SewaGirri - 1st

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vad1 twu 2017 i`“B 20 20 Students 2 Months 1 MP Know their Summer Break Internship Experience with Maheish Girri What an MP Cannot do!!! vfer 'kkg thr mudh vknr gS esgur mudh fQ+rjr gS iwohZ fnYyh esa cu jgs gSa 101 vksiu ,;j fte lsokfxjh dh ØkfUrdkjh felky] D;k gS fxjh pkSiky\ Mudra Loan disbursed 600 ` crores D;k gS eksnh th ds eudhckr

vad1 twu 2017 i`“B 20<br />

20 Students<br />

2 Months<br />

1 MP<br />

Know their<br />

Summer Break<br />

Internship<br />

Experience<br />

with<br />

Maheish Girri<br />

What an<br />

MP Cannot<br />

do!!!<br />

vfer 'kkg<br />

thr mudh<br />

vknr gS<br />

esgur mudh<br />

fQ+rjr gS<br />

iwohZ fnYyh esa<br />

cu jgs gSa 101<br />

vksiu ,;j fte<br />

lsokfxjh dh<br />

ØkfUrdkjh felky]<br />

D;k gS fxjh pkSiky\<br />

Mudra Loan disbursed<br />

600 `<br />

crores<br />

D;k gS eksnh th ds<br />


vad1 twu 2017 i`“B 20<br />

jktuhfr esjs fy, lk/; ugha] cfYd ,d lk/ku ek= gSA<br />

;qokv¨a dh vkdka{kkv¨a d¨ iwjk djus dk lk/kuA tu<br />

lk/kkj.k d¢ thou d¨ [kq'kgky cukus dk lk/kuA vius<br />

deZ{ks= iwoÊ fnYyh d¨ viwoZ fnYyh cukus dk lk/kuA<br />

esjs fy, jktuhfr dk vFkZ gS & vius {ks= d¢ gj tkfr] /keZ<br />

v©j lEÁnk; d¢ gj vk;q oxZ d¢ ukxfjd¨a dh lsok esa<br />

leÆir Hkko tqVs jgukA<br />

esjs fy, lkaln cuus dk vFkZ gS & lcdk lkFk] lcdk<br />

fodkl tSls egku y{; d¨ gkfly djus dk ,d LoÆ.ke<br />

voljA<br />

uk usrkfxjh] uk nknkfxjh] uk pepkfxjh] esjs ns[ks r¨<br />

jktuhfr dk vFkZ gS] lsokfxjhA eulk] okpk] deZ.kk<br />

lsokfxjhA<br />

vkSj gk¡] gky gh esa lEiUu gq;s fnYyh uxj fuxe d¢<br />

pquko¨a esa iwoÊ fnYyh lalnh; {ks= esa 39 esa ls 29 lhV¨a ij<br />

fot;h cuk dj vkius gekjh rhu o"k¨± dh lsok d¨ ftl<br />

[kqys fny ls viuk Lusg Hkjk vk'khokZn Ánku fd;k gS]<br />

mld¢ fy, eSa iwoÊ fnYyh lalnh; {ks= d¢ lHkh ernkrkv¨a<br />

dk ân; ls vkHkkjh gw¡ v©j opu nsrk gw¡ fd Hkfo"; esa ge<br />

v©j Hkh yxu] t¨'k v©j fu"Bk d¢ lkFk iwoÊ fnYyh d¨<br />

viwoZ fnYyh cukus d¢ vius fe'ku esa tqVs jgsaxsA<br />

lsokfxjh dk igyk vad vkid¢ gkFk esa gSA<br />

eq>s vkid¢ lq>ko¨a dk bUrt+kj jgsxkA<br />

vkidk<br />

egs'k fxjh<br />


tc csfV;ka i

iz;kl vusd] y{; ,d & lsokfxjh<br />

ePNjksa ds izdksi ij yxkbZ ;FkklaHko jksd<br />

ohj xkFkkvksa ls uUgsa eqUuksa esa<br />

fd;k ns'kHkfDr dk chtkjksi.k<br />

ekulwu ds vklikl ePNjksa dk izdksi fnYyh okfl;ksa ds fy, dksbZ u;h ckr<br />

ughaA ifj.kkeLo:i ukxfjdksa dks Msaxw] fpdquxqfu;k vkSj eysfj;k tSlh<br />

chekfj;ka dk dksi >syuk iM+rk gSA 4 tqykbZ 2016 dks iwohZ fnYyh lalnh; {ks=<br />

ds lhekiqjh bykds esa ePNjnkuh forj.k f'kfoj dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k vkSj<br />

