The Ectomorph Diet




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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong><br />

Guide To Basic Body Building<br />

Nutrition<br />


2016<br />

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Other Books By This Author<br />

Your Bodybuilding Potential: Personal report to Understand<br />

Your Specific Limitations - $19.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Fast Food - $6.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Cutting Fat - $6.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Indian Cuisine - $3.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Mexican Cuisine - $3.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Getting Big on a Shoestring<br />

Budget - $2.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Building Muscle at all Costs -<br />

$9.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Massive Biceps - $3.99<br />

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Copyright © 2016 Matt Simpson<br />

First Edition: May 2016<br />


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or<br />

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<strong>The</strong> scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet<br />

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Please purchase only authorised editions and do not participate in or<br />

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Cover design, interior layout and ebook<br />

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Prologue<br />

Intro<br />

<strong>The</strong> Basics<br />

Nutrition<br />

Macros<br />

Case Studies<br />

Food<br />

Recipes: Cutting Protocol<br />

Recipes: Maintenance Protocol<br />

Recipes: Bulking Protocol<br />

Recipes: A Treat<br />

End<br />

Contact<br />

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This book has been written with the express purpose of giving<br />

you immediate practical takeaways for your nutrition planning.<br />

However I have also included some of my own personal stories<br />

regarding my approach and opinion on nutrition.<br />

If you want immediate insights, I totally get it and I suggest you<br />

(1) Understand exactly what to eat and why to eat it<br />

(2) Be presented with a complete framework that will show you<br />

exactly how much you need to eat and what the breakdown<br />

of food should be. This is personal to you and you only. My<br />

result would be completely different to yours as our goals,<br />

training and food preferences are completely different.<br />

(3) After the framework has been explained I will also provide<br />

case studies that apply the framework to three anonymised<br />

test subjects (Ryan, Jai and Jason).<br />

(4) You can use these to gain a greater understanding of the<br />

framework and how to apply it to your own situation.<br />

(5) After the case studies I will highlight some amazing recipes<br />

that fit into the various goals of a bodybuilder, cut fat,<br />

maintain muscle and most importantly: building muscle.<br />

I suggest you print these off and try them as soon as you finish<br />

the book. <strong>The</strong>y are amazing. With that brief prologue complete,<br />

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INTRO<br />

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Saturday Morning.<br />

Cheat day.<br />

Supposedly the most fun you can have on a strict diet.<br />

So why was I sitting at a table, by myself, feeling sick and<br />

dreading the food-binge that I was about to put myself through?<br />

All food types that I had systematically removed and banned<br />

were now available for one day that I held sacrosanct. Cheat day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cheat day is supposed to be when you can let loose and<br />

finally enjoy all your meals rather than worrying about the<br />

amount of carbs or fat or sugar that are in your meal. If you are a<br />

Slow Carb dieter then maybe you let yourself eat bread, if you<br />

are a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) dieter perhaps a burrito is on<br />

With such a joyous day of unbridled fun ahead of me why was I<br />

filled with such dread? I was faced with the promise of all the<br />

food I could eat, whenever I wanted it, with no limits. Yet the<br />

only think I could think of was the grind and willpower that it<br />

would take. I only got one day, so I told myself it better be the<br />

best cheat day ever to make up for all the things I was giving up<br />

the other 6 days of the week. Was it worth it? Well my progress<br />

classic plateau. All of this was meaning that I had no energy in<br />

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working.<br />

Thinking back, an entire day (waking up early and going to bed<br />

late to get the most cheat day consumption possible) of eating<br />

everything in sight and drowning in a shower of pepperoni pizza<br />

the most athletic way to spend a Saturday.<br />

goddamit<br />

to eat like a Buddhist monk (who really likes steak, fish and<br />

broccoli) for six days of the week and that means I can pig out<br />

<strong>The</strong> dread I felt that morning, before what was supposed to be<br />

the one day I could actually enjoy eating, made me realise that<br />

my rules were wrong and the diet I was following was broken.<br />

Cheat day had become a chore. I needed to find a new, more<br />

flexible approach.<br />

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As I began questioning my approach to nutrition I realised that a<br />

lot of the things that I believed to absolutely true was really just<br />

-<br />

friend down at the gym. Even worse I had completely bought in<br />

Asprey) despite the fact that<br />

all of the fittest and most muscular people I knew all ate carbs!<br />

<strong>The</strong>se were the main questions that I pondered:<br />

Why am I so lethargic?<br />

I had believed that carbs would make you tired and bloated<br />

Taubes. However now I<br />

was starting to believe that the low carbohydrate approach to<br />

dieting forced me to not eat enough and was not just not<br />

appropriate for someone training regularly (6 times a week). <strong>The</strong><br />

fact that I had completely cut out carbs was causing me to<br />

consume very low calories, relative to my level of exercise. This<br />

made me tired and irritable as my recovery was not being<br />

supported by appropriate nutrition. Cheat days where I<br />

attempted to address this calorie imbalance left me nauseous<br />

and bloated.<br />

Was I as muscular and lean as I was before starting this diet?<br />

To begin with there was certainly measurable progress in terms<br />

of fat loss on the Low Carb + Cheat Day diet. As I had cut out<br />

one macronutrient completely I had significantly lowered my<br />

calories. This created fast initial changes but I quickly plateaued.<br />

Whilst I was definitely leaner, I was also less muscular.<br />

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Was I strong?<br />

This is probably contentious territory but I believe that the low<br />

carb diet I was following limited my strength. In my opinion this<br />

is due to a consistent calorie deficit not providing me enough<br />

energy to sustain training with a high level of intensity. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

some people who seem to be able to operate at a high level on a<br />

consistently low carb diet but I am not one of them. Especially<br />

for an ectomorph looking to bulk up. Having said that, no two<br />

people are the same so being dogmatic about one way of<br />

Lots of different diets work for lots of different people. As long<br />

as you get the basic principles right and you feel lean, muscular<br />

and energetic then you should have a lot of wiggle room with<br />

discipline completely out of the window but it does mean you<br />

you.<br />

Was I enjoying the food I ate?<br />

This was the Kicker. Some of the answers to the previous<br />

questions can be interpreted either way but this one was much<br />

less ambiguous.<br />

No.<br />

No.<br />

No.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was so much I was missing out on! No seafood tagliatelle,<br />

no burritos, tacos, quesadillas, no sushi, no bread, no curry! Dave<br />

Asprey had even convinced me that fruit was bad for me becau-<br />

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-<br />

out with my friends because it would inevitably mean coming<br />

I would even avoid spur of the moment fun like getting ice<br />

cream, which should be okay to have once in a while. Even if I<br />

had been super strict and disciplined for weeks, this random<br />

joyous event would be avoided because I had decided certain<br />

<strong>The</strong> Paleo, Crossfit, and LCHF community had also influenced me<br />

in areas other than just diet. I had started to believe that cardio<br />

exercises were unhealthy and pointless, meaning that I stopped<br />

running. This was borne out of general confusion from the<br />

stopped running, especially because I enjoyed it!. <strong>The</strong>re should<br />

never be any diet or lifestyle that prohibits you from doing<br />

exercise that you enjoy.<br />

So to recap, I had followed all the advice, limited my eating and<br />

stopped running ( instead just performing deadlifts multiple<br />

times a week) and what had I got to show for it? I was heavier,<br />

had lower fitness levels, was scared to hang out with my friends,<br />

Good work Matt, way to go, you were really killing it!<br />

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So before explaining the fundamental changes I made to my diet<br />

and to my lifestyle, I think it is definitely worth calling out the diet<br />

that I was following. <strong>The</strong> best-way to describe it would be a<br />

cross between Tim Ferriss<br />

Bulletproof diet and my own third hand interpretation of Robb<br />

Intermittent Fasting thrown in for good measure). An amalgam<br />

of multiple approaches from a variety of internet gurus, none of<br />

which were suited to my ectomorph frame,<br />

One commonality between all of these is that they are someone<br />

personal filter. S<br />

eventually ended up not providing a long term solution for me. I<br />

was also very invested in the burgeoning (now fully blossomed)<br />

blogging and podcast-verse that had developed for these views<br />

on nutrition. Whilst I do think that the voice that podcasting<br />

gives to people has been a wonderful innovation of the 21 st<br />

century, I also think that the health/fitness/lifestyle podcast<br />

circuit can be a bit of a self-congratulatory circle-jerking echo<br />

chamber. At the very least, most vocal proponents of low-carb,<br />

paleo and ketogenic diets have a set of hypotheses that they are<br />

rigidly unwilling to test.<br />

This should not be taken as a complete criticism of low-carb<br />

diets because for bodybuilders attempting to lose fat for a<br />

a long-term solution for the ambitious ectomorph. Building<br />

muscles requires an excess of calories over a sustained period of<br />

time and carbohydrates are the macronutrient that is easiest to<br />

consume in high quantities, so not eating them makes it much<br />

harder, which is completely unnecessary.<br />

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For a long time, I was a massive proponent of the low-carb diet<br />

lighter and less muscular than ever before. A typical day for me<br />

would be:<br />

Breakfast: Skip breakfast as part of an intermittent fasting<br />

protocol. <strong>The</strong> theory is that the body is programmed to burn fat<br />

definitely still out on whether there is any evidence that this is<br />

true or particularly effective.<br />

Lunch & Afternoon Snack: 2 x Protein salad. I would buy a<br />

three dollar rocket leaf and spinach salad bag, an avocado, six<br />

dollars of meat from the deli ($3 chicken stripes / $3 salami) and<br />

a handful of nuts.<br />

In a vacuum, these meals were extremely healthy, but for<br />

someone who was resistance training 5 -6 times a<br />

enough. By the time I got to my afternoon snack at 4pm I would<br />

have probably only consumed 600 calories and I would be<br />

exhausted. Nevertheless I would get home from work, hit the<br />

gym at 6pm and get to the fun part of bodybuilding. Training.<br />

Evening Training Session: My gym sessions consisted of the<br />

big three weight lifting classics;<br />

1. Deadlifts<br />

2. Squats<br />

3. Bench Press<br />

measure.<br />

I was measured and focused on improving my strength<br />

incrementally every session (a weight-lifting protocol known as<br />

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my phone and I still have records of sessions from years ago.<br />

