2017.9 Directory of China‘’s CNG Mother Stations

2017.9 Directory of China‘’s CNG Mother Stations

2017.9 Directory of China‘’s CNG Mother Stations


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附 录 A09: 中 国 压 缩 天 然 气 供 气 源 ( 母 站 ) 收 录 名 单 Appendix A09: List <strong>of</strong> China's <strong>CNG</strong> Supply Sources • 1<br />

Appendix A09: List <strong>of</strong> China's <strong>CNG</strong> Supply Sources<br />

附 录 A09: 中 国 压 缩 天 然 气 供 气 源 ( 母 站 ) 收 录 名 单<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> Projects / 项 目 数 :628<br />

Statistics Update Date / 统 计 截 止 时 间 :<strong>2017.9</strong><br />

Source / 来 源 :http://www.chinagasmap.com<br />

Natural gas project investment in China was relatively simple and easy just 10<br />

years ago because <strong>of</strong> the brand new downstream market. It differs a lot since<br />

then: LNG plants enjoyed seller market before, while a LNG plant investor today<br />

will find himself soon fighting with over 300 LNG plants for buyers; West East<br />

Gas Pipeline 1 enjoyed virgin markets alongside its paving route in 2002, while<br />

today's Xin-Zhe-Yue Pipeline Network investor has to plan its route within territory<br />

<strong>of</strong> a couple <strong>of</strong> competing pipelines; In the past, city gas investors could choose to<br />

sign golden areas with best sales potential and easy access to PNG supply, while<br />

today's investors have to turn their sights to areas where sales potential is limited<br />

...Obviously, today's investors have to consider more to ensure right decision<br />

making in a much complicated gas market. China Natural Gas Map's associated<br />

project directories provide readers a fundamental analysis tool to make their<br />

decisions. With a completed idea about venders, buyers and competitive projects,<br />

analyst would be able to shape a better market model when planning a new<br />

investment or marketing program.<br />

中 国 天 然 气 市 场 发 展 的 早 期 阶 段 , 培 育 市 场 是 投 资 者 业 务 的 主 旋 律 , 投 资 决 策<br />

和 市 场 占 领 往 往 更 加 简 单 。 时 至 今 日 , 多 种 因 素 正 在 改 变 这 一 情 况 :10 年 前 ,LNG<br />

厂 商 更 容 易 操 控 买 家 , 今 天 , 投 资 者 将 发 现 自 己 的 LNG 厂 很 快 会 和 超 过 300 家 厂<br />

商 共 同 竞 争 买 家 ;10 年 前 , 西 气 东 输 一 线 沿 线 几 乎 均 为 空 白 市 场 , 今 天 , 新 浙 粤 管<br />

网 的 投 资 者 将 发 现 沿 线 非 但 早 已 部 署 有 多 条 竞 争 性 管 道 , 且 主 要 竞 争 者 在 下 游 城 市<br />

燃 气 版 块 已 成 为 第 一 集 团 成 员 ;10 年 前 , 城 市 燃 气 投 资 者 可 在 全 国 范 围 优 先 选 择<br />

经 济 和 人 口 优 势 兼 备 的 黄 金 宝 地 , 今 天 , 新 的 投 资 者 往 往 不 得 不 把 目 光 转 向 远 离 长<br />

输 管 线 、 售 气 潜 力 有 限 的 三 线 城 区 …… 中 国 天 然 气 投 资 事 业 动 辄 以 亿 为 单 位 。 面 对<br />

更 加 复 杂 的 投 资 环 境 , 空 谈 宏 观 将 导 致 高 概 率 的 决 策 误 判 ! 中 华 天 然 气 全 图 、 配 套<br />

项 目 名 录 和 行 业 报 告 编 委 为 读 者 提 供 成 规 模 的 基 础 项 目 数 据 。 项 目 规 划 的 分 析 团 队<br />

可 在 此 基 础 上 , 自 下 而 上 地 建 立 更 完 整 的 市 场 模 型 , 帮 助 投 资 者 谨 慎 决 策 。<br />

T<br />

★ ★ ★ ★ ★<br />

his list introduces, in alphabetical order, project names in 2017 DIRECTORY<br />