2000 ls T+;knk ifjokjksa dks eqr ePNjnkuh forfjr dh xbZA blds vfrfjDr<br />

iwjs {ks= esa 8500 MLVfcUl yxkus dh ;kstuk dks LohÑfr fnykbZ xbZA iwohZ<br />

fnYyh uxj fuxe ds }kjk MLVfcUl yxkus dk dke tkjh gSA lkFk gh] iwohZ<br />

fnYyh ds vf/kdka'k {ks=ksa esa QkWfxax }kjk ePNjksa ds dgj dks fu;af=r djus dk<br />

iz;kl fd;k x;kA<br />

us= ,oa dku dh tk¡p rFkk eksfr;kfcUn<br />

vkijs'ku f'kfojksa dk fu;fer vk;kstu<br />

iwohZ fnYyh uxj fuxe ds fo|ky;ksa esa ofj"B i=dkj xkSjo lkoar }kjk jfpr<br />

ijeohj pØ fotsrkvksa dh thouh okyh iqLrdsa forfjr dh xbZA ftuesa ns'k ds<br />

egku liwrksa ds vnE; 'kkS;Z dk izsj.kknk;d

iwohZ fnYyh cu jgh gS viwoZ fnYyh<br />



egs'k fxjh th dk iz;kl] jsy ea=ky; dk lkFk]<br />

fodkl ekxZ ds VªSfQd dk gksxk jkLrk lkQ<br />

iwohZ fnYyh {ks= esa fodkl ekxZ] ,u-,p-&24] ekLVjIyku jksM] ,oa th-Vh- jksM<br />

ij VªSfQd tke jkst+ejkZ dh leL;k cu pqdh gSA {ks= dh turk us VªSfQd tke<br />

dks viuk eqdn~nj le> dj tSls gkykr ls le>kSrk dj fy;k Fkk] ysfdu<br />

iwohZ fnYyh ds lkaln Jh egs'k fxjh th us rks dqN vkSj gh Bkuk gqvk FkkA<br />

vkius ,d vuwBh igy djrs gq;s jsy ea=h ekuuh; lqjs'k izHkq th dks vkuUn<br />

fogkj ls izxfr eSnku rd jsyos dh [kkyh iM+h Hkwfe dk lnqi;ksx djrs gq;s]<br />

jsyos VªSd ds lkFk lkFk bl ij lM+d fuekZ.k dk lq>ko izLrqr fd;kA mRrj<br />

jsyos ds egkizca/kd }kjk bl izkstsDV ij mfpr dk;Zokgh gsrq funZs'k fn, tk<br />

pqds gSa ,oa bl ij ;kstuk Lrj ij dk;Z 'kq: fd;k tk pqdk gSA<br />

lsokfxjh dh ØkfUrdkjh felky<br />

fxjh pkSiky<br />

turk vkf[kjdkj pkgrh D;k gS\ flQZ ;gh fd ftl O;fDr dks mUgksaus pqu<br />

dj yksdlHkk esa Hkstk gS oks muds nq[k lq[k dk lkFkh cusA mudh leL;kvksa<br />

dks lqus] le>s vkSj mUgsa gy djus dk iz;kl djsaA dk'k] tu lkekU; dh bu<br />

vkdka{kkvksa dks iwjk djuk bruk vklku gksrkA ysfdu iwohZ fnYyh ds lkaln<br />

Jh egs'k fxjh us bl vlaHko yxus okys dk;Z dks fdruh lgtrk ls laHko dj<br />

fn[kk;kA viuh ekSfyd igy & fxjh pkSiky ds ek/;e ls- tgka fofHkUu<br />

ljdkjh foHkkxksa ds vf/kdkjh turk dh leL;kvksa dks lqurs gSa vkSj gkFkksa gkFk<br />

mudk funku vkSj lek/kku dj nsrs gSaA dHkh vkdj nsf[k;sxk fxjh pkSiky dk<br />

ut+kjk] ;wa yxsxk fd vki okLrfodrk ugha] cfYd ckWyhoqM ,sDVj vfuy diwj<br />

dh izfl) fgUnh fQYe ^uk;d^ ns[k jgs gSaA vHkh rd fxjh pkSiky ds 41 ls<br />

vf/kd vk;kstu fd, tk pqds gSaA<br />

Åij [kqyk vkleku] uhps LokLF;<br />

dk lkeku ;kfu & vksiu ,;j fte<br />

iwohZ fnYyh lalnh; {ks= ds ukxfjd lpeqp csgn lkSHkkX;'kkyh gSaA ;s ge<br />

blfy, dg jgs gSa D;ksafd iwohZ fnYyh ns'k dk ,dek= yksdlHkk {ks= gS tgka<br />

101 vksiu ,;j fte LFkkfir djus dh fn'kk esa dk;Z izxfr ij gSA gkWfLiVYl<br />

chekjksa dk mipkj djrs gSa] ysfdu vksiu ,;j fte esa fu;fer O;k;ke<br />

LokLF; dks laokj nsrh gSA Jh egs'k fxjh tSlk ;qok usrk orZeku ;qx dh O;Lr<br />

thou'kSyh dks HkyhHkkafr le> ldrk gSA rHkh rks mUgksaus viuh lkaln fuf/k<br />

dk lnqi;ksx djrs gq;s buds nq"ifj.kkeksa ds fuokj.k ds vuwBs mik; [kksts vkSj<br />

