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10 Zlate štipendije za nadarjene študente 11 Festival Inovativnost ...

10 Zlate štipendije za nadarjene študente 11 Festival Inovativnost ...


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INTRODUCTIONThe Naperville Metra Station is a unique and critical component of the City’s transportation system. Despiteits decidedly residential setting just one block from the Naperville Historic District, the Naperville MetraStation is the second busiest suburban station in the entire Metra system 1 , serving commuters from thesurrounding neighborhoods and adjacent municipalities. The City of Naperville supports a comprehensive,multi modal transportation network that provides commuters with options to access both the Naperville andRoute 59 Stations. Commuters access the Naperville Station through a variety of methods, including travelby vehicle (daily fee and permit parking), carpool/vanpool, kiss-and-ride, transit, bicycle, and pedestrianactivity. Through this Study, the City of Naperville evaluated the feasibility of a bus depot at the NapervilleMetra Station as an opportunity to promote balance across the various means of commuter access to the trainstation.Project HistoryIn 2009, the City adopted the 5 th Avenue Study, a land use, transportation, and parking study for the vicinityof the Naperville Metra Station. As part of the 5 th Avenue Study, the City identified opportunities to enhancemultimodal commuter access (i.e., vehicle parking, kiss-and-ride, transit, bicycle and pedestrian access) to thetrain station. Among the wide range of multimodal access and circulation improvements was the concept ofestablishing a bus depot on city owned or leased property near the Naperville Metra Station. Based on anevaluation of commuter parking, transit, existing and future traffic conditions, and public input receivedthroughout the 5 th Avenue Study, a bus depot was identified as an opportunity to enhance commuter accessand meet the following objectives:Provide a defined transit center for commuters;Improve transit access to/from the train station;Consolidate passenger pick-up/drop-off activity;Reduce congestion and minimize conflicts between Pace bus operations, pedestrians, bicycles,and kiss-and-ride activity; andMinimize bus staging/queuing on adjacent neighborhood streets.A summary of the public input received throughout the 5 th Avenue Study is provided in the Appendix.Purpose and ScopeAs part of implementation of the 5 th Avenue Study, the City retained Traffic, Analysis & Design, Inc., andStanley Consultants (“project team”) to evaluate the benefits, impacts, and feasibility of establishing a busdepot adjacent to the Naperville Metra Station as summarized below:Identify viable bus depot location(s) and configuration(s) on parcels currently owned or leased by theCity.Identify short-term enhancements to address station access and circulation issues, either as a phase ofa long-term bus depot implementation or as mutually exclusive improvements.Analyze relative impacts of depot access and adjusted circulation patterns on adjacent streets and1 Per data provided in the Commuter Access Report, prepared by the City of Naperville Transportation, Engineering, & DevelopmentBusiness Group on November 30, 2007.Naperville Metra Station Bus Depot and Commuter Access Feasibility Study Page 1March 2012

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