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E.MAGAZINE 2K18<br />



To Destiny<br />

A hundred words would never complete a lecture,<br />

A thousand books would never justify a library,<br />

The silence of one active mind -<br />

May preserve the untold mystery of life.<br />

A student, a child, a mind – is all<br />

But a blank page of destiny.<br />

To write and preserve the power of wisdom<br />

On that blank space<br />

Give life, give knowledge<br />

Give procurement to a diseased mind<br />

Give wisdom to a failure child<br />

Give an inspiration to a drop out mind.<br />


সৃষ্টি<br />

যে মাষ্টি বন্ধ্যা<br />

ফসল ফলায়ষ্টি কখনিা<br />

তার বুনক কাি যরনখ শুনিছ কখনিা<br />

কান্না আর হাহাকার রব?<br />

যে মািুষ বন্ধ্যা<br />

সৃষ্টি কনরষ্টি কখনিা<br />

গায়ষ্টি যস এক কষ্টল গাি,<br />

বাজায়ষ্টি যকানিা সুর,<br />

যলনখষ্টি এক ছত্র যলাক<br />

আঁনকষ্টি একষ্টিও ছষ্টব<br />

তার বুনক কাি যেনত য ানিা<br />

েন্ত্রিা আর বযাথার ছষ্টব |<br />

মাষ্টি হও ষ্টকিংবা মািুষ হও<br />

বন্ধ্যা যথনকািা কখনিা,<br />

ষ্টকছু সৃষ্টি কনর োও, ষ্টকছু বীজ যরনখ োও<br />

অমৃত হনব যে তখষ্টি.....<br />

- শুক্লা মজুমদার

The Wish<br />

It is a sunny day. The train is rather empty<br />

today. I am sitting on a window side sit, the wind<br />

is constantly hitting me in the face giving me a<br />

sense of joy, the same old scene from the train<br />

window is always ready to greet me. I am<br />

counting as all those stations go by.<br />

‘I wonder what we will find in that forest!’<br />

Oh! I almost forgot that Ayano is sitting with me.<br />

She is my childhood friend. We were friends till<br />

the primary school. She was always very cheerful<br />

and a little bit clumsy.<br />

‘Just plants and wild animals’ I replied.<br />

‘Aww I thought we would find some treasure’<br />

‘I don’t think that’s going to happen….’<br />

At that moment a screeching noise reminded me<br />

that I have reached my destination, Fortuna High<br />

School. I am on the 7 th grade.<br />

We had a little group in the primary school. We<br />

called it the Pincers. All the members of Pincers<br />

are now scattered over different schools, and<br />

with the passage of time the distance between us<br />

grew. Ayano was in that group. Saki, the 4 th<br />

member of the Pincers, is in my class. We do not<br />

talk a lot, but are still friend and he helps me<br />

sometimes. My school is not very interesting.