OF CHINA'S <strong>CNG</strong> SUPPLY SOURCES. This directory records China's 628<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> supply sources (<strong>Mother</strong> Station). For each recorded project, its project<br />

status, location, investor, frontline operator, company ownership type, general<br />

manager in charge, company contact number and address are available.<br />


1. Pr<strong>of</strong>essional gas industry analyst can save at least 500+ working hours;<br />

2. <strong>CNG</strong> production project investors can better plan their project sites based on a<br />

complete idea about competitive <strong>CNG</strong> suppliers;<br />

3. <strong>CNG</strong> key buyers can optimize their future <strong>CNG</strong> contracts with more choices for<br />

both existing and emerging <strong>CNG</strong> supply sources;<br />

4. <strong>CNG</strong> fueling station investors can, with associated city gas franchisers directory,<br />

better plan project sites with a complete idea about both <strong>CNG</strong> supply sources<br />

and potential market entrance barriers by regions.<br />


1. <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station Investors<br />

2. <strong>CNG</strong> Fueling Station Investors<br />

3. <strong>CNG</strong> Equipment & Service Providers<br />

4. City Gas Companies<br />

5. Industry Consulting Companies<br />

本<br />

文 件 为 《 中 国 <strong>CNG</strong> 供 气 源 项 目 名 录 2017》 按 首 字 母 顺 序 排 列 之 名 单 。 该 名 录<br />

包 括 中 国 628 个 压 缩 天 然 气 母 站 的 状 态 、 所 处 地 理 位 置 、 控 股 投 资 者 ( 上 级 管<br />

理 机 构 ) 和 一 线 运 营 单 位 的 当 前 主 官 经 理 、 公 司 企 业 所 有 制 类 型 和 联 系 方 式 。<br />

这 套 名 录 的 作 用<br />

1. 在 基 础 数 据 收 集 验 证 层 面 为 您 的 专 业 信 息 团 队 节 省 500 小 时 之 工 作 量 , 便 于 您<br />

更 严 谨 地 构 建 中 国 <strong>CNG</strong> 市 场 分 析 的 初 步 框 架 , 避 免 空 谈 宏 观 导 致 决 策 误 判 ;<br />

2. 使 <strong>CNG</strong> 供 应 项 目 投 资 者 了 解 竞 争 性 <strong>CNG</strong> 供 气 源 的 最 新 分 布 ;<br />

3. 使 <strong>CNG</strong> 采 购 商 便 于 挑 选 更 具 地 缘 优 势 的 供 气 源 来 优 化 供 气 合 同 ;<br />

4. 结 合 中 国 城 市 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 名 录 时 ,<strong>CNG</strong> 加 气 站 项 目 投 资 者 在 新 项 目 选 址 时<br />

可 对 供 气 条 件 和 区 域 准 入 壁 垒 建 立 框 架 性 认 识 。<br />

这 套 名 录 主 要 用 户<br />

1. <strong>CNG</strong> 供 气 母 站 投 资 者<br />

2. 采 购 <strong>CNG</strong> 气 源 的 城 市 燃 气 公 司<br />

3. <strong>CNG</strong> 加 气 站 的 投 资 者<br />

4. <strong>CNG</strong> 设 备 和 服 务 提 供 商<br />

5. 进 行 信 息 再 加 工 的 行 业 咨 询 机 构<br />

Namelist / 项 目 名 单<br />

Honggang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhaozhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Daqing Xingqixiang<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Daqing Qingran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qiqihar Towngas <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qiqihar Kunlun Ang'angxi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Harbin Pingfang <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhongfu Energy Binxi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huatong Energy<br />

Shuangcheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Harbin Xinjiye <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yilan Zhongran<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • China Coal Energy Heilongjiang Xiangyang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Anda New & High Technology New Material Industry Park <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiamusi<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jilin Hengxin Changling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qian'an Jixing<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wulantuga Tianfu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changling Tianlun <strong>CNG</strong><br />

Plant • Longshen 101 <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Da'an <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Sinopec Bawo<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Daling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gongzhuling Towngas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Jilin Zhongyou Guangyin Gongzhuling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Moliqing Oilfi eld<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gongzhuling Taojiatun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gongzhuling<br />

