gastronomski zadovoljiti svakog gosta. Žele mu pružiti užitak da se osjeća opušteno kao u

svom dnevnom boravku, uz zdravu i raznoliku ponudu hrane s uvijek pristupačnim osobljem.

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IEver since we opened on March 1st, 2011, we have been in the highest tier of Croatian

restaurants. Our guests quickly realize that our food (fish that is always fresh, always

something new) and our service are at an enviable level. We believe that food should

be fresh, local, and processed so that it retains all the healthy benefits. Even in our

opening year journalists have called us the restaurant with a million-dollar view, since

our restaurant offers a fantastic viewpoint of the 1700-year-old city of Split. From the

beginning, our central idea and mission is to offer our guests a relaxing feeling – as if they were

in their own home with healthy, varied food and a friendly staff.

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Chef Stjepan Vukadin po završetku školovanja dvojio je želi li postati

kuhar ili svećenik. Na kraju je prevagnula odluka da umjesto stolovanja u

kakvoj crkvi, postane vrhunski chef. Svoj rad poistovjećuje s umjetnošću,

a tanjure s platnom na kojima svaki dan od domaćih namirnica iscrtava

nove kreacije.

“Ljubav je ključna riječ zbog čega se bavim ovim; bilo prema namirnici,

spajanju okusa ili prezentaciji. Uža specijalnost mi je riba, a posebice

volim raditi sa sirovom i škampima. U poslu me usrećuje i to što svaki dan

imam priliku raditi sa svježim i domaćim namirnicama iz kojih mogu izvući

ono najbolje što one nude. Njih istražujem u svakodnevnom odlasku na

tržnicu, kroz putovanja i posjetima drugim restoranima. Vidim neke stvari

po knjigama, internetu, pa potom u glavi prvom iskombiniram kako ću

spojiti okuse i tehnike rada za jela koja će se sutra naći na tanjuru našeg

gosta” - opisao se Vukadin.

Učio je i radio s chefom Hrvojem Zirojevićem. Od svjetskih chefova uzor

mu je Massimo Bottura, talijanski čarobnjak s kuhačom iza kojeg su tri

Michelinove zvjezdice.

“Kao kuhar ne volim previše mijenjati namirnicu, upravo zato što radim

sa svježim domaćim sastojcima. Svom gostu, uistinu, nudimo poseban

doživljaj u svakom pogledu. Glavna je snaga našeg tima baš to što svi

volimo svoj posao, što se svi međusobno poštujemo, te imamo isti cilj, a taj

je u Zrnu Soli gosta pretvoriti u prijatelja, te mu pobuditi osjećaje, sjećanja

na djetinjstvo i okuse zbog kojih će se vratiti” - dodao je Vukadin.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 12

Chef Stjepan Vukadin, upon finishing school had to decide whether he wanted to become a

chef or a priest. In the end, he decided to become a top chef instead of becoming the priest. His

work identifies with art, the plates being the canvas for which he can create something new every


“Love is the key word because that is why I do this; whether it be in dealing with the flavor or the

presentation. My specialty is fish, I especially love to work with seafood . In this business, I am

grateful that every day I can work with fresh, local ingredients from which I can create the best of

what they offer. I’m researching them daily through trips and visits to other restaurants. I see some

things in books and on the internet and the first thing I think of is how I can connect these ideas

and combine flavors which tomorrow will be on our guests’ plates.” Vukadin said.

He learned from and worked with Hrvoje Zirojević. Another influence from the world of chefs is

Massimo Bottura, the Italian chef who has three Michelin stars. “As a chef I don’t like to change the

ingredients too much, just because I work with the fresh, local ingredients. To our guests, truly, we

offer a special enjoyment in every way. It is our main dream that we all love our jobs, we respect

each other, we have the same goal, which is to turn every guest at Zrno Soli into a friend, to stir

up feelings, memories of childhood and to give them great tastes for which to return.” Vukadin


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500 g očišćenog filea tune

1 mango

1 limeta

50 g maslaca

maslinovo ulje




Pire od manga: Mango ogulite i kuhajte

dok ne omekša. Procijeđenog staviti u

posudu, dodjate malo soli, papra i maslac,

te izmiksajte štapnim mikserom u gustu

smjesu koju ćete protisnute kroz sito.

Tuna tatar: Tunu nasjeckajte na sitne kockice.

Dodajte sol, papar, maslinov ulje,

koricu limete i sok od limete. Tatar servirajte

u kalupu, ukrasite pireom od manga,

a možete jelu dodati čipku od sipe, perlice

smokve i snijeg od maslinovog ulja.


500 g tuna filet

1 piece of mango

1 piece of lime

50 g butter

olive oil




Mango Pure: Peel mango and cook it until

it’s softened. Strain it, add a little salt,

pepper and butter and mix with a blender

in the thick mixture and squeeze through

the sieve.

Tuna tatar: Chop up tuna into small dices,

addsalt, pepper, olive oil, lime crust and

lime juice. We serve tatar in a mold, decorate

with mango pure, cuttlefish tuille, fig

caviar and olive oil snow.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 14






1,1 kg kokota na fete

1 poriluk

1 režanj češnjaka

50 g sjeckanog peršina

30 g otkoštenih maslina

1 žličica mljevenog korijandera

0,5 l riblje juhe (temeljac)

0,5 l domaće šalše

0,1 l bijelog vina

0,05 l prošeka

4 grančice ružmarina

sol, papar

maslinovo ulje

papir za pečenje

Priprema: Na ugrijanom maslinovom ulju

pirjamo kosani poriluk i masline, dok sastojci

ne omekšaju. Dodajemo kokota na fete

i zapečemo ga s obe strane. Zatim dodajemo

češnjak, sol i papar, podlijemo s bijelim

vinom i prošekom. Nakon 5-7 minuta dodajemo

domaću šalšu i riblji temeljac. Pri kraju

dodajemo žličicu korijandera i svježe kosani

peršin. Fete kokota zajedno s umakom stavljamo

na papir za pečenje, dodajemo grančicu

ružmarina, te vežemo u oblik “bombona”.

Završimo u pećnici 15 minuta na 180 0 C.

Serviranje: Škartoc serviramo na tanjur

ukrašen ružmarinom.


1,1 kg of large scale guarnard

1 piece of leek

1 clove of garlic

50 g of chopped parsley

30 g of pickled olives

1 teaspoon of minced coriander

0,5 l of fish soup (base)

0.5 l of domestic salsa sauce

0.1 l of white wine

0.05 l of prošek (dessert wine)

4 rosemary branches

salt, pepper

olive oil

baking paper

Preparation: On olive oil fry leek and olives,

while the ingredients soften. Than add large

scaleguarnard and seal it on both sides. Then

we add garlic, salt and pepper, we pour it with

white wine and Prošek (dessert wine). After

5-7 minutes we add a homemade salsa sauce

and fish soup. Finally we add a teaspoon of

coriander and freshly ground parsley. On the

baking paper we put large scale guarnard

together with the sauce, add the rosemary

branch, and bind it into a “candy” shape.

Finish in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 0 C.

Serving: The “envelope” is served on a plate

and decorated with rosemary.

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70 g ručno sjeckanih badema

70 g ručno sjeckanih oraha

70 g ručno sjeckanih suhih smokava

70 g ručno sjeckanih suhih grožđica

5 bjelanjaka

30 g oštrog brašna


5 žumanjaka

100 g šećera u prahu

dvije jušne žlice mascarponea

1 kom naranča

70 g maslaca

ručno sjeckani pistachio

Priprema: Bjelanjke umutite u čvrsti snijeg, te

u smjesu postepeno dodajte orahe, bademe,

suhe smokve i suhe grožđice. Na kraju postepeno

uspite i oštro brašno. Smjesu prebacite

u kalup, te pecite 30 minuta na 130 stupnjeva.

Žumanjke i šećer u prahu i naribanu koru od

naranče izmiksajte, te kuhajte na pari dok se

smjesa ne zgusne. Kada se smjesa prohladi,

dodajte maslac, te izradite mikserom. Na kraju

u hladnu smjesu dodajte mascarpone. Kremu

staviti na hlađenje.

Serviranje: Na ohlađeni biskvit istisnite

izrađenu kremu, te poklopite biskvitom. Zatim

ponovno istisnite kremu, te dodajte isjeckane

komadiće pistacia po želji.



70 g hand-chopped almonds

70 g hand-chopped walnuts

70 g hand-chopped dry figs

70 g hand-chopped dried raisins

5 egg whites

30 g of flour


5 egg yolks

100 g of powdered sugar

two tablespoons of mascarpone

1 piece of orange

70 g butter

hand-chopped pistachio

Preparation: Whisk egg whites firmly, and

add nuts,almonds, dry figs and dry raisins

to the mixture gradually. Finally add flour at

the end. Shake the mixture into the mold and

bake for 30 minutes at 130 degrees.

Whisk egg yolks, powdered sugar, orange

crust and cook until it’s thick. When the mixture

is cooled, add the butter. Finally add

the mascarpone to the cold mixture. Put the

cream to cool down.

Serving: On biscuit, squeeze the cream, and

cover with another biscuit. Then pour out the

cream again and add the shredded pieces of


SPLIT MENU2018 | 16


IRestoran iznimnog ugođaja smjestio se u istočnim zidinama palače u Nepotovoj, ulici

što nosi ime po posljednjem caru Zapadnog Rimskog Carstva koji je stolovao u palači i

obližnjoj Saloni, a prema predaji tu je i skončao je od zavjerenika. U prostoru su originalni

antički lukovi palače i obrambene zidine, pa tako i jelovnik odiše tisućljetnom poviješću

Splita. Osim što tamo mogu kušati dalmatinska jela sa starim štihom, a reinterpretirana

na moderan i inovativan način, nude se si sljedovi iz antičkog nastali na receptima starim

oko 2.000 godina. Pored toga, ovo je i vinska kuća koja vam otkriva 101 etiketu najboljih hrvatskih

vina i uz svaku nudi priču, a još kad se tome nadovežu nadahnuta jela šefice kuhinje Irene Drmić.

17 | SPLIT MENU2018


IThe restaurant of exceptional ambience lies on the eastern wall of Nepot’s palace, on the

street bearing his name as he was the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire. The

empire was stolen from him by conspirators forcing him to flee to Split and nearby Salona.

The original antique arches stretch through the rooms and across the ancient defensive

walls of the palace, just as the menu extends back into the history of Split. Within this

beautiful environment, you can taste Dalmatian food with an old twist, reinterpreted in a

modern, innovative way. These dishes derive from recipes dating back to around 2,000 years ago.

