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References and Bibliography<br />

Abitov (Abit’e), M. L. and Balkarov (Balhqer), B., Grammatika kabardino-cherkesskogo literaturnogo<br />

yazika [Grammar of the Kabardino-Cherkess Literary Language], Moscow, 1957. [Includes<br />

chapter on <strong>Kabardian</strong> phonetics]<br />

Adigebze Grammatik: Fonetikemre Morfologiemre [Circassian Grammar: <strong>Phonetics</strong> and Morphology],<br />

Nalchik, 1940.<br />

Allen, W. S., ‘On One-Vowel Systems’, in Lingua, 13, 1965, pp 111-24.<br />

Applebaum, A. and Gordon, M., ‘Intonation in Turkish <strong>Kabardian</strong>’, in International Conference of<br />

Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) XVI, Saarbrëcken, 6-10 August 2007, pp 1045-8. Online. Available<br />

HTTP: (11 March 2009).<br />

— ‘A Phonetic Comparison of <strong>Kabardian</strong> Spoken in the Caucasus and Diaspora’, paper presented at<br />

Conference on the Languages of the Caucasus, Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute<br />

for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 7-9 December 2007. Online. Abstract available HTTP:<br />

<br />

(accessed 8 March 2009).<br />

Ashkhamaf, D. A., Grammatika adigeiskogo yazika: Fonetika i Morfologiya, I [Grammar of the<br />

Adigean Language: <strong>Phonetics</strong> and Morphology, I], Maikop, 1939.<br />

Bagov (Bagh), P. M. et al, Grammatika kabardino-cherkesskogo literaturnogo yazika [Grammar of the<br />

Kabardino-Cherkess Literary Language], Moscow: Nauka, 1970.<br />

Balkarov, B. Kh., Fonetika adigskikh yazikov [<strong>Phonetics</strong> of the Circassian Languages], Nalchik, 1970.<br />

Bersirov, B., Dawrov, Kh. and Shaov, A., Orfograficheski slovar adigeiskogo yazika [Orthographical<br />

Dictionary of the Adigean Language], Maikop, 1994.<br />

Borukaev (Boriqwey), T. M., Grammatika kabardino-cherkesskogo yazika [Grammar of the<br />

Kabardino-Cherkess Language], Nalchik, 1932.<br />

Catford, J. C., ‘The <strong>Kabardian</strong> Language’, in Le Maître Phonétique, London, 3-ème série, no. 78,<br />

1942, pp 15-18.<br />

— ‘<strong>Kabardian</strong>’, in The Third International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnic Sciences, Brussels,<br />

1948: Tervuren, 1960, p43.<br />

— ‘Vowel Systems of Caucasian Languages’, in H. I. Aronson (ed.), 1994.<br />

— ‘Some Questions of N.W. Caucasian <strong>Phonetics</strong> and Phonology’, in A. S. Ozsöy (ed.), 1997.<br />

— ‘The Circassian Orthography of Harun Batequ’, in A. S. Ozsöy (ed.), 1997, pp 20-36.<br />

Choi, J. D., ‘Phonetic Evidence for a Three-vowel System in <strong>Kabardian</strong>’, in Journal of the Acoustical<br />

Society of America, vol. 86, issue S1, p. S18, November 1989. [Abstract: The <strong>Kabardian</strong> vowel<br />

system has been the focus of much debate. Central to this debate is whether or not the low vowel<br />

is quantitatively distinct from the mid vowel . This study examines phonetic evidence that<br />

bears on this issue. Spectrographic and durational analyses were conducted for 118 vowels taken<br />

from a <strong>Kabardian</strong> text read twice, once slowly and once at a normal rate, by three adult male<br />

speakers. Each vowel was measured for its first three formant frequencies and duration. The data<br />


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