Associate Message 4.15.20.pdf


Good Morning Northwestern Dining Team! We continue to work towards our goal to provide as much stability and continuity as possible during these uncertain times for each of you, for all associates both union and non-union, our front line associates, hourly and salaried managers. We are able to provide the below information pertaining to recent developments and updated resources: • Benefits – Northwestern and Compass Group are committed to ensuring that all of our people currently enrolled in a medical plan will keep their medical benefits regardless of their work status, to that end, Northwestern University has pledged to ensure that the availability of coverage and access to healthcare will remain the same for each of you, through the spring quarter. • Financial Compensation - Based on the guidance from the state of Illinois (see link below), all hourly associates who are temporarily laid off, will receive financial compensation equal to or in most cases, greater than their anticipated scheduled compensation in the Spring Quarter. This is true for the entire time period from March 29 until July 25, taking into account Illinois Unemployment Benefits, the federal enhancement of unemployment benefits and the one time economic impact payment. • State of Illinois stimulus FAQ information can be found here. • Have questions about Compass benefits? Go here for Compass Group Total RewardsFAQ (Non-Union Associates) • While we provide essential dining hall services at Foster Walker for our students, your fellow colleagues (34 union associates and 8 managers) are provided with the below safety precautions: • PPE, including personal masks, gloves etc. • Plexiglass barriers for cashiers • 6 foot distancing guidelines marked on dining floors • 4 distinct shift- to allow for separate crews in the case that one crew gets a confirmed case- the entire team is not put into a situation to be exposed • BOOST mobile ordering offered to students to provide a contact-less option • Increased sanitizing physical spaces While we understand that many of you have received your one time economic impact payment and your first payment of unemployment benefits from the state, we also know that the additional federal enhanced unemployment benefit has not begun paying yet. If anyone has a need for groceries, please text us below, so that we can help you. There will continue to be many questions and we are committed to communicating with you as decisions are made (including return to work dates once confirmed by the University) and will continue to have open dialog with our University partners to ensure the Northwestern Dining associates have the most up to date resources available to them. You can continue to text us directly at: Evanston Campus Associates: 806-414-3813 Chicago Campus Associates 919-629-0300 Stay safe, stay healthy!! Jennifer, Jonathan and Kwasi

Good Morning Northwestern Dining Team! We continue to work towards our goal to provide as much stability and continuity as<br />

possible during these uncertain times for each of you, for all associates both union and non-union, our front line associates, hourly<br />

and salaried managers.<br />

We are able to provide the below information pertaining to recent developments and updated resources:<br />

• Benefits – Northwestern and Compass Group are committed to ensuring that all of our people currently enrolled in a medical<br />

plan will keep their medical benefits regardless of their work status, to that end, Northwestern University has pledged to ensure<br />

that the availability of coverage and access to healthcare will remain the same for each of you, through the spring quarter.<br />

• Financial Compensation - Based on the guidance from the state of Illinois (see link below), all hourly associates who are<br />

temporarily laid off, will receive financial compensation equal to or in most cases, greater than their anticipated scheduled<br />

compensation in the Spring Quarter. This is true for the entire time period from March 29 until July 25, taking into account<br />

Illinois Unemployment Benefits, the federal enhancement of unemployment benefits and the one time economic impact<br />

payment.<br />

• State of Illinois stimulus FAQ information can be found here.<br />

• Have questions about Compass benefits? Go here for Compass Group Total RewardsFAQ (Non-Union <strong>Associate</strong>s)<br />

• While we provide essential dining hall services at Foster Walker for our students, your fellow colleagues (34 union associates<br />

and 8 managers) are provided with the below safety precautions:<br />

• PPE, including personal masks, gloves etc.<br />

• Plexiglass barriers for cashiers<br />

• 6 foot distancing guidelines marked on dining floors<br />

• 4 distinct shift- to allow for separate crews in the case that one crew gets a confirmed case- the entire team is not put<br />

into a situation to be exposed<br />

• BOOST mobile ordering offered to students to provide a contact-less option<br />