Additionally, the wine house offers you 101 of the best Croatian wine labels, each one bringing

their own story, and each one adding inspiration to the meals of Head Chef Irene Drmic, to give

guests a memory and joy to carry with them through the world.

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19 | SPLIT MENU2018

“Posebnost našeg mjesta je što smo blizu svega važnog u središtu

Splita, pričamo priču starih vremena na kojima je nastao ovaj grad.

Pokušavamo produbiti ono što nas okružuje i istaknuti autohtoni

prostor. A u kuhinji volim sve što je izvorno, organsko. Želim namirnice

iz čistog okruženja, a ne one koje dolaze na tretiranom i ubrzanom

rastu. Tako da za svoje goste uvijek nastojim naći pravu prasku iz

Podstrane, žrnovničku jabuku, prvu murtilu, rimsku kamilicu, imotsku

grzdulju, velebitsku degeniju, cvit kapara, komiški rogač, procvjetanu

mendulu, neprskane limune, gorku naranču. Želim imati maslinovo

uje i kapare i motar s naših nedirnutih otoka kako bi zaokružila

veličanstvene okuse Jadrana” - istaknula je Irena

Irena Drmić je opčinjena svojim svoj poslom, a posebice dok slaže

najbolje morske sastojke koje su koristili i stari, ono što danas u svijetu

postaje poznato kao dalmatinska gastronomija. Ribarske legende

koje se prepliću o starim jelima i namirnicama ona će rado oživjeti

na svojim tanjurima, a ponekad nadahnuće potražiti i u receptima iz

bakine kuhinje svoje rane mladosti. Irena Drmić putovala je i kuhala

Njemačkom, Austrijom i Italijom, upijala znanja i otkrivala tajne, sve

kako bi izgradila svoj poetski kulinarski rukopis i načine.

“Specijalnosti su mi à la carte i dalmatinska kuhinja. U njoj vidim

budućnost uravnoteženu prehranu, pa čekamo da dalmatinska

kuhinja nađe svoju zaokruženu verziju, pravu sliku i mogućnosti koje

pružaju ova zemlja i more” – kazala je Irena Drmić.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 20

Chef Irena Drmić - “The specialty of our place is that we are close to all the important parts of

Split’s center, we tell a story from history of how this city was bor. We are trying to deepen our ties

to what surrounds us and emphasize the importance of this authentic space. In the kitchen, I love

everything that is original and organic. I want pure, clean ingredients, not those that come from

treated, accelerated growth techniques. So for the guests I am always trying to find the best a real

peach from Podstrana, Žrnovnica apple, first basilicum, roman chamomile, crested wartycabbag,

degenia, flower kapara, Komiški rogač, blooming mendulu, fresh lemons, Citrus aurantium. I want

to have olive oil, capres, and motar from our islands so that we can serve up the magnificent

flavors of the Adriatic.” Irene pointed out.

Drmić is fascinated with her business, especially when they are using the best ingredients from the

sea which today have made Dalmatia a world famous gastronomic destination. She gladly revives

the old fishing legends with old, traditional meals and ingredients. Sometimes her inspiration will

also come from recipes and memories that she has of cooking with her grandmother. Irena Drmić

has traveled and worked in Germany, Austria, and Italy where she absorbed knowledge and

discovered cooking secrets to learn new ways and to build her culinary style.

“Specialties are a la carte and Dalmatian cuisine. I see in it, a future that holds a balance of

meals, but now we are waiting for Dalmatian cuisine to find its full version, the right image and

opportunities which are provided by the land and the sea.” said Irena Drmić

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600 g kruha s maslinama

i maslinovim uljem

200 ml crnog vina

200 g šporke šalše

100 g slanih inćunu

50 g kapara

Priprema: Kruh narežite, namočite u crno

vino, pa lagano tostirajte. Pripremite šporku

dalmatinsku šalšu, pa je toplu stavite na vinsku

brusketu. Dodajte kapare i slane inćune.


600 g bread with olives and olive oil

200 ml red wine

200 g tomato sauce

100 g salted anchovies

50 g capers

Preparation: Take the bread and dip it into the

white wine while lightly squeezing it. Prepare

the Dalmatian tomato sauce and place it

on the wine-soaked bread. Add capers and


SPLIT MENU2018 | 22





800 g liganja

400 g luka

80 g češnjaka

2 dl bijelog vina

100 g peršina

150 g sušenih rajčica

10 g soli

10 g papra

60 g mrkve

100 g celera



Priprema: Luk zažutite, dodajte potom očišćene

lignje te začine i povrće, pa kuhajte dok ne omekšaju.

Poslužite uz palentu s cherry rajčicama i rikulom.


800 g squid

400 g onion

80 g garlic

2 dl white wine

100 g parsley

150 g dried tomatoes

10 g salt

10 g pepper

60 g carrots

100 g celery



Preparation: Heat the onions in a pot then

add the cleaned squid, spices and vegetables

and boil until they soften.

Serve with polenta, enriched with cherry

tomatoes and rikula.

23 | SPLIT MENU2018





8 jaja

800 ml jogurta

400 g šećera

20 g soli

400 g suhoga grožđa

960 g glatkog brašna

100 g korice limuna

200 ml ruma

600 g ribane jabuke

40 g vanilijinog šećera

20 g praška za pecivo

200 ml domaće travarice


500 g šećera

20 g vanilije

400 ml vode

Punjenje: domaći džem od dunja i žrnovnskih


Priprema: Smjesu za fritule lagano umijesite u

kuglice, pa ispecite na umjerenoj temperaturi.

Kad zlatno porumene stavite ih na papir da

se upije višak masnoće. Zatim slastičarskom

špricom napunite fritule džemom i toplim karamelom

kojeg ste dobili otapanjem šećera u

vodi uz dodatak vanilije. Od ostatka karamela

napravite zlatne niti. Pospite ih po cijeloj frituli

kotonjadi i poslužite uz smokve i lovor.


8 eggs

8 dl yogurt

400 g sugar

20 g salt

400 g dried grapes

960 g smooth flour

100 g lemon peel

200 ml rum

600 g grated apple

40 g vanilla sugar

20 g baking soda

200 ml homemade herbs


500 g sugar

20g vanilla

400 ml water

Filling: Homemade quince jam and apple

Preparation: For the “fritule”, mix all ingredients

into small balls and set on a medium temperature.

When golden, place them on paper to

absorb the extra oil. Then use a pasty bag to fill

each fritula with jam and warm caramel by dissolving

the sugar in the water with the vanilla.

Drape the excess caramel over the fritule to

create “golden threads”. Serve with figs and

bay leeaf.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 24

Restoran Da’Mar

IRestoran Da’Mar splitskog zdravstvenog hotela Marvie Hotel & Health mjesto je gdje vas

kroz originalne jelovnike vodi chef Martin Grubiša. Između ostalog, ovaj chef iznimnog

kulinarskog rukopisa, poznat je da smišlja i jelovnike s bezglutenskim namirnicama što

se potpuno uklopilo u koncept tog prvog zdravstvenog hotela u Dalmaciji, namijenjenog

turistima i poslovnim gostima koji njeguju zdrave životne navike i ne žele ih se odreći dok

su na putu. Grubiša i njegov tim u Da’Maru spajaju tradicionalno mediteransko s modernim,

pomno osmišljaju i prilagođavaju jelovnike za goste s posebnim prehrambenim režimima.

25 | SPLIT MENU2018

Marvie Hotel & Health

IDa’Mar is the restaurant in Split’s Marvie Hotel & Health wherein the original menu

was introduced by chef Martin Grubiša. Among other things, including the interesting

penmanship of this chef, he is famous for hatching the gluten-free menus in Split, which

fits in seamlessly with the concept of the first health hotel in Dalmatia. The trend is

intended for travelers and business guests who nurture a healthy lifestyle at home and

wish to continue this lifestyle on the road. Grubiša and his team at Da’Mar carefully

connect traditional Mediterranean food with modernity through careful adjustments to their menu

for guests with special dietary regimens.

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27 | SPLIT MENU2018

“Ovom poslu me prvenstveno privukla obiteljska tradicija, naime 50

godina ugostiteljstvo je dio našeg svakodnevnog života, a specijalnost

i nešto u čemu se najviše pronalazim je zdrava mediteranska

prehrana, posebice namirnice koje ne sadrže gluten. Dakle, u kuhinji

moraju biti svježe, lokalne, organske namirnice koje se spremaju i

prezentiraju na moderan način. Usrećuje me kad vidim napredak i

usklađenost svog tima, koja uvijek rezultira zadovoljstvom gosta”

- ispričao je chef Martin Grubiša koji i sam ima intoleranciju na

gluten što ga je odvelo u istraživanja bezglutenske prehrane.

Kao i najpoznatije europske chefove inspirira ga kuhinja njegove

majke i bake. U 15-godišnjoj karijeri, Grubiša je i deset godina je

iskustvo stjecao u hotelu “Le Meridien Lav”, tamo je naučio što znači

biti prvi čovjek u kuhinji.

Ističe kako je Dalmacija u znatnoj prednosti u odnosu na zemlje iz

okruženja zbog položaja, klime i tla koje nije onečišćeno, te zbog

toga svega uzgoj biljaka i životinja je daleko kvalitetniji u odnosu na

druga podneblja. Sve se više to prepoznaje i u novom valu splitske

gastronomije gdje je Grubiša jedan od predvodnika po inovativnosti

i originalnosti.

“Kad netko pomisli na hrvatsku gastronomsku ponudu, prije svega,

smatram da se te odnosi na mediteransku prehranu baziranu na

maslinovom ulju, peršinu, bijelom luku, vinu - na jela kao što su viška

pogača, soparnik, pašticada, rožata...tradicionalna jela koja se mogu

reinterpretirati i u nešto suvremeno, te tako dobiti i notu originalnosti”

- istaknuo je Grubiša.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 28

Chef Martin Grubiša - “The main goal is always to please the guests, to justify the expectations

of the owner, and to manage a cohesive and happy team. The head chef must know everything

about the economical aspect in the kitchen, the procurement, and at the same time they must

have a good head on their shoulders to build and maintain healthy relationships between their

colleagues.” Said the chef.

Grubiša points out that Dalmatia has a significant advantage due to its position, climate and

soil which is not polluted and therefore better for the growth of plants and animals and makes

it superior to the next region. The value of Split’s new gastronomy, where Grubiša is one of the

innovative and original leaders, is becoming more recognized in the culinary world.