This meant that I could quickly see when I started to plateau in<br />

terms of strength and weight gain. I also noticed that it was<br />

For a<br />

great deal of time I carried on with the same intense training and<br />

so-so carb philosophy.<br />

Dinner: A favourite for dinner after my workout would be a thai<br />

chicken and cashew stir fry with no coconut rice (which is a<br />

damn shame!). Whilst delicious, the fact that I deprived my body<br />

of calories after my workout definitely hindered my muscle<br />

growth. For a short period, say one to two months, this dietary<br />

restriction would have been effective at helping to lose body fat<br />

but over the long term it hindered my muscle growth and meant<br />

I struggled to overcome the limitations of my ectomorph frame.<br />

Most week days would follow exactly the same pattern, aside<br />

from unholy binges during cheat day on Saturdays. This meant<br />

that I was living in a constant battle with hunger and fear of<br />

eating the wrong types of food. <strong>The</strong> constant terror of eating<br />

foods that would throw me out of someant<br />

that I avoided plenty of perfectly healthy meals and was a<br />

nightmare to be around for both my partner and friends.<br />

Some food types that I now believe are perfectly healthy but are<br />

banned, or at least discouraged, by low carb style diets include:<br />

• Rice (brown / white / wild / black)<br />

• Bread (Multigrain / Sourdough / Wholemeal)<br />

• Potatoes<br />

• Sweet Potatoes<br />

• Pumpkin / Butternut Squash<br />

• Fruit<br />

• Oats / Cereal or any sugary products<br />

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I even recently read<br />

cause inflammation and for that reason should be avoided. This<br />

drives me crazy because not only is there no evidence of this<br />

claim, it also encourages people who want to be like Tom Brady<br />

to avoid tomatoes. People should be eating more tomatoes not<br />

less! <strong>The</strong>y are perfectly healthy, with plenty of minerals and<br />

nutrients that are great for the body. Avoiding tomatoes is<br />

moronic. I can say this because I absolutely avoided tomatoes<br />

during this period in my life because I was so hell bent on<br />

So steadfast in mind of the ideas of the paleo / bulletproof<br />

community, I would disregard anyone who had a different<br />

opinion to me, essentially shutting myself off from new<br />

experiences.<br />

Needless to say I needed a new approach. This was crystallised<br />

on that Saturday where I just had enough. I needed a new<br />

approach to nutrition that would fuel my body with energy and<br />

give me a better understanding of the food that I was eating.<br />

<strong>The</strong> purpose of this book is to show you the framework that I<br />

found, that thousands of people have implemented to create<br />

long term changes to their physique. It can be malleable to your<br />

lifestyle and aesthetic goals and not only that, it has been proven<br />

time and time again to work in multiple scientific studies. Rather<br />

than quoting these studies at you, and breaking down the<br />

theories of the Non-exercise activity thermogenesis and calorie<br />

deficit, I will aim to break the theory into smaller practical<br />

takeaways that you can implement immediately.<br />

to have to wade through numerous research papers, journal<br />

references and to be forced to determine fact from<br />

exaggeration. This book is a document of my approach to<br />

nutrition which I am confident works and you can track<br />

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directly - to prove that it is working.<br />

Before we begin, just be warned that this is not a magic bullet, in<br />

it is a permanent lifestyle change. For example, a crash diet of<br />

back on if you return to your previous dietary habits. Instead this<br />

book will empower you to make permanent changes to the<br />

muscle:fat composition of your body over a long, consistent time<br />

horizon.<br />

Consistency of habit is how you create change. buildings do not<br />

appear out of thin air, they are built step by step and this is how<br />

you must approach changing your body. Set small goals and<br />

bricks are, provided every day you take a positive step.<br />

An example of this approach could be to target adding 0.25 kg<br />

of muscle a week. That might seem like nothing and you might<br />

be tempted to give up but if you were consistent and kept this<br />

growth level consistent you might be able to add 13 kg (just over<br />

28lbs) of muscle in a year. This would be a tremendous<br />

achievement! You would have completely changed your body.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lesson is that to truly transform your body you must be<br />

willing to invest in a long-term commitment to micro<br />

achievements rather than drastic immediate transformation,<br />

which just<br />

-term period.<br />

Now that we understand the underlying approach that anchors<br />

the book I reckon we are ready to learn more about the<br />

systematic frameworks and nutrition basics that bodybuilders<br />

use to build muscle and lose fat.<br />

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THE<br />

BASICS<br />

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BASICS<br />

Dave<br />

bodybuilding nutrition. It is both extremely simple to understand,<br />

although often difficult to implement effectively:<br />

follow the high-protein, medium carb, medium fat, no fad<br />

bodybuilding diet<br />

If you follow these principles you<br />

wrong with your<br />

nutritional planning but it can create a lot more questions than it<br />

turn you into a desperate, confused<br />

wreck.<br />

What are the fads??!! Arrgggghh<br />

Not to fear! This will be answered as we work through <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong> Guide to Basic Bodybuilding Nutrition but any<br />

keen ectomorph looking to bulk up should remember this quote<br />

every time you encounter a Paleo-ism or semi-researched<br />

ketogenic diet opinion.<br />

In the upcoming sections of the book we will get much more<br />

granular into the specific amounts of calories and protein to<br />

consume for your level of exercise. This may seem complex and<br />

detailed but if that is the case, just remember the words of Dave<br />

Draper as your guiding principle and understand that you are<br />

trying to hit targets. No Fads!<br />

With bodybuilding, the main goal is to build muscle so unless<br />

you are cutting fat for a competition, or to look good for beach<br />

season, more is always more. Train harder, eat more calories, eat<br />

more protein, rest more. Always more! Limiting food<br />

consumption should only ever be a short-term part of a<br />

nutritional plan. Eating less means you cannot train with the<br />

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BASICS<br />

same ferocious intensity you need to build muscle. It also cuts<br />

back your recipe options and gives you less energy. You will lose<br />

fat but you will definitely not build muscle at the same rate. <strong>The</strong><br />

best you can hope for is to preserve the muscle that you have<br />

built.<br />

Where Paleo, Keto and LCHF Get It Wrong<br />

To jump straight to the basic bodybuilding nutrition information,<br />

First I want to lay out why I<br />

believe following nutrition plans like the one in this book (or<br />

other macronutrient based diets) are superior for bodybuilding<br />

when compared to current popular diets such as Paleo, Low<br />

Carb High Fat (LCHF) or Ketogenic <strong>Diet</strong>s.<br />

comforting but is often leads to pointless or dangerous habits<br />

being ingrained into certain people. An example of this is that<br />

(i.e. carbs). <strong>The</strong>re is also a suggestion that peer pressure within<br />

the low carb tribes is such an influencer that it can often trigger<br />

This<br />

the long-term.<br />

I am never a fan of diets that require you to completely cut out<br />

certain foods forever because it is not sustainable. You cannot<br />

build a new lifestyle without including any joy for eating food<br />

that you love. Some ways to get around this is the previously<br />

into just one day. <strong>The</strong> problem I have with this is that diets that<br />

have cheat days are often very restrictive the rest of the time,<br />

eat<br />

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BASICS<br />

foods that you should probably consuming throughout the week.<br />

Rice, potatoes and pasta should be staples of a bodybuilding<br />

diet because they are filled with energy and have a whole heap<br />

relatively high in carbohydrates so make sure the amount you<br />

have fits within your daily target but there is no nutritional<br />

reason why you should avoid pasta, especially if it is one of your<br />

Coeliacs need to be worried about gluten and society should<br />

cater to their needs but those without diagnosed coeliac disease<br />

should feel free to eat gluten without negative effects.<br />

Conversely, if you hate foods containing gluten then there is no<br />

obligation in Basic Bodybuilding Nutrition to eat foods that<br />

contain it. Go for rice, quinoa or sweet potato instead. On a<br />

macronutrient level, if you match the total carbohydrates there<br />

will be no difference to your goals or your gains.<br />

calories from natural healthy food, 10% processed food and allow<br />

yourself 10% of your daily calories as a treat from whatever<br />

get in the way of your training, it is not going to kill you.<br />

One thing that I would encourage everyone to do is to cook and<br />

prepare your own meals. You can quite easily stick to basic<br />

bodybuilding nutrition with takeaway meals but it is harder to<br />

meet the 80% level of natural, fresh food. <strong>The</strong>re is something<br />

more fulfilling about the connection you have to your food when<br />

you are the one who prepared it. When you learn to cook your<br />

meals, you know exactly what is going inside your body and<br />

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BASICS<br />

you can be more connected and mindful of the nutrients in the<br />

variety of foods that you eat. It also means you can really enjoy<br />

the treats that you let yourself have.<br />

Another problem I have with low-carb, Keto and paleo diets is<br />

that they start from the assumption that carbohydrates make<br />

you fat<br />

carbohydraty-ness. I have never<br />

seen a sensible argument put forward to rule carbohydrates out<br />

of your diet completely. <strong>The</strong>re is some pseudo-science about<br />

gluten in the diet but ruling out carbohydrates completely is - in<br />

my opinion ridiculous and certainly counter-productive to an<br />

ectomorph looking to put on some serious muscle.<br />

Ruling out carbohydrates completely just makes it too difficult to<br />

consume the required amount of calories.<br />

<strong>The</strong> basic tenet of the Paleo diet is that we should eat what<br />