It is almost evening and just like any other day<br />

school is over and now it’s time to go home. As<br />

always I am on the window seat, catching all the<br />

gentle wind and trying not to fall asleep. Ayano<br />

is also sitting beside me lost in her own<br />

thoughts.<br />

‘Are you not going to fulfil my wish?’<br />

She suddenly asked me that.<br />

‘I am trying Ayano, you know that I can’t do it<br />

myself.’<br />

I kind of told that without thinking, but I<br />

certainly want to fulfil her wish. During our days<br />

in the Pincers we once decided to discuss our<br />

most wanted things in life. Everyone replied with<br />

their childish desires. That day Ayano wished<br />

that she wants to go on mountain top on a<br />

snowy morning with all of us. We really liked the<br />

idea so we decided that when we grow up we will<br />

visit a hiking spot together. I guess she still<br />

hasn’t forgotten her wish.<br />

With a loud screeching sound, the train stopped<br />

and I got off the train and started walking<br />

towards home. Ayano is walking behind me. We<br />

reached my house, I went to my room to get<br />

changed and then attended dinner. She is also<br />

drinking some milk standing beside me. After<br />

dinner I went straight for the bed and she just

lied on the ground just like she has been doing<br />

since a week.<br />

‘Good night’<br />

I decided to take some actions tomorrow for her<br />

wish. I tried to contact all the members for<br />

almost a week. I asked Saki, I asked Eva, I asked<br />

everyone I could but all of them just got angry<br />

and emotional, but I do not blame them, after all<br />

we really liked Ayano. She was the youngest one<br />

among us. So when we heard about the accident<br />

we were really shocked and depressed.<br />

Three years ago on 29th November, the night<br />

before our planned hiking on Sunday, we<br />

discussed our meeting times and she left school,<br />

the joy of the hiking, the heavy rainfall & her<br />

clumsy nature forbidden her from noticing that a<br />

car was coming straight at her. The driver tried<br />

his best but she was badly injured, the<br />

pedestrians took her to hospital but the doctors<br />

were not able to save her life. That day the<br />

Pincers broke, then we started going to different<br />

schools and we stopped talking. But I did not<br />

believe them. I see her every day in class, why<br />

would I believe she is dead?<br />

After some days Saki decided to help me. He<br />

contracted some our group members and<br />

managed to convinced them. Meanwhile I finally<br />

convinced all the others. They said they will do

it just for me. And we decided to finally finish<br />

the hiking that we planned three years ago.<br />

Today is Saturday. We have a planned hiking<br />

tomorrow. Ayano is with me this whole time.<br />

‘Ayano your dream is coming true. Everyone<br />

decided to go on the hike with you.’<br />

These words brought a big smile on her face. She<br />

held my hand and thanked me. But I didn’t felt<br />

any warmth.<br />

The next day we all went for the hike. Through<br />

the whole hike she tried to talk with everyone<br />

but no one responded. I wonder why everyone<br />

ignored her. I still haven’t realized it. But at the<br />

end of the day, standing on a mountain cliff, at<br />

the edge of the forest, I realized the truth the<br />

others are well aware of, and just stared at<br />

Ayano as she thanked me for fulfilling her dream<br />

while fading away in the streams of golden<br />

sunlight with teardrops in the corner of her eye.


Vector is my friend<br />

From the long past<br />

But now he<br />

Don't even know me.<br />

I said, "Hello"<br />

He replied, "Get lost".<br />

Oh no, he is not Vector,<br />

He is Vector Calculus.<br />

Suddenly a stranger, new in the city<br />

Hit me hard,<br />

Then whispered,<br />

"Remember me? I am Electricity".<br />

Don't be afraid, come<br />

Meet my friends<br />

Gauss, Poisson, Coulomb

And Laplace.<br />

As the November<br />

Is coming closer<br />

Day by day,<br />

Jon Snow asked me,<br />

"Don't you know, SEMESTER IS COMING?"<br />

Hurry, send ravens<br />

To Lorentz, Biot-Savart<br />

And Faraday.<br />

I asked, "Where are they from<br />

And what do they need?"<br />

He replied,<br />

"Don't be afraid<br />

They are not from<br />


They are from Magnetostatic<br />

And Time Varying Field.<br />

Now the Statical Mechanics<br />

And Mechanics of Quantum<br />

Will attack me,<br />

A boy barely grown.<br />

I know who will support them<br />

To the Victory,<br />

It's neither Lannister nor the Little Finger,<br />

It's Electromagnetic Theory.<br />

Md G. Mostafa ( Civil, 2nd Year)

