Mark Bregu - Tribuna Shqiptare

Mark Bregu - Tribuna Shqiptare

Mark Bregu - Tribuna Shqiptare


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Most of the archers were then positioned<br />

around the ramparts and a signal was given, a<br />

Hyemja e kalasë Shkëdrës great cry, to call the<br />

population out to the walls. The Turks then<br />

began their advance on the walls against which<br />

they placed their ladders, and in fury started to<br />

attack from all sides, such that those within the<br />

city did not know which side needed the most<br />

attention and where to deploy emergency<br />

reinfocements. It was in this strategy that the<br />

barbarians had placed their hopes. With a hail of<br />

missiles and cannonballs engulfing the fortress,<br />

the forces under siege rushed forth with all the<br />

arms at their disposal and began to attack the<br />

enemy which had already reached the top of the<br />

hill. Some of those on the ramparts began<br />

hurling huge torches and sharp javelins down at<br />

them, whatever they could find, but, where they<br />

were able, the Turks held their ground and<br />

replaced one another. Nearby was the pasha<br />

giving orders, urging his men on, praising the<br />

most courageous of them and cursing the<br />

cowardly and the lame. Whenever he saw any<br />

men retreating, he menaced them with his sword<br />

and sent them back into battle, threatening<br />

otherwise to execute them on the spot. Thus,<br />

although most of the Turks were unable to fend<br />

off the stones and missiles being hurled at them<br />

from above, and many of them were struck dead<br />

and fell to the ground, no one dared to retreat or<br />

move from the spot. The people of Shkodra, for<br />

their part, prepared kegs full of stones which<br />

they hurled down the cliffs on the steepest sides.<br />

These struck the Turkish fighters swarming<br />

below. They also hurled baskets of sticks and<br />

rushes dipped in pitch and set them on fire. The<br />

conflagration lit up the area and made it highly<br />

visible, to the great assistance of those under<br />

siege. Who knows how many enemies were<br />

burned and consumed by the flames? For the<br />

Turks had begun their siege in the dark of night<br />

in order to cover up their dastardly plan and<br />

tactics. The savage fighting continued all night<br />

long. Those under siege did not have a moment's<br />

rest.<br />

The next day, the attack grew even stronger.<br />

The barbarians believed that they had already<br />

gained a victory. Therefore, midst the wounded<br />

and the missiles, they advanced, trampling over<br />

bodies until they reached the edge of the<br />

fortifications themselves. In the sections where<br />

the ramparts had been knocked down, they<br />

brought forth poles with sharp metal hooks<br />

which they fixed against the walls. By using those<br />

sharp ends, they struck and wounded the<br />

defendants, even pulling some of them off the<br />

ramparts. But the men of Shkodra were not<br />

frightened and held their ground, fighting off the<br />

enemy with swords and axes, chopping them to<br />

bits on the spot.<br />

The defendants from above were<br />

slaughtering so many of the enemy with all sorts<br />

of weapons and missiles, defending the town<br />

with all their courage and with all the strength<br />

they had in them, and the battle had reached its<br />

zenith. Then, behold!, the barbarians on all sides<br />

of the fortress began to withdraw.<br />

The sun had been up for three hours and the<br />

ladders of the attackers with the men still on<br />

them plunged to the ground. Then the Turkish<br />

army began to show weakness and lose courage.<br />

The townspeople were heartened by this. Their<br />

courage and morale had reached a new height.<br />

They sprang over the ramparts and leaped to set<br />

upon the fleeing enemy forces who were running<br />

back towards their tents. They kept at them right<br />

until they reached the enemy encampment,<br />

where a savage and bloody battle took place<br />