Paleolithic man would have eaten 10,000 years ago. Not a bad<br />

place to start but this rules out all sorts of nutritious food<br />

including cheese, oats, potatoes, rice, pasta and anything<br />

containing gluten. <strong>The</strong> theory is that human beings have not<br />

evolved to process them effectively. Instead we should eat meat,<br />

fish, vegetables and lots of healthy fats such as avocado, nuts,<br />

butter and eggs. BUT NEVER MILK! (Even though there are no<br />

credible studies that prove milk has any negative effects on<br />

health outcomes).<br />

at,<br />

but I believe that the vilification of carbohydrates in the LCHF<br />

and Keto communities is unhelpful for ectomorphs looking to<br />

pack on muscle. It also promotes conjecture as fact and will stop<br />

people from eating foods that they enjoy, which is a sorry way to<br />

go through life.<br />

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BASICS<br />

What is interesting about Paleo, LCHF and Keto diets is that they<br />

can be really successful in helping people lose weight. In fact<br />

many of the recipes you will find at the end of this book are<br />

Paleo and Low-carb compatible but the reason that they work is<br />

misunderstood by those who follow the diets.<br />

If you completely shun carbohydrates from your diet then you<br />

up your diet.<br />

1. Protein (4 calories per gram)<br />

2. Carbohydrates (4 calories per gram)<br />

3. Fat (9 calories per gram)<br />

Technically Alcohol is also a macronutrient but it is not an essential<br />

nutrient for growth and survival. So much so, the body views it as a<br />

a surprise to you)<br />

If you cut out one of these three macros then you have vastly<br />

nature a low carb diet will force people to cut their calories and<br />

they do this by labelling the carbohydrates as the reason for you<br />

not putting weight. This is the same as extreme low fat diets that<br />

were all the rage in the 1980s and low protein diets popularised<br />

after the China study was published by T. Colin Campbell.<br />

secret to losing weight is actually very simple. Exercise more and<br />

lower your calories for a consistent period. Not always easy but<br />

it works.<br />

This context is important because the largest problems for<br />

ectomorphs is very rarely weight-<br />

15<br />

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BASICS<br />

Building lean muscle is the main concern of the skinny<br />

hardgainer and calories hold the key here too. An ectomorph<br />

must eat more calories than they burn through exercise and their<br />

metabolism, whilst performing intense resistance training<br />

specifically targeted at building strength and muscle.<br />

Once you are ticking those two boxes, now you can dig in a bit<br />

further and understand how to break down your calories.<br />

For instance if you know that you need to eat 2200 calories, how<br />

do you know what food to eat. What is the macronutrient<br />

breakdown (Protein: Carbohydrates: Fat) of the calories you<br />

must consume?<br />

16<br />

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CARBS<br />



Understanding Macronutrition<br />

Macronutrition is about the balance between the three types of<br />

nutrients that provide calories (or energy for the body). Micronutrition<br />

is the breakdown of the actual vitamins, minerals and<br />

amino acids in your food, I discuss this in passing but the main<br />

principle of this book is<br />

your training right then the rest will follow. Understanding your<br />

target macros is the key to effective, results-driven and<br />

ultimately flexible dieting. It provides a framework to allow you<br />

to understand your goals, calculate what you need to be eating<br />

and then to experiment within your set targets. If your goals<br />

change then your diet may change with it but the framework<br />

stays the same.<br />

to eat enough and you have an extremely fast metabolism, then<br />

you would adjust your diet so that you eat the minimum amount<br />

of protein needed (as protein is satiating and deadens hunger)<br />

and replace the rest of your diet with healthy fat and easy to<br />

consume carbohydrates in high quantities. Whilst promoted as<br />

the quick and easy key to muscle growth, eating as much protein<br />

as possible it is not always the best idea in a muscle building<br />

target then worry about other more important things in your life<br />

like who your football team has signed or whether Jenny in the<br />

accounts team is annoyed with you.<br />

When the time comes that you want to look extremely lean then<br />

you can adjust the framework for<br />

protocol, which<br />

drastically reduces calories but keeps protein high. An example<br />

of something you might eat when you are cutting is tuna steak,<br />

which is high in protein but very low in calories. It satiates the<br />

18<br />

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body and provides nutrients for growth but keeps calories low to<br />

burn fat whilst helping maintain muscle mass.<br />

This process of cycling through the three dieting stages of<br />

cutting, maintenance and bulking is the most practical approach<br />

to bodybuilding nutrition and means that you never have to go<br />

to lose muscle, maybe you bulk for a bit. If you have been<br />

bulking for a while and want to lose some body fat then start a<br />

cutting protocol. Either way, most of the time you want to be in<br />

maintenance. Slowly build muscle through your resistance<br />

training and give your body the nutrients it needs to recover,<br />

repair and grow. That way whenever you make a change to your<br />

just the nutrition plan you follow as part of your lifestyle even<br />

when your goals have changed. This prevents long periods of<br />

low carb starvation that saps your energy for resistance training<br />

or high fat, high calorie dieting stretches that help you build<br />

muscle but also mean you put on fat and lose athleticism.<br />

<strong>The</strong> best approach to have a goal of being consistently in a<br />

maintenance diet state. This is purely because it the most<br />

practical way to approach a healthy life. Consistency is key and<br />

the maintenance protocol gives you a lot of leeway in terms of<br />

the food you eat. You set your daily calorie target and then<br />

attempt to hit it everyday without worrying too much. If you go<br />

over your calorie target for one day by 200 calories then<br />

worry too much but be a bit more strict on the next few days at<br />

actually hitting your target. Being flexible around your targets by<br />

thinking long term will help you enjoy time with your friends and<br />

will help you prioritise your activities. I have always found that I<br />

am most happy at maintenance. Cutting is hard on your body<br />

because you are constantly hungry and bulking is hard on your<br />

lifestyle because you are constantly eating (not always polite).<br />

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<strong>The</strong> approach of setting practical targets that are also<br />

realistically achievable in the short term, with more ambitious<br />

long term goals is also an extremely valuable approach to<br />

achieving success in all walks of life.<br />

Set an ambitious long term goal:<br />

• I want to put on 10kg, be 10% body fat and deadlift 150kg)<br />

Set achievable short term goals:<br />

• Gain 1kg a month<br />

• Add 5kg to my bench press over the next month<br />

• This will help get you to this ambitious long term goal<br />

As you work towards the long-term goal, monitor your situation<br />

and react accordingly (i.e. I want to cut fat now or I am very lean<br />

and would like to bulk up during winter). Be open to new<br />

information and new approaches but be sceptical of any new<br />

that seems too good to be true. <strong>The</strong> key to success is repeating<br />

basic principles consistently over a long period of time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main area where most popular diet plans get it wrong is that<br />

they often lack flexibility for the individual. For instance, I need a<br />

very different diet plan to <strong>The</strong> Rock. If I ate as much protein as<br />

he does every day my body would probably shut down forever<br />

due to a cod-induced coma. When you look at the two of us<br />

recovering ectomorph whereas he is a 6ft 5in, 120kg, monster of<br />

an athlete. His metabolism is a furnace and his muscle to fat ratio<br />

common principles from the same framework.<br />

Following the principles in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong> Guide: To Basic<br />

