El Concreto Compactado con Rodillo y su Aplicacion en Presas y Pavimentos, 1990

Las presas de gravedad construidas con Concreto Compactado con Rodillos Vibratorio (RCC "Roller Compacted Concrete") pueden ser clasificadas segun el contenido de material cementante (cemento + puzolana) que se utilice en la mezcla de concreto. El mayor o menor contenido de este material cementante influye en algunos aspectos constructivos y de diseno de estas presas. Se presentan comentarios sobre las mezclas y se describen algunos aspectos practicos observados en la construccion reciente de este tipo de presas, las cuales son de utilidad en la ejecucion de sus disenos. Gravity dam structures constructed with Roller (vibratory) Compacted Concrete – RCC (also Rollcrete), can be classify according to the cement material content (cement + puzzoland) used in the final concrete mix. Depending upon the quantity of this basic material, the design of the dam and the construction details and technical aspects, such joints and layer thickness, will be influenced, as well. On the other hand, pavement structures among other factors, require to be durable and low maintenance costs; RCC meets these requirements, including the fact that it gets a high strength with time, similar to those obtained in the hydraulic concrete, but with less mix water to be necessary. The article presents the types of RCC mixes commonly used and some of the recently experiences reported during the construction of RCC gravity dams, to be useful for design. General properties of pavement RCC mixes and placement experiences are given, as well as recent trends in designs as a useful set of guidelines to follow. Las presas de gravedad construidas con Concreto Compactado con Rodillos Vibratorio (RCC "Roller Compacted Concrete") pueden ser clasificadas segun el contenido de material cementante (cemento + puzolana) que se utilice en la mezcla de concreto. El mayor o menor contenido de este material cementante influye en algunos aspectos constructivos y de diseno de estas presas. Se presentan comentarios sobre las mezclas y se describen algunos aspectos practicos observados en la construccion reciente de este tipo de presas, las cuales son de utilidad en la ejecucion de sus disenos.
Gravity dam structures constructed with Roller (vibratory) Compacted Concrete – RCC (also Rollcrete), can be classify according to the cement material content (cement + puzzoland) used in the final concrete mix. Depending upon the quantity of this basic material, the design of the dam and the construction details and technical aspects, such joints and layer thickness, will be influenced, as well.
On the other hand, pavement structures among other factors, require to be durable and low maintenance costs; RCC meets these requirements, including the fact that it gets a high strength with time, similar to those obtained in the hydraulic concrete, but with less mix water to be necessary.
The article presents the types of RCC mixes commonly used and some of the recently experiences reported during the construction of RCC gravity dams, to be useful for design. General properties of pavement RCC mixes and placement experiences are given, as well as recent trends in designs as a useful set of guidelines to follow.

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