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Engleski jezik/English languageUDK/UDC 005.3(497.4)Izvorni znanstveni članak/Original scientific paperZlatko NedelkoMANAGEMENT TOOLS UTILIZATION – EVIDENCE FROM SLOVENIAAbstractThe main purpose of this professional paper is to report about utilization of management tools amongSlovenian employees. A comparison of average use of management tools in Slovenia and welldeveloped western economies reveals differences in tools use. Among Slovenians are top usedmanagement tools those supporting organizational optimization and organizational transformation,while in western economics are at the top tools supporting customer relationship management. Resultsfrom study of 155 employees in Slovenian organizations about their use of management tools arepresented. In terms of practical implications, the paper outlines guidelines for future utilization ofmanagement tools in organizations in catching up economies. Suggestions are based on comparingaverage use of management tools in catching up economy, example of Slovenia and average use ofmanagement tools use in western economies.Key words: catching up economy, employees, management tools, utilization, Slovenia.INTRODUCTIONManagement literature offers a plethora of concepts or ideas, providing managers with basicmanagement principles and conceptual knowledge about available concepts. Acquired knowledgeenable them coping with everyday situations, common problems and challenges in organizations [6].The concepts can be applied at all levels of management hierarchy and in all functional areas inorganizations; while most of the concepts are designed to solve specific problems arising from specificsituations [33].Management tools as entity of analytical instruments used to support the managers at work assomething used in the implementation of the selected management concept [2, 6, 30]. Furthermore,management tool explain how each the concept can be used and applied in business practice [6, 33].Utilization of management ideas, developed through different developmental phases of management,ranging from: 1) concept – as a rather comprehensive, developed and defined basis for considerationof an idea; 2) methodology – as an entity or closely related collection of methods, rules anddisciplinary postulates; 3) methods – as goal- and problem- ordered types of procedures, these areespecially regular and systemic ways of setting and realizing the given goal; 4) techniques – as themanner in which technical details are treated; to 5) corresponding management tools – as the way forrealization of management ideas [21, 25, 27, 30].In business practice managers utilize management concepts and ideas with creation andimplementation of different management tools [3, 14, 21]. Management tools are thus link betweenpure theoretical ideas and concepts on one side and practical use in organizations on the other side.Management tools can help managers in organizations to successfully manage the organization.Looking from the perspective of organization’s development level management tools have animportant role in well developed as well in catching up economies, and respectively in organizationwithin economies.The role of management tools is especially important in catching up economies, which try to reducetheir developmental lag in comparison to well developed economies [12, 17, 18]. In that frameworkmanagement tools can provide a valuable insight and grounds for appropriate decisions, and reducingdevelopmental lag.M&S 8(2013) 95