Xiangshui <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • CRC Liaoyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Kunlun Gas<br />

Liaoyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changchun Gas Wanbao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Changchun Gas Dongjiao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jilin Ruida Wanbao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Dehui Kunlun Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dehui Kunsen Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Jiutai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiutai Longjia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jilin Towngas Nong'an<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tianfu Nong'an <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jilin Nongyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Jilin Huinong Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changchun Hengchen Nong'an<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nong'an Changtong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jilin Bajiazi <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jilin Yingbin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jilin Jilong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Huichun <strong>CNG</strong> Station • Tonghua Kunyu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changtu County Industry<br />

Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shenyang Rixin Zhongneng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinmin<br />

Order <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shenyang Wanghua <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shenyang<br />

Caotai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shenyang Daqing <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shenyang<br />

Zhongran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shenyang Dongyou Tonggou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Liaoning Deyuan Hutai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liaoning Deyuan Zhujiafang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Shenyang Jinhai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liaoyang Liu'erbao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Liaoyang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liao'an <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Benxi Zhongyou <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Benxi Xinhe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Panjin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Panshan Shengtai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jinzhou Zhongran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Anshan Tanggangzi New City <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dalian Qianguan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Dalian Qingshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dalian Guangyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Yingkou Lvyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yingkou Dashiqiao Fuqian Road <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Liaoning Zhengrun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yingkou Order <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Yingkou Baoming Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yingkou Laobian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Fushun Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huludao ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huludao<br />

Weijialing <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Suizhong Dadi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liaoning Xinhe<br />

Energy SNG Compression Station • Fuxin Zhong'ao Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Liaoning Anmin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shawan Huijin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wusu<br />

Tianbei Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Karamay <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuerhe Xinjie<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Bole Xinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yining Xinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Xinjiang Agricultural No.4 Division Horgos <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tuha Oilfi eld Dawan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiaodiwubao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Midong Xinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Midong Xintai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wulabo Xinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Changji Huanyu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hutubi Xinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hutubi Hongfa<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hutubi Cattle Farm Biagas Compression Station • Fukang West<br />

Mining Zone CBM Compression Station • Jimusa'er <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Korla<br />

Hongtong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Korla Dujuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinjiang Lihua<br />

Lvyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hejing Bakeshu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Bazhou Hengran<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qiaogu Gasfield <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Aksu Haoyuan <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Sinopec Kuqa <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jinhui Zha<strong>of</strong>eng Coal Gas to <strong>CNG</strong><br />

Plant • Kashi Xinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tuokexun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hami Xinjie<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hami Erdaohu Industry Park <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yuding <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ordos Ruijie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dachang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Sulige <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wushenqi Zhongran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Bayannur<br />

Shengjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hangjinhou Qi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinneng Gas

2 • 附 录 A09: 中 国 压 缩 天 然 气 供 气 源 ( 母 站 ) 收 录 名 单 Appendix A09: List <strong>of</strong> China's <strong>CNG</strong> Supply Sources<br />

Putaodun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hohhot Shijie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hohhot Jinchuan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hohhot Haoyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hohhot Yingjie Gas Saihan<br />

District <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhai Haibowan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baotou Lujie <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baotou Shenyin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baotou Donghe District <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fengzhen Wanjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chahar Youyiqian Qi <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xianghuangqi Lvneng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xilinhot <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Keshiketeng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tongliao Fu'antun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Wuhai Huaqing Energy Coal Gas to <strong>CNG</strong> Plant • Yumen <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiayuguan<br />

Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jinchang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuwei <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Lanzhou Liuquan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hanjiahe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Lanzhou Honggu Xinyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lanzhou Xinlianhai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Yongjing Sanxia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Linxia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dongxiang Hetan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gannan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dingxi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Tianshui Kunlun Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Pingliang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qingyang<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qingyang Energy Chemical Group <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jingbian<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hengshan Zengqian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zizhou Huineng <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yanchang Gasfi eld Y128 Block <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shichangzi <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Heshangyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yan'an Kelin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Yan'an <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhidan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yongle <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Shaanxi Yingtai Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jingyang Huaqi Anran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Sanyuan Jinyida <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weinan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hancheng<br />