Bodybuilding would mean that I should consume between 150-<br />

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180 grams of protein whereas Dorian Yates (six time Mr Olympia<br />

winner) in his prime during a cutting phase should probably be<br />

eating around 310lbs of protein. For me this amount would be<br />

useless but for him it is essential because he has so much more<br />

muscle to maintain than me.<br />

In the next chapter I will get down to the fun part. Explaining<br />

exactly how to calculate your required levels of protein, carbs,<br />

fat and overall calories.<br />

21<br />

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MACROS<br />

How to Calculate Your Basic Bodybuilding Nutrition Plan<br />

STEP 1<br />

Determine Daily Calories<br />

<strong>The</strong> first step to building out an effective bodybuilding nutrition<br />

plan is to understand how much energy your body requires. This<br />

depends firstly on your goals (cutting / maintenance / bulking),<br />

your lifestyle (active / sedentary) and how often you lift weights<br />

and train. Obviously calculating your calories with this method<br />

assumes that you are performing resistance training a least two<br />

times a week (otherwise why else would you be interested in a<br />

bodybuilding nutrition plan?). If the calculations below get too<br />

the book to help you understand.<br />

(1) Find out your bodyweight in lbs<br />

(2) Rate yourself on this scale<br />

a) Sedentary Job, Resistance Training 2 3 times a week<br />

(1 Point)<br />

b) Sedentary Job, Resistance Training 2 3 times a week<br />

and play sport regularly or regularly perform cardio (2<br />

Points)<br />

c) Relatively active lifestyle, Resistance Training 3 5<br />

times a week plus regular cardio (3 Points)<br />

d) Intense Resistance Training 5 6 times a week, plus<br />

regular cardio (4 Points)<br />

(3) Determine your Goals: Bearing in mind that most people<br />

should probably start at maintenance and adjust based off their<br />

results from trialling maintenance.<br />

a) Cutting: Start at ten and add the number of points<br />

you calculated in (2)<br />

b) Maintenance: Start at 14 and add the number of points<br />

you calculated in (2)<br />

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MACROS<br />

c) Bulking: Start at 18 and add the number of points you<br />

calculated in (2)<br />

(4) Multiply your bodyweight (in lbs) by the number you got in<br />

step 3 and there you go! That is your target daily calorie intake.<br />

Step 2<br />

Determine Required Protein<br />

Protein is the primary building block for muscle growth so you<br />

have to get this right.<br />

Cutting: Take bodyweight and multiply by 1.2<br />

Maintenance: Take bodyweight and multiply by 1<br />

Bulking: Take bodyweight and multiply by 0.8<br />

Convert this number to grams and you now have your target<br />

level of daily protein. It is not a disaster if you hit your<br />

target but it is also pointless to go over because you will get no<br />

extra benefit in terms of growth and there are get other (more<br />

appetising) sources.<br />

Step 3<br />

Determine Your Daily Fat<br />

Fat is key to any healthy diet plan, good healthy fats from olive<br />

oil, nuts, avocado and dairy are all massively helpful in providing<br />

nutrients for muscle growth to your body. Unfortunately, unlike<br />

recent trendy diets that tell you to replace fat with<br />

carbohydrates as the key to losing body fat, this diet cannot.<br />

Eating fat will not help you lose fat. It will give your body fat to<br />

burn for energy, the same way that carbs will. Despite that quick<br />

digression, fat is really important.<br />

You should target between 0.3 0.6 grams of fat per lb of<br />

bodyweight. If you really like fatty foods like avocado, bacon,<br />

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MACROS<br />

cooking oils, fatty fish and nuts then choose a number at the<br />

higher end of the scale (i.e. 0.5 0.6) but if you prefer pasta, rice<br />

and bread then choose the lower end of the scale (i.e. 0.3 0.4).<br />

to suggest that when calories and protein are kept constant, the<br />

ratio of fat to carbohydrates has no bearing on weight loss. So<br />

set your target amount and then if you find you are missing<br />

bacon or bread then adjust your ratio (on the 0.3 0.6 grams<br />

per bodyweight scale) accordingly.<br />

Step 4<br />

Determine Carbohydrates<br />

<strong>The</strong> final part requires a couple of fast calculations.<br />

1. Take the total grams of protein you calculated in Step 2 and<br />

multiply it by four this will give you your total calories from<br />

protein<br />

2. Take the total grams of fat that you calculated in Step 3 and<br />

multiply it by nine this will give you your total calories from<br />

fat<br />

3. Take the total calories that you calculated in Step 1 and<br />

minus the sum of your protein and fat calories. This is your<br />

total calories from Carbohydrates<br />

4. Divide your carbohydrate calorie total by four to understand<br />

the amount in grams<br />

5.<br />

effectively plan your <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong> Basic Bodybuilding<br />

Nutrition<br />

a) Target Calories<br />

b) Target Protein (grams)<br />

c) Target Fat (grams)<br />

d) Target (grams)<br />

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MACROS<br />

Hot Tip: I have found that one of the easiest ways to track your<br />

calories and macros is through the MyFitnessPal app, which you can<br />

easily get on the App Store or Google Play store. It will allow you to<br />

easily estimate the macros of your meals and even better if the food<br />

To help put all of this into context, so you can see exactly how it<br />

might work for you then check out the next few pages which are<br />

anonymised case studies that you can use to base your own<br />

basic nutrition plan on.<br />

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CASE<br />

STUDY<br />

#1<br />



young but not as fit as he once was. When he was young he<br />

played a lot of sport, was into running and also lifted weights.<br />

Whilst he still tries to get to the gym two to three times a week<br />

he has found that his sedentary job means that he has less<br />

energy when he does go to the gym. He is in pretty good shape<br />

compared to his peers but he wants more energy and more<br />

bang for his buck from his sessions. <strong>The</strong> main goal however is to<br />

get really lean before trying to pack on muscle again. He does<br />

some cardio and plays casual sport on weekdays, which he<br />

enjoys, but feels like this is getting in the way of his training.<br />

Unfortunately Ryan is a typical millennial and is active on forums<br />

and social media for fitness tips and motivation. He has found a<br />

lot of contradictory information being espoused by people with<br />

completely different approaches who all seem to have been<br />

are ripped,<br />

low carbers who are in great shape and others who look<br />

completely normal and unimpressive. <strong>The</strong>n he goes to the beach<br />

and notices that the surfers with six packs only eat burgers and<br />

how can<br />

they have muscles? And the surfers are surviving off chip fat,<br />

vegetable oil, red meat and bread! <strong>The</strong> internet says those things<br />

are poison?<br />

So what should he do?<br />

Ryan wants to carry on building muscle but he already has a<br />

relatively muscular frame due to the years of exercise. His main<br />

goal is to get a lean, fit and healthy body again. For that reason<br />

his main goal should be to burn more calories than he consumes.<br />

Luckily his body will do most of the work, keeping him alive,<br />

warm and breathing. Exercise and a low calorie diet will do the<br />

rest,<br />

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Height:<br />

Weight: 65kg (143lbs)<br />

Body Fat: 15%<br />

Exercise: 2-3 resistance training sessions per week + Sport<br />

Lifestyle: Sedentary<br />

Goal: Lose fat, build muscle<br />

Step 1<br />

Calculate Calories<br />

(1) Bodyweight in lbs: 143lbs<br />

(2) Sedentary Job, Resistance Training 2 3 times a week and<br />

plays sport regularly (2 Points)<br />

(3) Cutting Protocol (10 points) + Sedentary Job, Resistance<br />

Training 2 3 times a week and play sport regularly or regularly<br />

perform cardio (2 Points) = 12 points<br />

(4) 143 x 12 = 1,716 calories<br />

1,716 calories may seem low but the point here is that Ryan wants<br />

to get lean so he must burn more calories than he consumes. <strong>The</strong><br />

goal for cutting should always be to get 10% body fat, so once<br />

he has reached this he should change his goals and move to a<br />

maintenance protocol. As I have said multiple times, low calorie<br />

diets should always be temporary.<br />

Step 2: Calculate Macros<br />

Protein: 143 x 1.2 = 176 grams<br />

High protein is key during the cutting phase, moreso than any<br />

other phase of dieting. It is extremely satiating which helps with<br />

a low calorie protocol and also helps to maintain muscle mass<br />

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even while the amount of energy the body gets is decreased.<br />

This is a high target so lean meat and whey protein shakes are<br />

encouraged.<br />

Fat: 143 x 0.4 = 57 grams<br />

Carbohydrates:<br />

Total Calories: 1,716 kcal<br />

Calories from Protein: 176 x 4 = 704 kcal<br />

Calories from Fat: 57 x 9 = 513 kcal<br />

Calories left for Carbs = 499 kcal<br />

)<br />

either he reaches his goal or his fat/weight loss plateaus. <strong>The</strong>n he<br />

should reassess his path and set another short term goal. No<br />

target calorie amount should ever stay the same for longer than<br />

a month when you are cutting (in maintenance this can be much<br />

more fluid but unfortunately you do have to be more rigorous<br />

when you are cutting).<br />


PROTEIN: 176 grams / 704 kcal<br />

CARBS: 125 grams / 500kcal<br />

FAT: 57 grams / 513 kcal<br />

TOTAL CALORIES: 1,716 kcal<br />

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CASE<br />

STUDY<br />

#2<br />



Jai is a seriously fit guy, he works out with weights at least five or<br />

six times a week and also throws in two to three hours a week<br />

worth of intense cardio sessions. He probably trains too hard but<br />

life too. As a medical student training to be an orthopaedic<br />

surgeon he spends his days walking around the hospital and is<br />

very active.<br />

Jai wants to be able to eat enough to sustain this way of life<br />

particularly want to put on a tonne of extra muscle<br />

muscular already and would prefer to stay lean rather than<br />

putting on extra weight that will hinder his active lifestyle and<br />

mean he has to buy new clothes (one of the underrated<br />

annoyances of bulking up). He has tried the Paleo diet and whilst<br />

he felt great for a while and was extremely lean, eventually he<br />

hated having to give up rice and noodles whilst he was trying<br />

out Paleo.<br />

<strong>The</strong> perfect diet for Jai, the diet he has been crying out for, is<br />