আমানদর কথা<br />

যকউ চায়িা কথা রাখনত,<br />

তবুও কথানদর -----<br />

কথা হনয় ওঠা চাই !<br />

মন্থনির অমৃত হানত োনত্রর সন্ধ্াি করা---<br />

কথার জিয যে েথগুনলা বনসষ্টছল কাল গুনি,<br />

যসই েনথনদরও ভুনলনছ কথারা,<br />

ষ্টবদায়ী ফাল্গুনি---<br />

ফাগুি সবার হয় িা,<br />

হনলও যবাধহয় সয় িা!<br />

ফুঁ ষ্টদনত ষ্টদনত কথানদর<br />

জনল ভরা ঝােসা যচাখগুনলা,<br />

ষ্টকছু সমনয়র জিয আগুি যদনখ;<br />

যসই আগুনি কথারা যোনে,<br />

েুেনত েুেনত খাঁষ্টি হনয় োয়--<br />

জ্বলন্ত কথানদর ছাই তখি<br />

অিনন্ত ভাসমাি বলাকা !<br />

অনজয় হৃদয় চায় হারানিা ফাগুনির যখাঁজ,

হয়নতা হনয়ও োনব যদখা ----'<br />

তখিই হনব কথানদর<br />

'কথা' হনয় বাঁচা।<br />

অভীপ্সা<br />

েতই যদষ্টখ মুখ খাষ্টি যতার সবই ভুনল োই ,<br />

সারা বছর ষ্টলষ্টি কষ্টর ষ্টক ষ্টক আমার চাই ।<br />

মামষ্টি আমাে় ষ্টদল বনল িনমা কনর বনলা ,<br />

বুষ্টি দাও ,ষ্টবদযা দাও ,সবার কনরা ভানলা।<br />

েুনজা ষ্টদই মা যতামার কানছ ষ্টদিষ্টি উেস যথনক ,<br />

আষ্টম তবু ষ্টমষ্টি ,ষ্টিমষ্টক চালাই ফাঁনক ফাঁনক ।<br />

েুনজা য নষ ভাষ্টব মনি বলা ষ্টকছু হল িা ,<br />

অন্তেযামী তুষ্টম মানগা ,তবু বুষ্টঝ জানিািা ?<br />

কত ইষ্টিকুিুম এনসনছ আজ ,চাষ্টরষ্টদনক হইচই ।<br />

কাঁসর বানজ ঘণ্টা বানজ ,শুিনত োচ্ছ ,ওই ?<br />

সব ষ্টবনরাধ ষ্টববাদ যভনে যগল মা যতার মুখ যচনয়,<br />

তাষ্টকনে় যদখ মা ,যকমি ভানব হাষ্টস আনছ যছনয় ।

জগিাত্রী জগ:জিিী , ইি যদবতা মানত:<br />

যেি ভরা খাবার ষ্টদও যরাজ সকনলর োনত।<br />

সমাি কনর খুষ্ট ষ্টদও ,হাষ্টস ষ্টদও সকল মুনখ ।<br />

কখনিা েষ্টদ যদখনত িা োই যতামার ষ্টমষ্টঠ আিি,<br />

আষ্টম শুিয হনে আেি মনি করব আরধি ।<br />

ষ্টবসজযনির সমে় এল, ভাসাি মা এর এবার ,<br />

বছর ঘুরনল এনসা মানগা ,কথা যরখ আমার ।<br />

Human & The Life of Stray Dogs with brief<br />

discussion about Rabies<br />

Assist. Prof. Sudipta Mandal<br />

Civil engineering Department<br />

9674760408 / 9064115114<br />

yoursudipta@gmail.com sm.civiliie@gmail.com<br />

Street dogs, known in scientific literature as freeranging<br />

urban dogs or urban free-ranging dogs, are<br />

unconfined dogs that live in cities or villages. They live<br />

virtually wherever cities exist and the local human<br />

population allows, especially in the developing world<br />

and the former USSR. Street dogs may be stray dogs, pets<br />

which have strayed from or are allowed freedom by their<br />

owners, or may be feral animals that have never been

owned. Street dogs may be stray purebreds, true mixedbreed<br />

dogs, or inbred landraces such as the Indian pariah<br />

dog. Street dog overpopulation can cause problems, but<br />

this is not only our duties, it is a part of the government<br />

duties. The societies, in which they live, make campaigns<br />

to spread and neuter them are sometimes implemented.<br />

They tend to differ from rural free-ranging dogs in their<br />

skill sets, socialization, and ecological effects. Some time<br />

it can be dangerous, when these street dogs suffer from<br />

Rabies virus.<br />

Some insane people kill innocent dogs, that they feel<br />

that dogs are suffering from Rabies.<br />

But it is very important to say that there are many<br />

symptoms to observe that if that dog is really suffering<br />

from Rabies?<br />

The following are some of the symptoms of rabies to<br />

watch for in your dog.<br />

1. Fever.<br />

2. Seizures.<br />

3. Paralysis.<br />

4. Hydrophobia.<br />

5. Jaw is dropped.<br />

6. Inability to swallow.<br />

7. Change in tone of bark.<br />

Rabies is a viral disease that causes inflammation of<br />

the brain in humans and other mammals. Early<br />

symptoms can include fever and tingling at the site of<br />

exposure. These symptoms are followed by one or more

of the following symptoms: violent movements,<br />

uncontrolled excitement, fear of water, an inability to<br />

move parts of the body, confusion, and loss of<br />

consciousness. Once symptoms appear, the result is<br />

nearly always death. The time period between<br />

contracting the disease and the start of symptoms is<br />

usually one to three months, but can vary from less than<br />

one week to more than one year. The time depends on the<br />

distance the virus must travel along peripheral nerves to<br />

reach the central nervous system.<br />

Rabies is caused by lyssaviruses, including the rabies<br />

virus and Australian bat lyssavirus. It is spread when an<br />

infected animal scratches or bites another animal or<br />

human. Saliva from an infected animal can also transmit<br />

rabies if the saliva comes into contact with the eyes,<br />

mouth, or nose. Globally, dogs are the most common<br />

animal involved. More than 99% of rabies cases in<br />

countries where dogs commonly have the disease are<br />

caused by dog bites. In the United States of America, bat<br />

bites are the most common source of rabies infections in<br />

humans, and less than 5% of cases are from dogs. Rodents<br />

are very rarely infected with rabies. The disease can only<br />

be diagnosed after the start of symptoms.<br />

This dieses forms in India comes from infected by biting<br />

by any dogs or foxes, raccoons etc.<br />

By the way, my message is that help these stray life,<br />

by giving some unused foods, some economic treatments

ecause this animals are far better than human. If we do<br />

not help them, who will do for them? These street dogs<br />

save many children, man even master also. It was proved<br />

by news paper or TV news. If anybody asks me, who is<br />

your best friend, I always say these innocent animal. So,<br />

I am requesting you, please help them in your level.<br />

Today it is very good news that many dog lover or<br />

Animal NGO doing these job. I also street dog lover, if<br />

any body want to help please contact with me. My Details<br />

are given.<br />

Thank you.



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