vksiu ,;j fte dh dYiuk dks lkdkj dj fn[kk;kA vHkh rd iwohZ fnYyh<br />

yksdlHkk {ks= esa 20 fte [kqy pqds gSa rFkk 81 fte vkSj [kksys tkus gSA<br />

eqæk yksu us txkbZ vklfeyk<br />

lcdk lkFk] gqvk lcdk fodkl<br />

ia- nhu n;ky mik/;k; dk lEiw.kZ thou vUR;ksn; ij dsfUær FkkA tc rd<br />

lekt ds lcls oafpr oxZ rd izxfr dk izlkn ugha igqaprk] rc rd fdlh Hkh<br />

ns'k ;k lekt dh rjDdh vFkZghu dgykrh gSA iz/kkuea=h dh eqæk yksu<br />

;kstuk vius lkFk vUrghu laHkkouk,a Hkh ykbZ gSA iz/kkuea=h dh vk'kkvksa ij<br />

[kjk mrjrs gq;s Jh egs'k fxjh us eqæk yksu ds fy, iwohZ fnYyh lalnh; {ks= esa<br />

,d o`gn ;kstuk rS;kj dhA ftlds rgr dk;ZdrkZvksa ,oa Lo;a lsodksa dks<br />

bldk izpkj djus ds fy, izksRlkfgr fd;k x;kA blds ckjs esa iwjs {ks= esa<br />

tkx:drk vfHk;ku pyk;k x;kA lkFk gh vf/kdkfj;ksa ds lkFk leUo; djrs<br />

gq;s 600 djksM+ #i;s ds _.k miyC/k djk, x,A bl ;kstuk ls ykHkkfUor<br />

gksus okys lHkh ukxfjd NksVs jkst+xkj vkSj dkjksckj djus okys O;fDr gSa]<br />

ftuds fy, Jh fxjh dk iz;kl ,d ^xsepsUtj^ fl) gqvk gSA<br />


vfer 'kkg<br />

thr mudh<br />

vknr gS<br />

esgur mudh<br />

fQ+rjr gS<br />

jk"Vªfirk egkRek xka/kh us dgk Fkk & Þ esjk thou gh<br />

esjk lans'k gSAÞ bl n'kZu d¨ iw.kZr% vkRelkr fd;k<br />

gS Hkkjrh; turk ikVÊ d¢ jk"Vªh; v/;{k Jh vfer<br />

'kkg th usA tgka ,d v¨j fofHkUu jktuhfrd ny¨a<br />

d¢ usrk viuh gkj dh Fkdku mrkj jgs gSa] ogha nwljh<br />

v¨j fo'o dh lcls cM+h jktuhfrd ikVÊ dk jk"Vªh;<br />

v/;{k pquko¨a esa vHkwriwoZ thr d¢ ckn vius vxys<br />

vfHk;ku esa tqVk fn[kkà ns jgk gSA ftl ikVÊ d¢<br />

Á/kkuea=h v©j jk"Vªh; v/;{k brus ifjJeh v©j<br />

fu"Bkoku g¨a] r¨ vke dk;ZdrkZ dh l¨p ij lPph<br />

yxu dk o¨ xk

lar<br />

ijeiwT; Jh Jh jfo'kadj th<br />

xq#nso Jh Jh jfo'kadj th ,d ekuorkoknh usrk] vk/;kfRed xq# vkSj 'kkafr ds nwr gSaA ruko ,oa fgalkeqä<br />

lekt ds fuekZ.k ds fy;s muds }kjk LFkkfir vkVZ vkWQ fyfoax ds varxZr v/;kfRed mUufr ds fy;s vusd dk;Z<br />

fd;s tkrs gSaA vkius fo'o ds 150 ls vf/kd ns'k¨a esa jkgr dk;Z vkSj Hkkjrh; v/;kRe dk izpkj&izlkj fd;k gSA<br />

xq#nso dks dbZ lEeku fn, x, gSa] ftlesa dksyafc;k] eaxksfy;k vkSj iSjkxos ds loksZPp ukxfjd iqjLdkj 'kkfey<br />

gSaA og Hkkjr ds loksZPp ukxfjd iqjLdkj in~efoHkw"k.k ds Hkh çkIrdrkZ gSa vkSj mUgsa nqfu;kHkj ds 15 M‚DVjssV~l ls<br />

lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA<br />

jktuhfr dks vk/;kfRed] O;kikj dks lkekftd ,oa /keZ dks<br />

/keZfujis{k cukus dh vfr vko';drk gSA<br />

'kklu ,d dyk gS] ftls vf/kd dkS'ky dh vko';drk<br />

gksrh gSA usrk dks lgh voyksdu] lgh /kkj.kk vkSj lgh<br />

vfHkO;fä ds fy, l{ke ç'kkld gksus dh vko';drk gSA<br />

blesa laosnu'khyrk vkSj laokn'khyrk dk lgh larqyu dh<br />

vko';drk gksrh gSA usrk dks fu.kZ; ysus ds fy, ,d<br />

larqfyr eu dh vko';drk gS vkSj lHkh i`"BHkwfe okys yksxksa<br />

ds lkFk tqM+us dh {kerk Hkh pkfg,A lq'kklu ,oa lkoZtfud<br />

uhfr dks le>uk rFkk thou vkSj lekt ds fofHkUu igyqvksa<br />

ds lkFk&lkFk lHkh igyqvksa ds laidZ esa gksus dh ekax djrk<br />

gSA vkt] çHkkoh ç'kklu ç.kkyh dh vf/kd vko';drk gSA<br />

,d lPps usrk&pkgs og jktuhfrd] /kkfeZd ;k lkekftd<br />

gks] mls dbZ pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gSA<br />

usr`Ro yksxksa ds fy, etcwr çse vkSj d#.kk dk ,d<br />

vfHkO;fä gS] ;g fl)karksa ds çfr çfrc)rk dk çfrfuf/kRo<br />

djrk gS ml vFkZ esa] çR;sd O;fä esa ,d fuf'pr Lrj dk<br />

usr`Ro fuf"Ø; gksrk gS] ysfdu mls lfØ; djuk gh lcls<br />

cM+h pqukSrh gSA viuh çfrc)rk O;ä djus dh {kerk izR;sd<br />

O;fDr esa vyx&vyx gksrh gSA ,d usrk dks ,d gh<br />

–f"Vdks.k ls lHkh dks ns[kuk pkfg, rFkk lcdks mlh ekinaM<br />

ds lkFk ewY;kadu djuk pkfg,A<br />

usrk ftl lekt esa jgrk gS vkSj tks lewgksa dk<br />

çfrfuf/kRo djrk gS ml lewg ds yksx leku ugha gksrs]<br />

blfy, dksbZ Hkh usrk lHkh dks larq"V ugha dj ldrk gS] fQj<br />

Hkh ,d usrk dks gj fdlh ds lkFk&lkFk pyuk pkfg, ,oa<br />

lHkh dks U;k; nsuk pkfg,A dbZ ckj ,d usrk dks vkykspuk<br />

dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gS] fQj Hkh fdlh Hkh xaHkhj<br />

laosnu'khy gkykr esa HkkoukRed :i ls çfrfØ;k nsus ls<br />

cpuk pkfg,A<br />

vius vkykspdksa }kjk dh x;h vkykspuk dks lquuk ,oa /kS;Z<br />

j[kuk Hkh ,d lPps usrk dk okafNr xq.k gSA<br />

,d lPps usrk dh fopkj/kkjk vkSj O;kogkfjdrk dks<br />

vYidkfyd t:jrksa ds lkFk nh?kZdkfyd y{; gh<br />

larqfyr djrk gSA tks yksx dsoy vkn'kZokn ds fy,<br />

dk;Z djrs gS os dHkh Hkh usrk ugha cu ldrsA ,d ;k nks<br />

O;fä bls ugha dj ldrs] ysfdu ;g lc lkewfgd :i ls<br />

dj ldrs gSaA bl ns'k ds ;qok ds ikl ifjorZu ykus dh<br />

'kfä gSA<br />

jktusrk dqN fo'ks"k oxZ ;k çtkfr;ka ugha gSa] tks fdlh vU;<br />

xzg ls vk, gSa] gekjs chp esa ls ,d gSa] blfy, vkiesa ls gh<br />

fdlh ,d dks usr`Ro djuk gksxkA vxj vkids ikl yksxksa ds<br />

fy, tquwu vkSj lekt dh lsok dh Hkkouk gS] rks vkidks vkxs<br />

vkuk pkfg,A<br />


jk"Vªh; Lo;alsod la?k<br />

jk"Vª fuekZ.k dk vuojr vfHk;ku<br />

Hkkjr dh vktknh dh yM+kbZ ds le; fczfV'k jkt ls VDdj ysus ds<br />

fy;s jk"Vªh; Lo;alsod la?k dh LFkkiuk lu~ 1925 esa M‚- ds'ko<br />

cfyjke gsMxsokj ds }kjk rc dh x;h] tc vktknh dk vkUnksyu<br />

tksjksa ij Fkk] ns'k rc vaxzstksa dk xqyke FkkA vkj,l,l ;kuh<br />

jk"Vªh; Lo;alsod la?k] nqfu;k dk ,slk cM+k laxBu] ftldh<br />

ftruh vkykspuk gqbZ] mruh gh mldh rkdr c

E D I T O R I A L<br />

20 Students worked with Maheish Girri<br />

for 2 months during their Summer Break<br />

Someone who stood out as an MP since being elected, Shri Maheish Girri initiated a<br />

unique initiative of Summer Internship Programme at his office. When he tweeted<br />

about this internship programme, the response he received was phenomenal. More<br />

than 1000 students from across the globe applied for the programme with in 10 days<br />

time. After a thorough scrutiny and scientifically giving markings, 20 fortunate<br />

students were selected for the programme including one student studying in the USA.<br />