one that gives him the energy to allow him to train with intensity<br />

on the day and fuel his body for recovery to allow him to train<br />

just as hard the next day.<br />

to the calculations!<br />

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Height:<br />

Weight: 75kg (165lbs)<br />

Bodyfat: 10%<br />

Exercise: Intense Resistance Training 5<br />

Lifestyle: Active<br />

Goal: Fuel his athletic lifestyle<br />

6 times a week, plus cardio<br />

Step 1<br />

Calculate Calories<br />

(1) Bodyweight in lbs: 165lbs<br />

(2) Intense Resistance Training 5 6 times a week, plus regular<br />

cardio (4 Points)<br />

(3) Maintenance Protocol (14 points) + Intense Resistance<br />

Training 5 6 times a week, plus regular cardio (4 Points) = 18<br />

points<br />

(4) 165 x 18 = 2,970 calories<br />

Step 2: Calculate Macros<br />

Protein: 165 x 1.0 = 165 grams<br />

High protein is less important during a maintenance protocol<br />

because the body should be effectively synthesising protein for<br />

muscle repair. As with cutting you should be focusing on<br />

meeting your protein target, for maintenance still focus on<br />

meeting your calorie target and getting enough protein but in<br />

this case anywhere from 120g 165g would likely be sufficient.<br />

However I think it is best to follow the numbers from the model.<br />

Fat: 165 x 0.3 = 50 grams<br />

Jai has an Italian background and as such loves carbohydrates.<br />

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He was raised on ciabatta, breadsticks, tagliatelle and pizza so to<br />

get as much as he can, has set the fat requirement for his<br />

nutrition plan very low.<br />

Carbohydrates:<br />

Total Calories: 2,970 kcal<br />

Calories from Protein: 165 x 4 = 660 kcal<br />

Calories from Fat: 50 x 9 = 450 kcal<br />

Calories left for Carbs = 1,860 kcal<br />

Grams of Carbs: 465g<br />

Here is a great example of how the same framework can throw<br />

up a drastically different nutrition plan (similar to me vs <strong>The</strong><br />

Rock). Jai has a diet high in carbohydrates because he exercises<br />

like a maniac and he need the calories. Carbohydrates are the<br />

easiest macro to consume in high quantities and he has a<br />

preference for carbohydrates over fat as his energy source. This<br />

means he will eat a whopping three times as much carbs as<br />

Ryan, just to sustain his athletic endeavours!<br />

<strong>The</strong> best thing to remember with these values is that they are<br />

just targets, if Jai was to start putting on weight then he could<br />

adjust his nutrition to lower his daily calories. Conversely if he<br />

wanted to pack on muscle then he might consider stopping the<br />

cardio to burn less calories and upping his calorie consumption<br />

by raising his fat or carb intake.<br />


PROTEIN: 165 grams / 660 kcal<br />

CARBS: 465 grams / 1,860 kcal<br />

FAT: 50 grams / 450 kcal<br />

TOTAL CALORIES: 2,970 kcal<br />

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CASE<br />

STUDY<br />

#3<br />



Jason desperately wants to bulk up. He has always been skinny<br />

and light with little musculature but he also manages to have a<br />

relatively high body fat for someone as skinny as he is. Jason is<br />

the archetypal skinny fat <strong>Ectomorph</strong>. He finds it impossible to<br />

build muscle and also takes a long time to recover from his<br />

workouts meaning that he needs to take days between sessions.<br />

Although he classifies himself as skinny-fat, Jason is still pretty<br />

going running and playing soccer. <strong>The</strong> main problem that he<br />

struggles with is his lack of appetite and also the fact that as a<br />

student he has a very active lifestyle.<br />

Jason is perfect for the bulking protocol.<br />


Height:<br />

Weight: 61kg (135lbs)<br />

Bodyfat: 14%<br />

Exercise: Resistance Training 2<br />

sport and performs cardio<br />

Lifestyle: Active<br />

Goal: Put on muscle at all costs<br />

3 times a week and regularly plays<br />

Step 1<br />

Calculate Calories<br />

(1) Bodyweight in lbs: 135lbs<br />

(2) This could be either two points or three points but because<br />

him on this level: Relatively active lifestyle, Resistance Training 3<br />

5 times a week plus regular cardio (3 Points)<br />

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Note: This show how you are basically doing a guestimate of the<br />

amount of calories.<br />

(3) Maintenance Protocol (14 points) + Intense Resistance<br />

Training 5 6 times a week, plus regular cardio (4 Points) = 18<br />

points<br />

(4) 165 x 18 = 2,970 calories<br />

exactly the same as - even though Jason is 14kg lighter and<br />

less muscular than Jai. You would probably think that Jai would<br />

need more. This is a perfect example of the fact that your goals<br />

have as much of an effect on your nutrition as your weight or the<br />

amount you train. Which is why a dogmatic nutrition protocol<br />

such as keto, LCHF or Paleo is not flexible enough for an<br />

ectomorph.<br />

Step 2<br />

Calculate Macros<br />

Protein: 135 x 0.8 = 108 grams<br />

Most followers of bodybuilding nutrition will laugh at the idea of<br />

only consuming just over 100 grams of protein a day but<br />

remember nutritional requirements are all flexible based on<br />

training, existing musculature, your frame and your goals. Jason<br />

recovery and growth as Jai, me or <strong>The</strong> Rock. What will make a<br />

difference for him is massively increasing the energy his gives his<br />

body through his fat and carbohydrate consumption.<br />

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Fat: 135 x 0.6 = 81 grams<br />

Jason loves fatty foods, he likes avocado, salmon, steak, yoghurt<br />

and cheese (not necessarily in that order) so sets his fat<br />

requirement as high as is allowed.<br />

Carbohydrates:<br />

Total Calories: 2,970 kcal<br />

Calories from Protein: 108 x 4 = 432 kcal<br />

Calories from Fat: 81 x 9 = 729 kcal<br />

Calories left for Carbs = 1,809 kcal<br />

Grams of Carbs: 452g<br />

Nutrition principles. He should hit his target macros by eating 80<br />

90% of his foods from natural sources (i.e. get your 729<br />

calories for your fat target from eating avocados, nuts and<br />

healthy oils not just 700 calories of ice cream) yet he has the<br />

flexibility to eat foods that he loves,<br />

to on another diet. Chewing through nearly 3,000 calories of just<br />

meat and green vegetables on the Paleo diet would be torture<br />

and the fat consumption that this would require on the Keto or<br />

LCHF diet would definitely put you over the 0.6 grams of fat per<br />

lb of bodyweight limit, and would be extremely unhealthy.<br />


PROTEIN: 108 grams / 432 kcal<br />

CARBS: 452 grams / 1,809 kcal<br />

FAT: 81 grams / 729 kcal<br />

TOTAL CALORIES: 2,970 kcal<br />

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FOOD<br />

What to Eat When following the <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong> Guide to<br />

Basic Bodybuilding Nutrition<br />

Short Answer: Anything you want, just make sure you hit your<br />

macro targets (a simple IIFYM approach)<br />

Long Answer: It can be a bit more complicated than that - but<br />

only if you want it to be. By following the approach above (i.e. hit<br />

track and will absolutely see great results. However there are<br />

some approaches that you can follow to further improve your<br />

chances of meeting your goals.<br />

I have already mentioned the 80-90% rule of healthy natural<br />

food being in your diet. An example of a choice like this might be<br />

choosing a fillet of white fish over a packet of beef jerky. Yes<br />

they both might have similar macros but the Beef jerky has been<br />

through significant processing before it gets to you compared to<br />

a fresh fillet of cod. Yes you can eat the Jerky and if you stick to<br />

your macro goals you will definitely see great results in the short<br />

term. However if you make the healthy choice, you will most<br />

likely have better health outcomes in the long term.<br />

This brings up a question, if you are sticking to 80-90% healthy,<br />

natural food what happens with the other 10-20%? This is your<br />

daily treat. I suggest that you only assign 10% of the diet towards<br />

treats, so for Jai and Jason this means roughly 300 kcal of treats<br />

fancy). With that in mind, filling the space of the remaining 90%<br />

should be where you can get creative in your meal planning.<br />

Below is a table that shows some of the foods that you should<br />

be eating to hit your target macros.<br />

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FOOD<br />

Protein Fat Carbohydrates<br />

Red Meat (i.e. Lamb<br />

Cutlets, Ground<br />

Beef,)<br />

Lean White Meat (i.e.<br />

Turkey Steaks,<br />

Chicken Fillets)<br />

Yoghurt (I always<br />

prefer full fat)<br />

Cheese (particularly<br />

feta, halloumi and<br />

paneer)<br />

Pasta<br />

Rice<br />

Fresh Fish & Seafood Avocado Bread<br />

Canned Tuna Milk<br />

Potatoes (Red,<br />

White and Sweet)<br />

Eggs<br />

Olive Oil<br />

Tofu<br />

Nuts<br />

Pumpkin / Butternut<br />

Squash<br />

Black Bean Eggs Green Vegetables<br />

Almonds<br />

Milk<br />

Milk<br />

Yoghurt<br />

Whey Protein<br />

As you can see, some of the foods listed above appear in<br />

multiple categories (a lot of dairy products such as milk have a<br />

good balance of all three) so it is really handy to use a macro<br />

and calorie tracker such as the mobile app MyFitnessPal, which<br />

keeps you on top your macro targets. It is great for tracking<br />

what you are eating.<br />

<strong>The</strong> picture on the next page is the macro breakdown of one of<br />