Meineng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chengcheng Photovoltaic Industrial Park <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Xi'an Hongqing <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhengshang Dujiabao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Jinyida Dujiabao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tongyuan Jinghe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Huitai Energy Yanliang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shaanxi Yuxiang Jingwei <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Xi'an Yinzhen <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Meixian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fengxiang<br />

Meineng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baoji Dafeng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hanzhong <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ankang Hengkou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shangluo <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

PetroChina Yinchuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ningxia Xinjie Energy Yinchuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Yinchuan Jineng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Sinopec Helan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Pingluo County Yangguang Coal Gas to <strong>CNG</strong> Plant • Kunlun Gas Zhongwei <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Kunlun Gas Wuzhong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuzhong Taiyangshan Economic<br />

Development Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Guyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yingmaquan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Daochanghe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qiabuqia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Ledu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • • Wangsiying <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yaojiayuan <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhixin Road <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiaotun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Xingshikou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanhuqu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Mafang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Shilibao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yancun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Caiyu <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiji <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tongzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Beijing<br />

Bodashunyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Beijing Yanqing <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dagang<br />

Oilfi eld <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tianjin Binhai Dagang Gulin Industry Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Tianjin No.1 Coalgas Plant <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weiguodao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Jixian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huagang Jinran Baodi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Sinopec Baodi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tianhui Gas Jinghai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jinghai<br />

Zhongwang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhangjiakou Dongshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Xuanhua Yisen <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chengde <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fengning Order<br />

Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weichang Zhong'ao Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qinhuangdao<br />

PetroChina <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qinhuangdao CRC <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Juneng<br />

Duzhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Funing Gaozhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jidong<br />

Oilfi eld Nanpu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Luanxian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zunhua Modem<br />

Logistics Industry Park <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Bazhou Zhongyou Kangxianzhuang <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Best-sun Yanjiao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dachang Best Sun Gas <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Guangyang Industry Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wen'an Order <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Langfang Mingshun Matou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huagang Yongqing<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Datian Chemical <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shijiazhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Luquan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhengding <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hantong <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jizhong Energy Jingxing Coal Gas to <strong>CNG</strong> Plant • Baoding Zhongmao<br />

Wangting <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baoding Jiantou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Mancheng<br />

Haoyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baoding Shuochen <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hebei<br />

Zhongyou Runfa <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiongxian Kunwang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yixian<br />

Shenyi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xingtai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shahe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Xingtai Haoyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xingtai Tianhongxiang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Handan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Handan Yutai Coal Gas to <strong>CNG</strong> Plant • Cangzhou CRC<br />

Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xianxian County Economic Development Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Wuyi PetroChina <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hengshui Shihua <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Jizhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Anping County <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gucheng <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • CGN Hebei Hengshui Biogas Compression Station • Longkou <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weihai Kehua <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weihai Towngas Wangtuan <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zibo <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gaoqing Jinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Gaoqing Zhongyou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zibo Sanjiang Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Anqiu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shouguang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gaomi Minsheng <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gaomi Haojia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Linqu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Qingzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weifang Binhai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yuwangzhuang<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weifang Tiantai Shengtang Tangwu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Weifang<br />

Even <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiaozhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jimo Lancun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Jimo Daxin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liaocheng Sinopec Daokoupu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Liaocheng Jinjie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liaocheng Houde <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Sinopec Qihe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • PetroChina Qihe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yucheng<br />

Huayi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dezhou Zhongran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wucheng Boyuan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dezhou Kunlun Wucheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiajin <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yueling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dongying Economic & Technology<br />

Development Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jinan Mashan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiyang<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Pingyin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shandong Xineng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Kunlun Changqing <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Daolang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Tianping <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Laifu Xinzhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shandong<br />

Wantong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yanzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jining Kunlun Qufu <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qufu Kunlun Qufu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jining Kunlun Jiaxiang <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Heze <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Linyi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Rizhao Chengxi<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Rizhao Heshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zaozhuang Yitang <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shanting <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shandong Cois Huayou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Xihanling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yingxian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yuanping <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jingle Hujiagou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ningwu Yangfangkou <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Sancha <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dameng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Xiwenzhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xishan Sanjiao Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Qingxu County Tai-Tai Road <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qingxu County Kongcun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Xiaoyi Nanyao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiaoyi Beiqiaotou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Fenyang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lvliang Sanhe Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liulin<br />

Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lvliang Tianjiahui <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lvliang<br />

Zaolin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lvliang Datuhe Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Huangbaita <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baiquan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yangquan Shentangzui<br />

Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shanxi Boshi Lvneng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yangpan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Pingyao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shouyang Compressed CBM<br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Sijiazhuang Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qixian Dongguan <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Puxian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Houma Donggao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Linfen Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huigong Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Xiangning <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Southern Yanchuan Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Sihe Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hudi Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Panzhuang (Lizhuang) Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Panhe Compressed CBM<br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shizhuangnan (Zaoyuan) Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qinshui<br />

Mingyang Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yangcheng County Daning Compressed<br />

CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shanxi Guohua Changzhi Kegongmao Industry Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Changzhi Sanjin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changzi Yuandong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Yuncheng Beixiang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Anyang Bozhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Anyang Hengtong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Anyang Yuzhong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Zhengzhou Ganghua Qixian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Puyang Lvneng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Puyang Boyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinxiang ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhengzhou<br />

Ganghua Xinxiang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huojia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changyuan<br />

Tongyong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhengzhou East <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xushui <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yulong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhengzhou Dayou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Zhengzhou Zhongyou Hengran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Henan Zhongyou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Henan Zhongyou Jieneng Huazhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinzheng Yonghui<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhengzhou Airport District <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhengzhou<br />

Kunran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhongmou Lvrui <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huagang Tongyu<br />

Bo'ai Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xibi'er Bo'ai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuzhi <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shaanxian County Industry Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Zhongyouzhongtai Sanmenxia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Luoyang Airport Road <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Luoyang Xugou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Luoyang Xiaozhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Luoyang Tianli <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhoukou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Xiangcheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lankao Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shangqiu <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yongcheng Xinxin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Luohe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Pingdingshan Zhonghui <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tianlun Yexian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Yexian Kunlun Xilan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Pingdingshan Kunlun Jinyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Pingdingshan Dadeyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhumadian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Pingyu County <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinyang Yangshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Luoshan LNG <strong>Mother</strong> Staton • Taihe Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanyang CRC <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shishou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hubei Tonglin Jingzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Yichang Xiaoting <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yidu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhijiang<br />

Kunlun Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Enshi Songshuping <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Enshi<br />

Xuan'en <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yunmeng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hanchuan Makou <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiaogan Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhan Changfeng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Wuhan Wulijie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhan Luohansi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Wuhan Zhongyou Wulijie <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhan Dalong Huangling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Wuhan Junshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhan Anshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Wuhan Hannan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhan Yangchunhu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Yangluo <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhan Huangjiahu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiangyang<br />

CRC <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yicheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shiyan Qiliya <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Dajipu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yueyang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Miluo <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Changsha Xinneng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changsha Zhongyou Guangda <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changsha Zhongyou Yuanwang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huangmuguan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiangtan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Chaling <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinhua County <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shaoyang <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shaoyang Zhaocheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinshao County's Quetang<br />

Industry Park <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chenzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yiyang Zhongran<br />

Heshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yiyang Changchun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shiling <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiping <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chenghua <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dazhouyi<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xuyong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanbu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Panzhihua <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Kaizhou Ankang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baitao <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Toutang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhongxian Mingfeng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Chongqing Maliu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liangping Qingqiao Shale Gas Compress<br />

Station • Duyun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xingyi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dushan Huatong<br />

Xijun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Guiyang Huaxi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Maidasheng Guiyang<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liupanshui Liuzhi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lanlongtan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Songming <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jinning County Industry Park Ba<strong>of</strong>eng Zone<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Anning <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Qujing <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jike<br />

Compressed CBM <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shuifu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lufeng China New<br />

Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dali Cangnan Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lijiang China<br />

New Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yunnan Yuxi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wenshan<br />

