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SUMMARYmissions to be fulfilled outside the territoryof the Slovak Republic. Voluntary approachwill end in the moment when the entireorganic troops of the armed forces enterinto action. This moment is planned aslate as for 2008 when some smaller troopswill be ranked into the NATO ImmediateResponse Forces.Excerpt from an Interview with Chief ofthe General Staff of the Slovak ArmedForces, major general Ľubomír BulíkWhat priorities have been set downfor the Armed Forces in relation tothe Long-term Plan of Developmentof the Armed Forces with outlook upto 2015?In compliance with this plan a lot ofpriorities have been set down for the ArmedForces. One of them is the discontinuationof the performance of National Servicein the Army followed by the creationof voluntary, fully professional ArmedForces. By December 2005 (22 December2005) there will have been no one soldierperforming National Service in the Armyand beginning from 1 January 2006 theArmy will function as fully professionalentity. In this period of time we all in theArmy are passing the „leaving exams“ ofour maturity. A batallion of immediateresponse in Martin is now entering theprocess of affirmation and the sameprocess is ongoing in the Headquartersof Slovak Ground Forces. Training andexercises are among the priorities aswell. We have adopted a new strategyof training being implemented since 1January of this year. It sets down whatis necessary for the training of individualsoldier, what for squad, crew, platoon,company and batallion. The priority in thiscontext concerns the completion of themanuals necessary for relevant exercisesand the set down of evaluation criteria.The evaluation coming from the superiorheadquarters of NATO indicate that weare on the right way. Concurrently, we fulfillthe tasks related to the Objectives of theArmed Forces for 2004 and prepare for thetasks presented in the draft of the relevantObjectives for 2006. In near future, we arepreparing the certification of the troopsof the Armed Forces ranked in the HighReadiness Forces as well as the certificationof the troops ranked in the NATO FastDeployability Forces. Modernizing thetechnology, armament and kit, purchasingthe new technology, armament and kitaccording to the requirements of the ArmedForces compatible with the NATO systemsalso comprise a lot of priorities and tasksto fulfill.Excerpt from an Interview withDefence Attaché at the Embassy of theU.S.A. to the Slovak Republic, LTC JohnR. WallaceCould you evaluate the results ofSlovakia’s membership in NATO andits activities one year after Slovakiabecomes a regular member of this veryimportant international organization?I believe that the Slovak Republic hada very successful first year as a memberof the NATO Alliance. You have takenpart in a number of NATO exercises andoperations, made great progress towardfulfilling your Force Goal pledges –includingcontributing to the NATO Response Forceandinitiated a number of reforms that willgreatly contribute toward the increasedcompatibility of the Slovak Armed Forceswith those of its NATO allies. And all thewhile, you have integrated your staffs intothe various NATO command structures andHeadquarters.We look forward to Slovakia’scontinued active engagement within NATOcouncils as the organization considershow it can meet the new challenges andresponsibilities it faces.The problem of terrorism is a globalchallenge. All democratic countriesof the UNO have to be interestedin solving out the issue. What kindof initiative or participation in thisregard could be declared by the newEU and NATO member States likeSlovakia which is the country not largeregarding both territorial size andnumber of population, but being ableto raise new stimuli aimed at solvingthe issue?Slovakia has been a strong ally to theUnited States as we all confront the threatof global terrorism, and we are very gratefulfor all the support you have provided sofar. Your forces are engaged in some verydifficult missions in both Afghanistan and inIraq and have shown great proficiency andflexibility as we continue to make strides instabilizing both of those countries. In Iraq,for example, the responsibility for securityis being increasingly handled by the Iraqisthemselves - a very positive trend that wemust keep supporting and nurturing. TheSlovak military is providing training to Iraqipolice as well as demining the territory ofIraq and explosive ordnance disposal units,which is a much-appreciated contribution.We are always ready to hear the Slovakleadership’s thoughts on new initiatives onways to combat terrorism.O B J E D N Á V K Ana predplatné časopisu euroREPORT na rok 2006Záväzne si objednávame predplatné časopisu euroREPORT pre rok 2006od čísla 1 - 12/2006 (11 výtlačkov – letné dvojčíslo) v cene 815 Sk vrátane poštovnéhoMeno a priezvisko (firma):IČO/IČ DPH:Adresa:tel./fax:Adresa na zasielanie časopisu:pečiatka a podpisV prípade, že ste predplatiteľom žiadame o potvrdenie objednávky na rok 2006.V prípade, že naďalej nemáte záujem odoberať časopis, oznámte nám túto skutočnosťpísomne alebo telefonicky na tel./fax: 02/544 34 107, tel.: 02/546 40 687-9Adresa na zasielanie písomných objednávok:AKTUAL PRESS s.r.o., Panská 9, 811 01 BratislavaObjednávky na predplatné prijíma každá pošta a doručovateľ Slovenskej pošty. Objednávky do zahraničia vybavuje Slovenská pošta, a.s.,Stredisko predplatného tlače, Námestie slobody 27, 810 05 Bratislava 15, e-mail: zahranična.tlac@slposta.sk

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