As this two months of internship programme came to the close, what was most<br />

interesting to see was what these students "DID" and what these students "ACHIEVED"<br />

in these two months. These students did ground level reality check and surveys in<br />

slums to find out issues faced by people. They worked with various government<br />

departments to solve those issues. Apart from this, they completed few very<br />

important projects. One such issue of Mayur Vihar Phase 1, where the re-installation of<br />

damaged sewage pipeline was pending by DJB since 30 years. After meeting with<br />

related authorities, the interns were able to resolve the issue with due support from<br />

the MP Maheish Girri ji. The interns surveyed Shahdara slums and submitted their<br />

analysis and reports, mentioning the exact number of toilets that are to be build and<br />

work has been initiated on the building of those toilets . All of these Interns also got<br />

opportunities to interact with various senior officials of District Administration,<br />

Railways & Police & various other departments to understand their functioning. They<br />

also got the opportunity to meet with some Parliamentarians. Overall, it was an<br />

initiative which deserves applause, has all the elements which an MBA programme<br />

teaches the students themselves, more interesting than participating in a Reality Show<br />

and gave the country 20 socially responsible citizens.<br />

"I look forward to engage more<br />

youngsters in the process of<br />

governance. Empowering the<br />

youth is extremely critical to build<br />

a stronger India"<br />

Maheish Girri<br />

What must be taken note of is what these students had to say:<br />

“ I had Goosebumps when I met<br />

with a person whose family of 5<br />

people was surviving with the<br />

amount of Rs 10,000 pension,<br />

but for me, this amount is such<br />

a small money, I have now<br />

started valuing money.”<br />

Krishna Kumar<br />

“I found myself so privileged and I<br />

am thankful to my parents for<br />

giving me the best life style, I<br />

learned the technical side of the<br />

various government programs,<br />

which was the greatest exposure."<br />

Malvika Kaur<br />

“We should always convert<br />

our government schemes &<br />

programmes into a 'movement'<br />

on ground and this is what<br />

I saw Maheish Girri ji do in his<br />

constituency."<br />

Ajay Kumar Reddy<br />

“I chose to work at Maheish<br />

Girri ji's office rather than going<br />

to European Parliament and the<br />

experience here motivated me<br />

to take active part in the Indian<br />

political system in future.”<br />

-Ria Tayal<br />

Prime Minister's National Relief Fund<br />

tks nwljksa dh ihM+k dks le>rk gS<br />

ogh rks muds fy, iz;kl djrk gS<br />

oks lkaln gh D;k tks vius {ks= ds ukxfjdksa ds nq[klq[k dk Hkkxhnkj<br />

u cusA Jh egs'k fxjh th iwohZ fnYyh lalnh; {ks= ds<br />

99 t+:jreUnksa dks muds [kphZys bykt ds fy, iz/kkuea=h jk"Vªh;<br />

jkgr dks"k ls lgk;rk jkf'k fnyokus ds fy, lfØ; iz;kl fd,A<br />

blh dk ifj.kke Fkk fd {ks= ds bu t+:jreUnksa dks 1 djksM+<br />

99 yk[k ýi;s dh jkf'k miyC/k djkbZ xbZA<br />

fny [kksy ds cksy<br />

lsokfxjh ,d U;wt+ysVj ek= ugha gSA ;g vkids lkaln Jh egs'k<br />

fxjh dk ekfld fjiksVZ dkMZ rks gS] lkFk gh ;g ,d eap Hkh gS<br />

ftlds ek/;e ls iwohZ fnYyh ds ukxfjd vius lkaln ls fu;fer :i<br />

ls tqM+ ldsaxsA<br />

okrkZyki ges'kk nksrjQk gksrk gSA blfy,] viuh Hkkoukvksa dks fny<br />

[kksy dj O;Dr dhft, vkSj uhps fn, x, irs ij Ik=ksa }kjk vFkok<br />

bZ&esy }kjk fy[krs jfg,A vki ^lsokfxjh^ esa vius ys[k Hkh Hkst ldrs<br />

gSaA fyQkQs ij ^lsokfxjh U;wt+ySVj^ vo'; fy[ksaA<br />

vkSj gk¡] ^lsokfxjh^ ds igys vad ds ckjs esa viuh jk; Hkstuk er<br />

Hkwfy,xkA<br />

i=kpkj ds fy,<br />

lh 330] foosd fogkj] fnYyh&110095<br />

bZ&esy &<br />


What an<br />

MP Cannot do<br />

Since time immemorial, our school books have always been very<br />

uni-dimensional in defining the roles and responsibilities of a<br />

Member of Parliament. Today, law-makers with thin attendance in<br />

the Parliament and MP's napping during sessions seem to have<br />

sadly become the new norm. Their duties seem limited to the role<br />

of attending marriages and death ceremonies in their respective<br />

constituencies. Our school textbooks limit the role of Parliament<br />

to law-making primarily and fail to define the true nature in which<br />

Parliamentarians can be an asset to the nation building process.<br />

But the Modi Government has seen an emergence of a new kind of<br />

positivity in Politics & Governance and that is reflected in the<br />

actions of its Ministers and its Members of the Parliament.<br />

Amongst all the bright spots across the country we can see a<br />

shining example in East Delhi. I have had the privilege to closely<br />

work with East Delhi MP, Mr. Maheish Girri Ji and I have closely<br />

seen him, understood his vision, heard his plans and I have been<br />

greatly influenced by his thoughts and his energy is contagious. I<br />

have chosen a very simple title for this series that I begin today<br />

with the first edition of this newsletter and I intend to bring out the<br />

simple things that may not have been defined in our constitution,<br />

