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56 НАСТАВНО НАУЧНО ВЕЋЕ, 25.03.2010.2.3.29. N. Rajić, Dj. Stojaković, D. Hanžel, V. Kaučič, “The structure directing role of 1,3-diaminopropane in the hydrothermal synthesis of iron(III) phosphate“, J. Serb. Chem.Soc. 69 (2004) 179-185; ISSN 0352-5139; IF=0.522.2.3.30. N. Rajic, N. Zabukovec Logar, Dj. Stojakovic, S. Sajic, A. Golobic and V. Kaucic”Hydrothermal synthesis and structure of a new layered zincophosphate intercalated with3-methylaminopropylamine cations”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 70 (2005) 625-633; ISSN 0352-5139; IF=0.389.2.3.31. N. Zabukovec Logar, N. Rajic, Dj. Stojakovic, Sanja Sajic, A. Golobic and V. Kaucic,“(C4H12N2)[Zn2(PO4)(HPO4)(H2PO4)] , A layered zinc phosphate with intercalated N-methylpropane-1,3-diammonium cations”, Acta Cryst. E61 (2005), m1354-m1356; ISSN1600-5368; IF=0.581.2.3.32. Dj. Stojakovic, N. Rajic, N. Zabukovec Logar and V. Kaucic, “A kinetic study of thethermal degradation of ammonium species inside a 3D zincophosphate”,THERMOCHIM. ACTA 449 (2006) 42-46; ISSN 0040-6031; IF=1.417.2.3.33. N. Rajic, Dj. Stojakovic, N. Zabukovec Logar and V. Kaucic, “An evidence for a chain tonetwork transformation during the microwave hydrothermal crystallization of an openframeworkzinc terephthalate”, J. POROUS MAT. 13 (2006) 153-156; ISSN 1380-2224;IF=0.742.2.3.34. Dj. Stojakovic, N. Rajic, S. Sajic, N. Zabukovec Logar and V. Kaucic, “ A kinetic study ofthe thermal degradation of 3-methylaminopropylamine inside AlPO4-21”, J. THERMALANAL. CAL. 85 (2006) 1-5; ISSN 1388-6150; IF=1.438.2.3.35. N. Rajic, N. Zabukovec Logar, G. Mali, Dj. Stojakovic and V. Kaucic, “On a PossibleRole of Dicarboxylate ions in the Formation of Open-Framework Metallophosphates”,CROATICA CHEM. ACTA 79 (2006) 187-193; ISSN 0011-1643; IF=0.778.2.3.36. Dj. Stojakovic, N. Rajic, M. Mrak and V. Kaucic, “A kinetic study of the thermaldegradation of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide inside the mesoporous SBA-3molecular sieve“, J. SERB. CHEM. SOC. 72 (2007) 1309–1319; ISSN 0352-5139;IF=0.536.2.3.37. Dj. Stojakovic, N. Rajic, S. Sajic, N. Zabukovec Logar, and V. Kaucic, “A kinetic study ofthe thermal degradation of 3-methylaminopropylamine inside AlPO4-21”, J. THERMALANAL. CAL. 87 (2007) 337-341; ISSN 1388-6150; IF=1.483.2.3.38. N. Rajić, Dj. Stojaković, S. Jevtić, N. Zabukovec Logar, G. Mali, V. Kaučič, “On thethermal degradation of 3-methylaminopropylamine captured inside the aluminumphosphate analogue of ULM-3”, J. THERMAL ANAL. CAL. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-009-0504-7 (2009) ; ISSN 1388-6150; IF(2008)=1.630.3. Zbornici međunarodnih naučnih skupova3.1. Saopštenje sa međunarodnog skupa štampano u celini M 333.1.1. N. Rajić, Dj. Stojaković, A. Meden and V. Kaučič, “Encapsulation of a chelate Ni(II)complex into AlPO 4 -5 molecular sieve”, Proceedings of the 12 th International ZeoliteConference, M.M.J. Treacy, B.K. Marcus, M.E. Bisher and J.B. Higgins (Eds.), MRS,Pittsburgh, 1999, pp. 1765-1771.3.2. Saopštenje sa međunarodnog skupa štampano u izvodu M 343.2.1. D. Poleti, B. Prelesnik, R. Herak, Đ. Stojaković, "Crystal structure of triaqua(2,2'-dipyridilamine)phthalatonickel(II) dihydrate", Tenth European Crystallographic Meeting,Wroclaw, Poland, 5-9.08.1986.3.2.2. D. Poleti, B. Prelesnik, R. Herak, Đ. Stojaković, "Crystal structure of triaqua(1,10-phenanthroline)phthalatonickel(II) monohydrate", Tenth European CrystallographicMeeting, Wroclaw, Poland, 5-9.08.1986.

