Mark Bregu - Tribuna Shqiptare

Mark Bregu - Tribuna Shqiptare Mark Bregu - Tribuna Shqiptare
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NE KUADRIN E JUBILEUT TE MADH TE 100 VJETORIT TE SHPALLJES SE PAVARESISE Tests and documents of Albanian History By Robert Elsie Dr. ROBERT ELSIE 1474 George Merula: The Siege of Shkodra The Italian humanist and historian George Merula (1430-1494), also known as Georgius Merula Alexandrinus or Giorgio Merlano di Negro, was born in Alessandria in northern Italy. He studied in Milan under Francesco Filelfo in 1444-1446 and later in Rome, Padua and Mantua. From 1465-1482, he was professor of rhetoric in Venice. Invited back to Lombardy by Ludovico il Moro of the powerful Sforza dynasty, he taught in Padua (1483-1485) and finally at the Accademia in Milan (1485-1494). Aside from his editions and commentaries of many Roman authors, Merula is the author of a moving description of the Turkish siege of Shkodra (Bellum Scodrense), composed in Latin in September 1474. The fortress of Shkodra finally fell to the Ottoman Turks in January 1479. George Merula of Alessandria conveys his greetings to Jacob Merula and Francesco Gambarini. I assume you are all waiting anxiously to find out what the savage and mighty enemy of Christianity (1) has been preparing to do against us, in particular if we take account of what he accomplished this summer. Had he attained his objectives, he would easily have committed the greatest massacre planned for many years. Initially, he intended to attack Italy and to plunge the country into strife, just as our forefathers had suffered severely, who, like beasts, spent centuries hiding in the most isolated recesses of the mountains and in the depths of caves (2). In fact, the Turk initially beat the King of Persia, (3) soundly defeating a good portion of his army by the favourable position he had taken and by means of the military equipment he had. The Persian cavalry, trounced and scattered by the attack and all the commotion, abandoned the battlefield and fled. Then he decided to attack that part of Macedonia which is situated along the Adriatic coast, and turned his attention to the region now called Albania. Had he taken that country, all the coastline including Dalmatia and Liburnia (4) would have fallen immediately under his sway, and, using the workforce there, at very little expense, he would have built a great naval fleet. Then, using his fleet to protect the Adriatic, he would have taken Apulia and Calabria since the distance across the sea from one side to the other is not great, and would thus have secured himself a means of penetrating further into Italy. He was waiting for a favourable moment to let his whole army feed on enemy land. It was thus at the very time when the harvest was drawing near on the fields of Epidamnus (Durrës) and the other coastal regions, that he summoned his general, whom the Turks in their language call the Pasha of Roumelia, to his headquarters in Moesia, in order to muster an army. This man, having gathered there over one hundred thousand soldiers, and with no one knowing what he intended to do, i.e. whether he intended to attack Pannonia or to cross over to Asia, he pretended to return to Thrace and Adrianople but, after marching for two continuous days, he turned back, traversing in one night the road he had been travelling along. About the middle of May, sending sixty cavalrymen as an advanced guard, he suddenly, without warning, attacked and routed the Macedonians. Then, having taken prisoner all the scouts on the road before word could spread of his unexpected victory, he advanced and set up camp near Shkodra, which was once a Roman city. Shkodra, situated on the border with Dalmatia and Macedonia, is a well-fortified city, virtually on all four sites, both from its natural position and because of its constructed fortifications. Around the fortress are high cliffs and from up top, one can observe all the plainsbelow. On one side there is a more gradual slope which leads one up to the fortress. The waters of the Buna River flow by, right past the bottom of the hill. Along this river, the waters of a lake, of recent formation, flow into the sea. The river is slightly larger than our Tanaro (5). Do not be surprised that I claim the lake is of recent origin, since it is not mentioned by the Greek writers Strabo and Ptolemy, nor by the Roman authors Pomponius Mela and Pliny. When they 30 mention the region, they refer only to the Drin River. This river flows past Lissus, now called Lezha, which separated Dalmatia from Macedonia. We may assume that, had the lake existed in ancient times, the said, well-known geographers would not have been silent about it. And indeed, islands and boulders from it have found their way into the sea, and other rivers and springs erupt from the earth there, new ones every day, so that one is led to the conclusion that the lake in question was formed a long time after the above-mentioned writers. It has a circumference of one hundred thousand paces and is no smaller than Lake Como and Lake Garda, two well-known lakes of our Cisalpine Gaul. The local people call the town Shkodra in their language and the language of their forefathers, whereas the Italians have now given it a new foreign name, Scutari. The ruler of this town was Antonio Loredano (Antonius Lauretanus), a man who would have been the pride of his grandfather Petrus, and who was a worthy son of Jacob. It is to him that go the honour and glory of saving the town, or better said, of defending Christianity. In addition, he paid honour to his lineage because he managed to do something quite extraordinary by defeating such a savage enemy. When he learned that such a huge army was about to attack in the land of Moesia, Antonio Loredano, worried for himself and for his town and knowing the strategic importance of Shkodra for the Turks, gave orders that all grain, wherever it could be found, be gathered and stored within the walls. On the day before the arrival of the barbarians, he summoned and gathered around him in the fortress some of the young men of the countryside who had come down from the mountains. He then gave orders that water be carried up to the town by means of beasts of burden, as much as would be needed for a long siege. Këto dokumenta jepën anglisht sipas redaktimit tyne prej Dr. Robert Elsie, që i ka përkthye nga origjinalet përkatëse. Na falni që nuk kemi pasë mundësi t‟i kthejmë shqip.

