Igor Graovac - Centar za politološka istraživanja

Igor Graovac - Centar za politološka istraživanja Igor Graovac - Centar za politološka istraživanja


36 O Dijalogu povjesničara/istoričara poziv, upućen prije svega akademski obrazovanim povjesničarima i ostalim stručnjacima, na 1. međunarodni znanstveni skup Dijalog povjesničara/istoričara, koji je održan potkraj 1998. u Pečuhu (u prostorijama tamošnje Mađarske akademije znanosti). I nakon toga su, 1999. i 2000. godine, održana tri daljnja skupa u Pečuhu, a u ožujku 2001. skup je prvi put održan u SRJ – u Herceg-Novome, Crna Gora – te u listopadu iste godine i u RH – u Zagrebu. Potom je 7. skup održan 2002. u Beogradu, Srbija, SRJ, a 8. skup 2003. u Zadru, RH. Ubrzo se pokazalo, unatoč dotad neznanstvenim pristupima, pa i zluradim očekivanjima, da demokratski te pluralistički dijalog i o međusobno suprotstavljenim interesima ne predstavlja nikakvu smetnju nego prigodu međusobnog obogaćenja te otvaranja novih izgleda i spoznaja. Pokazalo se, dakle, da intelektualna i liberalna diskusija u društvu i među društvima koja su upućena ka demokraciji, pluralizmu i toleranciji sama po sebi nikako ne može biti dijelom problema nego samo dijelom njegova rješenja. Danas, stoga, treba krenuti i dalje, jer nije dovoljno samo prikupljati znanstvene spoznaje niti je dovoljno te spoznaje, publiciranjem knjiga/zbornika radova sa skupova (Dijalog povjesničara/istoričara, 1-8, priredili Hans-Georg Fleck i Igor Graovac, Zagreb, FNSt, 2000., 2001., 2002. i 2003.), samo učiniti dostupnima široj javnosti. Summary Historians in South East Europe often avoided a critical dialogue on the past, or they even avoided opening a scientific dialogue on controversial issues of national, and even international significance, although opening or even training for a scientific discourse is invaluable for the political culture appropriate for a democratic society. And exactly such opening or training is the political-educational motivation, which forms the basis for the functioning of the institution of the political education of adults, which is the main task of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation/F. Naumann Stiftung. Die Stiftung für liberale Politik (FNSt). In the spring of 1998, the FNSt started sounding out the historians in the Republic of Croatia/RC and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia/FRY (and the new state of Serbia and Monte Negro later on), but primarily Serbia, to find out whether the necessity for a dialogue, even on the controversial issues of the common past, was perceived in those countries. These efforts resulted in an invitation, sent primarily to academic

Hans-Georg Fleck 37 historians and other experts, to the first international scientific conference entitled The Dialogue of Croatian and Serbian Historians, which was held at the Hungarian Academy of Science in Pecs at the end of 1998. Three further conferences were also held in Pecs after that, in 1999 and 2000. In March of 2001, the conference took place in Herceg-Novi, Monte Negro, FRY, for the first time, and then also in Zagreb, RC, in October the same year. After that, the 7th conference took place in Belgrade, Serbia, FRY, in 2002, and the 8th one in Zadar, RC, in 2003. It soon proved, despite the previous unscientific approach, and even gloating expectations, that the democratic and pluralistic dialogue, also on opposing interests, did not present a setback, but an opportunity for mutual enrichment and opening of new prospects and insights. So, it showed that an intellectual and liberal discussion in a society and among societies, which strive for democracy, pluralism and tolerance, cannot be part of the problem itself, but only part of its solution. One, therefore, needs to go even further, because it is not enough just to collect scientific insights, nor it is enough to only make these insights available to the wider public by publishing the collected papers from the conferences (Dialogue of Croatian and Serbian Historians, vol. 1-8, edited by Hans-Georg Fleck and Igor Graovac, Zagreb, FNSt, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003).

Hans-Georg Fleck 37<br />

historians and other experts, to the first international scientific conference<br />

entitled The Dialogue of Croatian and Serbian Historians, which<br />

was held at the Hungarian Academy of Science in Pecs at the end of<br />

1998. Three further conferences were also held in Pecs after that, in<br />

1999 and 2000. In March of 2001, the conference took place in<br />

Herceg-Novi, Monte Negro, FRY, for the first time, and then also in<br />

Zagreb, RC, in October the same year. After that, the 7th conference<br />

took place in Belgrade, Serbia, FRY, in 2002, and the 8th one in Zadar,<br />

RC, in 2003. It soon proved, despite the previous unscientific<br />

approach, and even gloating expectations, that the democratic and<br />

pluralistic dialogue, also on opposing interests, did not present a setback,<br />

but an opportunity for mutual enrichment and opening of new<br />

prospects and insights. So, it showed that an intellectual and liberal<br />

discussion in a society and among societies, which strive for democracy,<br />

pluralism and tolerance, cannot be part of the problem itself, but<br />

only part of its solution. One, therefore, needs to go even further,<br />

because it is not enough just to collect scientific insights, nor it is<br />

enough to only make these insights available to the wider public by<br />

publishing the collected papers from the conferences (Dialogue of<br />

Croatian and Serbian Historians, vol. 1-8, edited by Hans-Georg Fleck<br />

and <strong>Igor</strong> <strong>Graovac</strong>, Zagreb, FNSt, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003).

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