Guanggui Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gaoda Chemical Mangshi Padi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Baoshan Kunlun Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lianyungang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Guanyun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xuzhou Huaqi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xuzhou Towngas<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xuzhou Sutong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Suqian <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Siyang Chengnan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Suyang Eastern Development Zone <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hai'an Tianda <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yancheng Yulong <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Yancheng ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baoying Development Zone <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Yangzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yizheng Qingshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Yizheng West Zhongyuan Road <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Gaoyou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Jiangdu PetroChina Kunlun Qingpeng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nantong Northern <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Rugao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yuanqiao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Taizhou<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Taizhou Yinxingshu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Taixing Huangqiao<br />

Industry Park <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jingjiang Siyu Road <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanjing<br />

Zhongyou Hengran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanjing CRC Longtan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Nanjing Towngas Dongyang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yangzi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanjing<br />

Zhongran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhenjiang Dongyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Picheng<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liyang Nandu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changzhou Chunjiang <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiangyin Qingyang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiangsu Xinlituo Qingyang<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuxi Dongzhini Gushan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Suzhou Dongqiao<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Kunlun Suchuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Kunshan Zhongyou<br />

Hengran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Kunshan Zhoushi <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Baihe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Changxing CRC <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huzhou ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Deqing <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huzhou Laiyinda <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huzhou<br />

Nanxun Lanyuan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Anji County <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiaxing<br />

Xincheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiaxing Daqiao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiaxing Jiagang<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hanggang Yasheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hanggang Yasheng<br />

Xiasha <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fuyang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shangyu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Shaoxing City Coastal New City <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhuji <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Ningbo Zhenhai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ninghai County <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Taizhou Yuanqiao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Taizhou Eastern New District <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Wenling City <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wenzhou Longwan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •

Jinhua <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lanxi ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yongkang ENN <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lishui Zhongtang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Quzhou Hangbu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Quzhou Qujiang Donghong Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Lixin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Lixin Nanfang Boneng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiangsu Xinlituo Lixin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Mengcheng Haite <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Suzhou Kunlun Gas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Dangshan Huarun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huai'nan Luohe <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Huaibei Machang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fuyang Guozhen <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Taihe<br />

County Niqiu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Bengbu Xin'ao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Huaiyuan <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Bengbu Lituo <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chuzhou ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

• Dingyuan Ruiran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hefei Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Feidong<br />

Shenran <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hefei Ruisheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hefei Feidong<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hefei Binhu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Anhui Anran Longtang <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liu'an ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chaohu Xin'ao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Wuhu North <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhu Zhongyou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Wuhu Shida<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ma'anshan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ma'anshan Zhongyou <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ma'anshan Xiangyan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Anqing Towngas Yueshan<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Chizhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Tongling Towngas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Xuancheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xuancheng Shizipu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Fuzhou Chengmen <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Quanzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xiamen Jimei<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhangzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Longyan Hongfang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Jiujiang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jingdezhen <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanchang<br />

West <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanchang East <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Xinyu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Yingtan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fuzhou Gu<strong>of</strong>a Energy <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Ganzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ruijin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Ji'an <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

PetroChina Pingxiang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shangrao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Yichun<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhangshu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Shaoguan Guandu <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Qingyuan Towngas <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Guangzhou Aotou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Shenzhen Nanyou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Dongguan Dongcheng <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Foshan Nanzhuang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Zhongshan Nanlang <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Zhongshan Henglan <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiangmen Tangxia <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Guangxi Guineng Wuzhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Guigang ENN <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong><br />

Station • Liuzhou Kunlun <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Liuzhou Guangtou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station •<br />

Luzhai <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Guangxi Guineng Yulin <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hechi <strong>CNG</strong><br />

<strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiahe Zhongyou Yizhou <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Hezhou Gui-Yue Gas<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Kunlun Gas Nanning <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Jiahe Zhongyou<br />

Nanning <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Nanning Zhongran Pumiao <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fusui<br />

<strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station • Fushan Oilfield <strong>CNG</strong> <strong>Mother</strong> Station<br />

附 录 A09: 中 国 压 缩 天 然 气 供 气 源 ( 母 站 ) 收 录 名 单 Appendix A09: List <strong>of</strong> China's <strong>CNG</strong> Supply Sources • 3

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