“When someone thinks about Croatian gastronomy is offering, before anything, I think that it

offers you Mediterranean food based on olive oil, parsley, onions, wine – dishes like scones with

anchovies and fish stew, flan… traditional food which can be reinterpreted all the time, and still

gives a note of originality. Split’s gastronomic offer over the last 15 years has changed for the

better; we are seeing new restaurants and hotels opening which are creating healthy competition

for one another.” Grubiša explained.

29 | SPLIT MENU2018





400 g cikle

30 g kravlje skute

80 g rikula

60 g orasi


Za salatni preljev:

10 ml meda

20 ml soka od limete

40 ml maslinovog ulja



Priprema: Glavice cikle dobro operite, pa

ih stavite neoguljene u pećnicu na 180º C i

pecite oko sat vremena. Kad cikla omekša,

izvadite je da se ohladi. Za salatni preljev

iscijedite limetu, dodajte joj med, lagano ulijte

maslinovo ulje, posolite i miješajte dok se

smjesa ne sjedini. Zatim na rikuli servirajte

izrezanu ciklu i orahe, pa prelijte preljevom,

a vrh salate pospite kravljom skutom.


400 g beetroot

30 g cottage cheese

80 g rikula

60 g walnuts


For the salad dressing:

10 ml honey

20 ml lime juice

40 ml olive oil



Preparation: Wash a fresh head of beetroots

and place them unpeeled into the oven

at 180 0 C to cook for around an hour. When

the beets are tender, take them out and

allow them to cool. For the salad dressing,

juice the lemon and mix it with the honey,

pour on the olive oil. Salt and mix thoroughly.

Then serve the beets and walnuts

on the rikula and pour the salad dressing over

the salad. Sprinkle cottage cheese on top to


SPLIT MENU2018 | 30





Sastojci za umak:

500 g očišćenih repova kozica

1 glavice luka

3 sušene rajčice

150 ml bijelog vina

50 ml maslinovog ulja

1 mala žlica tapenade od crnih maslina

ružmarin, peršin

sol, papar

Sastojci za njoke:

300 g batata

80 g brašna bez glutena

1 jaje

majčina dušica

maslinovo ulje

sol, papar

Priprema: Sitno kosani luk pirjajte na vrućem

maslinovom ulju, a kad uvene dodajte repove

kozica. Posolite, popaprite i dodaje peršin,

pa pirjajte na umjerenoj vatri i dolijte vino.

Kuhajte dok alkohol ne ispari. Dodajte malo

ribljeg temeljca, sitno rezanih sušenih rajčica

i tapenadu. Pirjajte kratko, tek da se sastojci

povežu, pa začinite po potrebi.

Batat u kori pecite 45 minuta u pećnici ugrijanoj

na 175ºC, te ostavite da se ohladi. Očistite

ga od kore, usitnite blenderom i dodajte ostale

sastojke za njoke. Mijesite tijesto dok se ne prestane

lijepiti za prste. Po potrebi dodajete još

brašna. Nakon što ste ga umijesili, odvojite ga

u manje kuglice i razvaljajte u “zmijicu”. Nožem

izrežite tijesto na njoke željene veličine. Vilicom

napravite rebrasti uzorak kako bi se umak bolje

upijao. Njoke kuhajte u kipućoj slanoj vodi

dok ne isplivaju. Zatim ih prebacite u posudu

gdje ste ulili umak od kozica. Po želji možete

naribati malo finog parmezana tanjur prilikom



For the sauce:

0.5 kg cleaned shrimp tails

1 onion

3 dried tomatoes

150 ml white wine

50 ml olive oil

1 small spoonful of black olive tapenade

rosemary, parsley

salt, pepper

For the Gnocchi:

300 g sweet potatoes (batat)

80 g gluten-free flour

1 egg


olive oil

salt, pepper

Preparation: Clean the shrimp – cut the tails,

remove the shells and wash them under running

water. Slice the onion and heat on a pan in olive

oil. When the onions begin to golden, add the

shrimps. Season with salt and add parsley and

white wine then cook on medium heat until the

alcohol begins to evaporate. Give the mixture a

little bit of fish stock mixed with the dried tomatoes

and tapenade. Simmer for a little while and

stir to make sure that the ingredients do not stick

to the pan. Season as needed.

The sweet potatoes will cook for 45 minutes in

the oven at 175 0 C, then set it aside to cool. Clean

off the crusts and mix in a blender along with the

other ingredients for the gnocchi. Mix the dough

until it does not stick to your fingers. Add flour

as needed. After you have mixed it well, take the

dough and roll it out into little balls. Then, using a

knife, cut the gnocchi into the desired size. Using

a spindle, make the balls into ribbons so that

the gnocchi can better absorb the ingredients.

Boil the gnocchi in salted water until they are no

longer floating. Then throw them into a bowl with

the shrimp sauce. As desired, you can finely grate

some parmesan over the plate before serving.

31 | SPLIT MENU2018





200 ml mlijeka

150 ml biljnog vrhnja

200 ml mliječnog vrhnja

50 g šećera

40 g bijele čokolade

5 žumanjaka


vanilin šećer

prstohvat soli

70 g smeđeg šećera

Priprema: Mlijeko, vrhnje i ružmarin zajedno

zakuhajte, pa dodajte bijelu čokoladu da se

otopi, te procijedite. Odvojite pola tekućine i

stavite da se ohladi. U ohlađeni dio kreme ulijte

zamućene žutanjke sa šećerom i sve zajedno

dodajte ostatku kreme. Pripremite posudice za

serviranje i složite ih u tepsiju, pa smjesu ulijte

u njih, a u tepsiju do 1/3 visine dodajte kipuće

vode. Prekrijte aluminijskom folijom i ispecite

na 140º C stupnjeva oko 45 minuta. Kad se

brulee ohladi pospite ga smeđim šećerom

i zapalite kuhinjskim brenerom. Šećer će se

rastopiti i karamelizirati.


200 ml milk

150 ml vegetable cream

200 ml milk cream

50 g sugar

40 g white chocolate

5 egg yolks


vanilla sugar

a pinch of salt

70 g brown sugar

Preparation: Cook the milk, cream and rosemary

together, adding the white chocolate so

it dissolves, then strain it. Take half of the mixture

and set it aside to cool. In the cool part,

pour in the sugar and egg yolks and mix well.

Prepare serving dishes and arrange them on

a baking pan. Pour the mixture into them and

add boiling water so that it reaches 1/3 of the

height in the baking pan. Cover with aluminum

foil and bake in the oven at 140ºC for about 45

minutes. After removing them from the oven

and allowing them to cool, heat the brown

sugar over a burner until it is caramelized and

then pour it over the dessert.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 32


IUtkala se kao jedinstveno mjesto u strogom centru Dioklecijanove palače – Poljanu Grgura

Ninskog. Posada ove konobe brine o očuvanju dalmatinske gastronomske baštine, pa

će vas rado svojim jelovnikom povesti vas na putovanje u gurmansku prošlost i pružiti

vašim nepcima carski tretman kakav je Split upamtio dok je u njemu stolovao rimski car

Dioklecijan. Uživajte u njihovim tradicionalnim receptima, jelima pripremljenim s ljubavlju

i prstohvatom prošlosti, te se osjećajte kao Dioklecijan!

33 | SPLIT MENU2018



Tavern Korta is a unique place in the very center of Diocletian’s Palace. Besides preserving

the Dalmatian gastronomic heritage, it is our duty to take you back to the authentic past and

to provide your palates a royal treatment. Enjoy our traditional recipes, our meals which

prepared with love, and feel like Emperor Diocletian!

SPLIT MENU2018 | 34

35 | SPLIT MENU2018

Chef Božidar Dujmović u skladu s mjestom gdje je Korta smještena,

drži se tradicijske, autohtone dalmatinske kuhinje, zdravih jela i namirnica

ribara i težaka. “Autohtona kuhinja, osim što je zdrava i uravnotežena,

daje brojne mogućnosti kombiniranja namirnica, stvaranja novih

okusa, a isto tako i zadovoljnih gostiju koji će trajno nositi uspomenu

na ukusnu Dalmaciju što je svakako najbolja pohvala svakome

kuharu. Zahvaljujući današnjem brzom protoku i odličnoj dostupnosti

informacija, istraživanje jela i namirnica je moguće praktički svugdje.

Iako sam ljubitelj starih, kvalitetnih tradicijskih kuharica i kombinacije

takvih recepata s nekim novim saznanjima stečenim na raznim

usavršavanjima, priznajem da ponekad zavirim i na internetska

bespuća kako bih svoju gastronomiju odveo koji korak dalje od

uobičajenog” - istaknuo je Dujmović.

Dodaje kako se Dalmacija može pohvaliti odličnom kvalitetom i

svježinom namirnica, bogatstvom začina i tradicionalnih jela, kako

ribljih tako i mesnih.

“Faktor iznenađenja kojeg dožive strani gosti je kada otkriju našu

pašticadu, drniški pršut, rožatu, soparnik, žrnovske makarune je

neprocjenjiv. Mislim da možemo ponuditi širok spektar jela, čarobnih

okusa te vrhunskih vina iz svakog područja Hrvatske te na takav način

biti nezaobilazno mjesto na svjetskoj gastronomskoj karti. Smatram

da se ovdje trebamo držati dalmatinske kuhinje jer ćemo tako očuvati

ono što zapravo jesmo, ali uz sve to dobro je došlo i unošenje noviteta

kako bi naša gastronomija i dalje rasla i nadopunjavala svoje mozaike”

- poručio je Dujmović.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 36

Chef Božidar Dujmović, as with the location of his restaurant, has a traditional, authentic

Dalmatian style of cooking. Here, they offer healthy original food, fresh seafood and ingredients,

but always with their signature style.

“Authentic cooking, besides being healthy and balanced, provides a number of possibilities for

combining food, creating new flavors, as well as satisfying guests who will always bear the memory

of delicious Dalmatia, which is certainly the best praise for any chef. Thanks to today’s fast flow of

information, food exploration is possible everywhere. Although I am a fan of old, quality traditional

cuisine and combinations of recipes with some new twists or refinements, I’ll admit that some new

stuff on the internet is quite poor. My gastronomy takes you a step away from the usual,” Dujmović

pointed out.

He adds that Dalmatia can boast of high quality, fresh food, rich spices and traditional dishes –

both fish and meat. “The surprise factor experienced by foreign guests is when they discover our

paticad, diced ham, rossat, the soup, the grungy pasta is invaluable. I think we can offer a wide

range of dishes, magical flavors and top quality wines from all around Croatia. In this way we will

inevitably be a destination for the world of gastronomy. I think we need to keep Dalmatian cuisine

here because we will preserve what we really are; but with all this, there is a good introduction to

novelty as our cuisine continues to grow and complement our mosaics.”

