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učenja kroz grupe i organizacione nivoe (tokom procesa učenja daju smernice koje su neophodne dase preñu organizacione granice i integriše ono što je naučeno) i važni su u institucionalizaciji učenjaintegrisanjem novih i postojećih znanja u politici organizacije i praksi.Zbog svoje centralne uloge u organizaciji i njihove sposobnosti da proširuju granice na svim nivoima,teško da učenje u organizaciji može da se odvija bez pružanja smernica, podrške i institucionalizacijeod strane lidera. Svakako nije uvek slučaj da liderstvo ima pozitivan uticaj na organizaciono učenje.Autoritarni oblici liderstve, pa čak i management-by-exception leadership [6] može zapravo dasprečava učenje. Kada se lideri oslanjaju na upozorenja i strah, sledbenici mogu da izbegnu donošenjenovih ideje i private institucionalne procedure. U ovom tekstu nismo uključili negativne uticajeliderstva.LITERATURA[1] Alvesson, M.: Understanding Organizational Culture, London: Sage, 2002.[2] Argote, L. & Ingram, P.: Knowledge transfer: A basis for competitive advantage in firms,Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 82, 2000(1), 150–169.[3] Argyris, C. A.: Life full of Lerning, Organization Studies 24, 2003(7), <strong>11</strong>78-<strong>11</strong>92.[4] Bono, J. E., Ilies, R.: Charisma, positive emotions, and mood contagion, The LeadershipQuarterly 17, 2006, 317–334.[5] Bass, B. M.: Bass & Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerialapplication, (3rd ed.) New York: Free Press, 1990.[6] Bass, B.M.: From Transactional to Transformational Leadership, Organizational Dynamics,1990.[7] Bapuji, H., & Crossan, M.: Reviewing organizational learning research – From questionstoanswers, Management Learning 35, 2004, 397–417.[8] Bennis W. G., Nanus B.: Leaders: The strategies for taking charge, New York: Harper & Row,1985.[9] Bennis, W.G.: Learning Some Basic Truisms about Leadership, National Forum 71, 1991(1),12–15.[10] Bedeian, A. G., Hunt, J. G.: Academic amnesia and vestigial assumptions of our forefathers,The Leadership Quarterly 17, 2006(2), 190−205.[<strong>11</strong>] Burton, R., Obel, B.: Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: The Dynamics of Fit,Dordrecht: Klumer Academic Publishers, 2004.[12] Brown, A.D., Starkey., K.: Organizational identity and organizational learning: Apsychodynamic perspective, Academy of Management Review 25, 2000, 102–120.[13] Burns, James McGregor: Leadership, Harper Collins, New York, 1978[14] Conger, J. A., Kanungo, R. N.: Charismatic leadership in organizations, Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage, 1998.[15] Csikszentmihalyi, M.: Creativity, In G.R. Goethals, G.J. Sorenson, and J. MacGregor Burns (Eds)Encyclopedia of Leadership, Vol. 1, 286-88. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2004.[16] Crossan, M.M., Lane, H., White, R.E., Djurfeldt, L.: Organizational learning: Dimensions foratheory, The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 3, 1995, 337–360.[17] Day, G.S.: Continuous learning about markets, California Management Review 36, 1994, 9–31.[18] Erez, A., Misangyi, V. F., Johnson, D. E., LePine, M. A., Halverson, K. C.: Stirring the heartsof followers: Charismatic leadership as the transferal of affect, Journal of Applied Psychology 93,2008, 602–613.[19] Fleishman, E. A.: Consideration and structure: Another look at their role in leadership research.In F. Dansereau & F. W. Yammarino (Eds.), Leadership: The multi-level approach (pp. 51–60).Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 1998.[20] Gaddis, B., Connelly, S., Mumford, M. D.: Failure feedback as an affective event: Influencesof leader affect on subordinate attitudes and performance, The Leadership Quarterly 15, 2004,663–686.[21] Janićijević, N.: Organizaciono učenje u teoriji organizacionih promena, Ekonomski anali 51,2006(171), 7-31.M&S 8(2013) 259

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