my breakfasts (a big one!) which consisted of a spring onion<br />

omelette, wilted spinach, half an avocado, a tin of tuna, sweet<br />

potato chips and a bowl of baked beans. Not only was it a great<br />

start to the day with plenty of high quality calories, I was also<br />

able to directly track the amount of energy I gave my body.<br />

MyFitnessPal even allows you to see the calorie amount for each<br />

ingredient, which is invaluable when you create your own<br />

recipes.<br />

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FOOD<br />

Quality over quantity is another<br />

area that I differ from the Keto<br />

and LCHF followers, who argue<br />

that the quality of your food is<br />

what creates muscle growth.<br />

Unfortunately for the ambitious<br />

ectomorph that is just not true,<br />

the key to muscle growth is<br />

quality and quantity. Eating high<br />

always<br />

easy so having recipes to rely on<br />

can make it much easier. This is<br />

also true of any ectomorph who is<br />

attempting to cut fat. Recipes you<br />

enjoy makes the process of eating<br />

less calories much easier.<br />

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FOOD<br />

It is also really important to make sure you regularly give yourself<br />

the 10% treat to build in failure to your routine and not be<br />

ashamed if it. <strong>The</strong> key to creating long term transformational<br />

allowed on the diet, it is finding the right approach and sticking<br />

to it over the long term. One kebab every now and then is not<br />

going to ruin your nutrition plan! Arnold Schwarzenegger has<br />

often talked about going for meat pies the day before a Mr<br />

Olympia competition with his best mate Franco Colombu. This<br />

every day, you do not have to.<br />

This is why I try and talk about nutrition instead of diet. A diet is<br />

short term whereas nutrition is long term, focused towards a<br />

specific goal. For nutrition you must change your lifestyle<br />

whereas a diet just limits your current lifestyle, leaving you<br />

jealous and disempowered compared to the surfers eating<br />

burgers and fries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> best way to change your lifestyle and be empowered and<br />

energised by your nutrition plan is to take an active role in the<br />

food that you eat. For sure you can follow Basic Bodybuilding<br />

Nutrition by just getting takeaway (Thai, Mexican and Sushi are<br />

particular favourites) but you are ultimately ceding responsibility<br />

of your health over to a corporation, or a bored and absent<br />

minded Chipotle employee. Preparing and cooking your own<br />

meals gives you an understanding of the food you consume and<br />

will make you much more mindful of your dietary habits. Not<br />

only that, preparing your own meals is also cheaper and healthier<br />

than fast food and you can be exactly sure what has been put on<br />

the plate!<br />

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Low Calorie Recipes for a Cutting Protocol<br />

than gaining weight. That is why having delicious, fun recipes to look<br />

forward to is so valuable when you are attempting to lose weight,<br />

especially as an ectomorph. In Case S 176<br />

grams of protein and 1,716 total calories. By eating the three meals<br />

below he would still have 549 calories left and only 56 grams of protein.<br />

To plug the gap, I would suggest a protein shake between lunch and<br />

dinner, then one before bed.<br />

1) Chargrilled Asparagus and Parmesan Salad with Poached<br />

Eggs and Crispy Sage | Easy | 302 kcal |<br />

When cutting fat you often wake up with serious hunger pangs, the<br />

decreased energy you give your body can be difficult to adjust to but a<br />

satiating high protein brekky can be just what the doctor ordered! <strong>The</strong><br />

warmth of the asparagus and sage combined with the sharp rocket leaves,<br />

perfectly complements the poached eggs, which anchor the dish.<br />

2) Chicken, Grilled Peach and Rocket Salad<br />

| Easy | 474 kcal |<br />

Chicken, a classic ingredient of any bodybuilding nutrition plan is used here<br />

with a slight twist. By combining fresh, sweet peach and smoky prosciutto,<br />

the natural flavour of the chicken is enhanced. <strong>The</strong>re is a lot going on in this<br />

recipe, it is not a standard boring salad! You can also amend the dish and<br />

make it extremely low calorie by removing some of the ingredients if needed.<br />

3) Salmon with Dill Potatoes and Beetroot Pesto<br />

| Intermediate | 391 kcal |<br />

Salmon is essential if you are on a cutting protocol. With high protein and<br />

omega-3 fats it is extremely satiating, which is key as your body will be<br />

crying out for food. Dill is magic with any fish dish and the potatoes give<br />

your body slow burn energy. <strong>The</strong> pesto is an extra flourish but at the end of<br />

the day your meals should be a pleasure to eat, even when you are cutting.<br />

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Chargrilled Asparagus and Parmesan Salad with Poached Eggs<br />

and Crispy Sage<br />

Serves: 1<br />

Ingredients<br />

• ¼ bunch sage, leaves picked<br />

• 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar<br />

• Olive oil spray & 1 tablespoon<br />

of extra virgin olive oil<br />

• 1 bunch thin asparagus<br />

(about 125g) ends trimmed<br />

• Splash of white wine vinegar<br />

• 3 eggs<br />

• 50g rocket leaves<br />

• 1 teaspoon grated parmesan<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

302<br />

Protein (g) 30.9<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

8.2<br />

Fat (g) 15.1<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Chargrilled Asparagus and Parmesan Salad with Poached Eggs<br />

and Crispy Sage<br />


Spray the olive oil in a small pan over medium heat.<br />

Fry the sage for 1 minute or until crisp. Remove and<br />

set aside.<br />

To create the dressing, pour the tablespoon of extra<br />

virgin olive oil into a bowl, stir in the balsamic vinegar,<br />

season lightly with salt and pepper then set aside.<br />

Respray the pan with olive oil and chargrill the<br />

asparagus for three minutes. Lightly season and turn<br />

once until the asparagus is charred and tender<br />

In a separate (and deep) pan, bring 3cm worth of<br />

water to a simmer in a deep frypan and add a splash<br />

of white wine vinegar.<br />

Break an egg into a cup, then slide the egg into the<br />

water. Repeat with remaining eggs, then poach for 4<br />

minutes for a soft yolk, or to your liking. Remove with<br />

a slotted spoon<br />

Divide asparagus, rocket, poached eggs, parmesan<br />

and sage over the plate. Pour over the dressing and<br />

4<br />

serve immediately.<br />

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Chicken, Grilled Peach and Rocket Salad<br />

Serves: 1<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 1 tablespoons light olive oil<br />

• 1 tablespoon white balsamic<br />

vinegar<br />

• 50g baby rocket leaves<br />

• 1 large Chicken Breast<br />

• 1 yellow peach, stone<br />

removed, cut into 8 wedges<br />

• 4 slices prosciutto, torn<br />

• ¼ bunch basil, leaves picked<br />

• ¼ lemon, zested<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

474<br />

Protein (g) 57.3<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

17.5g<br />

Fat (g) 19.4g<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Chicken, Grilled Peach and Rocket Salad<br />


Set oven to grill and the heat to 180C then place<br />

chicken underneath for 12 minutes or until cooked<br />

through.<br />

Whilst the chicken is cooking, place the peach slices<br />

on a grill pan and cook at a high heat for two mins<br />

each side or until lightly charred.<br />

Mix the light olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon zest<br />

and juice from the lemon into a large bowl<br />

Once chicken is cooked, slice into 2cm strips and add<br />

to the large bowl.<br />

Combine the rocket, peaches, prosciutto and basil in<br />

the large bowl and toss gently to mix the dressing, the<br />

chicken and the salad.<br />

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Salmon with Dill Potatoes and Beetroot Pesto<br />

Serves: 1<br />

Ingredients<br />

• Large Salmon Fillet with skin<br />

• 75g of canned beetroot<br />

• 1/4 orange, sliced and zested<br />

• 1 garlic cloves<br />

• 1/3 cup dill fronds<br />

• 1 tablespoon light olive oil<br />

• 20g light sour cream<br />

• 1 teaspoons wholegrain<br />

mustard<br />

• 1 (small-ish) Maris Piper<br />

potato<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

391<br />

Protein (g) 31.9<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

27.1<br />

Fat (g) 17.2<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Salmon with Dill Potatoes and Beetroot Pesto<br />


Chop Maris Piper potato into 1 cm slices, fill large pan<br />

up to 3cm of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.<br />

When finished, season potatoes and cook in the oven<br />

at 200C for 10 minutes or until golden<br />

Chop beetroot, add the orange zest, garlic and light<br />

oil in a food processor / blender. Set aside in a<br />

separate bowl.<br />

In another separate bowl mix the sour cream and<br />

mustard. Season with salt and pepper and add the<br />

potato slices when ready.<br />

Heat a large non-stick pan with any remaining olive<br />

oil, fry the salmon on a medium high heat setting for 4<br />

minutes then turn the fish, lower the heat and cook for<br />

another 3 minutes<br />

Place the Salmon on top of the potato salad you made<br />

in step 3, dollop the pesto on top of the fish and<br />

around the potato salad .<br />

4<br />

Squeeze the orange juice over the plate<br />

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Recipes for a Maintenance Protocol<br />

