zbornik radova (.pdf 11,5 MB) - Hrvatsko društvo inženjera sigurnosti

zbornik radova (.pdf 11,5 MB) - Hrvatsko društvo inženjera sigurnosti zbornik radova (.pdf 11,5 MB) - Hrvatsko društvo inženjera sigurnosti


The leader should look forward to fulfil all of this needs in accordance to have a good working,healthy team that have a potential to grow and work efficiently.Task needs are defined by assessing the overall needs of the task (budgetary, logistical), by allocatingwork and resources, controlling the work quality and tempo and by adjusting the plan if there is a needfor it.Team needs are vital for the leader, to have a good working team. A leader should lead by example,setting standards for his team. The leader cannot expect the team to work to the standard required ifthe leader is not working to that standard himself. A team spirit should be built. A leader should pushhis followers to think like a team, work like a team and play like a team. Good communicationsbetween team members, motivation and sense of purpose in the firefighting association have a biginfluence on the effectiveness of the firefighting association work.Individual needs are always important. Every one of us has the reason why is participating as amember of a volunteer association. Into consideration there should be taken that the members arerisking their lives while operating, they are not paid for their work and all of them are giving their freetime for the community good. On the other hand, there are some awards the leader should consider. Aleader should reward firefighting members by recognising and using their abilities, ensuring trainingsfor their development, by appreciating their work and recognizing all individual achievements.Fire Management LeadershipAs a Fire Management Leader, it’s up to you (the firefighting officer) to guide, encourage, support,and help the people in our fire organizations to use and to manage fire by encouraging others to stepforward and get involved, by getting involved and being visible yourself, by understanding your roleand responsibilities and by seeing the big picture.Most importantly, it’s up to you, by your example and leadership, to make safety our first priority onevery fire, at every opportunity, every time [4].Officers & FollowersMr. Kouzes and Mr. Posner in 1993 identified a number of behaviours associated with leadership.According to the Kouzes and Posner research followers described their good leaders with thecharacteristics shown in following tables.Table 3. Common Characteristics of Good Leaders1 Supported me 10 Shared a vision2 Had the courage to do the right thing 11 Opened doors3 Challenged me 12 Overcame personal hardship4 Developed and acted as a mentor to others 13 Admitted mistakes5 Listened 14 Advised others6 Celebrated good work 15 Solved problems creatively7 Followed through on commitments 16 Taught well8 Trusted me 17 Made time for people9 Empowered meSource: Thompson, T. L.: Fire Management Today: Fire Management Leadership [4]Table 4. Characteristics of Satisfied Followers1 Are proud to tell others they are part of the organization2 Feel a strong sense of team spirit3 See their own personal values as consistent with those of the organization4 Feel attached and committed to the organization5 Have a sense of ownership for the organizationSource: Thompson, T. L.: Fire Management Today: Fire Management Leadership [4]M&S 8(2013) 489

DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP SKILLSEssential Traits to LeadershipIn every organization, for every leader, there are some essential traits to leadership that a leader shouldconsider. Depending on the organization type, some traits could have more influence and be marked asa bigger trait to the officer leadership. The following table shows 14 essential leadership traits that afirefighting officer should consider.Table 5. Essential Leadership Traits1 IntegrityUprightness of character and soundness of moral principal, absolutetruthfulness and honesty2 KnowledgeAcquired information, including professional knowledge and anunderstanding of your Marines3 CourageA mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism but enables oneto proceed in the face of it with calmness and firmness4 DecisivenessAbility to reach decisions promptly and to announce them in a clear forcefulmanner5 DependabilityThe certainty of the proper performance of duty6 Initiative7 Tact8 Justice9 Enthusiasm10 Bearing11 Endurance12 Unselfishness13 LoyaltySeeing what has to be done and commencing a course of action, even in theabsenceThe ability to deal with others without creating offenseThe quality of being impartial and consistent in exercising commandThe display of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of dutyCreating a favourable impression in carriage, appearance and personalconduct at all timesThe mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to stand pain,fatigue, distress and hardshipAvoidance of providing for ones comfort and personal advancement at theexpense of othersFaithfulness to country, Corps, unit, and to your seniors and subordinatesThe quality of weighing facts and possible solutions on which to base14 JudgmentdecisionsSource: Lejeune, A. J.: Leadership Guide [3]Model for Developing Leadership SkillsThe model for developing leadership skills of firefighting officers is based on the General SystemsTheory. First of all, we should learn something about the system theory in general, before applying itto the specific area and trying to resolve a specific problem.General Systems Theory is the interdisciplinary study of systems in general, with the goal ofelucidating principles that can be applied to all types of systems at all nesting levels in all fields ofresearch. In this context the word systems is used to refer specifically to self-regulating systems, thatare self-correcting through feedback. Self-regulating systems are found in nature, including thephysiological systems of our body, in local and global ecosystems, and in human learning processes.490M&S 8(2013)

The leader should look forward to fulfil all of this needs in accordance to have a good working,healthy team that have a potential to grow and work efficiently.Task needs are defined by assessing the overall needs of the task (budgetary, logistical), by allocatingwork and resources, controlling the work quality and tempo and by adjusting the plan if there is a needfor it.Team needs are vital for the leader, to have a good working team. A leader should lead by example,setting standards for his team. The leader cannot expect the team to work to the standard required ifthe leader is not working to that standard himself. A team spirit should be built. A leader should pushhis followers to think like a team, work like a team and play like a team. Good communicationsbetween team members, motivation and sense of purpose in the firefighting association have a biginfluence on the effectiveness of the firefighting association work.Individual needs are always important. Every one of us has the reason why is participating as amember of a volunteer association. Into consideration there should be taken that the members arerisking their lives while operating, they are not paid for their work and all of them are giving their freetime for the community good. On the other hand, there are some awards the leader should consider. Aleader should reward firefighting members by recognising and using their abilities, ensuring trainingsfor their development, by appreciating their work and recognizing all individual achievements.Fire Management LeadershipAs a Fire Management Leader, it’s up to you (the firefighting officer) to guide, encourage, support,and help the people in our fire organizations to use and to manage fire by encouraging others to stepforward and get involved, by getting involved and being visible yourself, by understanding your roleand responsibilities and by seeing the big picture.Most importantly, it’s up to you, by your example and leadership, to make safety our first priority onevery fire, at every opportunity, every time [4].Officers & FollowersMr. Kouzes and Mr. Posner in 1993 identified a number of behaviours associated with leadership.According to the Kouzes and Posner research followers described their good leaders with thecharacteristics shown in following tables.Table 3. Common Characteristics of Good Leaders1 Supported me 10 Shared a vision2 Had the courage to do the right thing <strong>11</strong> Opened doors3 Challenged me 12 Overcame personal hardship4 Developed and acted as a mentor to others 13 Admitted mistakes5 Listened 14 Advised others6 Celebrated good work 15 Solved problems creatively7 Followed through on commitments 16 Taught well8 Trusted me 17 Made time for people9 Empowered meSource: Thompson, T. L.: Fire Management Today: Fire Management Leadership [4]Table 4. Characteristics of Satisfied Followers1 Are proud to tell others they are part of the organization2 Feel a strong sense of team spirit3 See their own personal values as consistent with those of the organization4 Feel attached and committed to the organization5 Have a sense of ownership for the organizationSource: Thompson, T. L.: Fire Management Today: Fire Management Leadership [4]M&S 8(2013) 489

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