НАСТАВНО НАУЧНО ВЕЋЕ, 25.03.2010. 573.2.3. N. Rajić, Dj. Stojaković, "Synthesis and characterization of the nitro-substitutedphthalocyanines of some transition metals", 31st International Congress of Pure andApplied Chemistry, Sofia, Bulgaria, 13-18.07.1987.3.2.4. D. Poleti, B. Prelesnik, R. Herak, Đ. Stojaković, "Crystal structure of binuclearhexaaquabis(ethylenediamine)-æ-(pyromellitato)-dinickel(II) tetrahydrate", XIVthInternational Congress of Crystallography, Perth, Australia, 12-20.08.1987.3.2.5. N. Rajić, V. Kaučič, Đ. Stojaković, "Formation of CoAPO-15 in the presence ofhexamethylenetetramine", British Zeolite Association, 13th Annual Meeting, Chislehurst,July 1990.3.2.6. N. Rajić, Dj. Stojaković, A. Meden and V. Kaučič, “Encapsulation of a Chelate Ni(II)complex into AlPO 4 -5 Molecular Sieve”, 12 th International Zeolite Conference, Baltimore,July 1998 (Book of Abstracts, p.21).3.2.7. S. Šajić, N. Rajić, N.Zabukovec-Logar, Đ. Stojaković, A. Golobič, V. Kaučić, 4 thInternational Conference of the Chemical of the South-East European Countries ICOSECS4, Beograd, 18-21 jul 2004.3.2.8. Nevenka Rajic, Natasa Zabukovec Logar, Sanja Sajic, Djordje Stojakovic and VenceslavKaucic, “Novel Metal-Organic Frameworks: Microwave Crystallization and Structure”,MRS Spring Meeting: San Francisco, CA USA, March 28 – April 1, 2005, Abstracts -Materials for Hydrogen Storage and production, MRS Symposium, GG3.8 (www.mrs.org)3.2.9. N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, S. Sajic, N. Zabukovec Logar and V. Kaucic, “Mechanism andkinetic study of the decomposition of 3-methylaminopropylamine inside AlPO4-21” 3rdFEZA conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-26, 2005, Book of abstracts andrecent research reports. [S. l.: s. n.], 2005, 1 str. (RR-12). (www.feza.cz)3.2.10. N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, N. Zabukovec Logar and V. Kaucic, “On the preparation of metalorganicframeworks (MOF) as potential materials for hydrogen storage, Ninth YugoslavMaterials Research Society Conference, Herceg-Novi, Sept. 10-14, 2007, Programme andThe book of Abstracts, p.383.2.11. S. Jevtic, N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, M. Mazaj and V. Kaucic, “On the preparation of openframeworkmanganese(II)-substituted aluminophosphate”, Ninth Yugoslav MaterialsResearch Society Conference, Herceg-Novi, Sept. 10-14, 2007, Programme and The bookof Abstracts, p. S. Jevtic, N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, N. Zabukovec Logar, A. Meden, and V. Kaucic,“Open-framework fluorinated aluminium phosphate – the analogue of the gallophosphateULM-3”, Tenth Yugoslav Materials Research Society Conference, Herceg-Novi, Sept. 8-12, 2008, Programme and The book of Abstracts, p.142.4. Naučni radovi objavljeni u časopisima nacionalnog značaja M 504.1. Rad u vodećem časopisu nacionalnog značaja M 514.4.1. S. Radosavljević, V. Šćepanović, Đ. Stojaković, "The effect of the final evaporationtemperature of aqueous ammonium fluoride solution on the composition and concentrationof the evaporated solution", Glasnik Hem. Društva Beograd 38 (1973) 427-432.4.4.2. Đ. Stojaković, "Jednodimenzionalni materijali", Glasnik Hem. društva Beograd 43 (1978)775-794.4.4.3. Đ. Stojaković, S. Radosavljević, "Planar coordination in ionic solids:bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II) diphthalatocuprate(II)", Glasnik Hem. društva Beograd 44(1979) 309-310.4.4.4. Đ. Stojaković, S. Radosavljević, "Bicentric chelate complexes. Synthesis andcharacterization of two new diphthalatocuprate(II) derivatives", Glasnik Hem. društvaBeograd 44 (1979) 363-364.