Maintenance is great. Ideally an <strong>Ectomorph</strong> who is not looking to<br />

compete and is happy with their level of bulk would be in maintenance<br />

all year round, oscillating between slight tweaks to their diet to lose a<br />

small amount of fat or gain a small amount of muscle. With maintenance<br />

you have to be much less strict with your macro targets. Take them<br />

beer with your friends on a Saturday. If you find you are putting on fat<br />

then just lower your calorie target for a few weeks. Simple.<br />

1) Bacon and Cheese Omelette w/Sourdough Toast<br />

| Easy | 612 kcal |<br />

This could be a classic keto or LCHF meal but as I have said multiple times,<br />

carbs are not the enemy. <strong>The</strong>y are a tool for energy. Seeing as I love bread, I<br />

had to chuck in a slice with the omelette because they are perfect match.<br />

Adding the carbs in the bread gives this meal a great balance of protein, fat<br />

and carbs, so is perfect just before a mid-morning training session.<br />

2) Tuna Tomato & Potato Salad<br />

| Easy | 636 kcal |<br />

Another lunchtime salad that is extremely easy to knock together. Especially<br />

if you cook the potatoes and make the dressing in bulk then you can<br />

probably make this meal in 10 minutes. Perfect for on the go, at work or in<br />

that inalso<br />

great for the cutting protocol if you remove the garlic yoghurt dressing.<br />

3) Lamb Tacos<br />

| Hard | 394 kcal per serve |<br />

Lets be fair, that calorie total is disingenuous because you are never going to<br />

have only one of these amazing tacos! Each one is a taste explosion that<br />

leaves you wanting more and this recipe can probably make 8 to 10. With<br />

that in mind it is up to you to be aware of your macro targets and not go<br />

overboard. Remember you can always save some for tomorrow!<br />

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Bacon and Cheese Omelette w/Sourdough Toast<br />

Serves: 1<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 1 tablespoon olive oil<br />

• ½ red onion, thinly sliced<br />

• 3 rashers of bacon, cut into 1<br />

cm squares<br />

• 4 eggs<br />

• 1 teaspoon grated parmesan<br />

• ½ bunch of finely shopped<br />

parsley leaves<br />

• 1 slice of sourdough bread<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

612<br />

Protein (g) 53.3<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

26.9<br />

Fat (g) 32.3<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Bacon and Cheese Omelette<br />


Put a medium sized frying pan over medium-high<br />

heat. Add half the olive oil first then add the thinly<br />

sliced onion and the bacon.<br />

Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 4 minutes or until<br />

onion is soft and bacon crisp. Remove to a bowl.<br />

Beat all four eggs and a tablespoon of cold water in a<br />

bowl until combined. Season with pepper. Preheat the<br />

grill at 160C.<br />

Put rest of the olive oil in the pan and lean the pan<br />

side to side to ensure good coverage of olive oil (add<br />

a dash more if needed) . Add the egg mixture,<br />

ensuring it covers the entire base of the pan.<br />

Cook for three minutes or until the omelette is almost<br />

set, add the bacon, onion, parmesan and parsley<br />

Place pan under grill, leaving the oven door open. Grill<br />

until omelette is lightly browned. Serve with<br />

4<br />

sourdough toast.<br />

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Tuna Tomato & Potato Salad<br />

Serves: 1<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 10 chat potatoes, halved<br />

• 225g tinned tuna, drained<br />

• 2 celery stalks, trimmed,<br />

thinly sliced<br />

• 100g cherry tomatoes, halved<br />

• 75g baby spinach<br />

• 1/3 cup greek yoghurt<br />

• 1 clove garlic<br />

• ½ bunch of mint<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

636<br />

Protein (g) 48.7<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

76.4<br />

Fat (g) 15.1<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Tuna Tomato & Potato Salad<br />


Place potatoes in a large saucepan. Cover with cold<br />

water. Bring to the boil over medium-high heat.<br />

Preheat the oven at 180C.<br />

Cook for 15 to 17 minutes or until tender, your fork<br />

should easily be able to slide into the potato. Drain<br />

and then cut into quarters.<br />

Place the potato quarters in an oven plate, with the<br />

whole clove of garlic and cook for ten minutes.<br />

Mix the Greek yoghurt and mint leaves in a small bowl,<br />

then squeeze the roasted garlic flesh into the bowl<br />

and mix again.<br />

Place potatoes in a large bowl. Add the tuna, celery,<br />

tomato and spinach. Pour over the dressing made in<br />

step 4. Season with salt and pepper, toss to combine<br />

and then serve.<br />

4<br />

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Lamb Tacos<br />

Serves: 4 (at least!)<br />

Ingredients<br />

• ½ Orange, zested<br />

• 1 lime, zested<br />

• 1 tablespoons olive oil<br />

• 2 tablespoons tomato puree<br />

• 1 red deseeded chili<br />

• 25g chopped oregano leaves<br />

• 2 teaspoons cumin powder<br />

• 2 teaspoons smoked paprika<br />

• 1kg boneless lamb shoulder<br />

• 4 Plain Tortillas<br />

• 2 avocados, peeled, mashed<br />

• 1 white onion, finely chopped<br />

• 25g chopped coriander leaves,<br />

• 50g chargrilled chopped<br />

pineapple<br />

• Hot chili sauce, to serve<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

394<br />

Protein (g) 21.4<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

33.8<br />

Fat (g) 19.2<br />

* Values are per taco, indicative and<br />

calculated using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Lamb Tacos<br />


Place the squeezed orange, lime juice and zest in in a<br />

food processor with the olive oil, tomato paste,<br />

deseeded chilli, oregano, cumin and paprika. Process<br />

until smooth.<br />

Transfer mixture to a glass or ceramic dish. Cut<br />

incisions into the lamb shoulder and place it in the<br />

marinade. Turn to coat the lamb in the marinade then<br />

place it in the fridge overnight.<br />

Preheat oven to 120C fan forced. Transfer the<br />

marinated lamb to a roasting dish and season. Cover<br />

the dish tightly with tinfoil. Roast for 5 hours, turning<br />

halfway, or until meat is very tender.<br />

Remove the foil and continue to roast for a further 30<br />

minutes or until lamb collapses then shred the meat<br />

and warm up the tortillas following packet directions.<br />

Grill the pineapple on a grill pan for two minutes each<br />

side then combine with the onion and coriander in a<br />

bowl.<br />

Top each tortilla with avocado, lamb and the<br />

pineapple, coriander and onion mixture. Serve with<br />

chilli sauce.<br />

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Recipes for a Bulking Protocol<br />

Eating a lot of food everyday, finding time to train regularly with<br />

intensity and work in a fulland<br />

it makes you anti-social and extremely irritated when not eating or<br />

training (not really the best way to go through life). Having said that, for<br />

some ectomorphs it is a necessary evil before they can return to a more<br />

balanced maintenance program. All the meals here have extremely high<br />

calorie counts and require multiple servings. Someone like Jason may be<br />

better eating one of these recipes and then finding multiple from the<br />

cutting and maintenance protocols to meet their daily target.<br />

1) Beef Brisket with Horseradish Mash and Spicy Sweet Potato<br />

Wedges | Advanced | 1198 kcal |<br />

A tricky dish that will wow your friends. Perfect for feeding multiple people if<br />

you increase the size of the brisket (or just stop being so greedy and share).<br />

However, after all the work that goes into this meal you will want it all for<br />

yourself. <strong>The</strong> salty beef perfectly complements the mash and the wedges<br />

seriously up your carb intake in line with a goal of bulking.<br />

2) Pad Thai w/Prawns<br />

| Easy | 893 kcal |<br />

a load of great ingredients in a pan and then. If you are in maintenance you<br />

might get a couple of meals spread out over a couple of days with this one<br />

but if bulking you will need to eat the whole thing. Awesome!<br />

3) Chilli Con Carne with Avocado and Basmati Rice<br />

| Easy | 1044 kcal |<br />

Another staple of a bodybuilding nutrition plan is a simple and easy to make<br />

chilli con carne. You can make the portions as large or as small as you like<br />

up to you - just adjust the ingredients accordingly. With high protein, fat and<br />

carb content this recipe will seriously fuel your body, although you might be<br />

a bit tired after finishing it!<br />

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Beef Brisket with Horseradish Mash and Spicy Sweet Potato<br />

Wedges<br />

Serves: 2 (but you should definitely eat both plates)<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 1 tablespoon olive oil<br />

• 200g corned beef brisket<br />

• 1 onions, sliced and chili flakes<br />

• 1 garlic clove, finely chopped<br />

• 2 tablespoons tomato puree<br />

• 50ml tomato ketchup<br />

• 50g dark brown sugar<br />

• 2 teaspoons smoked paprika<br />

cups and (150ml) chicken stock<br />

• 3 carrots, roughly chopped<br />

• 1 tablespoon chopped chives<br />

• 10g unsalted butter<br />

• 300g white potatoes, chopped<br />

• 50ml milk<br />

• 1 tablespoon horseradish cream<br />

• 1 large sweet potato (cut in<br />

wedges)<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

1198<br />

Protein (g) 60.4<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

127.2<br />

Fat (g) 38.6<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Beef Brisket with Horseradish Mash and Spicy Sweet Potato<br />

