Monografija - prvo izdanje - niska rezolucija

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но сти на и ве у на ше тло – сли ке оних ко ји ни су сли ка ри, на ста ле<br />

на (још увек) би стрим из во ри ма на ко ји ма се на пи ја „на род на<br />

ду ша”, ко ја чак и на сли ка ма ми ри ше на „сми ље и бо си ље”, го воре<br />

о оном нај бо љем што се кри је „ду бо ко у на ро ду”.<br />

Она ко као што су на ши на ив ци за ди ви ли свет, та ко је<br />

по след ње де це ни је свет био збу њен му зи ком тру ба ча из Гу че.<br />

(Кад је чуо „срп ску тру бу” је дан од нај ве ћих џез му зи ча ра света,<br />

Мајлс Деј вис, рекао је: „Ни кад ми не би па ло на па мет да<br />

тру ба мо же да се сви ра на тај на чин”).<br />

Оба фе но ме на има ју слич но сти. Са мо ни клост. Се ло. Народ<br />

на ду ша. Та ле нат уме сто шко ло ва ња. Уда ље ност и од се ченост<br />

од свет ских ли ков них и му зич ких то ко ва. Тан ко обра зова<br />

ње („Мо ја лек ти ра – то су мо је њи ве, мо је књи ге то је мој<br />

жи вот”, ка же Ву ко са ва Ан дрић). На слон на ду хов ну тра ди ци ју<br />

сво је сре ди не. Свест о ет нич кој при пад но сти.<br />

To Uncle Janko, as he became known, all dreams of a<br />

painter came true. He travelled with his paintings to many world<br />

cities, although he lived his whole life in ‘his Oparić’, refusing offers<br />

to move to the city; he won many prizes, he was respected<br />

even in his own village; when he learned the fresco technique<br />

from one Russian painter, he painted the church in the monastery<br />

of Tresije on Kosmaj Mount. And finally, after many “attempts”,<br />

he created a grandiose painting, “The Battle of Kosovo”, which he<br />

planned to be and considered his “last testament as a painter.”<br />

Another painter from the tradition of interwar naïve painters<br />

faced the very destiny of the “cursed painter” and felt on his<br />

own skin how huge damnation a talent and creative restlessness<br />

could be, especially in primitive surroundings. Peter Nađapati, the<br />

son of a poor coachman from Bačka Palanka, got the nickname<br />

“Kukac” and was remembered in many local kafanas (restaurants).<br />

He wasted his significant talents painting peasants, just<br />

so they would buy him a drink. He roamed the fields visiting salaš<br />

(farms) where he painted portraits of rich farmers in exchange for<br />

shelter and food, humiliating himself by painting their favourite<br />

ox or pig. He was found, weakened by alcohol, stretched out on a<br />

haystack, in his father’s stable, dead.<br />

Only one blurry photograph remains: he stands<br />

wearing a white shirt buttoned up to his neck, with<br />

a hat pulled down to his eyes, his long slender face<br />

showing the obvious features of a foreigner. Kukac,<br />

peering under the brim of his hat, has his eyes fixed<br />

Између наиве и хиперреализма:<br />

Сава Стојков, „Са фиклићем” (детаљ)<br />

Between Naïve and HyperRealism:<br />

Sava Stojkov, “With a little bottle of rakija (brandy)” (detail)<br />


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