NE KUADRIN E JUBILEUT TE MADH TE 100 VJETORIT TE SHPALLJES SE PAVARESISE KALAJA E SHKODRES Foto : Franz Baron Von Nopçe, 1903. On June 4th, while lightly armed soldiers were surrounding the town with a vanguard and many men were running in all directions to loot and plunder, and while volunteers were making themselves ready for war, the (Ottoman) commander himself made his appearance with the other part of the army. This man, if we can call a man someone who was a eunuch and who once guarded the sultan's harem, is said to be healthy, robust, and more courageous than clever as a soldier in carrying out his duties. The sultan had promoted him to this level of merit for his achievements in war. He brought with him men skilled in the martial arts, strong of body and courageous. They were followed by equipment and one thousand camels loaded with bronze for casting cannons which are usually used to batter and knock down ramparts. When this huge army arrived, the whole coastal region was terrified. Even the inhabitants of the coastline of Illyria and Macedonia were petrified, fearing that they would fall prey to the barbarians. Some of them fled into the rugged mountains, while others, having escaped the town, took refuge on the islands with the women, children and cattle. Some had made their way to the mouth of the river and were waiting for ships to take them anywhere, wherever fate should wish. When the Senate received the news, the fine and noble leaders of Venice recruited new soldiers and gathered a great deal of money without any difficulty. They did not hesitate in giving generously to provide all material necessary to repulse the enemy. They sent money and help in particular to those leaders who were ruling over large parts of the lakeside so that they might be able to resist barbarian attacks in perilous gorges and canyons.In addition to him was Triadano Gritti (Triadanus Grittus), commander of the fleet and an octogenarian, who despite his advanced age, showed fine resistance and was well concentrated on carrying out his task as best he could. No one believed that he could do it because it was a singular feat. At that time, he was travelling in the Aegean Sea, checking up on the islands thereabouts, and had just arrived at Chios when he heard that Shkodra, a town of great strategic significance, had been surrounded. Turning back, he set off for the Adriatic Sea, gathered his naval forces and entered the mouth of the Buna River, giving orders that his triremes and biremes should sail up the river, using oarsmen, because, in addition to the current of the river, the winds were blowing in the opposite direction. When he arrived at a certain spot where stone embankments had been built out into the water to slow down the current and where fishermen had constructed little huts to catch fish, he realized that the boats could go no further. He decided, in order to be on the safe side, to spend the night near the old church of Saint Sergius (Shirq), which is situated about five miles from the town. He intended the next morning at the break of dawn to embark upon caiques and small boats to see if he could find some route so as to come to the assistance of those under siege. When the enemy found out about the plan from some escaped oarsmen, and realized that the whole fleet could be blocked by them throwing logs into the river at the point at which it was at its narrowest, and thus stop the triremes from advancing, orders were given without delay that all other activities be suspended, that trees be cut down, and that most of the army cross over to the other side of the river so that our soldiers could be attacked from both banks with all sorts of missiles and weapons 31 In the midst of such preparations, and while all paths were being strictly guarded to prevent the Venetians from using their spies and escapees to find routes in, a Greek fellow, once taken prisoner by the Turks and forced into servitude, but later appointed by the pasha as a high-ranking official of the region, reflecting on the religion in which he had been raised and educated, jumped onto the pasha's steed, stole his lance and galloped off to the place where the ships were anchored. He asked to speak to the commander of the fleet and, having boarded one of the triremes, he revealed the enemy plan and informed the Venetians that they were in great danger. As soon as the Venetians heard this, orders were given that the whole fleet be armed and made ready for battle. Ropes were unfastened, anchors were weighed and the sterns of the ships were turned around. The triremes were positioned in a line so that, at an appropriate distance from one another, they could advance against the current. But the moment the sun came up, they could hear from all sides the neighing and galloping of horses, the firing of military equipment and arms glimmering in the distance, and such was the din and clamour that anyone not used to it would have been crippled by fear. The Turks then began shooting arrows and slinging stones at the fleet wherever they could reach it, some using their bare hands, others using equipment. Nonetheless, the fleet advanced, but so great was the amount of stones and missiles hurled at the ships that it seemed that a hailstorm had broken out and covered the vessels. Those who were further away and could not shoot, urged their comrades on with screams and shouts. The Venetians for their part, seeing that they were in a difficult position and were being shot at from both sides, began to attack the enemy with scorpions and rifles and other pieces of invented recently equipment, called bombards and spingards. The enemy attack was thus repulsed. They landed on the riverbank and chased the foe for over ten thousand paces, breaking their force. Both sides hastened to gain control of a certain site where the river flows through a narrows between two hillocks. There, the two banks are so close to one another that a trireme can hardly get through. The barbarians, with their remaining forces, endeavoured to arrive there first and take up position. They realized full well that they could impede the advance of our ships by throwing logs and harpoons into the water. The Venetians for their part, with the oarsmen rowing as fast as they could, sailed forth with their biremes and triremes, hoping that their great efforts would pay off once they passed the narrows, upon which the barbarians had set their stores. However, whether it was the will of God or it was due to the virtue and courage of the two sides, both the Venetians and the barbarians arrived at Scala (this is what they called the narrows between the two prominent hillocks) at almost the very same time, and a terrible battle