37 | SPLIT MENU2018





500 g hobotnice

4 škampa

4 tigraste kozice

150 g kozica

1000 g dagnji

1000 g lakirki

100 g rikule

100 g lišća cikle

100 g lišća suncokreta

150 g cherry rajčica


500 g octopus

4 big scampi

4 king prawns

150 g small shrimps

1000 g mussels

1000 g smooth venus clams

100 g rikula

100 g beetroot leaves

100 g sunflower leaves

150 g cherry tomatoes

Priprema: Hobotnicu, škampe i tigraste kozice

skuhajte u maslinovom ulju, limunu i prošeku.

Školjke očistite i skuhajte u limunu, vodi i

maslinovom ulju. Meso kozica ostavite da

odleži u limunovom soku i maslinovom ulju.

Rikulu, lišće cikle, lišće suncokreta i cherry

rajčice začinite maslinovim uljem, aceto balsamicom,

solju i limunom. Plodove mora

posložite na hrpice salate.

Preparation: Cook the octopus, scampi, and

king prawns in olive oil, lemon and sweet wine.

Clean the mussels and cook them in lemon,

water and olive oil. Chop the small shrimps

and cover in lemon juice and olive oil. Mix the

Rikula, beetroot leaves, sunflower leaves and

cherry tomatoes with olive oil, balsamic vinegar,

salt and lemon. Place the “fruits of the

sea” on a pile of the salad.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 38






4 škampa

1000 g dagnji

200 g očišćenih kozica

500 g punjenih njoka

10 ml prošeka

10 ml konjaka

200 ml bijelog vina

500 ml ribljeg temeljca

200 ml šalše

Priprema: Kozice, škampe i dagnje popržite

na maslinovom ulju, zatim im dodajte bijeli luk,

peršin, pa zalijte konjakom te bijelim vinom.

Pustiti da prokuha te dodajte punjene njoke,

riblji temeljac i šalšu. Kuhajte još oko 15

minuta, pa dodajte prošek. Kad alkohol ispari,

jelo je spremno za serviranje


4 shrimp scampi

1000 g mussels

200 g cleaned shrimp

500 g stuffed gnocchi

10 ml dessert wine

10 ml cognac

200 ml white wine

500 ml fish stock

200 ml tomato sauce

Preparation: Kozice, škampe i dagnje popržite

na maslinovom ulju, zatim im dodajte bijeli

luk, peršin, pa zalijte konjakom te bijelim

vinom. Pustiti da prokuha te dodajte punjene

njoke, riblji temeljac i šalšu. Kuhajte još oko 15

minuta, pa dodajte prošek. Kad alkohol ispari,

jelo je spremno za serviranje Fry the shrimp,

scampi and mussels in olive oil, then add the

garlic, parsley, then add the cognac and white

wine. Let it boil and add the stuffed gnocchi,

fish soup and salsa. Cook for around 15 minutes

and then add the dessert wine. When the

alcohol evaporates, it is ready to serve.

39 | SPLIT MENU2018





200 g glatkog brašna

100 g oštrog brašna

250 g maslaca

100 g šećera

1 jaje

300 g suhih smokava

3 dl vrhnja za šlag



Priprema: Brašno i šećer pomiješajte u posudu

te ubacite jaje i lagano miješajte. Dodajte i

rastopljeni maslac, pa miješajte dok se ne

dobije kompaktno tijesto. Tijesto ostavite

d a o d l e ž i 3 0 m i n u t a . S m o k v e s a m e l j i t e , p a

skuhajte. U pola smjese dodajte tučeno

vrhnje za šlag i izmiješajte. Tijesto razvucite

na 1 mm debljine i izrežite na kvadrate koje

ćete napuniti smjesom od mljevenih smokava.

Potom ih preklopite na polumjesec te pecite 20

minuta u pećnici ugrijanoj na 180º C. Poslužite

na kremi od smokava i vrhnja za šlag te ukrasite

limetom i mentom.


200 g smooth flour

100 g semolino flour

250 g butter

100 g sugar

1 egg

300 g dried figs

3 dl whipped cream



Preparation: Mix the flour and sugar in a bowl

and lightly stir in the egg. Add the melted

butter and stir until the dough is compact.

Leave the dough for 30 minutes. Boil and stir

the figs. In half the mixture add the whipped

cream and mix together. Spread the dough

until it is 1mm thick and cut into squares

that you will fill with a mixture of ground figs.

Then fold them into a crescent shape and

bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 180C.

Serve with fig mixture and whipped cream.

Decorate with lime and mint.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 40


IOvaj se rustikalni restoran smjestio u samo srce Dioklecijanove palače, s prekrasnom

terasom okruženom starim zidinama, nekadašnjim plemićkim palačama, pučkim

kućama...u prostor koji kao na dlanu dočarava raznolike slojeve tisućljetne gradske

prošlosti zbog kojih je splitska povijesna jezgra upisana UNESCO-ov popis svjetske

baštine (World Heritage List) 1979. godine. Svake večeri atmosferu Mediterranea na

drevnoj Carrarinoj poljani obogaćuje živa muzika, a tu je i jelovnik prepun sredozemnih

mirisa i okusa koji goste vraćaju ovom mjestu. Osim široke lepeza jela spravljenih od probranih

lokalnih namirnica nabavljenih kod malih proizvođača, njihovu priču nadopunjuje bogata lista

vrhunskih hrvatskih vina.

41 | SPLIT MENU2018



This rustic restaurant is located in the heart of Diocletian’s Palace, with a beautiful terrace.

Surrounded by old walls, former noble palaces and houses. It reflects the diverse layers

of the city’s past millennia, for which Split’s historical center was enrolled in the UNESCO

World Heritage List in 1979. Every night the Mediterranean atmosphere on the ancient

Carrara field if filled with live music, and their menus are also filled with Mediterranean

fragrances and flavors that beckon guests to return to this place. Apart from a wide

variety of dishes made from refined local ingredients purchased from small producers, their story

complements a rich list of the best Croatian wines.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 42

43 | SPLIT MENU2018

Kuhinju vodi imotski chef Mate Đuzel koji je svoj je put gradio u

boljim restoranima Makarske rivijere, kao i u kuhinjama renomiranih

njemačkih hotela.

“Moja je kulinarska priča neodvojiva od autohtonih namirnica i starih

receptura; bilo onog što nam dolazi iz i od mora ili iz dalmatinskog

zaleđa. Namirnice koje spremam moraju se osjetiti u svojoj punoći, ne

želim ih prikrivati kojekakvim dodacima i umacima. To možete samo

ako imate vrhunsku i svježu ribu iz mora, meso nabavljeno od malih

lokalnih mesara, te svježe voće i povrće ubrano na OPG-ovima naše

regije” - kazao je ovaj mladi, ali iskusni chef.

Đuzel neprestano uči, usavršava se i istražuje. Njegova strast za

stalnim napredovanjem u svom kuharskom pozivu i stjecanjem

iskustava odvela ga je i u münchenski hotel Verona, restoran

Heidemann in Spiek u Dortmundu te za šefa kuhinje hotela Ferien

auf der Heid u Hamburgu. Pored toga, Đuzel odlazi na kuharska

natjecanja i osvaja nagrade.

“Usavršavam se tako što idem po raznim natjecanjima, dodatnim

edukacijama, jer sve me to potiče da budem što bolji u svom poslu i da

otkrivam nešto novo. Istovremeno me veseli jer hrvatska gastronomija

postaje prepoznatljiva u svijetu, a to možemo zahvaliti tome jer

imamo iznimno raznoliku kuhinju, odlične stare recepte iz svake

regije. Dakako, našu kulinarsku baštinu treba neprestano istraživati,

a provjerena stara jela prezentirati na moderan način” – zaključio je

ovaj zaljubljenik u kuhanje od djetinjstva.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 44

The chef Mate Đuzel, has worked in some of the best restaurants on the Makarska Riviera as

well as renowned kitchens in German hotels. “My culinary story is inspired by authentic foods

and old recipes, which is given to us either from the sea or the Croatian hinterlands. The meals

I prepare must be felt in their full capacity, I don’t want to cover them with any supplements or

sauces. You can only do this if you have the highest quality and freshest fish from the sea, meat

from the small local butchers, and fresh fruit and vegetables grown from within our region.” said

this young but experienced chef.

Đuzel is constantly learning, improving and exploring. He has a calling for cooking and a passion

for steady progress which he built by working in hotel Verona in Munich, the restaurant Heidemann

in Spiek in Dortmund, and as the head chef in Ferien auf der Heid in Hamburg. Aside from that,

Đuzel has entered and won many cooking competitions.

“I am perfecting my craft by going to various competitions and additional education, because it

encourages me to do better in my business and to discover something new. At the same time, I

enjoy it because Croatian gastronomy is recognized around the world, thanks to our exceptionally

varied kitchen and excellent old recipes from every region. Of course, our culinary heritage needs

to be continually explored and innovated to present old dishes in a modern way.” concluded the

lifelong fan of cooking, Đuzel.

45 | SPLIT MENU2018





600 g hobotnice

300 g boba

200 g mladog luka

150 g rajčica

7 ml maslinovog ulja

4 ml vinskog octa




150 g glatkog brašna

7 ml vode

3 ml maslinovog ulja


Priprema: Očišćenu hobotnicu kuhajte oko sata.

Nakon što se ohladi isijecite je na ploškice. Skuhajte

bob i rashladite ga pod mlazom hladne vode

te mu skinite opnu. Rajčicu isijecite na kockice,

a mladi luk na ploškice. Sve sastojke stavite u

zdjelu te začinite octom, maslinovim uljem, solju

i paprom.

Za košarice zamijesite tijesto od brašna, vode,

maslinovog ulja i soli. Zatim ga ostavite da

odstoji pola sata, a potom ga razvucite na

tanko. Isijecite od tijesta kvadrate promjera

10 x 10 cm. Pomoću kalupa za muffin oblikujte

od njega košarice, pa ga pecite 10 minuta

u pećnici na 180º C. Potom salatu servirajte u



600 g octopus

300 g fava beans

200 g spring onion

150 g tomato

7 ml olive oil

4 ml red wine vinegar




150 g smooth flour

7 ml water

3 ml olive oil


Preparation: Cook the cleaned octopus for

about an hour. After it is cooled, cut it into

slices. Boil the fava beans and then cool them

under running water. Cut the tomatoes into

cubes and slice the spring onions. Put all the

ingredients into a bowl and season with red

wine vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.