Reviewing management literature reveals that the literature is focused on most commonly usedmanagement tools, like strategic planning, total quality management, and customer segmentation [8,10, 22, 31, 34]. A comprehensive empirical study about management tools use and satisfaction withuse has been done for two decades by [23, 24]. This survey does include selected European countries –e.g. EU 15, while European catching economies – Central and East Europe (CEE) countries areseldom considered. The main characteristic of management tools consideration in literature is thattools are in most instances considered individually as a single tool with focus on theoretical orconceptual viewpoint. On the other hand the view point of management tools use in business practiceis not in the forefront of authors’ interest. Thus, only few authors [6, 9] focus on practical use ofmanagement tools in business practice.From the viewpoint of catching up economy in Central Europe, i.e., example of Slovenia, there is noclear picture about current use of management tools in organizations and consequently no signs aboutfuture directions of management tools use. Such suggestions could importantly contribute to thebusiness optimization in catching up economies. In first step we identify current use of managementtools in Slovenia, based on empirical examination of employees in Slovenian organizations. Next wecompare average use in Slovenian organizations with high developed western economies. Last wepresent some guidelines for future utilization of management tools in Central Europe counties.Categorization of management toolsDespite plethora of discussions about management tools in management literature [5, 9, 15, 30] thereis no definitive and prevalent content related categorization of management tools in the literature.First, we emphasize the categorization proposed by [33] that classifies management tools regarding tothe primary level in organization and functional areas where tools are used.According to [33] management tools can be classified according to the level of management wheretheir use is most appropriate. Strategic tools are used for analyzing and planning strategy oforganization and are helpful in answering different questions in process of strategic planning. Tacticaltools are aimed to organize organizational processes, resources and people. Those tools helpemployees to address important question when executing strategy, analyzing and designing excellentorganizations. Operational tools are aimed to support changes in organizations and implementation ofbest practices, and consequently help to optimize the effectiveness of processes in organization andactivities.In terms of framing management tools in main management levels, tools are further classifiedaccording to main functional areas in organizations [5, 7, 33]: strategy and organization – tools thathelp in formulation of organizational strategy and structures; finance and governance – tools fordesigning governance mechanisms and related performance metric; marketing and sales – tools aimingto formulate marketing policies and establishing or enhancing customer relations; operations, supplychain management and procurement – tools that are used for creation of operations, supply chain andprocurement policies and optimizing and implementation of best practices in those processes;innovation and technology management – are tools that support implementation and execution ofinnovative thinking and behavior in organizations; and human resource, leadership and change tools –tools that are used to design, implement and execute those human resource management, leadershipand change management in organizations.Another classification of management tools, proposed by [23, 24, 25, 26] classifies tools based on thetools’ usage and satisfaction change over the time. On the basis of the considered extent of its use andsatisfaction of users with them, the authors defined four groups of management tools: (1) rudimentarytools – are low in usage and low in users’ satisfaction; (2) blunt tools – are high in usage but low insatisfaction; (3) specialty tools are low in usage but high in users’ satisfaction; and (4) power tools –are high in usage and high in users’ satisfaction.Thus, in terms of this classification in each survey, tools are classified according to the average useand average users’ satisfaction. In that framework, most new tools are in rudimentary group, since, useand satisfaction is below average. In next observations, tools could evolve in other thee groups, whileis also possible that remain in initial group.96M&S 8(2013)

Engleski jezik/English languageUDK/UDC 005.3(497.4)Izvorni znanstveni članak/Original scientific paperZlatko NedelkoMANAGEMENT TOOLS UTILIZATION – EVIDENCE FROM SLOVENIAAbstractThe main purpose of this professional paper is to report about utilization of management tools amongSlovenian employees. A comparison of average use of management tools in Slovenia and welldeveloped western economies reveals differences in tools use. Among Slovenians are top usedmanagement tools those supporting organizational optimization and organizational transformation,while in western economics are at the top tools supporting customer relationship management. Resultsfrom study of 155 employees in Slovenian organizations about their use of management tools arepresented. In terms of practical implications, the paper outlines guidelines for future utilization ofmanagement tools in organizations in catching up economies. Suggestions are based on comparingaverage use of management tools in catching up economy, example of Slovenia and average use ofmanagement tools use in western economies.Key words: catching up economy, employees, management tools, utilization, Slovenia.INTRODUCTIONManagement literature offers a plethora of concepts or ideas, providing managers with basicmanagement principles and conceptual knowledge about available concepts. Acquired knowledgeenable them coping with everyday situations, common problems and challenges in organizations [6].The concepts can be applied at all levels of management hierarchy and in all functional areas inorganizations; while most of the concepts are designed to solve specific problems arising from specificsituations [33].Management tools as entity of analytical instruments used to support the managers at work assomething used in the implementation of the selected management concept [2, 6, 30]. Furthermore,management tool explain how each the concept can be used and applied in business practice [6, 33].Utilization of management ideas, developed through different developmental phases of management,ranging from: 1) concept – as a rather comprehensive, developed and defined basis for considerationof an idea; 2) methodology – as an entity or closely related collection of methods, rules anddisciplinary postulates; 3) methods – as goal- and problem- ordered types of procedures, these areespecially regular and systemic ways of setting and realizing the given goal; 4) techniques – as themanner in which technical details are treated; to 5) corresponding management tools – as the way forrealization of management ideas [21, 25, 27, 30].In business practice managers utilize management concepts and ideas with creation andimplementation of different management tools [3, 14, 21]. Management tools are thus link betweenpure theoretical ideas and concepts on one side and practical use in organizations on the other side.Management tools can help managers in organizations to successfully manage the organization.Looking from the perspective of organization’s development level management tools have animportant role in well developed as well in catching up economies, and respectively in organizationwithin economies.The role of management tools is especially important in catching up economies, which try to reducetheir developmental lag in comparison to well developed economies [12, 17, 18]. In that frameworkmanagement tools can provide a valuable insight and grounds for appropriate decisions, and reducingdevelopmental lag.M&S 8(2013) 95

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