Foto : Franz Baron Von Nopçe, 1903.<br />

On June 4th, while lightly armed soldiers<br />

were surrounding the town with a vanguard and<br />

many men were running in all directions to loot<br />

and plunder, and while volunteers were making<br />

themselves ready for war, the (Ottoman)<br />

commander himself made his appearance with<br />

the other part of the army. This man, if we can<br />

call a man someone who was a eunuch and who<br />

once guarded the sultan's harem, is said to be<br />

healthy, robust, and more courageous than clever<br />

as a soldier in carrying out his duties. The sultan<br />

had promoted him to this level of merit for his<br />

achievements in war. He brought with him men<br />

skilled in the martial arts, strong of body and<br />

courageous. They were followed by equipment<br />

and one thousand camels loaded with bronze for<br />

casting cannons which are usually used to batter<br />

and knock down ramparts.<br />

When this huge army arrived, the whole<br />

coastal region was terrified. Even the inhabitants<br />

of the coastline of Illyria and Macedonia were<br />

petrified, fearing that they would fall prey to the<br />

barbarians. Some of them fled into the rugged<br />

mountains, while others, having escaped the<br />

town, took refuge on the islands with the<br />

women, children and cattle. Some had made their<br />

way to the mouth of the river and were waiting<br />

for ships to take them anywhere, wherever fate<br />

should wish.<br />

When the Senate received the news, the fine<br />

and noble leaders of Venice recruited new<br />

soldiers and gathered a great deal of money<br />

without any difficulty. They did not hesitate in<br />

giving generously to provide all material<br />

necessary to repulse the enemy. They sent money<br />

and help in particular to those leaders who were<br />

ruling over large parts of the lakeside so that they<br />

might be able to resist barbarian attacks in<br />

perilous gorges and canyons.In addition to him<br />

was Triadano Gritti (Triadanus Grittus),<br />

commander of the fleet and an octogenarian,<br />

who despite his advanced age, showed fine<br />

resistance and was well concentrated on carrying<br />

out his task as best he could. No one believed<br />

that he could do it because it was a singular feat.<br />

At that time, he was travelling in<br />

the Aegean Sea, checking up on the islands<br />

thereabouts, and had just arrived at Chios when<br />

he heard that Shkodra, a town of great<br />

strategic significance, had been surrounded.<br />

Turning back, he set off for the Adriatic Sea,<br />

gathered his naval forces and entered the mouth<br />

of the Buna River,<br />

giving orders that his triremes and biremes<br />

should sail up the river, using oarsmen, because,<br />

in addition to the current of the river, the winds<br />

were blowing in the opposite direction. When he<br />

arrived at a certain spot where stone<br />

embankments had been built out into the water<br />

to slow down the current and where fishermen<br />

had constructed little huts to catch fish, he<br />

realized that the boats could go no further. He<br />

decided, in order to be on the safe side, to spend<br />

the night near the old church of Saint Sergius<br />

(Shirq), which is situated about five miles from<br />

the town. He intended the next morning at the<br />

break of dawn to embark upon caiques and small<br />

boats to see if he could find some route so as to<br />

come to the assistance of those under siege.<br />

When the enemy found out about the plan from<br />

some escaped oarsmen, and realized that the<br />

whole fleet could be blocked by them throwing<br />

logs into the river at the point at which it was at<br />

its narrowest, and thus stop the triremes from<br />