Wedges<br />


Heat 1/2 the olive oil in a deep pan (medium-high<br />

heat), season the brisket and cook for 8-10 minutes<br />

until browned (turn regularly). Remove from pan and<br />

set aside. Preheat oven at 140C<br />

Add the remaining olive oil in the frying pan, wait till<br />

hot and then place the onions in the pan. Cook for 3-4<br />

minutes or until fragrant.<br />

Reduce heat to medium then add the tomato puree,<br />

ketchup, brown sugar and paprika. Cook for 2 3<br />

minutes.<br />

Add the stock and bring to a simmer. Return the<br />

brisket to the deep pan, fat-side up. Cover the surface<br />

with baking paper and cover with a lid. Place in the<br />

oven and bake for 2 hours until tender.<br />

Whilst brisket is in the oven, place the carrot in a pan<br />

of cold, salted water. Bring to the boil, then simmer<br />

for 10-15 minutes until tender. Drain, then toss with<br />

chives and half the butter. Set aside and keep warm.<br />

Place potato in a separate pan of cold, salted water.<br />

Bring to the boil, then simmer for 15-20 minutes until<br />

tender. Drain and return to pan. Heat gently, stirring,<br />

to remove any excess water.<br />

4<br />

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Beef Brisket with Horseradish Mash and Spicy Sweet Potato<br />

Wedges<br />


Mash the cooked potatoes until smooth. Add the milk,<br />

horseradish cream and remaining 25g butter, mix and<br />

season then stir until smooth.<br />

Heat vegetable oil 6 cm deep in a wok or large deep<br />

frying pan over medium-high heat. Deep-fry the<br />

wedges, in batches, until potato rises to the surface<br />

but does not colour.<br />

Transfer wedges to a tray lined with baking paper.<br />

Cool for 15 minutes then reheat oil and deep fry the<br />

wedges for 3-5 minutes or until golden. Place back on<br />

the tray and season with salt and the chili flakes.<br />

Remove the deep pan from the oven and take out the<br />

brisket, pacing it on a separate plate to rest, loosely<br />

covered with foil, for 10 minutes.<br />

11<br />

Shred the brisket into thick slices and place on a<br />

(large) plate, or two, add the horseradish mash and<br />

carrots. Top with the sauce left in the deep pan and<br />

add the wedges<br />

12<br />

Rest.<br />

4<br />

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Pad Thai w/Prawns<br />

Serves: 1<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 200g rice noodles, 25g beansprouts<br />

• 25ml sunflower oil<br />

• ¼ packet of tofu, cut lengthways<br />

• ½ bunch Coriander, chopped<br />

• 2 kaffir lime leaves, finely shredded<br />

• 1 lemongrass stem, grated<br />

• 2 long red chillies, seeds removed,<br />

thinly sliced<br />

• 1 spring onion, finely sliced<br />

• 1 garlic clove, finely chopped<br />

• 1 small red capsicum, sliced<br />

• Green beans, cut into lengths<br />

• Pinch of caster sugar<br />

• 2 tbs fish sauce<br />

• 250g peeled uncooked prawns<br />

• 1 lime, zested<br />

• 50g dry roasted peanuts, chopped<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

893<br />

Protein (g) 51.5<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

86.8<br />

Fat (g) 38.0<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Pad Thai with Prawns<br />


Soak noodles in hot water for 10 minutes until soft,<br />

then drain.<br />

Heat oil in a wok or large frying pan over medium-high<br />

heat. Add half the chopped coriander, kaffir lime<br />

leaves, lemongrass, chilli and spring onion and stir for<br />

1-2 minutes or until fragrant.<br />

Add garlic, capsicum, green beans, sugar and fish<br />

sauce. Cook for a further 2 minutes, then add prawns,<br />

tofu, lime juice, lime zest and half the peanuts.<br />

Create space in the middle of the wok for the tofu and<br />

prawns to cook, add some extra oil and stir fry for 4-5<br />

minutes or until the prawns turn pink (better to<br />

overcook rather than undercook prawns).<br />

Add the noodles and beansprouts to the wok and toss<br />

to combine. Serve on a plate or bowl with remaining<br />

coriander leaves and peanuts.<br />

Use a couple servings to finish.<br />

4<br />

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Chilli Con Carne with Avocado and Basmati Rice<br />

Serves: 1<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 2 tablespoons olive oil<br />

• 1 large onion, finely chopped<br />

• 2 garlic cloves, crushed<br />

• 300g lean beef mince (also<br />

known as ground beef)<br />

• 1 can diced tomatoes<br />

• 1 can kidney beans, rinsed,<br />

drained, seasoned<br />

• 2-3 tablespoons hot chilli sauce<br />

(to taste)<br />

• 1 avocado, cut into cubes<br />

• 1 long red chilli, deseeded,<br />

sliced<br />

• 1/2 cup (100g) white basmati<br />

rice<br />

• 2 tablespoons light sour cream<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

1044<br />

Protein (g) 75.7<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

90.8<br />

Fat (g) 42.0<br />

* All values are indicative, calculated<br />

using MyFitnessPal<br />

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Chilli Con Carne with Avocado, Fresh Chilli and White Rice<br />


Heat oil in a large heavy-based saucepan over medium<br />

heat. Add onion and garlic and cook for 5 minutes or<br />

until softened slightly.<br />

Add mince and cook for a further 3-4 minutes,<br />

breaking up with a wooden spoon. Stir in the diced<br />

tomatoes, kidney beans and chilli sauce then season.<br />

Bring to the boil over medium-high heat, then reduce<br />

heat to medium and simmer for 15 minutes or until the<br />

beef is cooked through and the mixture thickens<br />

slightly. If the mixture is runny, add tomato puree to<br />

thicken.<br />

In a separate pan, heat roughly 5 cm of water, wait till<br />

boiling then add the rice and cook for 10-12 minutes or<br />

until soft.<br />

When ready, find a very large bowl and place the chili<br />

con carne over the white rice - then top with avocado<br />

and the red chili. Dollop the sour cream on top too.<br />

Hot Tip: If you have any plain salted tortilla chips<br />

around grab a handful and crush them over the top.<br />

Use the rest of the chips as a spoon to eat the chili.<br />

4<br />

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TREAT<br />

(Just for you!)


Strawberry Crumble with Raspberry, Mint & Apple Sorbet<br />

Serves: 8<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 500g strawberries, top bit<br />

chopped off and halved<br />

• 2 tablespoons caster sugar<br />

• 1/2 cup plain flour<br />

• 35g butter<br />

• 20g rolled outs<br />

• 2 tablespoons flaked almonds<br />

• 250g of frozen raspberries<br />

• 2 tablespoons fresh mint<br />

leaves, torn<br />

• 1 1/2 cups chilled apple juice<br />

• Extra fresh mint leaves, to<br />

serve<br />

Macronutrient Breakdown<br />

Calories<br />

(Kcal)<br />

Protein (g)<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

(g)<br />

Fat (g)<br />

to know<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

* All values are useless, enjoy your<br />

treat<br />

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Strawberry Crumble with Raspberry, Mint & Apple Sorbet<br />


Lightly grease shallow roasting pan (ideal size would<br />

be roughly 10 inches by 6 inches or 25cm x 15cm) by<br />

rubbing the butter over all the interior surface.<br />

Preheat oven to 220C.<br />

Add strawberries to the pan and toss half the sugar<br />

over the top. Combine flower and remaining sugar in a<br />

large bowl and add butter.<br />

Place oats in a food processor or roughly chop, then<br />

add to the mixture along with flaked almonds.<br />

Use finger tips to rub the flour mixture together until<br />

resembles breadcrumbs, spread over the strawberries<br />

until they are fully covered and place pan into the<br />

oven fro 15 minutes.<br />

Wait until crumble has been in the oven for ten<br />

minutes. <strong>The</strong>n place the raspberries mint leaves and 1<br />

cup apple juice in a food processor.<br />

Process, gradually adding remaining apple juice, until<br />

smooth and combined, scraping down sides of<br />

processor occasionally. Serve with the crumble.<br />

4<br />

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END<br />

So there you have it.<br />

A framework to calculate the exact amount of calories that<br />

you require for your goals, your level of training and your<br />

eating preferences. Not only that but you have case studies to<br />

help you work out how to do it yourself and even detailed<br />

recipes that you should cook.<br />

I have really enjoyed writing this book and cannot wait to hear<br />

the results that everyone who reads it is able to achieve for<br />

themselves. Feel free to get in touch and good luck!<br />

Cheers,<br />


4<br />

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You can get in touch with Matt via the <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong><br />

Twitter and Facebook accounts (see footer) where he is very<br />

active.<br />

Send questions, thoughts, anger and anything else you feel<br />

like through this method or navigate to the website if you<br />

want to send a specific message.<br />

If you are interested in seeing any of the future books be<br />

published (and want to potentially receive a free advanced<br />

copy!) then please leave an honest review on Amazon.<br />

get some feedback to put on such a public forum.<br />

Future Books<br />

Your Bodybuilding Potential: A Personal report to<br />

Understand Your Specific Limitations - $19.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Fast Food - $6.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Cutting Fat - $6.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Indian Cuisine - $3.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Mexican Cuisine - $3.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Getting Big on a Shoestring<br />

Budget - $2.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Building Muscle at all Costs -<br />

$9.99<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ectomorph</strong> <strong>Diet</strong>: Guide To Massive Biceps - $3.99<br />

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