but when taken up by lawmakers in letter and spirit have actually,<br />

positively, progressively changed the lives of many. What is worth<br />

taking immediate notice are the three characteristics of the Modi<br />

Government and the people involved. Initiative, Innovation<br />

and Intensity. Look at all the schemes that the Modi<br />

Government has come out with: Digital India, Start-up<br />

India, Skill India, Jan-Dhan Yojana, Mudra Yojana,<br />

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Make in India, Sansad<br />

Adarsh Gram Yojana, Atal Pension Yojana, Sukanya<br />

Samriddhi Yojana, Krishi Sinchai Yojana, Digi-Locker<br />

Scheme etc; all of these reflect Innovation in thought,<br />

Initiative in action and Intensity in implementation.<br />

Similar traits are visible in everything that Maheish<br />

Girri ji is doing in East Delhi. In my first blog let me<br />

share one such exercise -<br />

Girri Chaupal: Governance is not about people coming to you but<br />

you going out to the people, reaching out to them, understanding<br />

their problems and giving them assurance that - yes we are there<br />

for you, we may not be able to resolve all your challenges<br />

immediately but at least we stand by you in a pursuit for a solution.<br />

Maheish Girri after having taken rounds of his whole<br />

constituency understands the local problems of each<br />

area in his constituency. He is available to his constituents all<br />

seven days of the week and he himself goes and meets the public<br />

as frequently as he can. An initiative by him named Girri Chaupal,<br />

in which he with his office staff, in the presence of all government<br />

officials from concerned departments assemble at a public place<br />

where common people come with their issues, which are<br />

instantaneously addressed by the MP himself and he further<br />

issues the official letter and necessary instructions to the<br />

concerned departments on the spot. The concerned officials are<br />

bound to give in writing the duration that will be taken by them to<br />

resolve the specified issue. Maheish Girri believes in true<br />

values of democracy hence he tries to maximize<br />

involvement of general public in governance and for this<br />

he involves local public, youth, RWAs and others to take follow up<br />

action of the problems raised by them with the government<br />

departments to hold them accountable. This whole process<br />

assures local residents that the government and their MP stands<br />

for them and is always available for them, at the same time it<br />

creates a sense of responsibility amongst the bureaucrats and<br />

government officers and holds them accountable towards their<br />

duties. One thing which is the most striking factor here is that, to<br />

ensure that officers fulfil their responsibilities towards the public,<br />

it is imperative that the elected representative of the area takes<br />

the lead and guides the way and sets an example, just like the<br />

Hon'ble PM said in his speech at the Lal Qila 'he is the Pradhan-<br />

Sewak of the country'. Maheish Girri has reinforced this<br />

idea of governance in his constituency.<br />

Below are few of the Success Stories ​Out of Many from Girri<br />

Chaupal:<br />

28 Street lights were immediately sanctioned from<br />

MPLAD fund in the Chaupal when it came to the notice<br />

of Maheish Girri Ji that a road in Shastri Park doesn't<br />

have any lights on the road which led to security<br />

threats and an increase in anti social activities in the<br />

area. A water pipeline was leaking thousands of liters of water on<br />

a daily basis for the last 4-5 years in Kondli. This problem was<br />

brought to Maheish Girri ji in Girri Chaupal which resulted in<br />

resolution of the problem in just 10 days in coordination with Delhi<br />

Jal Board & Delhi Development Authority. In another Girri<br />

Chaupal, immediate instructions were given for the installation of<br />

High-mast LED lights in market of Mayur Vihar Phase-1 Pocket 4<br />

which didn't have High-mast lights since the beginning. Many<br />

such small issues, which were pending for long have<br />

been resolved by this excellent initiative.<br />

CA Hari<br />

Chartered Accountant, Entrepreneur<br />

Representative, Member of Parliament,<br />

East Delhi Constituency

vkids lkaln Jh egs'k fxjh th laln esa<br />

& ,d ys[kk tks[kk &<br />

mifLFkfr & 94 %<br />

iz'u iwNs & 337<br />

cgl esa Hkkx fy;k & 35 ckj<br />

izkbosV esEcj fcy & 12<br />

LFkkukHkko ds dkj.k ge ;gka lHkh 12 izkbosV esEcj fcYl dh ppkZ<br />

ugha dj ldrs ysfdu ,d fcy ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls o.kZu djuk<br />

mi;ksxh gksxkA ;g fcy MªkbolZ dh ft+Unfx;ksa] muds dkedkt<br />

dks cgqr xgjkbZ ls izHkkfor djus dh {kerk j[krk gSA blds rgr<br />

Jh fxjh th us MªkbolZ ds dke ds ?k.Vs] muds f'k{k.k] muds<br />

vksojVkbe] muds LokLF; ,oa thou chek bR;kfn laca/kh lHkh<br />

eqn~nksa dks fu;ec) djus dh ekax dh gSA<br />

Mob.: 9899366644, 9891306000<br />


th-,l-Vh- & vizR;{k dj O;oLFkk<br />

esa ,d ØkfUrdkjh cnyko<br />

vkt dy ft/kj ns[k¨] m/kj oLrq ,oa lsokdj<br />

¼th-,l-Vh-½ fo/ks;d dh gh ppkZ gSA dbZ ljdkjksa us<br />

Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dks fofHkUu djksa ls futkr fnykus<br />