НАСТАВНО НАУЧНО ВЕЋЕ, 25.03.2010. 573.2.3. N. Rajić, Dj. Stojaković, "Synthesis and characterization of the nitro-substitutedphthalocyanines of some transition metals", 31st International Congress of Pure andApplied Chemistry, Sofia, Bulgaria, 13-18.07.1987.3.2.4. D. Poleti, B. Prelesnik, R. Herak, Đ. Stojaković, "Crystal structure of binuclearhexaaquabis(ethylenediamine)-æ-(pyromellitato)-dinickel(II) tetrahydrate", XIVthInternational Congress of Crystallography, Perth, Australia, 12-20.08.1987.3.2.5. N. Rajić, V. Kaučič, Đ. Stojaković, "Formation of CoAPO-15 in the presence ofhexamethylenetetramine", British Zeolite Association, 13th Annual Meeting, Chislehurst,July 1990.3.2.6. N. Rajić, Dj. Stojaković, A. Meden and V. Kaučič, “Encapsulation of a Chelate Ni(II)complex into AlPO 4 -5 Molecular Sieve”, 12 th International Zeolite Conference, Baltimore,July 1998 (Book of Abstracts, p.21).3.2.7. S. Šajić, N. Rajić, N.Zabukovec-Logar, Đ. Stojaković, A. Golobič, V. Kaučić, 4 thInternational Conference of the Chemical of the South-East European Countries ICOSECS4, Beograd, 18-21 jul 2004.3.2.8. Nevenka Rajic, Natasa Zabukovec Logar, Sanja Sajic, Djordje Stojakovic and VenceslavKaucic, “Novel Metal-Organic Frameworks: Microwave Crystallization and Structure”,MRS Spring Meeting: San Francisco, CA USA, March 28 – April 1, 2005, Abstracts -Materials for Hydrogen Storage and production, MRS Symposium, GG3.8 (www.mrs.org)3.2.9. N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, S. Sajic, N. Zabukovec Logar and V. Kaucic, “Mechanism andkinetic study of the decomposition of 3-methylaminopropylamine inside AlPO4-21” 3rdFEZA conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-26, 2005, Book of abstracts andrecent research reports. [S. l.: s. n.], 2005, 1 str. (RR-12). (www.feza.cz)3.2.10. N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, N. Zabukovec Logar and V. Kaucic, “On the preparation of metalorganicframeworks (MOF) as potential materials for hydrogen storage, Ninth YugoslavMaterials Research Society Conference, Herceg-Novi, Sept. 10-14, 2007, Programme andThe book of Abstracts, p.383.2.11. S. Jevtic, N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, M. Mazaj and V. Kaucic, “On the preparation of openframeworkmanganese(II)-substituted aluminophosphate”, Ninth Yugoslav MaterialsResearch Society Conference, Herceg-Novi, Sept. 10-14, 2007, Programme and The bookof Abstracts, p. S. Jevtic, N. Rajic, D. Stojakovic, N. Zabukovec Logar, A. Meden, and V. Kaucic,“Open-framework fluorinated aluminium phosphate – the analogue of the gallophosphateULM-3”, Tenth Yugoslav Materials Research Society Conference, Herceg-Novi, Sept. 8-12, 2008, Programme and The book of Abstracts, p.142.4. Naučni radovi objavljeni u časopisima nacionalnog značaja M 504.1. Rad u vodećem časopisu nacionalnog značaja M 514.4.1. S. Radosavljević, V. Šćepanović, Đ. Stojaković, "The effect of the final evaporationtemperature of aqueous ammonium fluoride solution on the composition and concentrationof the evaporated solution", Glasnik Hem. Društva Beograd 38 (1973) 427-432.4.4.2. Đ. Stojaković, "Jednodimenzionalni materijali", Glasnik Hem. društva Beograd 43 (1978)775-794.4.4.3. Đ. Stojaković, S. Radosavljević, "Planar coordination in ionic solids:bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II) diphthalatocuprate(II)", Glasnik Hem. društva Beograd 44(1979) 309-310.4.4.4. Đ. Stojaković, S. Radosavljević, "Bicentric chelate complexes. Synthesis andcharacterization of two new diphthalatocuprate(II) derivatives", Glasnik Hem. društvaBeograd 44 (1979) 363-364.

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