Dhammatthavinicchaya (Pāḷi Only)

A collection of classic passages from the Pāḷi texts with teachings about the doctrine, meditation, the factors of awakening, Abhidhamma and the Buddha.

A collection of classic passages from the Pāḷi texts with teachings about the doctrine, meditation, the factors of awakening, Abhidhamma and the Buddha.


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Buddhatthā – 80<br />

33. Dvātiṁsa Mahāpuriṣalakkhaṇāni<br />

from Brahmāyusuttaṁ, MN 91<br />

Samannāgato ca so bhavaṁ Gotamo<br />

dvattiṁsamahāpurisalakkhaṇehi:<br />

1. Suppatiṭṭhitapādo, idam-pi tassa bhoto Gotamassa<br />

mahāpurisassa mahāpurisalakkhaṇaṁ bhavati,<br />

2. heṭṭhā ... pādatalesu cakkāni jātāni, sahassārāni sanemikāni<br />

sanābhikāni sabbākāraparipūrāni...<br />

3. āyatapaṇhi...<br />

4. dīghaṅguli...<br />

5. mudutalunahatthapādo...<br />

6. jālahatthapādo...<br />

7. ussaṅkhapādo...<br />

8. eṇijaṅgho...<br />

9. ṭhitako ... anonamanto ubhohi pāṇitalehi jaṇṇukāni parimasati<br />

parimajjati...<br />

10. kosohitavatthaguyho...<br />

11. suvaṇṇavaṇṇo ... kañcanasannibhattaco...<br />

12. sukhumacchavi ... sukhumattā chaviyā rajojallaṁ kāye na<br />

upalimpati...<br />

13. ekekalomo ... ekekāni lomāni lomakūpesu jātāni...<br />

14. uddhaggalomo ... uddhaggāni lomāni jātāni nīlāni,<br />

añjanavaṇṇāni kuṇḍalāvaṭṭāni dakkhiṇāvaṭṭakajātāni...<br />

15. brahmujugatto...<br />

16. sattussado...<br />

17. sīhapubbaddhakāyo...<br />

18. citantaraṁso...<br />

19. nigrodhaparimaṇḍalo, yāvatakvassa kāyo tāvatakvassa<br />

byāmo, yāvatakvassa byāmo tāvatakvassa kāyo...<br />

20. samavaṭṭakkhandho...<br />

21. rasaggasaggī...

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