zbornik radova (.pdf 11,5 MB) - Hrvatsko društvo inženjera sigurnosti

zbornik radova (.pdf 11,5 MB) - Hrvatsko društvo inženjera sigurnosti

zbornik radova (.pdf 11,5 MB) - Hrvatsko društvo inženjera sigurnosti


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Council establishing the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR), {COM(20<strong>11</strong>) 873final}, {SEC(20<strong>11</strong>) 1537 final}, {SEC(20<strong>11</strong>) 1538 final}SEC(20<strong>11</strong>) 1538 final, Brussels, 12.12.20<strong>11</strong>., Commission Staff Working Paper, ImpactAssessment accompanying the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of theCouncil establishing the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR), {COM(20<strong>11</strong>) 873final}, {SEC(20<strong>11</strong>) 1536 final}, {SEC(20<strong>11</strong>) 1537 final}SWD(2012) 255 final, Brussels, <strong>11</strong>.9.2012., Report from the Commission to the EuropeanParliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of theRegions, Progress of the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy {COM(2012) 491 final}BIOGRAFIJA AUTORAAntonio Vulas, mag. iur.Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova RHPU Splitsko-dalmatinska, Sektor za granicu, Služba za nezakonite migracijeSplit, Hrvatskaavulas@mup.hrVoditelj Službe za nezakonite migracije PU Splitsko-dalmatinske. Diplomirao na Pravnom fakultetu uSplitu. U policiji od 1990. godine gdje je obnašao dužnosti od pričuvnog policajca i pozornika, prekooperativnog dežurnog, šefa smjene, voditelja odsjeka, načelnika odjela, načelnika policijske postaje ivoditelja službe. Od 2005. godine u graničnoj policiji. Od prosinca 2005. do ožujka 2007. završionapredni tečaj za regionalne zapovjednike granične policije u organizaciji DCAF-a Ženeva. Tijekomrada pohañao je mnoge seminare i radionice vezane za europsku graničnu sigurnost diljem Europe.Predstavnik RH na radionici vezanoj za provedbu Rezolucije Vijeća <strong>sigurnosti</strong> UN-a 1540 uVijetnamu. Tijekom 2009. godine hrvatski rukovoditelj u radnoj skupini u okviru programa PFARE06. Koautor „Strategije rada pomorske policije RH“ i „Anti-terorističkog koncepta pomorske policijeRH“. Objavio 6 članaka u policijskom glasniku RH vezano za organizaciju rada europskih policija igraničnih policija.BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHORHead of the Illegal Migration Department in the Police Administration Split-Dalmatia. Graduated onthe Law faculty, University of Split. In the Police since 1990, on duties of the reserve police officer,police constable, desk sergeant, shift leader, head of branch, head of department, commander of apolice station, and finally again a head of a department. In the Croatian Border Police since 2005.Between December 2005 and March 2007 attended an advanced course for the regional commandersof the Border Police organised by the DCAF-Geneva. During the carrier attended numerous seminarsand workshops regarding the European border security, in various European countries. Representativeof the Republic of Croatia on the workshop regarding the implementation of the UN SecurityCouncil’s Resolution No 1540/2004, organised in Hanoi, Vietnam. During 2009 Head of one of theCroatian components of the working groups within the PHARE 2006 programme. Co-author of thedocuments ”Strategy of the Maritime Police of the Republic of Croatia” and ”Anti-terrorism Conceptof the Maritime Police of the Republic of Croatia”. Author of six articles in the Croatian Policemagazine on the subjects of organization of the European Police Forces and Border Police Forces.M&S 8(2013) 521

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