gsrq vusd iz;kl fd;s] ijarq og bu iz;klksa esa lQy ugh<br />

jgsA lu~ 2000 esa ekuuh; vVy fcgkjh oktis;h }kjk<br />

,d lfefr dk xBu fd;k x;k tks th-,l-Vh- dks<br />

Øec) djus ds fy, fd;k x;k FkkA 2006 esa<br />

ih- fpancje us 2010 ls th-,l-Vh- ykxw gksus dh ckr dks<br />

vius ctV Hkk"k.k esa dgk] ysfdu og blesa lQyrk izkIr<br />

ugh dj ik;sA lu~ 2015 esa ekuuh; ujsUnz eksnh th ds<br />

usr`Ro esa foÙk ea=ky; }kjk izLrqr oLrq ,oa lsok dj<br />

fo/ks;d] yksdlHkk ,oa jkT;lHkk esa 2016 dks ikfjr dj<br />

fn;k x;k rFkk ;g fnukad 01-07-2017 ls iwjs ns'k esa ykxw<br />

fd;k tk,xkA<br />

oLrq ,oa lsok dj Hkkjr dh lcls egRokdka{kh vizR;{k<br />

dj lq/kkj dh ;kstuk gS] ftldk mn~ns'; jkT;ksa ds chp<br />

foÙkh; ck/kkvksa dks nwj djds ,d leku cktkj dks cka/k<br />

dj j[kuk gSA ;g laiw.kZ Hkkjr esa oLrqvksa vkSj lsokvksa ij<br />

yxk;k tkus okyk jk"Vªh; ,d leku dj gSA ;g ,d<br />

,slk dj gS] ftlds ykxw gksus ls lsYl VSDl] lfoZl VSDl]<br />

,DlkbZt M~;wVh] oSV vkfn reke rjg ds djksa ls vke<br />

yksxksa dks eqfDr feysxhA blls leqfpr dj esa Hkh deh<br />

vk;sxh rFkk bldk lEiw.kZ ykHk iwjk ns'k mBk,xkA<br />

oLrq ,oa lsok dj ¼th-,l-Vh-½ fcy Hkkjr ds vizR;{k dj<br />

ds {ks= esa cnyko dk ,d ,slk ,sfrgkfld dne gS]<br />

ftlds vusdksa ykHk feysaxs %&<br />

1- ;g fofHkUu dsUnzh; djksa vkSj jkT; djksa dks lekIr<br />

djsxk vkSj buds LFkku ij ,d dj yxkus ls nksgjk<br />

djk/kku ¼Mcy VSDls'ku½ vkSj mldk O;kid izHkko<br />

[kRe djsxk] ftlls jk"Vªh; cktkj dks dkQh Qk;nk<br />

feysxkA<br />

2- yksxksa }kjk pqdk, tkus okyh lHkh djksa dh ek=k esa<br />

deh vk,xhA<br />

3- th-,l-Vh- ykxw gksus ls VSDl dh pksjh esa Hkh deh<br />

vk,xhA<br />

4- de fodflr jkT;ksa dks vkfFkZd vk; izkIr gksxhA<br />

5- NksVs O;olk;ksa dks Hkh enn feysxh vkSj {ks=h; i{kikr<br />

Hkh de gksxkA<br />

6- th-,l-Vh- ykxw gksus ls lsYl VSDl] lfoZl VSDl]<br />

,DlkbZt VSDl] oSV vkfn VSDl dbZ oLrqvksa ,oa<br />

lsokvksa ij ls lekIr dj fn, tk,axsA<br />

iz/kkuea=h ,oa foÙkea=h dk ;g ,sfrgkfld dne ns'k ds<br />

dj laca/kh

a<br />

esjs I;kjs ns'kokfl;ks a]<br />

ueLdkj]<br />

eu dh ckr<br />

esjs I;kjs ns'kokfl;ks a] ueLdkj] bl o"kZ dh xehZ 'kk;n gh ge Hkwy ik,¡xsA ysfdu<br />

o"kkZ dh çrh{kk gks jgh gSA vkt tc eS a vki ls ckr dj jgk gw ¡ rc] jetku dk<br />

ifo= eghuk çkjEHk gks pqdk gSA jetku ds ifo= eghus ds vkxeu ij] eS a Hkkjr<br />

vkSj fo'o&Hkj ds yksxks a dks] fo'ks"k djds eqfLye leqnk; dks] bl ifo= eghus dh<br />

gkfnZd 'kqHkdkeuk;s a nsrk gw ¡A jetku es prayer, spirituality vkSj charity<br />