For the basket, mix the flour, water, olive oil

and salt. Let it rest for a half hour, then roll flat.

Cut squares that are 10 x 10 cm and place

them in a muffin tray. Bake for 10 minutes in

the oven at 180C. Then serve the salad in


SPLIT MENU2018 | 46





800 g pilećih prsa

200 g mišance (samoniklo divlje zelje)

300 g prokulice

10 g češnjaka

5 ml maslinovog ulja

150 g pršuta

400 g krumpira

40 g parmezana

4 dcl španjolskog umaka

2 jaja

Priprema: Pileća prsa rastvorite i napunite

kuhanom mišancom začinjenom češnjakom,

maslinovim uljem, solju i paprom. Zatim piletinu

formirajte u roladu i omotajte pršutom.

Zamotajte je u aluminijsku foliju i kuhajte u

pilećem temeljcu 15 minuta. Potom je izvadite

iz folije i zapecite u tavi dok pršut ne zamiriše.

Kuhane prokulice začinite maslinovim uljem i

solju. Krumpir izradite u pire, te mu dodajte sol,

papar, parmezan i jaja. Dobro izmiješajte i istisnite

ga na masni papir u cvjetove koje pečemo

20 minuta u pećnici ugrijanoj na 180ºC .

Španjolski umak obogatite dalmatinskim

miješanim biljem. Sve komponente stavite na

tanjur i poslužite.


800 g chicken breast

200 g wild spring herbs mix

300 g brussels sprouts

10 g garlic

5 ml olive oil

150 g smoked ham

400 g potatoes

2 eggs

40 g parmesan

4 dcl Spanish sauce

Preparation: Fill the chicken breast with

spring herbs mix, sliced garlic, olive oil, salt,

and pepper. Then form the chicken in a roll

and wrap it with smoked ham.

Wrap it in aluminum foil and boil it for 15 minutes.

Then remove it from the foil and bake it

until the prosciutto doesn’t smell.

Season the cooked brussels sprouts with

olive oil and salt. Mash the potatoes in a pot

and give them salt, pepper, parmesan and

eggs. Mix well and squeeze the it onto wax

paper, forming flowers. Cook for 20 minutes

in the oven at 180 0 C.

Enrich the Spanish sauce with Dalmatian

mixed herbs. Place all of the components on

a plate and serve.

47 | SPLIT MENU2018






Za biskvit:

2 jaja

50 g brašna

70 g šećer

3,5 g praška za pecivo

50 ml suncokretovog ulja

50 ml mlijeka

Čokoladni ganache:

250 ml vrhnja za šlag

150 g tamne čokolade

korica jedne naranče

2 ml ruma


Biskvit: Žumanjke dobro izmiksajte sa svim

ostalim sastojcima, a bjelanjke razmutite u

snijeg. Zatim ih lagano spojite. Izlijte smjesu

u namašćen pleh i pecite u pećnici 30 minuta

na 180 ºC.

Ganache: Vrhnje za šlag, čokoladu, koricu

naranče i rum stavite u lonac. Na laganoj

vatri miješajte dok se svi sastojci ne sjedine.

Pustite da se malo rashladi i prelijte ganache

preko ispečenog biskvita.


For the biscuit:

2 eggs

50 g flour

70 g sugar

3.5 g baking soda

50 ml sunflower oil

50 ml milk

Chocolate ganache:

250 ml cream

150 g dark chocolate

orange peel

2 ml rum


Biscuit: Beat the egg yolks with all the

other ingredients to a pale light cream.

Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold

them in to the egg mixture. Pour the mixture

in a buttered, non-stick cake tin and

bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 0 C.

Ganache: Put the cream, chocolate, orange

crust and rum in a pot. Mix over a light flame

until all the ingredients are combined. Let it

cool slightly then pour the mixture over the

cooked biscuit.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 48


IOvaj moderni obiteljski restoran je utkan u splitsku staru jezgru i to na mjesto za koju

kažu da je nekad bila smještena rimska vojska koja je čuvala obližnja Željezna vrata

Dioklecijanove palače. Mazzgoon food nudi fuziju moderne i tradicionalne kuhinje

s naglaskom na mediteranske okuse. Ime “Mazgoon” kovanica je od riječi “mazga” -

tvrdoglave i marljive životinje koja je obilježila Dalmaciju te engleske fraze “must go on”,

pa za sebe u ovom lokalu vole reći da su “najtvrdoglaviji restoran u Splitu”. Jelovnike

mijenjaju za svako godišnje doba, a kako često dovode kuharske i eno zvijezde iz drugih gradova,

neki ih nazivaju splitskom gastro ambasadom.

49 | SPLIT MENU2018

Mazzgoon Food

IThis modern family restaurant is situated in the old center of Split, in a place where they

say a Roman army was once housed which is just inside the Diocletian Palace’s Iron

Gate. Mazzgoon offers a fusion of modern and traditional cuisine with an emphasis on

Mediterranean flavors. The name “Mazzgoon” comes from the word “mazga” – or mule –

the marvelous, yet stubborn animal which would obey the Dalmatian command “you must

go on”. So, for Mazzgoon, they love to say that they are “the most stubborn restaurant in

Split”. The menus change with each season, and they are often inviting star chefs from other cities,

which is often why they are referred to as Split’s gastro ambassador.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 50

51 | SPLIT MENU2018

Za okuse u Mazgoonu zadužen je chef Petar Vlak, jedan od onih

kuhara koje nose splitski gastronomski uzlet posljednjih godina. Temelje

za njegovu kuharsku filozofiju mu je usadio Miro Bogdanović (1954-2017),

vizionar i kulinarski entuzijast koji je dalmatinsku kuhinju otvorio svijetu.

“Okusi djetinjstva su zapravo nezamjenjivi u mom kuhanju. Smatram da sva

naša jela treba svijetu nuditi s izvornim okusima, ali ih i treba prezentirati

na moderniji način, posebice stranim gostima. Što se tiče mojih početaka,

vezani su uz uzlet gastronomije u Splitu, a i šire u Hrvatskoj. Isprva sam

kao veliki ljubitelj tradicionalne hrvatske kuhinje počeo skupljati klasične

kuharice u kojima se, osim jela naših baka i roditelja, našao i zlatna pravila

kuharstva koja su nastajala na stoljetnim iskustvima. Nakon što sam to

usvojio, odvažio sam se na daljnji korak, a to je izučavanje internacionalnih

kuhinja, s posebnim naglaskom na mediteranskoj gastronomiji. Stoga

su mi danas fokus fuzija mediteranske i tradicionalne kuhinje našeg

podneblja” - ispričao je chef Petar.

Neprestano se usavršava na treninzima i edukacijama, a i sam obučava

ljubitelje gastronomije na tečajevima. Obožava hrvatsku kuhinju i domaća

jela koja su zapravo polazišna točka za njegov stil kuhanja.

“Kako bi bili uspješan chef nije sve u kuhanju i nisu samo bitna jela. Iznimno

je bitan humani aspekt osobe, način rada i ophođenje prema kolegama.

Nekolicina ljudi na domaćoj sceni su mi uzori, a tu mogu istaknuti Hrvoja

Zirojevića, Željka Nevena Bremeca, Antuna Niševića i pokojnog Mira

Bogdanovića” - kazao je Petar Vlak.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 52

Chef Petar Vlak - “The taste of my childhood is really irreplaceable in my cooking. I think all of

our food needs the world to offer original flavors, but they need to be presented in a modern way,

especially for our international guests. As far as my beginnings are concerned, they are linked to

the rise of gastronomy in Split as well as in all of Croatia. At first I was a lover of traditional Croatian

cuisine and I began to collect classic cookbooks in which, besides the dishes of our parents

and grandparents, I found the golden rules of cooking which were born from experience. After I

adopted it, I dared to take the next step which was to study international cuisine, with an emphasis

on Mediterranean gastronomy. That’s why today the focus is on the fusion of Mediterranean and

our traditional cuisine.” Chef Vlak explained.

He is constantly perfecting his craft through training and education as well as training other on

gastronomy courses. He loves Croatian cuisine and the homemade dishes which are the starting

point for his cooking style.

“To be a successful chef is not all about cooking, not only the important meals. The human aspect

is an extremely important factor, how we work with people and our approach with colleagues. A

few examples of whom I can think are Hrvoje Zirojević, Željko Neven Bremec, Antun Nišević and

the late Miro Bogdanović.” said Peter Vlak.

53 | SPLIT MENU2018







400 g kozica

200 g jogurta

200 g morskih trava

100 ml sojina umaka

200 ml soka crvene naranče

1 g agar agara

50 ml soka od yuzu agruma




Tatar: Repove kozica narežite na sitno, pa

im dodajte maslinovo ulje, sol i papar i malo

yuzu soka. Sve dobro izmiješajte i ostavite

malo da odstoji.

Jogurt: Čvrsti jogurt stavite u posudu i oplahnite

dimom, ako ste mogućnosti i imate

uređaj, nekih 5 minuta. Zatim jogurt dobro

izmiješajte i malo posolite i spremite u frižider

do posluživanja.

Gel od crvene naranče: Procijeđeni sok od

naranče ulijte u tavu. Zagrijavajte ga i u njega

uspite agar agar. Smjesu dovedite do vrenja

i miješajte još minutu dok je vatri. Zatim sok

ohladite i kad se stegne štapnim mikserom

pretvorite je u gel. Gel stavite u dresir vrećicu.

Na tanjur u kalupu servirajte tatar, a sa strane

poslužite jogurt i gel od naranče.


400 g shrimp

200 g yogurt

200 g seaweed

100 ml soy sauce

200 ml red oranges

1 g agar agar

50 ml citrus juice




Tatar: Cut the shrimp into small pieces, then

add olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little citrus

juice. Mix well and set aside.

Yogurt: Put the yogurt into a bowl and refresh

with smoke, if you are able and have a device

(smoker), for some 5 minutes. Then mix the

yogurt well, sprinkle with salt, and place in the

fridge to save for later.

Red orange gel: Starin the orange juice into a

pan and set on low heat. Add the agar agar.

Mix together for one minute while it is still hot.

When the juice cools down, place into a piping


Serve the tartar on a plate with the yogurt and

orange gel on the side.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 54











1500 g lista

250 g sojinih ljuskice

1000 g čičoka

100 g rooibos čaja

1 žlica tartufate

2 jaja

oko 1 l suncokretovog ulja

žlica senfa

3 ml soka od yuzu




Pire: Očistite i skuhajte čičoku, propasirajte je,

pa joj dodajte maslac i rooibos čaj. Kad dobijete

gladak pire, stavite jušnu žlicu tartufate.