advancing, orders were given without delay that<br />

all other activities be suspended, that trees be cut<br />

down, and that most of the army cross over to<br />

the other side of the river so that our soldiers<br />

could be attacked from both banks with all sorts<br />

of missiles and weapons<br />

31<br />

In the midst of such preparations, and while<br />

all paths were being strictly guarded to prevent<br />

the Venetians from using their spies and<br />

escapees to find routes in, a Greek fellow, once<br />

taken prisoner by the Turks and forced into<br />

servitude, but later appointed by the pasha as a<br />

high-ranking official of the region, reflecting on<br />

the religion in which he had been raised and<br />

educated, jumped onto the pasha's steed, stole<br />

his lance and galloped off to the place where the<br />

ships were anchored. He asked to speak to the<br />

commander of the fleet and, having boarded one<br />

of the triremes, he revealed the enemy plan and<br />

informed the Venetians that they were in great<br />

danger. As soon as the Venetians heard this,<br />

orders were given that the whole fleet be armed<br />

and made ready for battle. Ropes were<br />

unfastened, anchors were weighed and the sterns<br />

of the ships were turned around. The triremes<br />

were positioned in a line so that, at an<br />

appropriate distance from one another, they<br />

could advance against the current. But the<br />

moment the sun came up, they could hear from<br />

all sides the neighing and galloping of horses, the<br />

firing of military equipment and arms glimmering<br />

in the distance, and such was the din and<br />

clamour that anyone not used to it would have<br />

been crippled by fear. The Turks then began<br />

shooting arrows and slinging stones at the fleet<br />

wherever they could reach it, some using their<br />

bare hands, others using equipment.<br />

Nonetheless, the fleet advanced, but so great was<br />

the amount of stones and missiles hurled at the<br />

ships that it seemed that a hailstorm had<br />

broken out and covered the vessels. Those who<br />

were further away and could not shoot, urged<br />

their comrades on with screams and shouts. The<br />

Venetians for their part, seeing that they were in<br />

a difficult position and were being shot at from<br />

both sides, began to attack the enemy with<br />

scorpions and rifles and other pieces of invented<br />

recently equipment, called bombards and<br />

spingards.<br />

The enemy attack was thus repulsed. They<br />

landed on the riverbank and chased the foe for<br />

over ten thousand paces, breaking their force.<br />

Both sides hastened to gain control of a certain<br />

site where the river flows through a narrows<br />

between two hillocks. There, the two banks are<br />

so close to one another that a trireme can hardly<br />

get through. The barbarians, with their remaining<br />

forces, endeavoured to arrive there first and take<br />

up position. They realized full well that they<br />

could impede the advance of our ships by<br />

throwing logs and harpoons into the water. The<br />

Venetians for their part, with the oarsmen<br />

rowing as fast as they could, sailed forth with<br />

their biremes and triremes, hoping that their<br />

great efforts would pay off once they passed the<br />

narrows, upon which the barbarians had set their<br />

stores. However, whether it was the will of God<br />

or it was due to the virtue and courage of the<br />

two sides, both the Venetians and the barbarians<br />

arrived at Scala (this is what they called the<br />

narrows between the two prominent hillocks) at<br />

almost the very same time, and a terrible battle

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