dks dkQh egRo fn;k tkrk gSA ge fgUnqLrkuh cgqr gh HkkX;oku gS a fd gekjs<br />

iwoZtks a us ,slh ijaijk fuekZ.k dh fd vkt Hkkjr bl ckr dk xoZ dj ldrk gS]<br />

ge lok&lkS djksM+ ns'koklh bl ckr dk xoZ dj ldrs gS a fd] nqfu;k ds lHkh<br />

lEçnk; Hkkjr es a ekStwn gS aA ;g ,d ,slk ns'k gS tgka bZ'oj es a fo'okl djus okys<br />

yksx Hkh vkSj bZ'oj dks udkjus okys yksx Hkh] ewfrZ iwtk djus okys Hkh vkSj ewfrZ<br />

iwtk dk fojks/k djus okys Hkh] gj çdkj dh fopkj/kkjk] gj çdkj dh iwtk i)fr]<br />

gj çdkj dh ijaijk] ge yksxks a us ,d lkFk thus dh dyk vkRelkr dh gS vkSj<br />

vkf[kjdkj /keZ gks] lEçnk; gks] fopkj/kkjk gks] ijaijk gks] ges a ;gh lUns'k nsrs gS a &<br />

'kkfUr] ,drk vkSj ln~Hkkouk dkA ;s jetku dk ifo= eghuk 'kkfUr] ,drk vkSj<br />

ln~Hkkouk ds bl ekxZ dks vkxs cs<br />

[kq'kh gks jgh gS fd cgqr lkjs yksxks a us eq>s feedback fn;kA O;fäxr :i ls<br />

eq>s viuh ckr crkus dk mRlkg lcus fn[kk;kA eS a gj pht dks rks iuk ml fn'kk es a ç;kl dj jgs gS aA eq>s cgqr gh<br />

vkuan gqvk vkSj eS a ,d Qksu d‚y rks vkidks Hkh lqukuk pkgw ¡xkA<br />

Þnh{kk dkR;ky cksy jgh gw¡A esjh i

esjs I;kjs ns'kokfl;ksa] 21 twu] vc nqfu;k ds fy;s ,d tkuk&igpkuk fnu cu<br />

x;k gSA fo'o ;ksx fnol ds :i esa iwjk fo'o bls eukrk gSA cgqr de le;<br />

esa 21 twu dk ;s fo'o ;ksx fnol gj dksus esa QSy pqdk gS] yksxksa dks tksM+ jgk<br />

gSA ,d rjQ fo'o esa fc[kjko dh vusd rkdrsa viuk fo—r psgjk fn[kk jgh<br />

gSa] ,sls le; esa ;g fo'o dks Hkkjr dh ,d cgqr cM+h nsu gSA ;ksx ds }kjk<br />

fo'o dks ,d lw= esa ge tksM+ pqds gSaA tSls ;ksx] 'kjhj] eu] cqf) vkSj vkRek<br />

dks tksM+rk gS] oSls vkt ;ksx fo'o dks Hkh tksM+ jgk gSA vkt thou&'kSyh ds<br />

dkj.k] vkik&/kkih ds dkj.k] cs dgk fd] vki vihy djsa fd bl ckj rhljk varjkZ"Vªh;<br />

;ksx fnol ij ,d gh ifjokj dh rhu ihs Hkh yxrk gS fd tSls ge yksxksa us selfie with<br />

daughterdk vfHk;ku pyk;k Fkk vkSj ,d cM+k gh jkspd vuqHko vk;k FkkA<br />

;s rhu ih

esa ,d mÙke mnkgj.k fn;k gSA blds fy, eSa lcdks c/kkbZ nsrk gw¡ vkSj eq>s<br />

crk;k x;k bl iwjh movement dks lcls T;knk lead fd;k gS<br />

tEew&d'ehj ds ml bykds dh efgykvksa us] mUgksaus tkx:drk QSykus ds<br />

fy, [kqn e'kky ;k=k,¡ fudkyhA ?kj&?kj] xyh&xyh tkdj ds yksxksa dks<br />

mUgksaus çsfjr fd;kA mu ek¡&cguksa dks Hkh eSa ân; ls vfHkuUnu djrk gw¡] ogk¡<br />

cSBs gq, ç'kkldksa dk Hkh vfHkuUnu djrk gw¡ fd] ftUgksaus tEew&d'ehj dh<br />

/kjrh ij ,d Cy‚d dks open defecation free cukdj ds ,d mÙke<br />

'kq#vkr dh gSA<br />

esjs I;kjs ns'kokfl;ksa] fiNys 15 fnu] eghus ls] yxkrkj v[kckj gks] Vh-ohpSuy<br />

gks] social media gks] orZeku ljdkj ds 3 o"kZ dk ys[kk&tks[kk py<br />

jgk gSA 3 lky iwoZ vkius eq>s ç/kku lsod dk nkf;Ro fn;k FkkA

IkzFke iqjLdkj<br />

1,00,000/-<br />

f}rh; iqjLdkj<br />

75,000/-<br />

Rk`rh; iqjLdkj<br />


jkns et+cwr gSa<br />

v[+kckjsa lcwr gSa<br />


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