Posolite i popaprite po želji.

Majoneza s yuzuom: U zdjelu stavite dva

žumanjka s malo soli, papra i žlicu senfa.

Miješajte i polako dodajite suncokretovo ulje

sve dok ne dobijete gustu smjesu, a zatim

polako ulijte sok od yuzu agruma. Ako je

smjesa rijetka, dodajte još malo ulja.


1500 g lista

250 g soya flakes

1000 g Jerusalem artichoke

100 g rooibos tea

spoonful of truffle sauce

2 eggs yolks

around 1 L sunflower oil

spoonful of mustard

3 ml yuzu juice




Purée: Clean and boil the Jerusalem artichokes,

throw in some butter and rooibos

tea. When the purée becomes smooth, add

the spoonful of truffles sauce. Add pepper as


Majonnaise with yuzu juice: Mix two eggs

yolks in a bowl and slowly add sunflower oil

until you get a thick mixture, then slowly pour

in the yuzu citrus juice. If the mixture is too

runny, add some more oil.

55 | SPLIT MENU2018








1 l čaja od kamilice

500 g šećera

1 l slatkog vrhnja

200 g pistacija

200 g brašna

300 g maslaca

2-3 žlice stabilizatora za hranu


Priprema: Skuhajte bogati čaj od kamilice,

otprilike jednu litru. Dodajte šećer, pa iskuhajte

ga sve dok ne dobijete gusti sirup. Zatim

ga ohladite i uspite slatko vrhnje, te sve dobro

izmiješajte. Dok miješate uspite stabilizator u

količini prema uputama proizvođača na pakovanju.

Kad se sve sjedini stavite u posudu i

zaledite. Tako zaleđena smjesa se razradi dok

se ne dobije kremasti sladoled.

Crumble: Izrežite pistacio na krupno i dodajte

ga u prosijano brašno. U mješavinu dodajte

maslac i sjedinimo je u tijesto uz malo soli.

Tijesto razvaljajte u pleh i stavite ga peći

na 180ºC stupnjeva 15-ak minuta. Gotovi

crumble možete rezati ili mrviti u komade.

Na dnu zdjelice stavite crumble, zatim sladoled

od kamilice i sve to polijte s malo sirupa

od kamilice.


1 l chamomile tea

500 g sugar

1 l whipped cream

200 g pistachios

200 g flour

300 g butter

2-3 spoonfuls food stabilizer


Preparation: Boil about one liter of chamomile

tea. Add sugar as it boils to get a dense

syrup. Then cool it and add whipped cream

and mix well. While stirring, add the stabilizer

per the manufacturer’s instructions on the

packaging. Once everything is mixed, pour

into a bowl a freeze. As it cools, the mix it to

get creamy, rich ice cream.

Crumble: Chop the pistachios and add sifted

flour. With a mixer, add in the butter and a

little salt to make the dough. Pour it into a pan

and place it in the oven at 1800C for around

15 minutes. When it is finished, you can cut

or crumble it into pieces. Place the crumbs at

the bottom, then add the chamomile ice cream

and cover everything with a little chamomile


SPLIT MENU2018 | 56


IRestoran La Grotta (špilja, pećina) zavukao se iza barokne plemićke palače u staroj jezgri

u kojoj je rođen prvi narodnjački načelnik Splita Dujam Rendić Miočević (1834-1915),

gradi u Buvininoj ulici gdje su živjele i poljske grofice. La Grotta je maleni, šarmantan,

skrovit restoran s 30 mjesta u iznimno ugodno dizajniranom ambijentu, a nudi više od

120 različitih etiketa domaćih vina. Drže se tradicionalnih recepata i svježih namirnica

pripremljenih na novi način, a posebno su ponositi na svoj hladni brudet od kozica i crnih

maslina na podlozi od koromača, leće i mente, kao i na rosebeaf s umakom od crvenog luka i

ulja od zelenog feferona. Tamo možete kušati pravi starinski rižot od telećeg jezika i obrazina

podlijevan temeljcem od teleće glave koji se kuha 12 sati, te probati i inovativna jela poput školjki

na buzaru s crnom tjesteninom rađenom na bazi aktivnog ugljena. Za ove i niz drugih kombinacija

zadužen je tim predvođen chefom Aleksandrom Sašom Robićem.

57 | SPLIT MENU2018

La Grotta

ILa Grotta (Italian for “the cave”) is located under the baroque noble palace in the old city

center where the first communist mayor of Split, Dujam Rendić Miočević (1834 – 1915),

was born and lived with his Polish bride. La Grotta is a small, secluded restaurant with

30 seats inside an excellently decorated interior, offering more than 120 different bottles

of wine. They have traditional recipes and fresh ingredients prepared in a modern style.

They are especially proud of their cold crab soup with black olives and mint as well as

their roast beef in red sauce and green pepper oil. There, you can taste proper old risotto with veal

tongue and the main veal dish which is cooked for 12 hours. Try the innovative dishes such as

shellfish with black pasta cooked over coals. For these and several other combinations, the team

is led by chef Aleksandar Saša Robić.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 58

59 | SPLIT MENU2018

“Kuharstvo me je kao poziv privlačilo još dok sam bio osmoškolac,

odavno sam znao da je to moj put i da ne želim ništa drugo. Nakon

niza godina rada po raznim restoranima i konobama izgradio sam stil

na starim jelima Dalmacije kao što su brudeti, gregade, riba u savuru,

kombinacije ribe i morskih plodova s grahoricama, sipe s bobom, a sve

dakako, uz nove i moderne načine prezentacije i načine pripreme. Dakle,

radi se o tradicionalnoj spizi koja je još donedavno bila zapostavljena na

jelovnicima restorana, uostalom kao i mediteranski začini i bilje koji je prate

i zaokružuju cijelu priču o našoj gastronomiji. Mi mladi chefovi koji istinski

živimo svoj poziv, danas oživljavamo i iz dana u dan unaprjeđujemo je

svojim jelovnicima”” - kazao je chef Aleksandar Saša Robić

Dodajmo da je Robić je prvi put šef kuhinje postao 2011. godinu u konobi

u Bolu gdje je naučio raditi s timom, a kasnijih godina svoju je kulinarsku

vještinu brusio u splitskim restoranima. Posao u kuhinji privlači ga zbog

kreativnosti,a još više zbog adrenalina, posebice u onim situacijama kad

se čini da će stvari izmaknuti kontroli.

“To su oni situacije kad vam odjednom stigme deset različitih narudžbi, kad

sve može se pretvoriti u trenu u kaos. U tom presingu najvažnije da glava

ostane čista, da nema panike i nađete put kako najbolje di vi i vaš tim što

bolje obavite posao. To je istovremeno muka i užitak ovog posla” – rekao

je Robić.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 60

Chef Aleksandar Saša Robić, “Cooking has been attractive to me ever since I was born; long

ago I knew that it was my way and that I did not want to do anything else. After years of work, I built

various restaurants and taverns around the styles of old Dalmatian food such as mullet, seafood

stew, smoked fish, fish combinations with beans, beetroot, walnuts, and suddenly these modern

ways of presentation began to appear. So, the restaurant is about a spouse that has long been

neglected on restaurant menus, as well as the Mediterranean spices and herbs that accompany

the whole story about our gastronomy. We young chefs who are truly living our calling today are

also improving with every new day.” said Chef Aleksandar Saša Robić.

Robić became the head chef in 2011 at the tavern in Bol where he learned to work with a team,

and later carved his culinary skills into Split restaurants. The work in the kitchen attracts him

because of the creativity and even more because of the adrenaline, especially in those situations

when it seems that things will get out of control.

“There are situations when suddenly ten different orders arrive, when everything I can change in

a moment of chaos. In these moments, it is most important to keep your head clear, not panic and

find the best way for you to do the best thing for yourself and for your team. It is simultaneously

the annoying and pleasurable thing about this job.” said Robicć

61 | SPLIT MENU2018





400 g telećeg jezika

300 g teleće obrazine

100 g poriluk

100 g luka

10 g češnjaka

200 g vrganja

400 g riže

50 ml bijelog vina

0,09 g maslaca

1000 ml temeljca od teleće glave

sol, papar

Priprema: Rižot od teleće glave obraza i

jezika sporo kuhajte 12 sati s porilukom i


Očistite teleću glavu, izvadimo jezik i obrazine.

Glavu stavite peći skupa s povrćem, kada

glava bude lijepo pečena, stavljamo je skupa

s povrćem u lonac s vodom i kuhamo temeljac

s kojim ćemo poslije podlijevati meso i rižot.

Teleće obrazine i jezik narežemo na kockice,

pirjamo na luku i poriluku. Kada meso

počne puštati vodu, podlijemo ga s bijelim

vinom i temeljcem od teleće glave.

Meso se kuha 12 sati na laganoj vatri i podlijeva

se cijelo vrijeme temeljcem dok se meso

ne pretvori u vlakna. Pri kraju kuhanja dodamo

svježe vrganje narezane na kockice.


400 g beef tongue

300 g beef cheeks

100 g leek

100 g onion

10 g garlic

200 g porcini mashrooms

400 g rice

50 ml white wine

0.09 g butter

1000 ml beef stock

salt, pepper

Preparation: The risotto of the beef cheeks

and tongue should be cooked slow for 12

hours with leeks and porcini mushrooms.

Clean the beef head and take out tongue and

cheeks. Then place the head in the oven surrounded

with vegetables, when the head is

fully roasted, put it into a pot of water together

with the vegetables and the beef stock. Later

we will add the meat and rice.

Dice the beef cheeks and tongue and cook

them with onions and leek. When the meat

begins to lose water, replace it with white wine

and the veal stock. The meat will cook for 12

hours on a light temperature while always

being submerged. When it is finished, cut the

porcini into cubes and add them to the stew.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 62





300 g mljevene janjetine

300 g junetine

0,03 g kurkume

0,03 g kima

0,10 g češnjaka

100 g mrkve

100 ml bijelog vina

100 g blitve

0,08 g češnjaka

0,5 dl maslinovog ulja

sol, papar

Za košaricu:

200 g glatkog brašna

2 jaja

50 ml maslinovog ulja

0,02 g šećera

0,03 g za’tarr


Priprema: Korjenasto povrće očistite i nasijecite

na kockice. Kada ih propirjate, dodajte

im junetinu i janjetinu te začiniti kimom i kurkumom.