between the two sides, and the tents were<br />

shredded and destroyed. Beams and logs were set<br />

on fire and, as the wind was blowing against the<br />

Turks, some of them were burned and consumed<br />

by the flames, while others choked in the smoke<br />

and ran away in flight.<br />

The men of Shkodra returned to the town<br />

with the banners of the enemy army and the<br />

heads of some of the commanders killed during<br />

the attack, and exposed them on the ramparts.<br />

Brandishing their shining swords, they made<br />

great fun of the enemy, challenging them back to<br />

battle.<br />

The pasha had been struck on the thigh by a<br />

boulder and was wounded. As far as could be<br />

learned from letters from princes in the region<br />

and from the narratives of those who had<br />

escaped the fighting, about seventy thousand<br />

men, indeed the majority, were wounded in the<br />

battle. There were hardly any fighters who<br />

returned to camp without having been wounded.<br />

There were no tents in which one could not hear<br />

the moaning and groaning of the injured. The<br />

fighting had indeed been so savage that the pasha<br />

wrote to Sultan Mehmed and reported of the<br />

valiant courage of those under siege and of the<br />

great damage they themselves had suffered.<br />

In addition to all these events, in the months of<br />

August and September, the region is so<br />

pestilential that the local people can barely<br />

endure the debilitating climate, not to speak of<br />

the foreigners there suffering from the<br />

deprivations of military life and living outdoors<br />

under appalling conditions. For this reason,<br />

many of our men as well as the Turks who<br />

survived the carnage, perished of fever caused by<br />

the bad air and stagnant water of the marshes.<br />

When the Ottomans realised what was<br />

happening, they gave orders for the siege to be<br />

lifted, although they knew that their authority<br />

would be weakened if they withdrew their forces.<br />

Vijon në numërin e ardhshëm<br />

33<br />


Shkodër, moj Shkodra krenare,<br />

Qytet madhshtor i lashtësisë,<br />

Mburrja e racës shqiptare,<br />

Qendra e mbretnave t‟Ilirisë.<br />

N‟themelet e tu historikë,<br />

Pellazgët ngritën mure me gurë,<br />

Me blloqe të mëdha ciklopikë,<br />

Që nuk do shembëshin kurrë.<br />

Ishin kohët shumë antike,<br />

Flijimin themeli kerkonte,<br />

Rozafa ajo nuse fisnike,<br />

Jetën e saj aty ‟flijonte.<br />

Shkodra do t‟ruente kujtimin<br />

E Rozafës bukur perore,<br />

Ku s‟do t‟harronte flijimin,<br />

T‟ asaj nusëje trime arbnore.<br />

N‟ato mure Agroni mbretnoi,<br />

Mbret‟ i urtë, burrnor e fisnik,<br />

Ilirinë të tanë e bashkoi,<br />

Nga Veriu deri n‟detin Jonik.<br />

Aty sundoi Teuta mbretneshë,<br />

Nji grue trime e fort krenare,<br />

Me romaket n‟lufta tuj u ndeshë,<br />

Në mbrojtje t‟trojëve shqiptare.<br />

Me romakët u ndesh‟n fiset ilire<br />

Me mbretin Genc në krye trimnor,<br />

E humbi luftën ai mbret i mirë,<br />

Por Roma e nderoi si mbret peror.<br />

Ma vonë mbi ty, Shkodër kreshnike,<br />

Mbas vdekjës së të madhit Kastriot,<br />

Do t‟sulëshin hordhitë aziatike,<br />

Me vite të tana kot me kot.<br />

Deri ne fund u mbrojte heroike,<br />

Qendresa jote u ba legjëndare,<br />

U shkruen për ty vepra historike,<br />

Dh‟emni yt u hap në botën mbarë.<br />

Shpirt i qëndresës mbete ti gjithmonë,<br />

Dhe iu kundërvune me guxim,<br />

Komunizmit q‟erdh në vendin tone,<br />

Mbi ty tuj ushtrue terror e krim.<br />

Bijt e tu ma të mirë t‟i kositën,<br />

Këto sllavo-komunistë t‟ pa nder,<br />

Shumë të rrënuen e sfilitën,<br />

Por nuk t‟mposhtën kurr nji here.<br />

Serishmi ti ngrihesh krenare,<br />

Me Rozafatit, kalanë madhshtore,<br />

Qëndresa e racës shqiptare,<br />

Prej lashësisë e në vazhdim përore.<br />

Shkodër, moj Shkodra krenare,<br />

Kokën nalt gjithmonë ti ta keshë,<br />

Ti simbol i qëndresës atdhetare,<br />

Pëjetsisht n‟histori do t‟ jeshë !<br />

Lahutari, 6 shkurt 2012.

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