• Increased sanitizing physical spaces<br />

While we understand that many of you have received your one time economic impact payment and your first payment of<br />

unemployment benefits from the state, we also know that the additional federal enhanced unemployment benefit has not begun<br />

paying yet. If anyone has a need for groceries, please text us below, so that we can help you. There will continue to be many<br />

questions and we are committed to communicating with you as decisions are made (including return to work dates once confirmed<br />

by the University) and will continue to have open dialog with our University partners to ensure the Northwestern Dining associates<br />

have the most up to date resources available to them.<br />

You can continue to text us directly at:<br />

Evanston Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s: 806-414-3813<br />

Chicago Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s 919-629-0300<br />

Stay safe, stay healthy!! Jennifer, Jonathan and Kwasi

¡Buenos días al equipo de Northwestern Dining! Continuamos trabajando hacia nuestro objetivo de proporcionar tanta estabilida d y<br />

continuidad como sea posible durante estos tiempos inciertos para cada uno de ustedes, para todos los asociados, tanto sindic ales como<br />

no sindicales, nuestros asociados de primera línea, gerentes por hora y asalariados.<br />

• Beneficios: Northwestern y Compass Group se comprometen a garantizar que todas nuestras personas actualmente inscritas en un<br />

plan médico conserven sus beneficios médicos independientemente de su estado laboral, con ese fin, Northwestern University se ha<br />

comprometido a garantizar la disponibilidad de cobertura y acceso a la atención médica seguirá siendo la misma para cada uno de<br />

ustedes, durante el trimestre de primavera.<br />

• Compensación financiera: según las indicaciones del estado de Illinois (consulte el enlace a continuación), todos los asociados por<br />

hora que sean despedidos temporalmente recibirán una compensación financiera igual o, en la mayoría de los casos, mayor que su<br />

compensación programada prevista en el trimestre de primavera. Esto es cierto para todo el período comprendido entre el 29 de<br />

marzo y el 25 de julio, teniendo en cuenta los Beneficios de desempleo de Illinois, la mejora federal de los beneficios de desempleo y<br />

el pago único de impacto económico.<br />

• La información de preguntas frecuentes sobre el estímulo del estado de Illinois se puede encontrar aquí.<br />

• ¿Tiene preguntas sobre los beneficios de Compass? Vaya aquí para ver las Preguntas frecuentes sobre recompensas totales de<br />

Compass Group (Asociados no sindicales)<br />

• Si bien brindamos servicios esenciales de comedor en Foster Walker para nuestros estudiantes, sus colegas (34 sindicatos y 8<br />

gerentes) reciben las siguientes precauciones de seguridad:<br />

• PPE, incluidas máscaras personales, guantes, etc.<br />

• Barreras de plexiglás para cajeros<br />

• Pautas de distancia de 6 pies marcadas en los pisos del comedor<br />

• 4 turnos distintos, para permitir tripulaciones separadas en el caso de que un equipo obtenga un caso confirmado, todo el<br />

equipo no está en una situación para estar expuesto<br />

• BOOST pedidos móviles ofrecidos a los estudiantes para proporcionar una opción sin contacto<br />

• Aumento de los espacios físicos de desinfección.<br />

Si bien entendemos que muchos de ustedes han recibido su pago único de impacto económico y su primer pago de beneficios de<br />

desempleo del estado, también sabemos que el beneficio federal adicional de desempleo mejorado aún no ha comenzado a pagar. S i<br />

alguien necesita alimentos, envíenos un mensaje de texto a continuación para que podamos ayudarlo. Continuará habiendo muchas<br />

preguntas y nos comprometemos a comunicarnos con usted a medida que se toman las decisiones (incluidas las fechas de regreso al<br />

trabajo una vez confirmadas por la Universidad) y continuaremos manteniendo un diálogo abierto con nuestros socios de la Univ ersidad<br />

para garantizar que los asociados de Northwestern Dining tengan recursos más actualizados disponibles para ellos.<br />

Puede continuar enviándonos un mensaje de texto directamente a:<br />

Evanston Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s: 806-414-3813<br />

Chicago Campus <strong>Associate</strong>s 919-629-0300<br />

¡Mantente a salvo, mantente saludable! Jennifer, Jonathan y Kwasi

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