Nakon što smo propirjali meso, dolite

vina i kuhajte dok alkohol ne ispari. Potom

dolite goveđi temeljac i pustite da kuha. Sa

strane zakuhajte lonac vode, pa u njemu skuhajte

blitvu. Poslije je šokirajte u zamrzivaču,

izblendajte te začinite. U zdjelu za košaricu

stavite 2 žumanjka, 2 žlice maslinovog ulja,

sol, šećer i za’atar začin te postupno dodajite

brašno dok ne dobijete kompaktno tijesto

od kojeg ćete napraviti košaricu. Košarica

se peće na 180 0 C 4-5 minuta dok ne dobije

onako zlatno žutu boju.


300 g ground lamb

300 g beef

0.03 g turmeric

0.03 g cumin

0.10 g garlic

100 ml white wine

100 g swiss chard

0.08 g garlic

0.5 dl olive oil

salt, pepper

For the basket:

200 g smooth flour

2 eggs

50 ml olive oil

0.02 g sugar

0.03 g za’tarr (Middle East Herbs)


Preparation: Clean the vegetables and cut

them in the small cubes. When they become

golden, add the meat and season it with cumin

and curcuma. After the meat is heated up,

add the wine and cook so that the alcohol

evaporates. Then add the beef stock and

leave to cook. On the side, boil a pot of water

and add in the Swiss chard. After shocking it

in the freezer, blend with spices. In a bowl,

place two egg yolks, 2 tablespoons olive oil,

salt, sugar and spice and gradually add flower

until you get a compact dough from which you

can make the basket. The basket is baked at

180 0 C 4-5 minutes until it receives the golden

yellow color.

63 | SPLIT MENU2018







250 ml mlijeka

250 ml vrhnja za šlag 35%

50 g šećera

200 žumanjaka

150 g oreo keksa

80 g maslaca

120 g tamne čokolade 55%


žličica želatine

50 ml hladne vode

50 ml vrhnja za šlag

75 g šećera

26 g prosijanog kakaa

Priprema: Mlijeko, vrhnje, žumanjke i šećer ugrijte

na 85 ºC, pa u smjesu dodajte čokoladu. Izmiksajte

sastojke u kremu štapnim mikserom. Oreo kekse

usitnite i pomiješajte s maslacem, pa uspite u

kalup kojeg ste prethodno obložili papirom za

pečenje. Nakon pečenja pustite da se torta ohladi.

Za glazuru namočite želatinu u 3 žlice vode. U ostatak

vode dodajte vrhnje i šećer, pa kuhajte dok se

šećer ne rastopi. Dodajte želatinu i kakao, pa prelijte

njome tortu.


250 ml milk

250 ml whipped cream 35%

50 g sugar

200 egg yolks

150 g Oreo Biscuits

80 g butter

120 g dark chocolate 55%


teaspoon of gelatin

50 ml of cold water

50 ml whipped cream

75 g sugar

26 g cocoa

Preparation: Milk, cream, egg yoks and sugar

heat it up to 85ºC, and add chocolate to the mixture.

Mix the ingredients in the cream with a stick

mixer. Make the Oreo biscuits chop and mix with

butter, then put it into the mold you previously coated

with the baking paper. Let the cake cool down

after baking. For the glaze, soak the gelatin in 3

tablespoons of water. Add cream and sugar to the

rest of the water, then boil until the sugar melts. Add

gelatin and cocoa, and pour it over the cake.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 64


ILjubaznost, osmjeh na licu i susretljivost ono je što gosti primjećuju i dobro zna

Catering SC, tim uigranih profesionalaca s dugogodišnjim iskustvom u slaganju

zamamnih plata i posluživanju na brojnim događanjima i svečanostima. U njihovoj

bogatoj ponudi jela svatko će pronaći ono što mu najviše odgovara - bilo cocktail

hladni i topli zalogaj, bilo hladni ili topli buffet, hladno-topli buffet, izložbeni stol s

eksponatima, roštilj, svečani ručak i večeru, klasični ručak i večeru, gotova jela …

U Studentskom centru pružaju i usluge savjetovanja te stručnu pomoć u organizaciji evenata,

poslovnih domjenaka, stručnih skupova i sl., sve ako bi kreirali ponudu u skladu s vašim potrebama.

Bilo da se radi o intimnoj proslavi, pa do kongresa sa stotinama uzvanika ili jednostavnog obroka

u pauzi seminara ili raskošnog svadbenog banketa spremni su vam pružiti nezaboravan catering.

65 | SPLIT MENU2018

Studentski centar Split

IThe kindness, smiles and friendliness is what our guests notice from our team at Catering

SC. We are a group of skilled professionals with years of experience offering a wonderful

variety of interesting plates and serving numerous events and festivals. Behind us is

a fleet of modern, temperature-controlled vehicles, allowing us to access every corner

of our beautiful homeland. In our rich offers there are dishes for everyone – whether

it’s hot or cold cocktails, hot or cold buffets, exhibition tables, barbecues, classic and

gourmet lunches or dinners, or ready-made meals…The Student Center also provides advising

and assistance for organizing events, business receptions, conferences, etc. we provide quotes

for everything that you would need, whether it is an intimate celebration, or a reception with

hundreds of guests or a simple meal in a break seminar or a lavish wedding banquet, we are ready

to provide you with unforgettable catering.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 66

67 | SPLIT MENU2018

Jedna od ključnih osoba Cateringa SC je Jelena Vranjić, slastičarka

poetske duše koja se nadahnjuje izvornim mediteranskim namirnicama.

“Oduvijek me privlačila kreativnosti i novi izazovi, a to je upravo ono što ovaj

poziv nudi. Predajem mu cijelo svoje biće, jer za mene je to jedan poseban

svijet u kojem kroz slastice izražavam i svoje emocije. Specijalnost su mi

torte i kolači, posebice Dalmacije. Stalno istražujem, širim svoje vidike,

jako puno čitam, stvaram svoje recepte. Kombiniram namirnice prema

godišnjim dobima, ali i prema svojim raspoloženjima” - ispričala je Jelena

Vranjić, pastry chef Catering SC -a koja nas je na Split Gourmet Expou

2018 oduševila slasticom imena Fantazija.

Dugogodišnji je djelatnik Studentskog centra, a namjera joj je nakon

dodatnog usavršavanja postati i stručni suradnik u nastavnom programu.

Kao i njezine kolege, timski je i pouzdan igrač, a slastičarstvo smatra

područjem gdje ne samo da se može, nego i mora stalno napredovati.

“Uvijek želim više i bolje, a kroz slastičarstvo imamo priliku i domaće

namirnice čuvati od zaborava i dati im mjesto koje zaslužuju u gastronomiji

koju otvaramo svijetu. Tako volim u svoje kreacije staviti pomalo

zaboravljeni rogač, izvorni hrvatski med, nezaobilazne su mi kombinacije

prošeka, smokve, maslinovog ulja, ružmarina, lavande....Neka naša jela

svijet tek treba upoznati kao što je raštika ukomponirana s hrskavim

komadićima pancete i tostiranim bademima” - ispričala je Jelena.

Ističe kako je dijelom velikog tima koji svoju uspješnost gradi na dobroj

komunikaciji. U takvom se ne zaobilaze primjedbe, a niti pohvale.

“Pravi chef u kuhinji treba imati jasnu i izravnu komunikaciju sa svojim

timom i biti primjer. Treba znati dati savjete, ali ujedno i prihvatiti kritiku.

I povjerenje je ključna stvar koja povezuje tim – gradi se godinama, a

može se raspršiti u trenutku” - zaključila je Vranjić i dodala: “Stoga

sam uvijek svojim kolegama spremna na razgovor i kompromis kako bi

postigli zajedničke ciljeve, a to je zadovoljan korisnik i inspirativna radna

atmosfera. Osim toga, u kuhinji ne valja biti sebičan, već biti spreman

podijeliti znanje...”

SPLIT MENU2018 | 68

One of the key people for Student Center Catering is chef Jelena Vranjić, a confectioner with

a poetic soul who is inspired by original Mediterranean ingredients.

“I have always been attracted to creativity and new challenges, and that is just what this job

offers. I am giving everything I have, because for me it is one special world in which I can express

my emotions through my sweets. My specialties are cakes and baked goods, especially from

Dalmatia. I am constantly exploring, widening my views, reading a lot, and creating my recipes. I

use ingredients according to the seasons, but also according to my mood.” Said Jelena Vranjić,

the pastry chef at Catering SC – who delighted the judges at the Split Gourmet Expo 2018 with

her dessert called “Fantasy”.

For many years as an employee of the Student Center, her intention is to further her training and

become an associate professor in the curriculum. Like her colleagues, she is a reliable teammate,

which is an important aspect for confectionery, due to the fast-paced nature of the business.

“I always want to improve and get better, and through pastry cooking we have the opportunity to

use domestic ingredients and give them a place that they deserve in gastronomy which introduces

them to the world. I like that in my own way I am using forgotten ingredients such as carob, organic

Croatian honey, and my inevitable combinations of sherry, figs, olive oil, rosemary, lavender… Our

foods just need to get acquainted with the world, as borecole has been compiled with crispy pieces

of pancetta and toasted almonds,” said Jelena

She points out that she is a part of a large team that builds its success through good communication.

That’s how to do it: to not forget the criticisms, nor the praise.

“A real chef in the kitchen needs to have clear and direct communication with the team to be the

best. They need to know when to give advice, but also when to critique. Confidence is a key thing

which connects the team – you can build a team throughout the years, but they can scatter in

an instant.” Vranjić advised. “I am always ready to talk with my colleagues and compromise to

achieve common goals, to be a team player and to work in an inspiring atmosphere. Besides, the

kitchen does not have to be a selfish place and I am always ready to share my knowledge.”

69 | SPLIT MENU2018








600 g tune

2 luka

50 g crvene paprike

50 g zelene paprike

50 g žute paprike

50 g mrkve

10 g češnjaka

prstohvat ružmarina, vriska, bosiljka, origana

200 ml maslinovog ulja

100 ml bijelog vina

6 kapara

50 ml vinskog octa

2 limuna



Priprema: Tunu izrežite na 4 komada debljine

2 do 2,5 cm. Na zagrijanoj grill tavi prepržimo

ih sa svake strane po 10 sekundi. Tako

da vam po sredini ostane srednje pečena.

Odložite je zatim sa strane, lagano posolite

i popaprite. Luk, paprike i mrkvu operite i

narežite na julienne način (tanke trakice). U

lonac na lagano zagrijanom maslinovom ulju

popržite povrće redoslijedom luk, mrkva, pa

paprike. Povrće lagano pirjate, pa dodajte

češnjak, peršin i malo papra. Podlijte bijelim

vinom, vinskim octom te kuhajte dok vino ne

ishlapi. Gotovo povrće odložite sa strane da

se ohladi. Na dno plastične posude stavite

pola povrća, pa preko njega složite komade

tune, ružmarin, kapare, vrisak, origano, bosiljak

i ostatak povrća. Limun izrežite na ploške,

složite preko cijele posude. Posudu zatvorite i

stavite u hladnjak najmanje 12 sati da se okusi

prožmu. Prilikom posluživanja izvadite tunu iz

marinade i izrežite na trokute. Na poslužavnik

stavite malo povrća, trokute tune i opet preko

tune povrće.


600 g tuna

2 red onions (100 g)

50 g red pepper

50 g green pepper

50 g yellow pepper

50 g carrots

10 g garlic

pinch of rosemary, heather, oregano, basil

200 ml olive oil

100 ml white wine

6 piece capers

50 ml wine vinegar

2 lemons



Preparation: Cut the tuna into 4 pieces that

are 2 to 2.5 cm thick. On a preheated pan,

grill them on each side for 10 seconds to get

a medium roast in the middle. Then set them

aside and add salt and pepper to each side as

desired. Wash the onions, peppers and carrots

and cut them using the julienne method

(thin strips). In a pot, heat up some olive oil

and throw in your prepared vegetables. While

the vegetables are cooking, add in the garlic,

parsley and a little pepper. Pour in the white

wine and vinegar and boil until the alcohol

evaporates. Once finished, set the vegetables

aside and allow them to cool. In the bottom of

a plastic bowl, place half of the vegetables,

then add the pieces of tuna, rosemary, capers,

heather, oregano, basil and the rest of the

vegetables. Squeeze the lemon pieces over

the top of the entire bowl. Seal the bowl and

place in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours

so that the tuna can soak up all of the vegetables

and flavors. When serving, remove the

tuna from the marinade and cut it into triangles.

Place it on a serving tray and cover it

again with vegetables.

SPLIT MENU2018 | 70




1200 g oborite ribe

600 g kapule

2 režnja češnjaka

1 vezica peršina

200 ml bijelog vina

2 lista lovora

grančica ružmarina

500 g krumpira

100 g cherry rajčica

100 ml maslinovog ulja

sol, papar

Priprema: U širu teću uspite 50 ml maslinovog

ulja, dodajte polovicu kapule narezane

na listiće i polovicu češnjaka isječenog na

fetice. Kratko popecite, maknite s vatre, a

zatim posložite polovice krumpira narezanog

na ploške. Preko krumpira složite komade

ribe (krupnije rezane), zatim ostatak kapule i

češnjaka, sitno isjeckane cherry rajčice i na

kraju opet ploške krumpira. Sve posolite, popaprite

i dodajte grančicu ružmarina ili lovora.

Zatim dodajte sitno sjeckani peršin, bijelo vino,

ostatak maslinovog ulja i vodu tako da pokrije

zadnji red krumpira. Kuhajte polupokriveno na

laganoj vatri dok krumpir ne omekša, nekih 25

minuta. Gregada se kuha na jačoj vatri dok ne

prokuha, a potom na umjerenoj.

Poslužite je toplu sa svježe nasjeckanim

peršinom. Tko voli, kod slaganja redova namirnica,

prije ribe može staviti i poriluk narezan na

kolutiće i sok pola limuna. Prije posluživanja

obvezno zalijte gregadu maslinovim uljem.


1.2 kg white fish

600 g onions

2 cloves garlic

1 ties of parsley

200 ml white wine

2 bay leaves

1 branch rosemary

500 g potatoes

100 g cherry tomatos

100 ml olive oil

salt, pepper

Preparation: Pour 50 ml of olive oil into a

wide, preheated pot and add half of the sliced

onions and half of the sliced garlic. After it

cooks for a short time, remove it from the stove

and then gently add half of the potatoes. Then

add the pieces of fish (biggest pieces first),

and add the finely chopped onions and garlic,

cherry tomatos and at the end add the rest of

the potatoes. Salt and pepper as desired and

then add the branch of rosemary or bay leaves.

Then add finely chopped parsley, white wine,

and the rest of the olive oil. Add water until the

last potato is covered. Cook until the potatoes

are well-cooked, around 25 minutes. You can

start the gregada on a strong fire, then turn it

down to moderate.

Serve warm with freshly chopped parsley. As

desired, you can put sliced leek and cover with

fresh lemon juice from half a lemon. Before

serving, prepare generously with olive oil.

71 | SPLIT MENU2018




30 g maslaca

1 žumanjak

2 bjelanjka

1 jaje

60 g vanilinog šećera

prstohvat soli

120 g čokolade s komadima


100 g tamne čokolade

40 g bademovog brašna

40 g biskvitnih mrvica

170 g šećera

20 g naribane korice naranče

280 ml soka svježe naranče

3 listića želatine

160 ml vrhnja za šlag

150 ml vrhnja za kuhanje

80 g badema

100 g arancina

Priprema biskvita: Izmiksajte maslac sa žumanjkom i vanilin

šećerom, pa dodajte prstohvat soli da se smjesa sjedini. U

drugoj posudi izradite snijeg od bjelanjaka (neka se udvostruči

i zapjeni) srednje tvrdoće, a dodajte u miksanju dva puta po

35 g šećera. Žlicu tučenog bjelanjka, dodajte smjesi žumanjka

i maslaca. Zatim i ostatak bjelanjka u dva navrata laganim

pokretima izmiješajte silikonskom lopaticom. Na kraju lagano

u smjesu uspite bademovo brašno, biskvitne mrvice, isjeckanu

čokoladu s komadićima naranče (20 g) i nasjeckane bademe

(20 g). Pripremljenu biskvitnu smjesu ulijte u pravokutni kalup

i pecite 12 minuta na 160 ºC. Pečeni biskvit potom natopite

sa 100 ml soka naranče, a kad se ohladi premažite ga

i sa 100 g tamne čokolade koje ste prethodno otopili na pari.

Zatim po čokoladi pospite grilijaš. (Njega ćete napraviti tako

da u posudi s debljim dnom karamelizirate 60 g šećera. Kad

se zapjeni i dođe do boje jantara, dodajte mu 60 g badema.)

Preko premazanog i grilijašem posutog biskvita, premažite

ravnomjerno mousse od naranče.

Mousse od naranče: Pomiješajte jaje, 75 g šećera i 20 g vanilinog

šećera, pa stavite u prikladnu posudu i tucite (miješajte)

na pari dok se smjesa ne počne zgušnjavati. Zatim dodajte

sok (180 ml) i koricu naranče, pa ponovo promiješajte. Krema

je gotova kada pjenjača na dnu posude počne ostavljati

tragove. Maknite s vatre i umiješati prethodno pripremljene

želatinu. Naime, listiće želatine prekrijte vodom i pustite da

nabubre 7 - 8 minuta. Dobro ih ocijedite i dodajte u pripremljenu

kremu od naranče. Ohladite kremu i u nju dodajte 160

ml čvrsto tučenog vrhnja za šlag laganim pokretima sa silikonskom

lopaticom. Kremu premažite preko biskvitnog tijesta

i pustite da se ohladi nekoliko sati ili preko noći. Ohlađeni

kolač premažite čokoladnim ganom. Gan ćete pripremiti tako

da u 150 ml vrhnja za kuhanje otopite 200 g usitnjene čokolade

(tamna čokolada s komadićima naranče), na laganoj vatri uz stalno

miješanje. Stavite kolač u hladnjak da se stegne. Kolač serviramo

na prikladnom tanjuru u obliku kruga, trokuta, pravokutnika…

Dekorirajte ga listićima badema (možete ih prethodno tostirati),

domaćim arancinima, pa i jestivim cvijećem.

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30 g butter

1 egg yolk

2 egg whites

1 egg

60 g vanilla sugar

pinch of salt

120 g chocolate with orange peels

100 g dark chocolate

40 g almond flour

40 g biscuit crumbs

170 g sugar

20 g orange zest

280 ml sweet orange juice

3 gelatin sheets

160 ml whipped cream

150 ml cooking cream

80 g almonds

100 g oranges

(all ingredients must be kept at

room temperature)

Preparation of biscuits: Mix the butter with the egg

yolks and the vanilla sugar, then give a pinch of salt

and mix well. In another bowl make a snow from the

egg whites and add 35 g sugar mix well and then add

another 35 g. Slowly mix the egg white combination

in with the eggs and butter. Then whisk the remaining

egg whites in using a silicone spatula. Once that is

finished, mix in the almond flour, biscuit crumbs, and

shred in the orange peel and chocolate (20 g) and

chopped almonds (20 g). Prepare a molded cooking

pan with oil and then mix in the biscuit mixture. Cook

for 12 minutes at 160 0 C. Then, dip the cooked biscuits

in 100 ml of orange juice, and when they have cooled

down coat the biscuits with 100 g of dark chocolate

that has previously melted. Then sprinkle chocolate on

top. In a thick bottomed bowl, caramelize 60 g of sugar.

When it turns amber in color, add 60 g of almonds.

Then cover the biscuits in the orange mousse.

Orange Mousse: Mix the eggs, 75 g of sugar, and 20

g of vanilla sugar, and put into a pan and bake (while

mixing) until the mixture begins to thicken. Then add

180 ml of orange juice while mixing. The cream is

ready when the mixture begins to stick to the bottom

of the pan. Remove it from the stove and mix with

the pre-prepared gelatin (this is done by covering the

sheets of gelatin in water and letting them swell for

7-8 minutes). Drain the sheets well and add them to

the mixture. Allow the mixture to cool and then add

160 ml of whipped cream with light movements of a

silicone spatula. Allow the mixture to cool for several

hours or overnight. Cover the cooled cake with the

chocolate mixture.

You can prepare the gan by dissolving 200 g of

chopped chocolate in 150 ml of cooking cream (dark

chocolate with orange pieces), over a light heat while

constantly mixing. Put the cake in the freezer and

allow it to cool. Serve the cake on a decorative and

shaped plate such as a triangle or a rectangle… decorate

it with almond leaves (you can toast them first),

and edible flowers.

73 | SPLIT MENU2018


Predjela, glavna jela i deserte ocjenjivali su iskusni dalmatinski chefovi Željko Neven Bremec,

Hrvoje Zirojević, Antun Nišević, Marija Lulić, Goran Staničić i prof. Ljiljana Kargotić.

Hladno predjelo / Cold appetizer













Glavno jelo / Main Course













Desert / Dessert





Ukupni poredak / Overall ranking












SPLIT MENU2018 | 74

Split Menu 2018



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